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57340432 No.57340432 [Reply] [Original]

You can spend your gains on women, cars, drugs, mansions and other things but they will never make you happy. You will never be satisfied. You will always be chasing more pumps and more money. It will never be enough. You will you will always have a gaping hole in your heart longing for more but there's nothing you can buy that will fill that hole.

Sin is not the way brothers, spend your gains on something that God would approve of. Invest in Him and you will experience greater returns than any shitcoin posted on this board.

>> No.57340447

>but there's nothing you can buy that will fill that hole

>> No.57340521

I don’t want to be happy. I need money to gain the ability to change the universe around me more to my liking.
Happiness is an emotion, it comes and goes like any other. You could feel on top of the world one morning and one interaction with one douchbag and sour it for a few hours. That ephemeralness is why happiness is a shitty life goal to chase.
Ambition>Metaphysical power>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Happiness

>> No.57340537
File: 483 KB, 1280x1091, Hieronymus_Bosch-_The_Seven_Deadly_Sins_and_the_Four_Last_Things.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget the seven deadly sins my brothers

>> No.57340565

I get what you're saying and mostly agree but real happiness only comes from God's love and it only stops when you go against Him. As for a life goal, we should all be working towards securing our salvation.


>> No.57340606

I don’t want to be filthy rich. I want to be able to afford a home and a nice life for a family. I want to be able to give generously to the Church and spend my time improving my community instead of wage slaving.

>> No.57340628

God bless you anon I hope you succeed in these plans.

>> No.57340669

Who the fuck are you to tell me what I can or can't feel?

>> No.57340671
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Get out of here with your nigger religion, Muhammad Ali/Arab/jew/gypsy. Jesus was a gypsy and religion was started out of a mental retardation called bipolar syndrome and hypocrites.

Arabs are the most heinous people on the people, worse than africans, worse than Chinese prison guards.
And as such they require to detach themselves in a bipolar way, create a new personality for themselves. This gene and education and competitive PVP lifestyle of lying, subjugating, changing history only a very scummy mexican or pajeet 5 year old would do is what changes the genes and their children and children after them become scammers, criminals, idiots with no regards for life or quality of life and self reflection and humbleness.
Arabs are natural born narcissists and sociopaths. They know how to manipulate and sell you used cards, harems, palaces, even flawed ideas. Corrupted Communism originally started from Saudi Arabia, this bullshit form of karma and do good and you'll be forgiven and rewarded in the next life and all that bullshit that's especially meant in a "forgive the criminal for murdering half the planet way, he didn't even murder bad people, he murdered people superior to him cause he was jealous of them".
Almost 100% of religions were always ran by extremely low IQ people on the level of mental retardation who want to CONTROL even the followers of religion want to control you, they give you orders, they appear as if they're you're benevolent but strict caretaker, they bribe you with candy, with forgiveness, with ideas about the afterlife while they commit the worst atrocities to mankind while in their sick minds "that's the other me" "this is my current me who's rrly rllly sorry sir" absolute mental retardation.
Religion was and will always be a tyrannical tool for control started since secret clubhouses with pyramid schemes on top of pyramid schemes. Those invest in a ponzi like religion also want their own mini followers to control.

>> No.57340678

You sound very upset and mad over this anon. I never intended to make anyone angry. I will pray for you brother.

>> No.57340686

I already have too many regrets from not sinning more. There’s no point in saving me from anything if I don’t have dirt on my hands.

>> No.57340695

Religion has no such thing as "live and let live" it's always "be like me or die" BUT "be like me but inferior and under my orders or else die" that's the caveat.
Religion is wholly only for criminals, tyrants, insane people who want to bully other people into submission. Religion is like whores/prostitutes and simps/virgins/beta orbiters. You got the popes who are the whores and then you got the simps trusting the sociopathic whore that's driving lambos while giving the simp a tiny piece of bread or attention and it gets even worse. The whore is not the whore you want to talk to, you're basically talking to the strawberry pimp while the big mommy whore up there you want to babysat you and tell you what a good boy you are is non existant, it's an imaginary friend because you are a weak helpless irresponsible moron who needs people to order him around and give him pats on the head, that's literally waifuism. That's literally imaginary friends.
Religion was started from a game of pretend made up by toddlers who came up with numerous 1) "what if our parents had parents to kick their ass? 2) "my father is going to kick your ass" "but your father is a skinny bitch" oh right 3) then that monster or killing in the woods is going to get you.
Religion was started from these retarded playpretend bullshit meant for toddlers to behave. As such every religionfag is stuck at the maturity age of 5. They cannot think more beyond that, they will literally starve if Mr and Mrs God don't change the lightbulb for retard irresponsible Sally who's afraid of the dark and then goes "it was my destiny to stay in the dark" and other retarded shit.
This is why mammals are superior to humans. They don't pretend and make up theories about bullshit they don't know. Those theories were meant to build stuff and form civilization, not to playpretend that your imaginary friend from the sky is going to smite you, when he doesn't you smite them yourself cause you're a liar saving face.

