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57301210 No.57301210 [Reply] [Original]

If you have $600k-800k in savings, what stops you from quitting your wagie job for good, moving to Thailand by the beach, and just working on things like music or creating art? without needing to make any profit, so you have full creative freedom

>> No.57301223

most people want to be in a cage. when they hit an amount enough to retire they start convincing theymselves they need 3x that amount.

>> No.57301257
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>most people want to be in a cage
probably right

>> No.57301405

I left as soon as I had 60k and just traveled for half a year. Never went back.
Humans are probably designed to serve under other humans so most stay in their wagie cage and die with millions never spent. But at least they never missed a day of work and could be counted on to show up and put in some extra work.

>> No.57301496

What the hell is this thing of you retards wanting to move to a 3rd world shithole?

>> No.57301502

The tropics suck ass.

>> No.57301538

>move into thailand
>your lifestyle and behavior immediately give you away as a rich fuck
>get abducted and/or murdered or blackmailed


>> No.57301566

How to avoid this?

>> No.57301580

Probably not going to Thailand is a good start.

>> No.57301629

dress like a hobo

>> No.57301647

I unironically want to do this except it would be starting a business and being a digital nomad in Thailand..

>> No.57301657
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> moved to a first-world country from a third-world shithole
> already married
> comfy
> not an art-fag
Why would I move back?

>> No.57301676

Move to eastern Europe instead

>> No.57301677

You think I want to bring my $10,000 workstation/wacom setup to a Third World country? I’d probably get robbed and murdered in the first month.

>> No.57301680

Family, friends, wife are all in current country. If I was going to alienate all of them, I might as well just work 100 hrs/week on a personal business and get to 8 figs first.

>> No.57301687

How long would $600k-800k last you if you did that? Also would you invest it (like FIRE advocates say to) and how?

>> No.57301735

in the western world, having 100,000 dollars makes you a poorfag 1 accident away from homelessness

in the third world, having 100,000 dollars makes you the king of a harem of women with an army of mercenaries to defend you

>> No.57301746

this. I do it constantly.

>> No.57301754
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>without needing to make any profit
You need to make at least 9% of your net every single year just to break even with inflation
on top of life expenses

>> No.57301818

9% is impossible without risk..

>> No.57301843
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> in the third world, having 100,000 dollars makes you the king of a harem of women with an army of mercenaries to defend you
$100k USD doesn't go as far as you imply.
In Bangkok you'd live as middle-class for about 6 years before needing a job.

South Africa? $100k = R1.8m
Average house price? R1.4m
Maybe the Congo or Iraq will get you further on $100k USD but good luck staying alive.

>> No.57301859

You're describing me and I hate it.

>> No.57302109

Drinking yourself to death on a hot beach gets old kinda quickly.

>> No.57302142

iraq isn't poor

>> No.57302206

My wife is constantly crying because she NEEDS a 2x sized apartment than the one we're in.

When we moved into our current place 5 years ago she used to say how happy she was about our cozy little home, she was so pleased about it. Now she's depressed because "we don't have any space" (we have 2 spare bedrooms).

We're barely middle class. I could live the rest of my life in our house but she keeps telling me she wants double the space, which would mean a great impact on our finances and would destroy my business projects which I have been saving for month after month.

I'm not caving in especially since once she gets her wish fulfilled she'll want more after time passes. Maybe a house on the beach or some shit. So yeah, point proven.

>> No.57302222
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>an army of mercenaries to defend you

>> No.57302259


>> No.57302331

>In the third world, having 100,000 dollars makes you the king of a harem of women with an army of mercenaries to defend you
100k wouldn't get you very far even in South Africa.
Maybe Mali,the Congo, Ethiopia and Sudan where you will become a target for criminal groups connected to local militias.

>> No.57302340

>Not owning the Congolese militia

>> No.57302460

No it doesn't. In my country it makes you upper middle class, and with smart investing you MIGHT be able to retire on the dividends. But you're not rich.

>> No.57302550

>Not owning the Congolese militia
If you're white,those very same Congolese militia will take your 100k before gradually chopping up your body parts to make 'magic potion' for protection in battle and sell off the rest to witch doctors for extra money.

>> No.57302594
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Iraq is a third-world shithole.

Based Saffer.
Tell Malema I send my regards.

>> No.57302680

Poor people think in terms of lump sums. You need money coming in every month. Eventually a trust fund that pays monthly expenses. It’s why I have no drive to get promoted. Wow 10k more a year. After taxes it’s basically nothing extra per month. It’s just bragging rights.

If you can earn 2k a month you can live pretty damn good in a lot of the world. But 100k itself isn’t that much money in most the word. It’s just a house.

