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57301026 No.57301026 [Reply] [Original]

Why are normies like this? It’s my own brother and he can’t be proud of me for starting my own crypto and it being wildly successful. I scammed people on RuneScape when I was 12 years old for like 50k gp and that means I’m a scammer now? …..

>> No.57301050

because you are a shitty person who hasn't repented. he's right. and I hope you lose everything.

>> No.57301053

He’s insanely jealous and has to cope by thinking he’s the better person when I reality that means nothing. Be careful telling people you’ve made it especially poors

>> No.57301061

My brother is a crypto scammer. I am proud of him and still say stuff like this because it is funny. Your brother didn't bully you enough for being a whiny fag when you were a kid.

>> No.57301068

>have a family member running a scam
>don't join in on the scam

men are so fucked in the head nowadays, please let me in on it, I can be your brother noe

>> No.57301078

Waging war against good people is bad for the soul.

>> No.57301091

I wish I had a brother who was into the same stuff as me and not 2 sisters and a mom who are all mentally insane turtbobitches

>> No.57301145

Because you're a psychopathic faggot that doesn't know how to make it without destroying others. He's of course right, you just choose not to see it.

>> No.57301170

do you think that reply made you look good

>> No.57301219

The scam is the fed. You're just playing by the rules the fiat system made. Playing the inflation fueled casino economy. Your brother should hate the game, not the player.

>> No.57301238

Let me guess
>meme shitcoin; likely named after an animal or the gay porn you watch
>no utility
>minimal dev skills to even build anything if you ever had an idea that wasn't total ass
>Probably built a token and website off a youtube video

If this is true then we all know this was a scam from the start

>> No.57301254


>> No.57301256

>starting my own crypto
youre brother is right, scammer

>> No.57301263

This. In my experience there’s no one more jealous of your success than siblings. My brother is a huge asshole and would be happy as could be if I was a total loser, alone, and completely poor. Needless to say I don’t speak to him anymore.

>> No.57301269

Your brother is right

>> No.57301283

How? I’m not even selling any tokens. I haven’t sold a single one and we’re up 150,000%

>> No.57301323

If my brother a crypto shitcoin scammer, I will personally doxxed him.

>> No.57301329

Selling tokens is one thing sure but do you even have the capability to be a developer? If not then you're knowingly way under qualified to have a crypto project and there's no way you don't just cave in and scam everybody eventually lol.

>> No.57301344

It’s just a dog coin bro lol.

>> No.57301359

>I can be your brother now
based scammer
Everything is vaporware or blockchains to trade vaporware. Who gives a fuck. It's consensual ass fucking. No one forces you to buy memecoins, alt coins, etc. Only a fucking retard doesn't know people buy to dump on others after a pump. People treat btc the same way too. It just happens to be the most stable

>> No.57301367

Lol I’m not a scammer. A coin was made. People bought it. No one forced them. It’s not a rug pull and the price has only gone up.

>> No.57301370
File: 21 KB, 421x464, 01BDAA3B-8C0F-409D-ABCB-BA244CC60ADF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOOOO memecoins are evil thoooo

>> No.57301379

Ik. I'm just memeing. I'm all for good and honest shitcoins where liq is locked and contract is renounced

>> No.57301443

Then how is he wrong that it's a scam?

You know you add no value to the ecosystem and are only in it for people to buy high sell low.

Maybe you will get richer then him but he knows you will have to repent yourself in this world or the next world.

It's a rigged game profiting of gullible retards. 20% of the population can barely read, let alone see a financial scam when found in an echo chamber of moonboys. A lot of desperate people are in this game, hoping to earn a few dollars to live a live they can't achieve with hard essential work.

Tbh I hold crypto but can't wait for 90% of the ecosystem to die. It's mind blowing how less new technology with real world use cases is being developed in comparison to every other tech hype. Even fucking Avalanche dumping millions in meme coins really show how fake and gay this whole market is.

>> No.57301457

Casinos are rigged. Scratch tickets are rigged. Who gives a fuck. Everything is fake and gay

>> No.57301472

It has utility. It goes up in price. That's technically a utllity and the best one crypto has to offer. Plus you to get to utilize the memes and have fun.

>> No.57301765

>I scammed people on RuneScape when I was 12 years old for like 50k gp and that means I’m a scammer now? …..

yea. people who do shit in videogames do it irl, and if they dont do it irl its because an oppertunity for them to do it without being punished simply hasnt happened for them yet.

never trust a pvp fag, never trust a scammer, always count on the erper being thristy as fuck.

