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57332647 No.57332647 [Reply] [Original]

Some people are fucking wildin'. How are you this deep in a relationship and still acting like this??
Mother of his children and she still has to pay half the rent FGS.

>> No.57332677

I assume posts like this are completely made up. Farming updoots.

>> No.57332684

If she had any worth or self worth she'd divorce rape him. She sounds like an old used up hag who made a lifetime of dumb choices

>> No.57332694

Is this not the society women clamored for?

>> No.57332695

Thought we'd maybe make it more than 2 posts before victim blaming and woman hate started but oh well. Womp womp.

>> No.57332702

Forcing 50/50 rent and no joint accounts is smart these days because it means she can't clean him out and then file for divorce. If holes don't like this they can give up the possibility of no fault divorce, alimony, and child support.

>> No.57332707



good bait OP

>> No.57332718

You are definitely a woman, get the fuck off this site
Retard supporting divorce rape. Kill yourself you fucking cuck.

The husband is acting like a kike though and should pick up the slack whilst she has no income.

>> No.57332725

Atheist marriage is just a toothless contract and doesnt entitle you to anything from your "spouse". This post and all others like it are fictional btw

>> No.57332748

it's how you keep a woman in line. the less you give the more they want. once you cave in she thinks she's too good for you

>> No.57332761


Pretty much. The guys diving into it headfirst these days with no prenup or plan with their partner are suckers. It's an utter meme with only drawbacks and if you aren't religious there's literally no point at all.

>> No.57332765

Nothing wrong with this. She would never contribute to rent after going back to work anyway (she will because she's been rotten by feminism, instead of being a full time stay at home mom she'll slave for shekelstein and pawn her kid off at a day care)

>> No.57332814

She's the mother of his child and is not working. You can make some form of compromise in that time period. No one should be knocking up an evil whore of a woman period, you shouldn't have to worry about that and he should know what kind of woman she is at that point since they're married and now have a child.

>> No.57332819

She will get half of his money anyway after they divorce. Seems fair to me in these conditions that she should contribute to the expenses with her personal money.

>> No.57332823


If this guy is sticking to his guns so hard even with his income there's no way they don't have some kind of ironclad prenup

>> No.57332841

It's reddit. It's either a LARP written by either someone who is so profoundly lacking in basic life experience that they don't know how to make it sound convincing to those with life experience, or it's written by a troll. In the very unlikely event that it's real then it's a bizarre edge case of strange behavior.

>> No.57332872

Based, since when did Biz become pol with all its insane hatred of women?
Claim to be proud Americans but act like middle eastern medieval extremists towards women for no reason.
Maybe the Alinksy divide & conquer subterfuge and destruction of the America's culture has just worked a little too well.

>> No.57332915


>I want to be a proud independent working woman bossing and bullying my way into any industry and space at will and assert my inherent equality with men
>I also want to retreat into the demure housewife role when convenient and get pampered and paid for

Nah. Pick a lane. Men would be getting paid more and have more rights/status in society if we were a traditional society, we aren't. This is life.

>> No.57332920

A lot of these are written by trannies as part of their fantasy female life. They get off on the comments even if it seems mundane and not sexual in nature. Immediate red flags to this being the case is the rich, domineering husband. Trannies only frame of reference for relationships is modern "romance" novels, the most popular of which being 50 shades of gray.

>> No.57332990
File: 52 KB, 480x360, 2ez4f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57333030

Not all women are the same you fucking retard gpt y

>> No.57333042

The real lesson there is as a guy don’t date loser women. They’ll be losers, but think they’re your equals and that will cause all sorts of problems. If you make $200k a year. Date women who do the same.

>> No.57333086


It doesn't matter. Women as a collective shifted society. It no longer works in a traditionalist framework. The rules for marriage are entirely different from 1950. Wages are depressed thanks to the mass introduction of working women. They wanted to see eye to eye with men and they got their wish, change the rules and the paradigm if you want the opposite. I'd personally love a more traditional society but I'm not dying on a cross for that now.

>> No.57333098



anyway, the plebbit bait is ridiculous. a man should pay for everything

>> No.57333110

kek at the virgins in the thread that cant get girls to pay for them so you can save money

>> No.57333146

has to be fake
especially the line pay for 1 overseas vacation to his family
so that means he is a recent immigrant, hard to envision a setup where someone from overseas has a 280k job and behaves like this with an american roastie

>> No.57333217

Probably some Tech hotspot curry nigger.

>> No.57333268


In that case it makes sense. He's here to work for 10-15 years, rake and save as much money as possible, knock up a native roast and then fuck off once he's done

>> No.57333388

yeah thats the one explanation that actually makes some sense
pretty smart mofo if true

>> No.57333416

No one here gives a fuck about any of this. We're here to make money with crypto so we can raise families because the the OG posters here recognized that we're living in a Hebrew dystopian hellhole that's rigged to fail. Families which include women. You dumb fucking faggot, go back to /pol/.

>> No.57333435


I have a child, and a woman. Still not your economic martyr, we both pull our weight. Fuck off faggot.

>> No.57333443

>white bitch crying cuz responsibility

Undoubtedly she drops timmeh off at daycare, snipped off his foreskin, and early clamped his placenta so the hospital could give the stem cells to Epstein island visitors for free ofc

>> No.57333446

>I have a child, and a woman.
correction, you have a child and a teenager

>> No.57333457

Cope incel. You can have Mohammed’s leftovers and pay child support for the demon possessed nephilim kid.

>> No.57333469
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Was this supposed to be an own? Lol. She's a teen for having a job and contributing to our shared life? Do you think you're mature for being a freeloading little bitch?

>> No.57333485

It's literally not your girls fault that she lives here. None of this is any woman's fault. They're women.

>> No.57333515


This is what they wanted, this is what they got. Stop being a whiteknight. I will provide and protect where necessary but I'm not keeping a housewife, that's a dead concept. Go be one of those utterly miserable depressed divorce raped victims if you'd like. I've seen too many and have no interest.

>> No.57333551

There's a difference between your girl being a freeloading faggot who shops at whole foods and posts about non toxic living on facebook all day and having her pay half the rent on maternity leave.
>this is what they wanted! lol!
No one wanted this but communistic Jews.

>> No.57333642

Why can't women into math or money? Serious question.

>> No.57333652


>> No.57333674


The OP is an extreme. Seems fake or like it's missing some details. I'm speaking more generally about expecting your woman to pull her own weight.

>> No.57333728

It's almost copy-paste of my situation. We have separate accounts, married with two kids, living abroad so no family to help out. I work and wife is on unpaid maternity leave - unpaid because the benefit has run out already, currently her only income is childcare allowance.
We have a deal that as long as she says she wants to work (which doesn't let me go full-in into career mode) she has to pay the rent every second month. This is her only "common" expense and it is about 25% of our overall expenses in a year.

>> No.57334591

this, if anyone believes this they are retarded
and if its true, the woman shouldn't have let that dick in her
the male is filled with soi and shouldn't be allowed to reproduce.

>> No.57334899

It's not a real story and any story with that level of income isn't real. 2% of American workers earn over 100k and 90% of them are over 40, even fewer earn 280k. 280k is like "owns a business" level or lawyer partner level, yet every homo on the internet claims to be making a hundred grugillion dollars as a wendy's chef.

This is a fake story designed to elicit anger from roasties who feel entitled to their husband's money and men who believe all women are awful golddiggers.

>> No.57335179

>Womp womp

>> No.57336580

My buddy does this to his wife. It's real. Not sure if he made her pay once she started having kids though.

>> No.57336804

This is what equality looks like.