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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57317979 No.57317979 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't jannies ban the "shill your altcoin" threads? They slip up every now and you'll see pic related

>> No.57318005

We Pakistanis wouldn't recommend scam coins to the civilised Western anons. It's those bloody fucking Indians back at it again. I can smell the shit from here.

>> No.57318008

Well i want shill me your altcoin threads tho for what is biz good elsewhere?
Endless shilling of the same 10 coins?

>> No.57318032

Leave the western anons alone. They are already dealing with the gay pride and environmental bullshit.

>> No.57318046 [DELETED] 

Even the smallest of bags will make it but those who fade will be doomed forever https://birdeye.so/token/3qi7XMxKN2BqJDu7bAGV9gKjKi3wa95vMzQEr15uqYmh?chain=solana

>> No.57318165

That's pretty much all we did before you newfags flooded the board. Only difference is that we discussed tech then and if you hadn't read the whitepaper and were shilling or fudding, people would think you were an idiot.

>> No.57318205
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That was before m00t left and Disney became the parent company of 4chan, and thus we got senior mods being active in shit threads like this:

and banning hidden gems threads, tech discussion, while promoting/protecting mods/jannies own shitcoins. The destruction of /biz/ was done by design.

>> No.57318227

That chart and your post make me so angry. /biz/ really does have the most corrupt Jannies, and I've witnessed it in real time multiple times despite having only frequented this board since 2022.

>> No.57319533 [DELETED] 


>> No.57319704

>Why don't jannies ban the "shill your altcoin" threads?
Because that's 99% of what this board is now.

Why do you still come here expecting a "serious" board?

>> No.57320166

no its that they realized their heavy handed modding is whats killing hte board
they got drunk on their own power during the bull when there was max inflow into the board but forgot these are all tourists that leave during the bear
but they kept up the banning left and right of any fun threads during the bear so now biz is on life support
the tranny jannys dont even dare to ban active posters from first world countries now because those are the audience they need to get paid for allowing shilling
protip tho it doesnt work who is left here is either not touching shitcoins at all or uses the shilling/banning by the mods as a counter trade signal
i can only assume that the mods here are now fighting for ever diminishing shill budgets as even the pajeet shitshows realize biz doesnt make them money

think i am bullshitting be a first world ip and make a thread actively discussing lets say fed policy but post nsfw booba or passing like trannies and you will not get banned where this used to be an insta range ban
or simply try posting any normal sfw picture of hunter schafer, this used to piss off the ugly trooned tranny janny so hard that too was an insta range ban
or maybe he and yes he 42%'ed in the meantime also possible

>> No.57320226

Yea I got rangebanned for making a where do I buy sir shitpost in a jeet thread. Not buying a faggot pass. And I know several other people who were rangebanned for dumb reasons. People who posted genuine alpha and are multi millionaires now. They would rather rangeban everyone because they are desperate for $5 and now it's completely dead.

>> No.57321125

Everyone knows the mods are infiltrated with controlled globohomos who do not enforce the site rules equally and fairly, but based on whatever they agree/disagree with, and a lot of these types also happen to be for some reason trannies, they're insanely overrepresented on here and they hate the OG's.
Mix all the above in a toxic soup and we get the current predicament we see on biz and elsewhere on 4chan.

>> No.57321157

They ban all smallcap threads, even serious ones. Only LINK and ICP stay up, and whatever else the mods are baggies in. That has destroyed the board, I used to come here before to look for undervalued stuff and talk about my own lowcap gems, now its just baggies shilling the same 3 tired coins 24/7 with a few indian rug scams in between. Dead ass place.

>> No.57321163

because they are the ones posting them you dumb fuck

>> No.57321176
File: 1.64 MB, 1024x1024, shitcoinbaggie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not true, they still prune low cap threads. I had one recently where I spilled legit alpha and detailed breakdowns and answered tech questions and it was taken down after few hours by a trannie janny.

>> No.57321186

this isn't a btc maxi board, chud

>> No.57321227

i never said they didnt do that, of course they do banning low caps that dont bribe them and letting bribed ones run is after all their remuneration
what i was alluding to was they no longer ban threads that are fun or booba that used to be banned instantly
i even remember entrepreneur threads and for fuck sakes even brazil cybercafe anon being banned, they backed up on those i mean

>> No.57321274

I remember that pic so I might have been in your thread.

>> No.57321309

Before it was the law of the jungle and no mods filtering what projects was allowed on /biz/, only the best projects survived the (mostly) constructive and fact-based fudding. Now /biz/ is more rigged and stupid than even le plêbbit. To get rid of plebbitors we even had a week of gore posting. Imagine doing that today.

>> No.57321398

the good old days
but even then i stopped caring about shitcoins there i aint poor no more
biz is still the only place to properly discuss the big caps or macro itself, we were better than most big boi banker types over the past year
unless you know of some magic discord or telegram that isnt shit but i certainly dont

>> No.57321480

>biz is still the only place to properly discuss the big caps or macro itself, we were better than most big boi banker types over the past year

>> No.57321592

There are telegram groups that were created during and after /biz/ crashed.

>> No.57321807

yeah but good ones, i was in a few discords but they all sucked ass
it all quickly devolved into identity games the very thing fortune was build to prevent