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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57317374 No.57317374 [Reply] [Original]

bitcoin just got absolutely destroyed by facts and logic by this redditor while /biz/zers continue to plug their ears and shut their eyes to the truth

>> No.57317406
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People call this place miserable, but it's baffling to me how many popular subreddits exist where people obsess over things they hate.

>> No.57317408

Anyone who wrote that many words about an asset they don't hold is clearly not seething at all.

>> No.57317417


Didn't read; never selling. Kys (and I wholeheartedly mean this beyond the 'meme')

>> No.57317418

> Reddit intellectual in OP's post: gold's price is consistent and never changes that's why people use it as a store of value
Based retard.

>> No.57317432

>buttcoiner notices were in the early stages of another bull run
>has seen this happen at least twice before
>doesnt do anything
what causes this? low T?

>> No.57317502
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yes. here we are.

>> No.57317517

Literally replace "buttcoin" with gold and reveals redditors are the dumbest people on the planet.

>> No.57317977

>redditor doesn't understand the meaning of store of value
fucking kek. How can someone simultaneously state that Bitcoin has seen a 13k% price increase since its inception whilst also claiming that it's not a store of value? the definition of a store of value is an asset that retains its purchasing power; bitcoin has not only retained its purchasing power over time, it has increased its purchasing power with some minor dips along the way.

So which one of you anons reported this faggot to the suicide hotline?

>> No.57317993

Exactly this. Why doesn't op pic cite previous stores of Value and how they supposedly destroyed investment and lending? Oh wait, because he's spouting shite, that's why

>> No.57318010

Anyone comparing gold to bitcoin is more retarded than the redditor who wrote that essay. Just Google gold vs bitcoin price chart and you will see the difference.
That being said, store of value or not bitcoin is here to stay. Who knows how stable btc prices will be once some countries will adopt it. Who cares anyway? As long as btc remain a valuable here-to-stay asset that it can be exchanged for already-adopted currencies, holders are safe and happy like a clam. The volatility can be explained and maybe one day when all conditions are met it could actually go away.

>> No.57318168
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>muh volatility
Only proves we're still early

>> No.57318216

A store of value is an asset that maintains its value, rather than depreciating.

>> No.57318231

The worst part about criticizing bitcoin is that there's a number quantifying just how wrong you are at any given moment.

>> No.57318249

>I really want to suck off this redditor
Good post, anon.

>> No.57318263

The only difference between /biz/ and /buttcoin is that /biz/ copes by buying shitcoins. They are both seething about bitcoin as they get more and more side lined and are constantly trying to rationalize why they are more intelligent than maxis.

>> No.57318300

Give us an example, please

>> No.57318307
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A store of value is an asset that meets store of value demand, it holds value by having demand as a store of value. It's real terms price is a product of demand for SoV, which can fluctuate wildly, this is where the midwits lose the plot, thinking because it's real terms value fluctuates that it's somehow not a SoV, or that SoV can't exist because you can't literally store value

>> No.57318322

Lmao this clown has just done intro to finance and macroeconomics and thinks he's smart... all you have to do to counter his argument is pay/receive interest in bitcoin rather than $ when you're borrowing or lending. In traditional finance your borrowing power can fluctuate between -50-500% over a 5 year period too, it's just the medium of exchange (I.e. the dollar) remains constant. Look at all these third world shitholes (canada) and tell me that Base currencies aren't volatile.

>> No.57318336

Noooooo I must be able to buy a fixed number of loaves of bread with my store of Value asset or it ceases to work as a store of value reeeeeeeee

>> No.57318388

yes yes many examples like shell money or tally sticks etc
bitcoin is definitely a store of value sure that might change in the future somehow like it did with those other examples or some technological shift like quantum computing cracking encryption but i don't see it happening at the moment

>> No.57318397

Volatility dies down as the marketcap and liquidity increases. He's basically saying it can't be stable because it's small, and because it's small it won't be stable. Paradoxical retard.

>> No.57318399
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>> No.57318454
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His whole argument is:
>a store of value doesn't change in price
>bitcoin doesn't store value because it consistently goes up in price
>therefore don't buy it
I can't imagine how hard it must be to live a life while being this retarded.

>> No.57318485

I can't believe people actually read op