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57357438 No.57357438 [Reply] [Original]

Where to retire in africa?

>> No.57357449

Ceuta, Melilla or Madeira

>> No.57357453

Sierra Leone, the locals are very nice there, they may even serve you your own heart and liver for dinner : 3

>> No.57357458

ghana or cameroon

>> No.57357459


>> No.57357461

forgot the canary islands

>> No.57357485

You are a Boer... right?

>> No.57357505


>> No.57357683

You don't retire there they just kill u and steal your shit.

>> No.57357735


>> No.57357740


>> No.57357746


>> No.57357754

actually yes, a solid option

>> No.57357755

You might survive on one of those uninhabited islands off the coast since niggers can't into boats.

>> No.57357758

This is always one of my first thoughts too when I consider Africa as place to live in.

>> No.57357780

italians, greeks and the maltese would beg to differ

>> No.57357797

I am from Melilla, you dont want to live in such restricted city. Is nice an all and has a little bit of everything but you get tired pretty quick.

>> No.57357809

Knew a black lad. Dad was going home to retire. Had a new house built for him. His home village where he grew up and had family. First night he got two guys at his door with guns. Robbed him. Second night a group came and robbed him and dismantled everything that wasn't nailed down. Fridge, freezer, television, computer all while he was tied up at gunpoint. Went to stay in a hotel and moved back to the UK. All that happened in 2 weeks and he was a black

>> No.57357831

I believe it

>> No.57357832


>> No.57357833
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western Kenya is a very safe and peaceful place. I have half a mind to retire there myself.

eastern Kenya... not so much.

Rwanda is a police state where crime practically doesn't exist because you're never more than a block away from a policeman/solider with an AK-47. I walked around in Rwanda with a backpack literally full of Rwandan francs ($10,000 worth) and never felt nervous even once.

But I don't know if I'd want to retire in Rwanda, the people in Kenya are nicer and have a much better sense of humor.

>> No.57357859

Don't know what he was thinking desu. You go to a place where people have to carry shit on their head and eat dirt and you've got electricity and food in a magic machine that keeps it fresh. Must have been like Elon moving to Detroit and flaunting his wealth

>> No.57357880

are you one of those cringe larping African American weirdos?

Do you know you come from a white man?

>> No.57357895

Namibia has one of the lowest population densities in the world, and a huge glorious coastline with a Mediterranean climate. Id conquer the whole land and make it an ethnostate if I could

>> No.57357903

> you're never more than a block away from a policeman/solider with an AK-47
Ye kek that's the kind of environment I want to retire in.

>> No.57357916

There are less niggers in Namibia than there are in the state of Georgia

>> No.57357955

Back in the early 2000's I spent 10 weeks in Windhoek for work and I'll say it was affordable, super clean, fantastic weather and many more whites than I thought possible. Been 20 years, can't imagine it went downhill since...look into it.

>> No.57357961


>> No.57357964

I've worked in Africa and travelled all over. Diani Beach, Kenya is my favourite spot.

>> No.57357971
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Yeah, I'll pass

>> No.57357978

>Sierra Leone, the locals are very nice there, they may even serve you your own heart and liver for dinner : 3
Dumb joke. You've probably never left America except to Cabo. Sierra Leone is not like Luberia, it's actually beautiful and very safe for Africa. It used to attract rich French tourists in the 60s. Look up it's beaches. You remind me how many midwits are on 4chan

>> No.57358001

That can happen literally in any city in Africa. Just saying the city was good to me as far as I remember.

>> No.57358018
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thankfully it's easy to spot the chuds who never stepped foot in Africa and and just rage post because they're triggered by a continent

>> No.57358033


>> No.57358059

what is the best african country for lots of bareback sex and creampies?

>> No.57358091

Ask that french guy who impregnsted thousands of niggers. Think most of his work was done in algeria and tunisia

>> No.57358137


>> No.57358142

I hate niggers but I've been to 15 different Apefreakan countries. I enjoyed Angola, Angola (ur based if u got the reference kek) quite a bit.

>> No.57358149


>> No.57358150

I want a harem of negresses from every tribe in Apefreaka. 6'7 Dinka negress worshipping my feet holy based
Search up Antonio Benderass on pornhub

>> No.57358194

kalahari desert

>> No.57359370
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maybe it's not a bad idea to retire to south america, as long as I keep money in dollars I might be ok, I might even be able to have things like TOGE to pay for a fucking house

>> No.57359527

Let's be real. Africa would be amazing except for all the niggers.

>> No.57359566

This same warning is accurate for any American city with too many niggers

>> No.57359610

African niggers aren't that bad usually. You shouldn't casually trust them or anything, but they are mostly ok.. At least during my travels in west and central Africa but that was like 15 years ago. Generally africa is a dump of course. I can't imagine living there full time. Great place to travel if you have some money for connections. You'll be safe

>> No.57359847

ghana my bro come through and have some akonfem on me in ejisu

>> No.57359865

ivory coast has the biggest sloots, and plenty of ashawo from all over africa and asia

>> No.57359909


Or Namibia. Windhoek is a pretty good time.