>> No.57301820

If you profit off the coin at all that means you gained money from someone else.
Profiting from trading is only ethical when you're causing the price of something to approach the value you truly believe it to be worth (buying something low to cause the price to go up or selling something high to cause the price to go down).
If you know "it's just a dog coin bro lol" you know it's worthless.
You expect people to buy something that you know is worthless.
That is ethically equivalent to scamming.

Honestly get help. Until you can be honest with yourself about your intentions, you'll just be another scam artist, destined to hell.

>> No.57301839

>If you profit off the coin at all that means you gained money from someone else.
>Profiting from trading is only ethical when you're causing the price of something to approach the value you truly believe it to be worth
This is both cope and retarded low IQ logic. You had it right the first time. The rest is what you tell yourself to sleep at night

>> No.57302150

This is unironically the common midwit misconception. Efficient market processes drive accurate pricing, which protects both consumers and producers by making sure neither one gets screwed in a deal. Take something like oil for example. OPEC tries to screw the consumers in the "deal" by holding production and increasing prices. Market participants know this production hold is temporary and will start offloading inventory after the price goes up. This suppresses the price and protects consumers from spending too much. The market participants are in fact providing a service by more accurately pricing the oil.

>> No.57302328

My theory is that normies are not motivated by moral systems, but fear and envy. Your brother is envious of you starting something on your own, so he is lashing out against you.
The way to fix this is to NEVER tell someone what you're doing, how much money you're making doing it, or even that you know about crypto. They will immediately start getting jealous, asking for favors, money, etc.. even your own brothers, hell, even your parents.
Just keep your mouth shut next time.

>> No.57302364 [DELETED] 

>created his crypto

>> No.57302374

You're a fucking dunning kruger idiot playing mental gymnastics to ease the guilt. Basically you're a pussy. Also retarded

>> No.57302398

What's wrong, couldn't think of a way to disprove my point?

>> No.57302403


>> No.57302411

THIS. I would make an exception for parents, especially mothers, if you have good parents, bc they will associate your financial success with their own financial success and be genuinely happy for you

>> No.57302437

You did yourself, lol. You had it right the first time:
>If you profit off the coin at all that means you gained money from someone else.

>> No.57302476

If your crypto doesn't have any utility then how is it not a scam?

>> No.57302485
File: 20 KB, 449x479, FF703AB8-4C0A-412D-9A66-345C2033A69D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically "coin go up" is based on mindless speculation. You deciding when to sell is whatever value to give it which is 100% subjective. End of the day you profit off of others buying your bags. This is the case with every fucking asset ever. Even those with "use cases" ultimately boil down to speculation giving it the majority of the value. Pic rel

>> No.57302496

Gaining money from someone else isn't inherently unethical because it isn't inherently theft. Are you telling me if I go and give someone a gift that person is evil for accepting the gain?

>> No.57302513

Most value comes from speculation. Something having utility doesn't mean much. Here's an example. Say the "fair value" for a stock is 100 dollars. Say it's trading at 10k. Why is it over 100? Speculation. It having utility doesn't stop something from being traded speculatively. You also see shitcoins like b0nk have small utility so "it's okay!" except really no one bought it because of the utility. That's just cope. They buy from fomo of seeing "dog coin go up".
You newfags have a lot of learning to do

>> No.57302529

>Gaining money from someone else isn't inherently unethical because it isn't inherently theft.
Okay? That's my point. It's consensual ass fucking. No one forced you to buy a memecoin. It's a choice where people can participate in the casino. Simple as that.
>Are you telling me if I go and give someone a gift that person is evil for accepting the gain?
Read above

>> No.57302539

Keep telling yourself that but it won't make it true. You know you're doing something shitty and the end result will be lots of people losing money. How many people do you think would dump if they knew you were a grifting homo with no dev skills? You're misleading people and you know it. Might as well go work in a call center rakesh.

>> No.57302557

It doesn't matter what you say, if it has no utility it's a fucking scam because nothing besides morality is preventing OP from dumping his bags.

>> No.57302558

>You know you're doing something shitty
You maxis are fucking retards. A memecoin is just as unethical as say slots in the casino except unlike a casino in vegas, you at least have an actual shot with crypto. Point being entering the casino is consensual. No one forced you to gamble

>> No.57302574

>It doesn't matter what you say
>if it has no utility it's a fucking scam because
Holy fuck, this retard is illiterate. I JUST explained how utility doesn't stop something from trading speculatively and being severely overbought. You can't read for shit. You morons keep playing mental gymnastics pretending the other shit you buy, like bitcoin, isn't ultimately you selling into other people's buys.

>> No.57302606

Your explanation is just a bunch of empty words without meaning. It sounds like something a slick businessman would say in order to convince himself he's not a corrupted asshole.

