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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57335932 No.57335932 [Reply] [Original]

the ESG banking jews are now the based ones, and the "crypto community" is the den of snakes dumping Bitcoin into the ground.

>> No.57335947

I hate miner and whale niggers so much it's unreal

>> No.57335953

the nice thing about decetnralized open source tech is that you can fork it if its subverted, protip, BTC already forked and has a bunch of near clones too!

>> No.57335963

they make money on fees not on the asset. if you didn't see this coming then you're a retard

>> No.57335977


The ESG banking jews have been buying BTC by the billions since the ETFs got approved.
Meanwhile the "grassroots crypto community" dumped Bitcoin nearly 20% in a week's time.

>> No.57336031

How come the Jews buy something that will lose value? What's the big picture for them that I'm not seeing?

>> No.57336039

zoom out
Bitcoin will not lose value lmao

>> No.57336054

They just wanted to do something new and exciting.
They had no idea how treacherous cryptofags are.

This whole thing has been so very eye-opening.

>> No.57336060
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Exactly. Everyone is in their short-sighted panic to see long term.

>> No.57336095

they cast a confusion spell like this every couple months to keep people on edge. it's theatrics, just ignore (and get off twitter)

>> No.57336143

>just ignore (and get off twitter)
kinda hard to ignore the market crashing in what may be the second leg of the bear market that started in late 2021

>> No.57336204

Is this supposed to be ironic?

It seems like everybody in /biz/ suddenly thinks Jews don't have privileged information

>> No.57336239

>they bought massive amounts of something that has been crashing all along
>but they knew about it beforehand!


>> No.57336285

Okay so are Jews losing then? They have fallen into their own traps? After ≈4000 years the Jews aren't winning?

>> No.57336297

>so are Jews losing then
Objectively yes

>> No.57336328

The btc etf's already launched though, and the price has only tanked since then.

>> No.57336360

it's 2024 and you still think the people that run the money printer care about USD valuations. they don't. however they know you care about it and use it as a tool for social engineering.

>> No.57336447

>BTC by the billions since the RTF
before the ETF, well before. They had an otc set up ready and waiting at a price set before the ETF.
Their entry is definitely different, (and better) than any etf buyer. the market reflects the true value of buyers of the ETF, since the real price the ETF is based on is lower than what the ETF product buyer paid.

>> No.57336462

>The ESG banking jews have been buying BTC by the billions since the ETFs got approved.
they have been buying before the etf approval. bank kikes dont follow the law

>> No.57336480

To save crypto, we first have to kill it.
We are heroes.

>> No.57336691

>th-they bought before the ETF!!
>th-they don't care about fiat valuation!!

crypto bros coping badly

>> No.57336780

boomercoin needs to go, something else should be the one with the biggest market cap, I don't give a fuck if it's eth, xmr, xrp, ada or solana, but boomercoin needs to swallow the shotgun

>> No.57336785
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well would you look at that.

Makes me sick to my fucking stomach to see crypto bros shit all over themselves, while the ESG jews are the ones hopelessly trying to salvage the situation.
I might unironically go buy some fucking Gillette and Bud Light tomorrow, to ritualistically cleanse my spirit.

>> No.57336799

After this ETF farce, all of crypto deserves to burn.
But BTC would be a good start.

>> No.57336872

Someone has to hold the bag and it won't be me

>> No.57337127

you gotta love the headcanon, you just gotta

>> No.57337158
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>What's the big picture for them that I'm not seeing?

you gotta ask yourself why names like goldstein silverman bankman are jewish but names like smith, baker, and miller (not mueller) aren't

>> No.57337179

Time to move to BCH

>> No.57337186

how new are you faggots?
you did buy @ 16k right?... right???
you fags will NOT survive the bear markets.this is nothing.

>> No.57337208

The funny thing is all those names have become kike names in modernity cause they were skilled professions that brought in shekels so mid tier jews married their daughters off to those smithing, baking, and milling goys.

>> No.57337350

u guys need to think critically
do u really believe the jews will let their investment flop?
they r the ones pulling the strings
they say jump and the economy says how high

>> No.57337395

Hedgies are naked shorting the ETF while They accumulate real BTC.

>> No.57337400

seethe harder nocoiner

>> No.57337569

Well it's the community's obligation to provide boomers with the most comfy low-risk entry possible here.

>> No.57337593

There has to be at least 5 normal dudes that have that much... some early miners

>> No.57337652
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Wait a min, so the jews are the ones holding the bag?

>> No.57337870

the ETF buyers are the ones holding the bag this time around yes. but its not us doing all the dumping

>> No.57338110

They created the ETF to short the fuck out of BTC you retard.

>> No.57338133

>if people really want to be free from an oppressive financial system, they can just sell and use a different coin!


>> No.57338245

What could possibly go wrong

>> No.57338294
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"OMG he sold his bitcoins to Blackrock, teehee"

>> No.57338300

You niggers are so dumb, where do you think Coinbase got it’s OTC crypto from? They were clearly buying to supply the ETF’s but the demand is lower than anticipated so they have to dump the excess into the market

>> No.57338317
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It's the consequences of juicing things. If Bitcoin had done what it was originally supposed to over time, and not sought out bridges to the existing financial apparatus, it would have been adopted slowly over time as the cyclical crashes in the traditional markets piled up. But no, we had to go to "store of value" in the first decade.

Y'all dun fucked up. It's not the bankers; you knew what they were about, you knew that they'd try to tempt you towards this outcome. You saw the dollar signs and dove in, completely forgetting that dollar signs mean shit in the long term.

>> No.57338404

this niggers next special and netflix deals are going to make him 100s of millions.

