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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57310431 No.57310431 [Reply] [Original]

Unironically huge: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/chainlink-ccip-integrates-circles-cctp-to-support-cross-chain-usdc-transfers-302034925.html

>> No.57310441

ICP makes chainshit obsolete

>> No.57310468

>wen towncrier?
>wen DTCC?
CCIP is just the latest buzzword salad.. its so tiresome baka my head basedboy will defend them even tho they know its true

>> No.57310487


>> No.57310522

ICP makes chainshit obsolete

>> No.57310548

Oh I’m sure we are MOONING right now :^)

>> No.57310556

Chainlink makes icy pissshit obsolete

>> No.57310562


>> No.57310605

Remember when kekfuddies thought CCTP was bearish for CCIP? lol

>> No.57310614

Get a room you two!
Except it's gonna be on LINKie to get to the visitation room at the ICPoor's white collar security fraud prison.

>> No.57310621

Remember when you were suppose to have general access last year?

>> No.57310637

>Remember when you were suppose to have general access last year?

>> No.57310650

Go find them yourself faggot

>> No.57310669

I accept your concession.

>> No.57310707


Not including a timestamp because you were being an asshole

>> No.57310746

>Not including a timestamp
I'm not even interested if you include a timestamp, I simply don't give a fuck if he said CCIP would be out in 2017, I've soon held for 7 years and will continue to hold until every single fudder stops fudding or we reach $1000 there is no in between, I love the tears that has been accumulated just because I won't sell.

>> No.57310754

A cuckold made this post

>> No.57310789

You’re such a fucking cuck I want to strangle you to death

>> No.57310805

You’ll have to settle for strangling your tiny cock instead lmao

>> No.57310818

>We're aiming to have CCIP general availability mainnet ready for later this year.
Oh no, they were aiming for a month ago, now 16 days into the next year, it's so over. Already unstaking and market selling it all, thanks for your help, CCTP means nothing I know.

Please other anons ITT, makes sure NO ONE talks about CCTP being integrated with CCIP or any implication of it, divert and talk about other stuff immediately, possibly delete this thread altogether thanks

>> No.57310829

they were aiming for 2022 you mutt

>> No.57310832

>gamestop hodler rallies the troops
>there are no troops


>> No.57310849

hilarious it's already been pushed to "later this year"... Didn't they say "early '24" in one of the later year '23 updates?

>> No.57310865

>Q3 2023 update

Thanks for following the plan though, again please everyone make sure to not talk about CCTP, thanks!

>> No.57310938

>hilarious it's already been pushed to "later this year"
It isn't. It will come out soon. And you'll desperately try to divert yet again as well

>> No.57310964

Go fuck yourself

>> No.57311058

so, to be clear here, this means that chainlink created a ccip lane for usdc that bounces cctp -> ccip -> ccip -> cctp, is that right?

>> No.57311077

>You’re such a fucking cuck I want to strangle you to death
>A cuckold made this post
keep projecting your fantasies of your imaginary wife getting banged by a linkchad.

>> No.57311081

Cuckbaggie mad

>> No.57311114


dude just stop, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice...

>> No.57311146

Never heard of it.

>> No.57311176
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ChainlinkGod gives a better explanation than I ever will: https://twitter.com/ChainLinkGod/status/1747276665796100264?t=5W9X6RuBwKsZAKD6dukEIA&s=19

>> No.57311245

this is so bearish.

Chainlink up to this point has been very underwhelming.

t. og link marine with a 17,000 link stack...

im really glad i stopped this coin in 2020.

i feel really bad for all the anons investing into this coin the past few years not having made any gains....

hope. you guys really get some good price action this bullrun...

i only see link hitting 80-120 this bull, which istn that great.... to be honest...

>> No.57311279

same. 1k eoy will be nothing but a disappointment when it finally does happen. they are basically partnering with scammers, whats next, tether? great, then we can dump even harder.... just buy a peoples coin like doge and elon will poompa it to the moon this cycle instead of having to wait years and years...........

>> No.57311296

the security of usdc is contingent on circle's custodianship of reserves and on the security of this cctp off-chain api. what does ccip add to this equation

>> No.57311302

guys just look at circles official twitter.... they didnt even make their own post about this and are doing nothing but talking about some sort of wef thing. typical con artists

>> No.57311345

more security and more functionality via programmable token transfers, basically less chance of being fucked and more ways to unfuck yourself

>> No.57311356

This doesnt make any sense. CCTP was made to do cross-chain USDC transfers and now chainlink fanboys are acting like CCIP is needed. It's like if I step in shit and try to tell everyone that shit on your shoes is a necessary component to walk properly

>> No.57311357

why does chainlink make people seethe so much?

