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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57314377 No.57314377 [Reply] [Original]

There is still time /biz bros

>> No.57314394


>> No.57314414

Trollface on Solana? Interesting I might buy a lottery

>> No.57314562

Eth troll hit like 120m today. I can grab this bullshit for less than an eth gas fee atm so fuck it why not.

>> No.57314639

Oohoohoh trolololo

>> No.57314665

Aped today, will how it goes

>> No.57314675

Go and buy you pos!

>> No.57314687
File: 45 KB, 1280x768, TROLLANA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may have just boughted over 100k.
What am I in for?

>> No.57314697

How do you buy this

>> No.57314863
File: 499 KB, 1024x688, 1592903326879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I'll spoonfeed you because it's in my best interests

> Have Solana Wallet with some SOL on it (Phantom Wallet pretty good)
> Go to Raydium.io, launch app
> Enter contract address: 5Up4ZvARQt8A8oH2Z77dQZvdg4vFAv3hfe7krpnuES7a
> Press buy, confirm transaction in Phantom Wallet
> Wait for confimation.
> Drive Lambo in the summer

Lunch money still buys you millions of this shit. Only 30k mcap kek, do the math.

You can double check the contract address on dexscreener:

>> No.57314897

Use bonkbot in telegram. Easiest way to buy anything on sol.

>> No.57315043


Rumour going around the orginal erc troll dev - hunter is dev of this sol troll

I brought a bag!

>> No.57315247

The fact that you took time to help me is bearish af. I’m not buying this shit

>> No.57315290
File: 70 KB, 420x420, 1516180223558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just pumping my bags nigger. I'll think of you when sniffing coke of the ass of a trap

>> No.57315578

its safe?
raydium is shit.

>> No.57315584

Yeah, and baggies been waiting for this launch for a year. So they won't jeet for 2x. I hope at least.

>> No.57315626

Any proof? Is there a twitter/tele? Distribution looks a bit fucked.

>> No.57315765


>> No.57315845

@trollface_community that’s the entry portal on telegram

>> No.57315868

Here’s the link btw fellas https://birdeye.so/token/3qi7XMxKN2BqJDu7bAGV9gKjKi3wa95vMzQEr15uqYmh?chain=solana

>> No.57315981

It’s saying there is a 7% price impact. How do I get around that bullshit?

>> No.57316025

There are like, five different trolls on Solana. Unless there are super secret whales pumping this thing, it's not going to do much as there's no reason to choose one troll coin over another. And even if there are secret whales, it becomes a game of "can you cash out before the whales rugpull you"

>> No.57316055

This. Troll has been tried and failed so many times on solana it's actually hilarious. What makes this one different? I don't buy that the dev is from the erc version, that sounds like something every troll project says just to troll.

>> No.57316084
File: 8 KB, 150x150, 1519261966901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adjust slippage if the transaction wont go through. And just buy in smaller batches anyway. No need to scoop it all in one go. Trading on SOL is basically free anyway.

How so? It's fucking perfect. The biggest wallets are for airdrops & marketing. This got jeeted and bot sniped on launch, they all exited and everybody is now scooping this shit. Only white hands holding this now.

And the dev doesn't care about making 20$ kek. This shit def won't rug, the guy's a literal autistic kissless virgin. They don't come any more based than that. This really is the /biz/ coin.

>> No.57316147

wow, 50k?

>> No.57316153
File: 75 KB, 672x935, 1517339647220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brown hands typed this post. You fucking nigger.

>> No.57316159
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>> No.57316200

Trollana is the OG Trollface that had multiple relaunches due to one reason or another, this shit was around when HarryPotterBTC shit was first being spammed here,

>> No.57316266

> Trollana is the OG Trollface that had multiple relaunches due to one reason or another
Probably rugs. Anyways, I’m holding a small bag. Idgaf anymore

>> No.57316304

thats good or bad?

>> No.57316328

I'll play. I'm in

>> No.57316347

my God, 70k.

>> No.57316356

70k market cap right now, it only started

>> No.57316364

What marketcap did the original version of this hit at launch last year?
Convinced this project is an mkultra experiment to see how many times a group of baggies can be rugged before they go literally insane, im still holding though kek

>> No.57316366

There's so much lore to this shitcoin i really don't know where to begin but gotta commend the dev who actually relaunched this after bumbling a 30eth presale that's forever locked away a few months back

>> No.57316379

Funniest coin in all of crypto

>> No.57316400

most will overlook this shitcoin not knowing the lore behind it and the full story, a true redemption arc in the making

>> No.57316457

kek, he's the real troll.

>> No.57316475

The tg link doesn't work and the site is dead, fucking scammer pieces of shit

>> No.57316586

The new site is almost ready, as far as I know,

>> No.57316701
File: 124 KB, 750x952, IMG_1814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, I’m thinking we’re back

>> No.57316760
File: 274 KB, 708x768, 1685894244818843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ERC version of this shitcoin hit 1M back in may, do with this information as you wish..

>> No.57316792

Nobody wants to touch anything Troll Master releases. Remember when he stole $70,000? Good luck.

>> No.57316824

no he absolutely failed at rugging, thats the kinda dev you want kek

>> No.57316845

No, it's actually one you want to stay away from.

>> No.57316866
File: 41 KB, 416x416, 414932auw7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retards on beoble want me to get into this, it's so fucking retarded it might work

>> No.57316894

Unless the dev has a serious marketing plan other than posting threads on biz then this shit will just pump and dump like the 12 other trolls on sol, kek. Biz isn't going to pump your bags to 1m mc.

>> No.57317060

Is this the secret to making it? Buying shit tokens and meme tokens on sol and eth?

I’ve been on a roll this past week buying random garbage for $100 each and seeing several thousand percentage returns. Fuck this is almost too easy.

>> No.57317100

It’s the only way to make it unless you already have a couple hundred thousand you can park in a large cap.

>> No.57317118

What ever happened to mouse?

>> No.57317174

It rugged. All meme token eventually do. You have to get in early and exit before everyone else. Litteral Ponzi schemes

>> No.57317215
File: 292 KB, 1170x649, 0F5775A3-88F8-4543-8B6F-42759B26D026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it helps to have a feed of some sort that pics them up. I found Trollana that way. Pic related, a recent grab.