>> No.57302609

You just kept repeating
>If you profit off the coin at all that means you gained money from someone else.
implying there was some wrongdoing in this. And you're saying me pointing out when it actually is okay, is wrong. Now you're saying your point is
>It's consensual ass fucking.
That is not at all implied by what you were saying earlier but fine. Let's say that is now your argument. This is fine and true if everyone is on that same page. But anytime you're trading something with actual purpose (see the oil example above) you're screwing people that actually buy and sell the product for actual use by inaccurately pricing it. If you build a coin that has no use, you are doing so with the intent to get others to buy it (to sell something useless to people).
This is unethical and you are now the one using mental gymnastics to justify it. Not sure how you can't see that.

Again, everything I'm saying is logically consistent. You won't even come out and say what you mean because you know you can't logically connect one of your stances to the others.

>> No.57302615

>Your explanation is just a bunch of empty words
Just because you're too retarded to process what I'm saying doesn't mean it's "empty words" LOL
Here is a visual example: >>57302485

>> No.57302628

I can comprehend your shit just fine, but it doesn't strike true with me and my instinct never fails me.

You're a godless creature and you will die miserable and alone unless you change your ways.

>> No.57302644

Holy shit, you are too stupid to talk to.
>you're screwing people that actually buy and sell the product for actual use by inaccurately pricing it.
dumb nigger.
1. No one forces you to buy memecoins
2. Everyone with a fucking IQ of 1 knows this shit is musical chairs
3. It's CONSENSUAL and more ethical than casinos in vegas where the house always wins and the rates are rigged
4. Something having utility doesn't mean it doesn't get beyond overextended
5. In the markets most people lose. That's the fucking nature of it. You get the bull markets where most wallets are in profit and then when it's time to cash out, 90% get ass fucked. That's how the game is played. Crypto and stocks are no different. Saying otherwise is dumbass tiers of cope

>> No.57302658

I would talk to my brother like this lol, did he beat you up when you were younger. If it was your parents, grandparents or friends then I'd understand your pain

>> No.57302661

>but it doesn't strike true
The fucking picture literally shows "it's true" LMAO. You can't even process that picture, can you?

>> No.57302684

You're acting like any of the shit you said could only be understood if you're a genius or something. Literally nothing you said was in any way, shape or form complicated.

It's a scam, buddy. Stop lying to yourself.

>> No.57302698

>You're acting like any of the shit you said could only be understood if you're a genius or something
It's common sense. That's what makes it sad. Your newfag is showing

>> No.57302710

You're the newfag for saying shitty meme coins aren't a scam.

>> No.57302724

I'm literally calling them musical chairs, lmao. You completely missed my point. Why do you think I call them consensual ass fucking? Though technically that's what every asset is only some are more stable

>> No.57302727

1. I know that's why I used the clarifier in my last post
>something with actual purpose
2. You're drawing an arbitrary line by claiming "everyone should know" but no everyone does know, and you creating the memecoin with the intent to sell is unethical regardless of whether others should know better or not. The act of creating the coin alone is an act of selling that coin.
3. Vegas casinos are consensual and have no other purpose than as a casino. Non-memecoins do have other purposes and that's a memecoin's "purpose" is (albeit hardly) ambiguous in that there are traders who will interpret it as a future currency instead of just a casino.
4. "Overextended" is a subjective term. If people are trying to price something accurately then they are acting ethically. If people are trying to overextend something, they are acting unethically. That's it.
5. Saying "that's just the nature of it" is unironically cope. Whether or not something is ethical has nothing to do with whether "people typically lose". You're just saying anything that will make it easier on you, so that you don't have to think too deep about it. If you actually put in the thought you'd see the oil example I gave above is everything. The only leg you have to stand on is if everyone agrees and accepts that it's purely a casino, which can't be guaranteed, making it unethical. It's very simple no matter how many numbers you put in a list.

>> No.57302730
File: 101 KB, 300x256, 084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you agree with me.

>> No.57302749

>I scammed people in the past, that means I'm a scammer now?
Objectively yes.
I wouldn't hold it against you because people learn from their past and move on, but you are one in the same sense that someone who murdered someone 20 years ago is a murderer.
Are they still killing people? No. Should they still be called a murderer now that they're not killing people? Honestly I say no. But people call them one anyway.

>> No.57302754

>my coin is ethical
>but YOUR coin is unethical!
kek keep coping

>> No.57302756

anyone else notice we've had like 5 cringe transparent larp threads with op's brother? where the op is obviously meant to be the one in the wrong but will insist they're not. or the recent one with the guys exgf and 50 btc? who the fuck is making all these dogshit threads and for what purpose

>> No.57302768

i mean scamming someone for pocket change in a video game as a small child isn't the same as murder or even the same as running a real scam operation. you're just smoking copium

>> No.57302772

Not sure where this argument comes from. Guessing >>57302724 is just samefagging like above

>> No.57302776

Shutup retard. OP did nothing wrong. you're all just jealous he made it and you didn't. Your coin sucks and doesnt make gains and his does. That's it.

