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File: 18 KB, 148x310, kiltorcheqd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57307702 No.57307702 [Reply] [Original]

OK, guys - let's settle this shit. I want to buy into a DID play but can't decide between these two scams. They are both 50-55mil mcap, both have fucking ugly charts, and both seem to have been funded entirely with QNT money.

The stuff Cheqd puts out about their standards and tech makes it sound superior but it doesn't seem to be getting used. I get the impression that the team, being quite young and lacking connections, doesn't have the clout to get enterprises on board?

Meanwhile the mad lads over at KILT have already scored a handful of huge enterprise integrations - household names actually using it.


CHEQ pros:
> better name
> ERC20
> a lot of confusing technobabble breadcrumbs

CHEQ cons:
> where are the clients/integrations? May just be a web-3 circlejerk, no realworld activity?
> no clear tokenomics/token value proposition
> a lot of confusing technobabble breadcrumbs

KILT pros:
> already has huge clients/integrations (Deloitte, vodafone, hapag-lloyd, energy agencies, Axel Springer...)
> clear token value proposition (2 KILT locked per DID)

KILT cons:
> weird name
> polkadot paralympic chain
> lazy community, no shilling/outreach
I don't give a fuck about anything other than which of these crapcoins is most likely to hit $1 billion market cap. That's a 20x for each of them. Wut do? KILT and CHEQ baggies please contribute.

>> No.57308776

I'd clearly go for the Scottish Rite freemason coin. My Kilties stay filthy.

>> No.57308932

??? big partnerships = a lot of money ???

>> No.57309013
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I'd hardly say that $CHEQ's doesn't have partnerships:

This one with Verida for example puts them in a good place for retail ID wallet users.

There's a whole bunch listed here that have been active for over two years - for the most part $CHEQ can just let their partners do the marketing and partnering and they can focus on the infrastructure.


Token proposition comes from burns on the network happening through each DID write, revocation check etc.

What weirds me out about KILT is that they have all these partnerships (though I didnt like the Deloitte KYC process) but the coin is just pathetic with 0 price action or excitement. Why is it so shit laddies?

>> No.57309057

subtle everest shill thread
>transferrable identification fags on suicide watch

>> No.57309134

>What weirds me out about KILT is ... the coin is just pathetic with 0 price action or excitement. Why is it so shit laddies?

To be fair I don't think either chart is that great, both had terrible launch/vesting/inflation situations for a long time and now both sit at the same marketcap. CHEQ is definitely up more from its bottom currrently (3x) while KILT is only up 80%, but did recently hit 3x as well.

There's not a lot in it, neither of the charts really catch your eye. There hasn't been any wider interest in Identity... yet.

>> No.57309187

No brainer. KILT all day. CHEQ is literally only going to get any price action because of ERC20. Other than that it's shit. Why buy? KILT is for the chads of identity. Our fearless leader Ingo will take us to identity glory. CHEQ will be our waiter boy bringing us glasses of water at the call of a bell.

>> No.57309570
File: 116 KB, 589x530, isovercopter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck the cheqd niggers we kilt them

>> No.57309763

KILT is a clever name. Tartan kilts show your identity while hiding your cock and balls, protecting your privacy. KILT DIDs do the same with your internet identity. And their DID wallet is called Sporran, which is traditional scottish accessory, a little bag (or wallet) for keeping things in. It's cute.

>> No.57310025

When Snowbridge is deployed to mainnet, there won't be any competition for KILT. Snowbridge has just been deployed to Roccoco Testnet. Mainnet deployment planned in 1 or 2 weeks.

>> No.57311033

The KILT CEO looks like a pedo

>> No.57311090
File: 500 KB, 632x564, triangle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

confirmed billionaire too

>> No.57311597

What advantage does snowbridge provide KILT? Since you can integrate DIDs without interacting with anything besides KILT.

>> No.57311891

For instance, if you'd want to verify the an NFT, that is minted on Ethereum you could do that on the KILT Parachain (Polkadot network) now.

I guess the practical feature of Snowbridge is for providing liquidity, though.

>> No.57312942

buy both
but more KILT than CHEQ

>> No.57313425

KILT is for big dicks. Only buy KILT if you have a big dick. If you don't have a big dick then buy CHEQD. CHEQD is for small dicks. Don't be a small dick.

>> No.57313448

Neither tons of naming services that are native to those specific sectors like ethereum so no need to use either of these pieces of shit

>> No.57313512

I've been sitting on this KILT bag since launch. Got fucked so hard by VC dumps it's not even worth selling at this point. This shit better rip during the bull.

>> No.57313528

John Smith spotted

>> No.57313575

I have KILT so you should probably buy CHEQ.

>> No.57313610

A naming service is just about minting an nft that can route transactions using a human readable address right? What does that have to do with DIDs? DIDs are private by default - by nature they're about proving identity without being identified. Basically the opposite of what a naming service does.

>> No.57313674

thats my thought on these too. i bet theyll never do much

>> No.57313801
File: 323 KB, 590x589, cantpump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DIDs are much more than naming service you faggot but truth to be told cuck token

>> No.57315766

Why buy either scam?