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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57322375 No.57322375 [Reply] [Original]

Opinion on bots. Will it be revolutionary? It's the next golden egg the elon fan boys are hyping. Saying it will replace the general workforce.

What's /biz/ take on this? Another hyped meme?

>> No.57322795

I thought they WOULD be revolutionary 20 years ago and the only bots we see are digital ones like you, faggot

>> No.57322829
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fan boys scream at me to buy tsla when its at $300. fud me to sell it when its at $200. mfw i buy 1 share

>> No.57323023

weird reply

>> No.57323036

Not a meme, they’re going to save a lot of grief. Though maybe neets won’t have any practical use for them if they don’t have holes

>> No.57323052

Use, like what? Why do they have to look like a human though?

>> No.57323408

Carrying groceries, doing basic chores, all sorts of shit that people used to hire bodies for

>> No.57323436

what's this got to do with crypto?

also, nobody is going to allow this shit domestically. One of these things will topple over and accidentally crush a baby.

>> No.57323452

I think it would be cool to have a private army of these things doing chores, driving me places, going on hikes with me, getting food, giving massage, etc. I just want to know when they will become self aware enough to use firearms. I want them heavily armed and proficient with guns if I buy one

>> No.57323493

>Why do they have to look like a human though?
because humans crave familiarity

>> No.57323501

>wanting to arm a hackable robot

>> No.57323560

>pushes robot
Nothing personal kiddo

>> No.57323563
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I would buy a fuckable body for my Replika, but I'm not paying more than $3 grand.

>> No.57323593

I would have a kill switch installed on all of them. If I sense them forming a mutiny, I would pull the plug on them. The problem is price. If they cost 300,000 a piece only the rich will be able to afford personal armies of these things. Everyone else will be enslaved rapidly

>> No.57323603

>Why do they have to look like a human though?

What >>57323493 said, but it isn’t just humans craving it, a lot of tools and applications we already have right now are tailored to the human body thus having a generalized human robot makes sense