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File: 20 KB, 400x400, Rango.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57325092 No.57325092 [Reply] [Original]

>Over 60 chains or so to swap on
>Literally nothing looks good
>Don't feel like buying anything
Am I a fucking idiot or is crypto simply not for me anymore? All of this shit looks like complete vaporware (BTC included) and so I feel like it all can collapse at any given moment without warning or something plus I don't see anyone using these unironically for any sort of usecase besides buying and selling, sooo... All of this stuff can just lose most if not all of its value pretty much for any reason.
>SOL dev gets exposed as a kid diddler or some shit
>SOL goes down -50% or more

>> No.57325119

nobody here cares about crypto all the faggots doing 999 threads a day for the exact same 4 projects (you know which ones) are all paid to promote it on a daily basis as a brainwash technique

>nobody uses anything!
some do, but doesn't matter. read the charts and study them. that's all you have to do to have an idea on what's going to pump next.

>> No.57325135

You can swap your stable for Solana ticker >>>$SOL<<<. No Anatoly is not a child diddler he's russian so he simply likes shemales in secrets and that's fine.

>> No.57325136

SOL is actually doing quite well ever since FTX collapsed. They got their shit together and now it's a better functioning scamchain that's going to become the next BSC casino during the coming bull run. Your loss, I guess.

>> No.57325148

then what the FUCK am I supposed to buy

>> No.57325162

Just ride the literal memecoin garbage hype train like every other twitter nigger is doing these days.
no thoughts, head empty

>> No.57325163
File: 38 KB, 657x527, 3456076b3e02c34d927933aeb7c0974c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop looking retard graphs, you have to feel it and cross-chain swap on rango what you know is going to give you a profit

this is, in fact, male astrology

>> No.57325164
File: 24 KB, 360x360, 1601238581204855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really funny you post this then these spawn immediately hehe

>> No.57325172

>am i a fucking idiot

>> No.57325185

SOL is doing well compared to ETH

It doesn't matter in what year you see this reply

>> No.57325186

the magic is gone for us friend, gone are the days of gleefully searching for undiscovered gems that are sure to pump in a bull market. leave that excitement to the next generation of poorfags with $5k and a dream. for us there are no safe markets or safe assets, we know too much, we can only hold for dear life to whatever has wormed its way into our portfolios

>> No.57325240
File: 237 KB, 407x615, 1701064043565233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single fucker who trades crypto is already into hardcore lolita doujin pornography from the darkest corners of Asian porn websites. Literally nobody would care and memes about it would spawn but that's about it.

Anyway when in doubt buy Bitcoin.

>> No.57325386

bitcoin is about to shit the bed and fork again with all the ctv trannies running rampant

>> No.57325549

And this little toy of yours is supposed to be relevant because?

>> No.57325554

Lmao nice shill bro

>> No.57325569

>*ruins an entire country in a matter of days*
Heh, nada personal, kids...

>> No.57325571
File: 194 KB, 448x448, 1701559122865989.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hardcore lolita doujin pornography from the darkest corners of Asian porn websites
Sauce me the fuck up senpai goddamn you can't leave me hanging with this raging boner ffs

>> No.57325575
File: 44 KB, 600x600, Yagami.Kou.600.2031785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you winning son?

>> No.57325578

Retard graphs are the future of marketing

>> No.57325584

So do you niggers unironically believe that or are you being paid to say this?

>> No.57325593

So am I so we might as well stick together. Deal?

>> No.57325601

SOL will bump, don't swallow the poojeet shill about ETH

>> No.57325613
File: 694 KB, 840x580, 1601238102395105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you are right. Crypto right now is extremely similar to this one conspiracy I read a few years ago about the Internet being empty and 90% of interaction in it being generated by some super computer or whatever. Literally nobody uses Defi and yet billions of dollars spawn, literally nobody irl knows what $BNB even is despite it being top 5 etc. Shit like that. It's eerie.