>> No.57302788

not a single tit among them

>> No.57302819

i spent a month with my gf in a studio with a single bed and i could only take two steps and that was the end of the room. she never complained. get a better wife.

>> No.57302854

It was one month dumbass

>> No.57302912

Let's see I buy food and food and food and aaaaaand

>> No.57302918

Argentina is the better option.

>> No.57303024

The japanese mispells black person, it should have an i hiragana.
And for some reason they mis-translate it as koku-jin instead of "national"
the exact nation is omitted, implying japanese person, so a black person is a japanese national??
very confused what the original intent is

>> No.57303039


>> No.57303104

Argentina is the best value for money place on earth and it’s not even close.

Anywhere poorer and it’s a third world shithole with stray dogs and undrinkable tap water, anywhere richer and it costs an arm an a leg to rent a house and eat a steak.

Argentina is the golden mean.

>> No.57303169
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True. Argentina is likely your best bet if you want to poorfag it up in a third-world country.

> t. retard doesn't understand compound words
papa-franku does not approve

>> No.57303452

What part of Argentina? Is it relatively safe or would my chances of death skyrocket compared to a high white population area in USA?

>> No.57303493


get prepared for a native population that identifies as white while being 30%+ genetically native american. they are also hostile to high % white people and you should not go outside after 7 pm.

you would do better working a job and earning enough $ to buy land in middle america, but if you cant stand to be a NEET, then argentina is the best deal you will get as a deadbeat

>> No.57303529

>you would do better working a job and earning enough $ to buy land in middle america
where? like Wyoming or Montana? it would just suck being so far away from civilization. I don't want to be a complete hermit

>> No.57303571
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> would my chances of death skyrocket compared to a high white population area in USA?
Argentina is "safe" as far as the third-world goes. It's one of the safer options in South America but that isn't saying much.

Go buy a cheap flat in Italy or Greece if you want civilization.

>> No.57303593

Most people will never come close to having 600-800k in savings...

>> No.57303609

Preferably Greece if you want to live off your savings via investing.

>> No.57303709


Greece? Greeks are dirty savages who are genetically indistinguishable from their closest genetic relative- the Turkroach.

Their women have more hair in their ass crack than a chimpanzee, and what's more they don't wipe. You know what that means?


>> No.57303710

>Go buy a cheap flat in Italy or Greece if you want civilization.
Probably will just do this, maybe also Japan, and save up for a lot of land and a home in the USA, likely somewhere peaceful with nearby mountains and then maybe somewhere by the beach. At this point, I'd probably need $5M-$10M

>> No.57303720

yeah I'd prob stick to italy/spain/portugal

>> No.57303745

Yeah but it gives you the ability to move anywhere in the Eurozone and pay 0% capital gains.
If you want to fuck champanzees that's on you.

Japan is good but 20% capital gains will hurt.
You definitely don't want to work there because the work culture is even worse than America.
I would also advise you try it first.
Most expats leave after 1-3 years because it doesn't live up to their anime expectations.

>> No.57303781
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Have you checked the Zestimate lately? If we don't buy it now we'll get priced out!
>t. Live Love Laugh

>> No.57303842

Makes you 10x your money just by being there.
Live in the communities with atleast a decent amount of western rich people and make sure to support anti crime and cartel causes.

>> No.57303947

>You definitely don't want to work there because the work culture is even worse than America.
I'm talking about moving to these places as a made man and likely only living at partial times of the year while keeping USA as my primary residency.
how do you find the communities? My biggest drawback is I don't find Thai girls attractive. I only like white chicks

>> No.57304002

> I'm talking about moving to these places as a made man and likely only living at partial times of the year while keeping USA as my primary residency.
At that point just become a digital nomad.

> how do you find the communities
Most American expat communities have an online presence but they're usually full of boomers

>> No.57306172

Not everybody is crafty and handy and shit...

But if I had that much, I would just stake them as stablecoins, nothing risky, and enjoy a small life in tropics.

>> No.57306261

I have that much, even more, and that's exactly what I'm doing kek

A few juicy vaults on Spool, a few on Beefy and I'm good...

>> No.57306780

I've been to Thailand, so I know better. Besides, better to make the money while you can cause one day you will be useless to everyone.

>> No.57307556
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are you implying that's a problem?

>> No.57307575

It depends on where you live. If you live in the countryside, 100k could last a lifetime. The third world is not as middle class as the west. There is a massive difference btn cities and the countryside.

>> No.57307646

I've already moved to polynesia like the Chads OP is talking about, what are the rest of you faggots waiting on?

>> No.57307900

Thailand is hot af for at least 6 months straight each year anon. No one wants to live here year round.