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File: 719 KB, 1170x1311, IMG_9117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57355569 No.57355569 [Reply] [Original]

This was a late 2021 image I had saved, it literally predicted exactly what happened to the crypto market.

>> No.57355601

we have one more bull before crypto markets are tamed. it will be a weak bull but there will still be chances to make it if you have large investment

>> No.57355635

>predicted EVERYTHING
>cycle timing still a thing
You missed the bottom.

>> No.57355637

We are definitely moving towards more stable prices. Diminishing returns each cycle. We will continue to have 4 year cycles for a while longer, but it will end sooner than many expect. The current cycle might be the last in which you can easily make it. I'm acting accordingly. I will either make it or die trying (financially speaking).

>> No.57355642

crypto died in 2021 and you can only 'make it' if you are already worth 7 figures

>> No.57355648

I don't think this current cycle will be an easy make it like previous ones. you will seriously have to all out ape in and choose correctly. should have at least 100k folio right now if you expect to make it

>> No.57355656

Yes and then XRP will become the standard and all will be priced out

>> No.57355674

When are you expecting the blow off top? Autumn 2025?

>> No.57355684

I'm in 6 figure hell. I have well over $100k though. Sold everything a few weeks ago at $45k. Going to start to rebuy when btc dips a little more. Going to go about 50% btc. 25% eth. Will spread the rest over 2-3 new tokens. Maybe TIA if it dips. Want to get in EigenLayer token when it launches. Watching a few others.

>> No.57355691

Yes around there. August-November 2025

>> No.57355769

It's already way tougher. Went all in on alts when BTC was 16k, only got a 2x because most barely moved (a couple even went down). That's mostly me choosing poorly, but point is you need to choose alts much more carefully now. Mostly it was new L1s, some L2s, and memecoins that pumped hard. People ignored a lot of defi coins and stuff.

>> No.57355859

Yeah as much as I want to go all in on alts I mostly hold bitcoin and ETH because you know it will go up

>> No.57355867

HAPI, STBU, CELL, FRIN will make it. Check them.

>> No.57355878

eth ~10k and btc ~120k. so only like a 4x and 3x from current price. going to need like mid 6 figs to make it on the safe coins.

I think the alts have more 10x potentials so good Strat would be to make sure all bags eth, btc and alts are make it bags that say you can triple make it

>> No.57355889

>make it
Low IQ poorfag cope concept sold to them by moonbois to hook them in just like "LAMBO", "wagmi" or "hodl".
There's no "make it" goal. Making money is the goal. You either make it or you don't.
You don't.

>> No.57355967

People are so focused on "making it" that they end up getting too aggressive and lose all their capital gambling on shitcoins.

>> No.57356068

that's exactly what's happening to LINK

>> No.57356214

this is an important post
but in the middle of the mania and euphoria people will forget and fall victim to the siren song of lengthening cycles and turn pink again

>> No.57356339

Crypto is literally never going away. It will literally always be more volatile than the stock market. Cope seethe dilate, idc. I'm going to make it and you're not nearly as smart as you think you are. You're just a pussy.

>> No.57356359

He's right and the market hasn't seen capitulation or despair at all yet. Start buying in 6-8 months.

>> No.57356900

Agreed, I think this is all bullshit. Also for anons saying there are diminishing returns each cycle, that's just not true. Yeah there are diminishing returns IN THE TOP COINS like BTC and ETH. However in each cycle, including the most recent one, you had coins which went absolutely parabolic in terms of gains. For some reason, doom posters think they're so fucking smart and people eat up this shit

>> No.57356981

>Beanie Babies are not going anywhere

>> No.57357030
File: 908 KB, 1500x1700, 264CD03E-3459-4E70-9E47-8FF71B221A79.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a bull but I agree with everything on that image, anyone else feels the same?

>> No.57357069

Beanie babies aren't a trustless decentralized immutable ledger based on computational work implementing cryptographic hash functions to secure the network, you stupid fucking faggot.

>> No.57357093

>you had coins which went absolutely parabolic in terms of gains.
no shit........... anecdotal examples don't disprove it

>> No.57357132

> if I name enough buzzwords it makes my worthless shitcoins solid investments
I have Dunning Kruger on the line, he wants to have a word without

>> No.57357139

'with you

>> No.57357216

kek, you fucking brainlet

>> No.57357497

This. People fail to realize this tech is a new paradigm in global finance, and we haven’t even really got started. Everything is literally still being built. People also forget that the entire world and those with internet can buy and sell at any time. There is so much more money that needs to be absorbed. It will happen.

>> No.57359306

how about meme coin, sol, manta, avax, are you interested in large cap and mid cap

>> No.57359491
File: 159 KB, 815x471, miners roi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you hold? getting rich from BTC isnt possible anymore and alts are retarded. Anyone here holds MSTR or miners? Is a 5x on MARA realistic? Problem is, ETFags frontrunned everything, its all so pumped and this correction doesn't feel complete yet.

I personally feel a 4x (I need to leave 50k in cash because I have no income, and I will be investing 350k)

>> No.57359503


>> No.57361347
File: 5 KB, 188x196, images (1) (27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name a single way in which the average normie on the streets interacts with crypto in their day to day lives.
You can't.
Crypto is a self perpetuating pyramid scheme.

>> No.57361376
File: 200 KB, 584x520, IMG_0399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bought the dip at 17K

Not my problem.

>> No.57361442

Halving is in 3 month, im betting on one last flush/panic/blackswan covide type shit in the coming months. Lot of bluechips only have v bottoms and still have liquidity/imbalance to get below the bottom

>> No.57362371

Blowoff top is december this year newfag, but i insist, keep holding until summer next year kek.

>> No.57362770

There's no such thing as a 'making it' goal in this game. It's all about making money, plain and simple. You either do or you don't. But here's the bitter truth: people get so obsessed with this idea of 'making it' that they throw caution to the wind, turning reckless and aggressive. And what's the result? They end up blowing all their capital on worthless shitcoins, a classic tale of greed leading to ruin. It's a ruthless cycle, fueled by delusions of grandeur, ending in a harsh wake-up call.

>> No.57362817

but what will happen when the next halving comes and btc rewards are cut in half?
If the price of crypto doesnt go up those stocks could plummet to nothing.

>> No.57363025

this already started.
we are supposed to be in alt season but most alts didnt even do 1-2x.
even when btc dumps they dont move, the correlation has gone its acting weird

>> No.57363043

>this time it's different!