>> No.57340696

The creator of the universe that can do unimaginably horrible things to you cause he felt like it and there ain’t shit you can do about it. Frankly this solves the problem of gehanna quite well, don’t understand why cucks need an antagonistic force opposing god
Reheated pasta

>> No.57340746

You will stop making me angry when you do some simple mammalian things you are asking of me too;
Be more like, not like you. When you lick my boots I do not want them licked your way, I want them licked my way.

I am not angry at you I am angry at religion as a whole, not specifically you, I am angry myself that religion and witch hunts have caused various failures in science and China and India are still alive.

Do not tell me I sound upset and mad, I know I am upset and mad and that is a good thing. I am rightfully upset over things people already knew since day 0 or since the egyptian ages and that nothing changed. Indo-Europeans aka gypsies in Europeans are still thriving instead of being wholly kicked out way back to india.
The Middle East doesn't belong to Europe. Russia doesn't attack the Middle East. China doesn't attack India.
South America isn't under North American control or European control. Imagine if those red eskimos were still in control over America. We'd all be under Russian occupation by now.

Religion is a moldy cheese that could have at least been perfect into something acceptable such as;
A godless religion meaning you have nobody else to blame but yourself.
Those so called priests , but instead of priests/popes, we'd call Maria Theresa an angel and do some basic form of eugenics which these primitives already knew since day 1 with bullshit about "your father and grandfather commited atrocities so you most likely will too" and the inverse "your father and grandfather did great things so maybe you will too" instead of going with that WHAT DO THE IDIOTS DO SINCE THE ROMAN AGES?
Invite Persian scum into their army and then wonder "why are my soldiers betraying me and asking for more raises?" "why are all these random 12 tribes I chose from so lacking in unity from each other?" jeez I wonder why.
The current existence and planet is absolutely 1 dimensional and that bores me to literal death.

>> No.57340751

NOT A SINGLE RELIGION was about "Hey let's take responsibility for our actions and name ourselves angels and perform some basic eugenics." "Let us not blame daddy in the sky anymore because it didn't rain or give us fire tonight, how about that?" a basic concept nobody dared to touch. BECAUSE WAHA WAHH BABBY WANTS HIS BOTTLE AND HE CAN'T JUST FUCKING STAND ON TWO LEGS AND PICK UP AND SUCK ON IT HIMSELF.

It's been 50000-5000 years since Egyptian religion and Norse religion and what do I see? WHAT DO I SEEE? the same exact principles; instead of MANY daddies and mommies in the skies, it's now just 1 daddy from the sky and instead of blood sacrifices we now do money sacrifices.

I hate every single little thing about you idiots because you prove evolution wrong and you prove natural selection wrong. There was never a filter. You idiots just got wholly lucky to outbreed and outkill everything else on the planet out of sheer incapability of having claws, poison, teeth to bite and so you picked up a really big rock and threw it -_- then you invented pointy sticks.
You assholes never evolved, you just cheated your whole way to civilization. No wonder your biology is so weak.

Do not tell me I sound upset and mad, I know I am upset and mad and that is a good thing. I am rightfully upset over things people already knew since day 0 or since the egyptian ages and that nothing changed. Indo-Europeans aka gypsies in Europeans are still thriving instead of being wholly kicked out way back to india.
The Middle East doesn't belong to Europe. Russia doesn't attack the Middle East. China doesn't attack India.
South America isn't under North American control or European control. Imagine if those red eskimos were still in control over America. We'd all be under Russian occupation by now.

>> No.57340874
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>> No.57340895
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>please worship this jewish man and pay money into this jewish made religion for retards
lmao no thanks

>> No.57340917

prech it brother you arent going to fish many fishes in this day and age but doesnt mean you shoudnt try it anyway God bless your soul

>> No.57340977

Nice cope poor fag

>> No.57341216

Thank you anon God bless you too.

>> No.57341236

my plan is to accumulate food for my family and then when theres a famine i will shoot anyone that comes near my family and food.

>> No.57341303

>spend your gains on something that God would approve of
like what?
I'm having a hard time actually figuring out what God wants me to do, aside from being nice to others. I know money doesn't help people.