>> No.57338511

1. 25 bitcoins is nothing
2. They are buying from people who want to exit crypto (like me)
3. Most people just want to make easy money and don't understand the potential, like me...do you have a quick rundown? I only have Ethereum
4. Btc curves are not like common money curves so that makes people panic

>> No.57338566

They can't buy MY Bitcoin

>> No.57338726

>it's theatrics, just ignore (and get off twitter)
Sage advice. I like to watch bullruns. 99.5% of my networth is in crypto. But I completely forget about crypto for 2 years during bear markets and zone out during these periods too. Keep putting all your salary into crypto and go focus on your other interests and hobbies... y-you do have interests and hobbies, right anon?

>> No.57338738

>25 Bitcoins is nothing
lmao are you blind?
It's 25 THOUSAND you illiterate shitskin

>> No.57338751

forks? not so fast!
bitcoin fixes that, because it's scarce! so people want it!

>> No.57339298
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this. many such cases.

>> No.57340658

Funny how no one is thinking about this. No one wants to lose even $1 talk more of millions. If you sell now, you'll cry later and buy back higher. I can't wait for the money to start flowing into alts especially the low caps in LSDFi and RWAs. That's where we make the wife changing bucks

>> No.57340809

They don't hold anything. Coinbase is holding it for them. They can't move it since they have to hold reserves for the owners of ETF shares.

>> No.57341019

Which absolute unit of idiot would be in crypto during the bear but selling 3 months before the halving and you said exiting not swinging

>> No.57341033

What happens if this bitcoin gets stolen? Is it fully insured? If not who covers the loss?

>> No.57341093
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Apple’s market cap is roughly 3 trillion. It took them 30 years for their company to value at 10 dollars a share. Things take time and be prepared to hold bitcoin or link for another 10 or 20 before a huge parabolic run.

With the help of chainlink. Bitcoin’s gas fees are essentially reduced to a cup of coffee if not less.

Expect these companies to eventually evaluate past 10 trillion per company in market cap.


Look at adobe’s stock price. Expect link to follow that sentiment if you’re damn patient

>> No.57341110

There's no assurance money will flow in here. It's just talks and speculations now. Just Buy memes in meme season. Works everytime

>> No.57341129

Any kind of financial item is going to draw attention from financial institutions, it was always unavoidable.
And according to Satoshi's logic, any additional attention only adds to the feedback loop that gives Bitcoin its value.
It doesn't change a thing about the actual network.

>They created the ETF to short the fuck out of BTC
Except instead of shorting they ended up buying and holding 25k BTC (and counting).

How did that happen?

>so they have to dump the excess
what fucking excess lmao
We're talking about the 25k BTC Blackrock alone has.

>> No.57341584

Why would it get stolen? Isn't it in your custody?

>> No.57341611
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>> No.57341639

It's not about the dump itself, it's about who's behind it.

Remember all those many years when every single major Bitcoin dump would get blamed on muh institutions and muh jews?
Remember when Bitcoin shit itself MASSIVELY on something as stupid as Evergrande back in late 2021, and everyone blamed the institutions?
Well turns out it was the cryptobois themselves, and the institutions were always eager to buy and hold.

>> No.57341682

It's not just talks and speculations; why would I just hold ETH when I can Liquid stake for yields? There are no long queues to keep my assets stuck for a while; I could stake on an aggregator like Pendle or SpoolFi where I don't have to worry much about risks plus enjoy some other personalised features. If I can think like this, institutional players will also have such thoughts. It's straightforward.

>> No.57341787

grayscale sent btc to binance and mt.gox payment this year.

>> No.57341790

fu water

>> No.57342009

What does that have to do with my post
You also didnt even mention the shitcoin which logo you are shilling, you are suppose to do that exact thing i believe you are paid for

>> No.57342604
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>> No.57343270

If that's the case, why did most institutional players opt for CoinBase as the custodian of their Bitcoins?

>> No.57343293

The purpose is controlling as many financial assets as possible, even if it sometimes means their death. They can not afford something slipping out of their hand.

>> No.57343323


>> No.57343740

>bear market
This fucking guy kek. Imagine being this new to brypto. Zoom out and stop being emotional faggot. We're in the beginning stages of the bullrun.

>> No.57343926
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see >>57341639
It's not about the magnitude of the dump, it's about the fact that it's extremely obvious who's behind it, and who isn't. Pic very related.

While bankers and turbojews like Fink keep buying Bitcoin and promoting tokenized assets, the crypto community keeps pumping scams and barely functioning systems (BNB, ADA, Sol, XRP are the top alts right now) and dumping the entire market for no reason other than to fuck over the next guy.
Years of "muh evil bankers" narrative just evaporated.

>> No.57344013
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Regulatory issues of course but Defi I meeting up with the tide soon.

Pic related. Some are already MiCa compliant. Just a matter of time now before institutional players see they can get more value elsewhere

>> No.57344073

Blackrock manages the wealth of others. BTC could go to $0 and Blackrock wouldn't be affected at all because their clients would eat the loss. If a BTC etf allows them to secure new clients and manage their wealth then Blackrock wins.

>> No.57344123
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And it's not just Blackrock that's been buying BTC for their ETFs, Fidelity and Bitwise are also in the top 5 and top 10 respectively for net inflows across ALL etfs.
See pic.
The ETFs were a massive boon for crypto, both in terms of regulatory clarity and just plain demand, but the crypto community decided to show its ass.

>Blackrock wins when their clients lose money
haha but no

>> No.57344222
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>> No.57344237

Imagine comparing gold to bitcoin.. lol, lmao even. Bitcoin is going sub 10k.

>> No.57344250

>proof that banker jews are buying
>proof that crypto players are selling
>"t-take your m-meds!"

checked you big vagina

>> No.57344863
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Someone is clearly Jewish and quite upset.