>> No.57311369

>CLG explains
You can almost hear the gut wrenching reeeeees as the kektrannies seethe and foam, desperately trying to find the words to express their hatred through their overwhelming rage. I love rubbing fudders' snouts in his balanced, informative threads. Such pleasure to be had in these moments.
Well done, anon.

>> No.57311378

>what does ccip add to this equation
Puts the off-chain API data on-chain, specifically the "token burnt" input, which is then used as the trigger for minting on the destination chain.

It's pretty much the equivalent of preventing double spending in the BTC whitepaper: one of the absolute primary keys to the entire system.

>> No.57311411
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Other way around anon - CCIP users now have native access to CCTP and through that, USDC.
Your analogy is reductive at best, and that's even if you're arguing in good faith.

>> No.57311412

ccip isnt even real or used by anybody. no revenue. just shut up already omg....

>> No.57311454

In a sea of gambles
LINK is an investment

>> No.57311474

Checked and here's Circle's tweet, verifying just that

>> No.57311503
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>now chainlink fanboys are acting like CCIP is needed
Without CCIP, you literally had to do pic related manually in order to make sure the burn on the source chain actually happened.
Because the burn attestation comes from an off-chain API, and therefore can't actually automatically trigger the next step: the minting.

With CCIP, this burn attestation happens automatically.

>> No.57311535

you can still transfer usdc using cctp, which means a corruption of circle's api would make ccip's security guarantees pointless

>> No.57311551

bullish for usdc. link token holders will never see a cent of ccip revenue or build rewards, the token is just simply not needed. kek delusional baggots

>> No.57311571

This so much. USDC to the moon!

>> No.57311573

>partnering with another crypto
stinkies really getting desperate...

>> No.57311581

anyone have CCTP volumes so we can speculate about CCTP through CCIP usage?

>> No.57311585

>you can still transfer usdc using cctp
Sure, but it's a manual process, meaning the burn/mint action can never be a part of any smart contract.

>a corruption of circle's api would make ccip's security guarantees pointless
fucking lmao this logic
Just because airports can get bombed doesn't mean we don't need airplanes to be able to fly safely, anon.

>> No.57311592

About $23.62 today in fees

>> No.57311593

as long as cctp exists it's a gaping security flaw. you may not care but I do

>> No.57311614

take my upvote friend! the chart looks much better than this pump and dump scam

>> No.57311630

Burning on one chain with the intention of minting on another chain will always involve some kind of "off-chain" component. Simply because every chain is "off-chain" to all other chains.

>> No.57311632

so how's your sex life?

Also pools closed nigger. Seethe

>> No.57311686

>sex life not needed
just like the link token! all thats needed is dreams of cuckholdery and cock cages

>> No.57311688

right, just saying that we can put in all the work to get an oracle network validating a lane, but it's meaningless if there is still an alternate lane where the mint function is connected to some centralized api

>> No.57311689
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It’s all so tiresome

>> No.57311700


>> No.57311704

so we legit the bad guys now huh?
wouldnt be suprised about an upcomming etf frfr

>> No.57311718

>an alternate lane where the mint function is connected to some centralized api
It's not an "alternate lane".
CCIP takes the data from that API and puts it on-chain automatically instead of having to do it manually.

You may not like the API, but in the end everything is easily verifiable on-chain because that's where the burning and minting happens.
There's simply no way to avoid an off-chain step (and thus oracles) when going from one chain to the next.

>> No.57311964

I'm not much into globalism, but I see Circle are at Davos

>> No.57311967

the oracle step is fine and desirable. what's not fine is creating this elaborate oracle network and then slapping it onto one centralized api that's supposed to be the source of truth for the given function

>> No.57311973

You're an idiot. What shitcoins do you hold?

>> No.57312049

A massive majority of "external data" will come from APIs, you know that right?

>> No.57312086

they are in bed w blackrock

>> No.57312413


The main takeaways I gather are that USDC is officially supported in the Chainlink ecosystem for cross chain needs, which means other cross chain protocols need to play catch up. And Circle outsourced the instruction issuing to CCIP. CCIP's main attraction is that you can write a smart contract to move X token over and interact with other contracts. Not manually move it to a bridge, and then move from the bridge to the wallet to then use a dapp.

I also speculate that CCTP maybe (this is a big maybe) made a deal with Chainlink to lower the cost of cross chain transfers of their stablecoin. Chainlink takes a cut out of the value of the token that's transferred crosschain.


>> No.57312458

the entire point of chainlink was to AGGREGATE data. if there is a single api, there is zero difference between the api owner reporting the data on-chain, and a DON doing it. this has been known since the beginning

>> No.57312538


Nobody knows or will program in motoko. I’ll say this once because the tech is interesting. To get thousands of people to adopt a new coding language they need money and have this skill transferrable to their hard skills.

