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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57326802 No.57326802[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

All the good looking women who would make good wives and mothers are taken in highschool and college the latest. Whatever remains is taken shortly after they enter the workforce. There exist very few good looking (6 and above) women that are single and have a good heart. The window of opportunity when they are single is very very narrow. If you don't frequent their circles or the events they attend you have no chance of meeting them. Women also don't go anywhere alone, so whatever hobbies women have or events they attend it is done with their husband or boyfriend and if they are single with their groups of friends.
Boomers and gen-x are throwing money at young pussy like never before, we are talking boat trips, exotic trips, paying their rent and bills, buying them clothes, trips to beauty salons, etc. Many of them have net worths in the millions. Just look at all those modelling agencies and realize how many pretty girls are being baited to fuck the rich and upper class.
Then there are chad millenials and chad zoomers who get their first pick at all the young pussy.
Then at the end of the line there is you anon, the average nobody with no money, no charisma, no looks, no social circle, no experiences and no toys.

tldr; single good looking young women don't really exist except in very niche places where men without social circles (loners) can't get in to

>> No.57326812

women aren't available to freaks like you, and that's the way it should be

Wash your ass

>> No.57326817

Damn you and your demoralization thread are pathetic.

>> No.57326831

Ok so kys then
Why doesn't everyone who complains either kys or spend their life grasping at any possible way to improve their situation?
Makes no sense to me

>> No.57326896

and even then some will go to nogland to find love

>> No.57326908

fuck off incel. you are a 2/10. even in highschool you didn't get any.

>> No.57326916

-farts on you-

>> No.57326939

>All the good women are taken.

There aren't any "good" women. Trust me they are all garbage after 30 years of age. They are all miserable spiteful cunts that will hate you because they wanted to sleep with better options. Most women resent their husbands and secretly lust for other, better men

>> No.57326974

Daily demoralization thread oy vey!

>> No.57327007

Why are there so many blackpill threads on /biz/. Is this the same depressed dude that is compulsive about it?
Go see a psychiatrist that will unknot your brain, it's as simple as that.

>> No.57327054
File: 129 KB, 2373x1725, 1685359252269883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The elephant in the room no one wants to talk is the increasing numbers of disabled kids

No one wants to talk about it because if you told the population you have a 5-10% of having severe disabled kid natality rates will drop even faster.

Even young mothers and fathers are experiencing the increased risk of disabilities in their children so age is clearly not largest culprit if it even is a culprit at all.
No one knows for sure but a lot of much smarter people than us are saying that it is most likely the work of some pollutant that have increased in quantity over the last two decades, micro plastics is one of those pollutants that have been brought up many times as a likely source of this but it's almost blind speculation since no one knows for sure how 90% of the shit our industries pumps out into the biosphere actually affects the human body in the long term, the few who might know are either hiding their know for profit or doesn't care enough to spread awareness of it

chart doesn't really convey the catastrophic extent of the problem - to come out of almost nowhere and accelerate exponentially like that without any sign of slowing and without any serious investigation by health authorities is scary and shocking

The black pill that humanity is becoming unable at exponential rate to have healthy kids is too hard to swallow for the "muh legacy" conservatives.

For their mind is easier ignore the problem and think this will never happen to them that try to find a solution

Overdiagnosis theory doesn't make semse as 40% are non verbal and Nearly 78 percent of children with autism have at least one co-occurring mental health condition (Science Daily, January 2021)


>Air polution
>Weed during teen ages
>Tatto ink
>Paracetamol abuse
>Hair loss drugs

We don't really know

>> No.57327121 [DELETED] 

I am looking at women half my age but I have no chance as a 40y old chud.

>> No.57327172
File: 209 KB, 380x384, noo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ngmi, at this point it seems that even dogs like TOGE seem to be more reliable than women
I mean, how can you trust an animal that bleeds 6 days in a row and doesn't die?

>> No.57327323

Probably not the 50+ vaccines containing mercury that is the cause of the problem.
Not like 'mad as a hatter' is a saying for a reason. Its not like they got braindamaged due to mercury exposure or anything like that

>> No.57327401
File: 49 KB, 618x557, 1705317833807726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lost virginity at 15
>Experienced teen love
>Fucked around my first two years of college
>Found my future wife my junior year
I am 100% dysfunctional by any standard measurements. Likely borderline disabled. I can't even break $100k in IT at 38 years old.
But even I got my pp wet, married and had kids, and still fuck. Wtf is wrong with you people?

>> No.57327426

>t. Millennial chad

>> No.57327435

That's because you're dumb that you had sex at 15 without issues. Monkeys and pigs have sex too. It doesn't make you glorious, you just followed your instincts like a fornicating animal.
Virgins can fix their issues with therapies and the majority of them eventually have sex. You will remain a dummy.

>> No.57327454

You cannot speak to women and likely have unironically related to Elliot Rogers or at least one other school shooter. You really shouldn't talk.

>> No.57327467

you are so retartded you couldn't even get your pp wet.

>> No.57327479

Looks like I touched a nerve, dumbo

>> No.57327490

You've never touched a cervix.

>> No.57327587
File: 10 KB, 600x92, reddsdsdses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wondering how you handle getting up at 6am every morning knowing your only purpose in life is to generate dividends for people like me, mr 'can't even break $100k in IT at 38 years old'?

>> No.57327598

neither has your larping microdick lol btfo don't bother replying i won't bother reading

>> No.57327618

You already replied to this person

>> No.57327627

You did too, already 3 times

>> No.57327629

Go outside

>> No.57327639

>hit all milestones at the right time in early life
>I am 100% dysfunctional by any standard measurements

Pick 1

>> No.57327647

I will have to look elsewhere for all the good women, maybe in those tunnels you were digging

>> No.57327649

That will never buy you the touch or feeling of untainted women.
Btw, I have a similar networth. $2m isn't exactly hard to come by as long as you're not purely retarded. Do you think you're the only one who knows a dividend is?
>t. Started in IT in 2010 so I've always made decent money.

