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File: 242 KB, 1406x734, yurop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57325875 No.57325875 [Reply] [Original]

Why are europoors so poor? Literally poorest people on Earth

>> No.57325891 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 750x887, d7424ecd8cc59e70623bdea69a34c114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too easy OP, this thread is gonna cause a lot of seethe.

>> No.57325894
File: 89 KB, 402x300, 92E6DF24-AF0F-4D8A-93CB-5B313D979CAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They haven’t discovered GambleFI and FUN yet

>> No.57325904

go see an oculist, faggot

>> No.57325920 [DELETED] 

kill yourself retarded brown obese amerigoblin
no european ever thinks or gives a shit about amerimuttitoland lmao

>> No.57325927

Another win for Auschads. Note the success of the metric - people generally wealthy. We don't have hundreds of millionaires walking past people starving in the streets unable to afford their $1000 pills.

>> No.57325979

Wtf are you guys mad about?

>> No.57326011

fuck off mutt
Europeans are richer than you, you literally have to sell your kidneys to afford a visit to the fucking doctor kek

>> No.57326038

OP literally shows you Europeans are not poor

>> No.57326041 [DELETED] 

the best part is all the people crying about europe rent free are always brown or poor
browns pretending they're anything but outsiders in america and poors thinking anyone ever cared about them

>> No.57326192 [DELETED] 

hello, fat brown people from third world countries

>> No.57326268

Wtf, how are Australians, Belgians, Dutch and Icelanders so much more wealthy than Burgers or even Norwegians?? How are fucking Canadians wealthier than Burgers??

>> No.57326357

It's the median, not the mean. It's a tranny metric that only socialists would care about because they're trannies. I'm not too worried about it.

>> No.57326397

Median is the best measure of central tendency of income/wealth, brainlet.

>> No.57326432
File: 98 KB, 256x350, 1655083791304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Senior Software Engineer
>Location: Europe
>Salary: €30k

>> No.57326449

Your Leftist, socialist professors taught you well, Anon. Now take your tranny pills.

>> No.57326459

Housing bubble.

>> No.57326497

Damn, you're dumb as fuck to reject basic math lol

>> No.57326616

I literally make that with 1.5yrs of experience. I'm from the eu ofc

>> No.57326740

Learn about who gave Cromwell his money to start the English Civil War, it started before that, but its a good starting point. Soon every European nation has (((privatised banking))). Wars. Then, who started WW1? What was the outcome? The second coming tried to overcome, and the rest of Europe destroyed itself to keep itself in chains. 1946 Europ is in ruins and in unspeakable debt. But guess who's there with the Marshall Plan? (((US Federal Reserve))). Don't ask faggot questions, learn to learn instead of rimming your mothers black boyfriend while hes going to town.

>> No.57326769

The same europoor creating the same cope thread every day. Yikes.

>> No.57326768

Europeans are richer than americans

>> No.57327006

its because we are being overrun with niggers and other undesirables leading to exploding real estate values and major shortages in homes in general

>> No.57327987

Until the 2019 crypto bull run, I was poor too.

>> No.57328016

Huh, what about now?

>> No.57328038

I'm better now.:)

>> No.57328041

Lol, can you give investment advice without giving investment advice? :)

>> No.57328080

I don't know, there are too many options in this bull run. But I guess this one will do well. https://twitter.com/larryllamatoken

>> No.57329190

Numbers aren’t legit bro

In Lithuania 90% of people own their home. ~75% either without mortgage or they are paying up to 200eur a month.

Even if half pop live on commie blocks thats still well above the wealth mentioned.