Nobody outside of ICP will use or want to use motoko. The token is doomed for failure. Look up the statistics on develop onboarding with CCIP vs ICP

>> No.57312978

my guess is they need PoR to make this work

>> No.57313028

ideally yeah, circle's reserves would be checked by PoR, and mint, burn, and cross-chain transfer functions would be administered by the oracle network

>> No.57313036

Cool. Looks like I will be rich after all.

>> No.57313098
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>> No.57313163

Is this the first mainnet transaction?

>> No.57313182

No, there was early access stuff right? I forgot about that

>> No.57313539

in other words, it does nothing. The token is a fundraising tool to help bring down unemployment

>> No.57313622

>fuddy moves the goalpost
Classic. Cope seethe and dilate

>> No.57313629

>the entire point of chainlink was to AGGREGATE data
In many cases this means connecting multiple oracles to a single source of data.
Because tons of data will only ever be available from a single source due to things like legally enforced exclusivity, copyright, etc.

>> No.57314230

If you get independent auditors, it will work. For someone of this stature, the big dogs like PwC, KPMG, etc.

>> No.57314281

Based fuck bridges

>> No.57314804

ICM makes chainSHIT obsolete.

>> No.57315078

Circles and cubes? What does it MEAN?

>> No.57315200

Here's a little timeline from a watchooor for some context:
>Circle and Coindesk release a CCTP announcement during one of Sergey's talks last year (in which a CCIP announcement was expected), in an attempt to muddy the waters about CCIP/CCTP. It didn't have any effect because Serg didn't actually announce CCIP that talk.
>Jeremy Allaire goes on Twitter and fantasises about how amazing it would be to have USDC be the "cross chain gas token" for interchain transfers
>CCTP bends the knee and is integrated into CCIP.
Many such cases.

>> No.57315251

billions must bend

>> No.57315279

Is that really what happened? It's 'integrated' into ccip to save them embarrassment? Jesus.
Absolutely top kek classic. Love it.

>> No.57315419

I feel like you’re just speculating, but I really think this is true. I am curious though, has cctp just been dormant since their announcement or have they actually been doing transfers pre ccip integration? Circle getting hacked would have been an extremely bad look.

>> No.57315441

The only part that could be speculation is whether that CCTP announcement was deliberately intended to muddy the waters. It was very strange timing.

>> No.57315512

Checking their Twitter, they were announcing regular integrations for the past year. How/why would they have been doing that if they didn’t have a product without ccip?

>> No.57315528

>USDC be the "cross chain gas token"
so token not needed ?

>> No.57315533

They did have a product. They were building interchain USDC and they wanted USDC to be the interchain gas token.

>> No.57315598
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Hm ok. Well this seems like a huge win for us. Maybe we make some money this year.

>> No.57315697
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>> No.57315799
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>> No.57315969
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>> No.57315990

Kek, this was good

>> No.57316051
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Waiting for further regulatory clarity

>> No.57316273

How many SmartCons has Chainlinkgod promised to say nigger live in and when the time comes he wusses out

>> No.57316362

Fuddies are REALLY riled up right now.

>> No.57316395

Look, this kekfuddie is RILED UP!!!

>> No.57316408

if my build rewards are only claimable with kyc or some sort of digital id I WILL LOSE MY FUCKING SHIT. GIBS ME MY AIRDROPS YOU KIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.57316412

If kekfuddies knew English well enough to understand what you just wrote, they’d be SO riled up right now.

>> No.57316426

>their token is doomed to fail
>thinks we are in crypto for the tech

>> No.57316428

It’s honestly so funny though because at this point Linkies just stay silent while kekfuddies scream and cry into the void while talking to themselves. Then every time Link releases positive news the Linkies come out of hiding BTFO all the fudders and they all seethe. They seethe so hard that they have to create 100’s of fud threads daily just to prevent them from roping.

>> No.57316445
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PwC you say?

>> No.57316459

The kekfuddies appear to have retreated to their discord to plan the next raid. Expect HUNDREDS of fud threads over the next week.

>> No.57316531

Oh shi

>> No.57316634

So you "stopped this coin" in 2020 and have spent 4 years seethe posting in threads? Bro i hold this coin and i rarely come on this board nowadays. Youre either a loser or a liar.

>> No.57316921

Can we get an ETA of chainlinkgod will say nigger at SmartCon live?
>inb4 you're not a ebin LPL chuddie kiddo pools closed haha seethe

>> No.57317951

Fucking roasted that porn addicted fud fag lmao

>> No.57318023

Then program in Rust son