>> No.57327670

not true. many women choose terrible mates in their teen years so ideally you can catch one on the rebound. and if youre looking for a wife/mother then you dont want the attention seeking clout chasing hoes who take old wrinkly hogs. raise your SMV and dont act like a desperate incel.

>> No.57327673

Paranoid retard LMFAO

>> No.57327682

You're insulting yourself moron, that dude wasn't me

>> No.57327695

Schizo posting.

>> No.57327718

The rate hasn't changed at all, just the buzzword. Back in the 90s and the start of this chart everyone had ADD. Now they have autism.

>> No.57327726

>Go see a kike endorsed demon who charges you thousands and drains your wallet harder than the latest rugpull

>> No.57327749

But anon, he has $2m, he is smarter than you :)

>> No.57327762

Are u actually 38?
Do u still have sex drive? What are your boners like

>> No.57327780

Yes, still fuck 2-3 times a week. Dicks rock hard. I do 30 minutes of circuit training with calisthenics 3-4 times a week plus 30 minutes of HIIT cardio the other days. I take magnesium, vitamin d, and zinc every night. Diet is mostly plant based with generous servings of meat with dinner. but I limit junk and refined carbs.

>> No.57327805

I don't want a woman. They're annoying. Only normies want relationships. As for sex, I've tried it and it's overrated as fuck. It's only marginally better than masturbating. I have a high sex drive and crave sex, but the actual act is meh and and you wonder why you craved it in the first place.

>> No.57327818
File: 168 KB, 1000x1000, 75d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>many women choose terrible mates in their teen years so ideally you can catch one on the rebound
Coming into my late 20s, I'm seeing opportunities for "Cigar Butt Dating". Warren Buffet described Cigar Butt investing as buying a troubled company for the short term before selling after a recovery.
>A cigar butt found on the street that has only one puff left in it may not offer much of a smoke, but the ‘bargain purchase’ will make that puff all profit.

In your late 20s you'll see women from your school and college break up with their long-term boyfriends and feel a need to quickly find a good boyfriend.
If you've been suffering up until now as the "safe" guy, and have a high income, you can dangle a comfy life under their noses, enjoy the honeymoon period of 3-6 months dating them, and then discard them.

Just remember not to keep smoking the butt when it's done.

>> No.57327910

Dude you described yourself as borderline disabled. You can't act like you're the smartest person in the room now lmao

>> No.57327940

But I didn't. Did you jut miss that point completely and get corrected by a certified retard? How embarrassing

>> No.57328035

It's something about the board that attracts the know it all types from every side. Place gets psyopped harder than some of the red boards too. If you really want a show just start talking about politics or taxes.

>> No.57328127

in this thread
>2 40 yo retards debate whether
>being a deformed retarded freak faggot with a 2 million dollar portfolio at 37 years old
>being a 38 year old faggot with 500k in savings but actually has a family
>which is worse?
>you will never know because theyre both lying, theres something worse underneath on both sides
good thing i have an 8 figure portfolio and a kind wife whos beautiful and not annoying, and i was lucky enough to not be a loser long enough to get embittered toward the wealthy and the beautiful

>> No.57328144
File: 147 KB, 800x760, ghckjhcgkcggc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn do you guys ever stop talking about women? Holy shit go blogpost on Tumblr you pathetic cuck

>> No.57328160

Autism is worse than add. The disabilities are becoming more severe.

Yeah it's literally over

>micro plastics
Psyop. I can think of 100 things doing more damage.

>> No.57328172


>> No.57328193

A lot of people'll are lonely these days

>> No.57328217

Women are like cats. If you chase them you'll never catch them, but if you leave them alone and do what you're supposed to do they'll come around and say hi for pets. It's that simple. Learned that from my grandpa and he fought in Korea and petted many cats.

>> No.57328261

I don’t buy that. Women are timid. If you aren’t bold and put yourself out there, you will never get it what you want.

>> No.57328307

What's lower, your IQ, your penis length, or your testosterone levels?

>> No.57328315

Depends what kind of cat you want. You want brave cat, you let cat find you. You want cat to be brave for you go to shelter. Both are fine cat, give many happiness and joy, keep bed warm at night, occasionally piss in shoes when mad at you. I like brave cat. Wait many nights, very lonely, other cat come and go many time and break my heart before forever cat find me and stay. Graet success!

>> No.57328396

I’ve seen this thread before..

>> No.57328414

nah brah >>57327435 is right
youre clearly a retard if youre 38 working in IT for over a few years and can't clear 100k
that's wild
.t higher IQ who also gets pp wet

>> No.57328451
File: 134 KB, 1125x1097, hoflation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in some ways you get what you deserve. ive had a couple friends that have had success dating recently but i agree with you, for the most part women are shittier than ever before and there's more completion.

pic very related

>> No.57328456

I make $98k. I'm close. But I took a few lateral moves that sacrificed pay bump for networking/project opportunities.

>> No.57328482

money has zero correlation to intelligence. case in point, joe biden and trump both have 100s of millions of dollars and put together they're barely as smart as the average 4channel user.

>> No.57328615

I like to think they both shitpost occasionally

>> No.57328633

Incel thread. The janny is one too seeing as how these stay up until 300 replies

>> No.57328650

No u

>> No.57328654

Satan, like a gaping whore’s vagina, always needs more for his legion