>> No.57360328

how come no one is saying south africa?
or orania, SA.
or consider botswana if you are black.
namibia was said before which is pretty right.
i know some blokes who pirate and torrent music in zimbabwe. they say its still pretty bad. some areas are sparsely white though.

>> No.57360383

Mauritius and Seychelles.

I live in Mauritius, very safe, nice beaches and developed enough

>> No.57360419

>eastern Kenya... not so much.
I spent 3 months remote working from Diani Beach. So chill. Would probably have a second home there, but not first. Why is Eastern Kenya so good?

>> No.57360458

Cape town in South Africa

>> No.57360683

Nigeria , Lagos. Nigerian Nigresses are the hottest imo.

>> No.57360803


I really don't know why you would want to retire in that nigger infested shithole, but if you do Cape Town is probably the only place that's worth going to.

>> No.57360807

Somewhere you can hire a private army of reliable white guys who trust you and you trust as brothers in arms to protect you while you sleep.
If you're white, and not a former merc with a private army, forget it.

>> No.57360813

Like you know anything about Africa, Ian

>> No.57360824

habibi come to sudan you will be safety

>> No.57361205

>Rwanda is a police state
This is the only reasonable way to govern a nigger country. Draconian punishments coupled with constant police >>57357832
presence on every corner.

>> No.57361233


>> No.57361855
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I would go to Morocco. Safe, stable, developping economy, lifestyle similar to southern europe, already a foreign exparts community, speaks english/french, sexy women and everything is cheap (for the moment, housing prices are rising but still very accessible)

Negative points : kinda religious nation and you cannot critize the gov

>> No.57361969

It's the French Arab Muslim again. Please stop posting about that absolute shithole. Unironically, the biggest rats nest in Africa. I'd rather retire in C.A.R. or D.R.C. than that cunty scammer shitstain

>> No.57362110

Based am kenyan enjoyer repoting in we do love our alcohol
>t. Kenyan

>> No.57362136

Gatekeep, these fags dont deserve this info.

>> No.57362634

There's better options for sure but OP asked for Africa specifically and it's the best bet. What do yo u dislike about Morocco ?

>> No.57362773
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>why is Western Kenya so good?
rainforests, monkeys, access to Uganda, access to Lake Victoria (tastiest fish I've ever eaten), proximity to Massai Mara, not too many Muslims, no al Shabab terrorists, cheaper prices compared to the main tourist areas around Nairobi, the Luhya tribe has the lowest violent crime rate out of all tribes in Kenya, not (yet) covered in Chinese plastic factories, etc. etc.

>> No.57362829
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>why aren't people talking about South Africa
South Africa is a failed state. Currently, the government only manages to deliver electricity for 14 hours per day on average.

Would you want to retire somewhere where your electricity stops working for 10 hours a day, every day? And also has one of the highest crime rates in the world?

Literally no good reason to move to South Africa unless you build your own compound staffed with 24/7 security and powered by a generator.

>> No.57362856
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I think OP said "Africa" as shorthand for "sub-Saharan Africa"

in colloquial English, "Africa" = "sub-Saharan Africa" and North Africa is considered part of the Middle East

>> No.57362866

I'm Nigerian and I wouldn't retire in Nigeria. Lagos has nice very areas but most of the city is severely overpopulated, traffic is chaotic, and it's way too hot.

>> No.57362962

Not him but having a train of beggars follow you around and constantly trying to sell you shit. Also can’t have a white gf there because they’ll harass her no end and you can’t let her go solo ever.

>> No.57362982


Hehe. But sadly enough, Madeira is getting flooded with Africans. It's pissing people off. Theres a local Madeira forum I visit and it's full of fucking retarded boomer women bitching at how mad they are that people are being racist because they have a normal sense of pattern recognition, and see that Africans are just making the island worse, and less safe. The white female boomer menace sadly is a plague everywhere.

>> No.57363041

>in the 60's

Reminds me of the boomers who go on and on about how lovely Paris is, when the last time they visited was the 70's. then they take a trip there before they die to reminisce and are fucking devastated and shell shocked about how much worse it is because of immigration. It's nice because as things slowly decay around you, you sort of get used to it. Just like how your mom has always just simply been your mom, no matter if she was 30, or 60, you see her the same. But seeing paris from the 70's, to instantly seeing it now, there's no time for adjustment. You get a clear, instant look at how the passage of time and the proceeding immigration policies have made it so much fucking worse.

>> No.57363875

Why South Africa? North Africa is marginally better and has less niggers.

>> No.57365861


>> No.57365889

rwanda unironically

>> No.57365913

Nigeria is big on crypto, Eritrea has old italian architecture

>> No.57365924

paris is only bad if you're a racist xenophobic loser
most people there are happy and the local communities are trhriving

>> No.57365937
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>jacktown jackin
Jackson, Mississippi unironically

>> No.57365945

This. Sierra Leone is beautiful. We would never think to serve your heart and liver to you for dinner, the magical properties of those organs make them better used for other purposes like HIV prevention and removing curses placed on us by witches.