>> No.57341973

Be fruitful any multiply, love thy neighbor, repenting on sin, etc. The Bible tells us what God wants from us. You can also pray and He will direct you anon.

>> No.57341987

I have been praying for direction but it is still unclear
I try to love others and repent my sins, but that doesn't give me an actual goal in life
I cannot be fruitful and multiply because my partner doesn't want children, God wants me to love her and I do so how can I force children on her that are not wanted by her? :(

>> No.57342007

>my partner
focus on making her your wife first if you legitimately want to be with her

>> No.57342111

Keep praying anon, I will pray for you as well. Just be close to God, you and your partner, and that will lead you to the most important goal which is salvation. Be a good Christian in general. Volunteer, help those in need and perhaps one of the most important things in this time is to set a good moral and righteous example for others.

>> No.57342157

she doesn't believe in marriage she's not christian. She told me when I asked to get married. Even so I know she loves me. But she's scared of marriage and kids. I can't leave her because I know I mean the world to her.
Thanks brother.

>> No.57342373
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can I still post apus and pepes after I accept Christ as my Savior though.

>> No.57342497

Don't force it on her anon but try sow the seeds. I think most people search for meaning in life. If she loves you as much as you say then surely she would want to be with you forever in Heaven.

As long as they don't promote sin or mock God then it's fine anon.

>> No.57342580

God is good and powerful. If He can bring a wretched faithless sinner like me to faith and repentance, He can do the same for anyone. Continue seeking His grace and you can be a testament to His greatness. Glorify Him with your life and He will glorify you and none will be able to deny the power of the Most High.

>> No.57342584
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Neat, I love Jesus so very much, when I just convert I just do it so I can get in heaven, and thats where I keep obeying God, read my daily Bible, attend church, pray, spend time with God. The more I do these things the more vivid I experience the love of God for me, unconditionally and understand how He guides me and have a place for me in heaven that is WAAAAAY better than everything this life has to offer, I just need to accept in by faith in repentance and humility, and through grace we are saved. My job is a testamony of God's sovereignty over my life, I got assigned with the highest salary for a new guy, the people there tolerate and be nice to me despite I keep sperging it up, even if they don't, God change their attitude over time, and I can even offer free foods and money to the poor and my family. But I wanted to pray for one thing, I want my family to come to Christ also, I want them to spend eternity in heaven also, this is purely for their own good not mine, I don't want a family, but my parents do, so may I ask if you can ask God to train it so I am able to lead one, and for me to find her.

>> No.57342649
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Bless you bros and may the Lord have mercy on us all. Our crosses we carry will be worth it in the end.

>> No.57342834

I have one thing I wanted to ask, tell me if it is wrong for me to ask God to make this in His paradise. I asked God for a dragon of mythical description in heaven, Druk from the Avatar TV series is what I have in mind, my logic is that fire cannot burn or harm things anymore, and animals will not need to slaughter anymore. But of course alI trust God to decide what to have and what not, I just want to hear your thought on this.

>> No.57343055

That sounds interesting anon but I think a priest would be best to answer this sorry. I can't say what exists and what's allowed in Heaven. All we are told is that it's free of sin and is a paradise. Whatever awaits you I'm sure it will be worth the wait and struggle here in this life.

>> No.57343175

I think we know from the writings of the Fathers that all the kinds/species of animals which existed will be restored, as will be all creation (so this includes dragons). I don’t think principally new creations will exist because the act of creation is complete already in the first seven days.

>> No.57343267

No one knows anon but you can be sure there will be infinite adventures and unimaginably awesome things to do. You can’t even comprehend the amazing things God has to show us.

>> No.57343289

I've felt so lost and alone for so long I don't know anything else. I'm afraid I may be lost forever.

>> No.57343469

>Jesus was a gypsy

No he wasn't he was a Semite with blondesque hair. Stfu you idiot you don't know what you're talking about. Repent

>> No.57343515

Psalm 34:18
The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.

You are never alone, Christ is always walking beside us at every moment, watching over us and protecting us. To be lost forever is to not know God and even then He forgives the most broken and sinful souls that come to Him. Pray and talk with Christ whenever you feel like this, He always listens anon and loves you very much.

>> No.57343536

Thank you anon, I already ask the pastor in my church about this, he said that all good things come from God, so we ought to fix our eyes on Him amd do our best to serve His Kingdom with our life on this Earth.

>> No.57343920

All good anon, God bless you

>> No.57344472

>NOT A SINGLE RELIGION was about "Hey let's take responsibility for our actions
lol dumb MF literally overlooks Judgement Day