>> No.57302795

no that's not me but what im saying is if you're calling OP's coin unethical and a scam but the coins you're holding are not scams then you're retarded

>> No.57302798

>I scammed people on RuneScape when I was 12 years old for like 50k gp and that means I’m a scammer now?
Yes. Give me my mithril helm (g)

>> No.57302805

Nigga. Please reread everything
You're a clown
1. I already explained utility doesn't mean something can't get beyond overextended and trade speculatively. Let me dumb it down further. Let's say op gave his shitcoin utility. The utility being if you buy a certain amount, you qualify for one free ass fucking. That is genuine utility. Does that magically mean it should be at a billion market cap? Of course not. If it reached that market cap for the sake of argument, it's because of speculation. You don't have a clue how speculative markets are. Utility or no utility, the ones that go up go up because of speculation aka "price discovery" aka random ass gambling and hoping for the best
2. Bitch, hot cheetos are bad for you so should we ban them? No, nigger. We have this thing called a brain and you do your due diligence.
3. You're a fucking retard. Casino in vegas = gambling. Memecoin purpose = gambling. You trying to say "b-but vegas is more ethical" is fucking retarded because the game is in fact rigged. With memecoins on the other hand, it's people betting against people instead of people betting against the house that makes the rules
4. Fucking stupid ass. When I said "overextended" I meant in the context of FAIR VALUE. For instance tesla objectively is not worth 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 dollars. That's not its fair value. Fair value is an actual term. Google it
5. I refer you to all of the above. You're a weak minded faggot that copes into thinking that you aren't ultimately the same as people that dump on others with memecoins that they speculate on.

>> No.57302810

Let's just say you know of some coin that actually does provide a service. How can you arbitrarily call it a scam?

>> No.57302816

>if you're calling OP's coin unethical and a scam but the coins you're holding are not scams then you're retarded
Fucking THIS. This is what that dumb ape doesn't comprehend. Pure cope

>> No.57302838

Something having utility doesn't magically mean it won't trade in a speculative way, dumb ape. Again, say op's coin had some random ass utility like "buy 1000 and you get one shirt for free", that doesn't magically mean that "1 trillion market cap" is its fair value, but by your logic if it had that utility, it would "no longer be a scam" LOL

>> No.57302839

>No one forces you to buy memecoins
True, but true to the same extent that no one forces drug addicts to buy meth or weed (the first time, before physiological factors come into play)
"curiosity" or "novelty" can simply be swapped out for "financial desperation" or... "curiosity".

>Everyone with a fucking IQ of 1 knows this shit is musical chairs
>It's CONSENSUAL and more ethical than casinos in vegas where the house always wins and the rates are rigged
A ethical job is one in which both parties benefit, not one at the sake of another. A laborer gets paid and the client has work done. A doctor gets paid and the patient gets treated. You can leave aside things such as labor exploitation and medical malpractice as we're discussing things in the ideal, and your version of events has the ideal at, at best, one person benefiting at the sake of another.
Skipping because irrelevant to my overall point
>In the markets most people lose.
That kind of market (and speculation in general) is bad. Yes I realize it's the nature of the current system but that doesn't change things. I'm not even a socialist or commie, the original nature of the free market had people mutually interacting for their shared benefit. Financefags are a blight upon the world.

>> No.57302857

You did good op. Don't listen to the whiny fags

>> No.57302871

A lot of cope mental gymnastics itt. You are a scammer. When you die, you will face God

>> No.57302872

This dumb nigger just compared memecoins to buying drugs. False equivocation much? LOL By that logic you can say hot cheetos is the same shit as "buying drugs" because "hot cheetos are bad for you". Casinos, scratch tickets, etc. are all the same as buying drugs, guys. Absolute midwits.
>A ethical job is one in which both parties benefit
you're stupid as hell. In what way does say a cigarette benefit you? It literally harms you, shit for brains. We should ban them though then, right? Same with beer too, right? Same with junk food since that shit is bad for your body, right? Commie shit. End of the day it's all about CHOICE. You can CHOOSE to buy any of this. You can CHOOSE to buy scratch tickets or gamble on a casino. No one forced you, fool.
>That kind of market (and speculation in general) is bad.
All bull markets are like this, newfag

>> No.57302873

Scamming someone IRL is (usually) depriving them of resources, resources they gained through the usage of their time: they work a job to earn a wage via the trading of their limited time on this earth.
Scamming someone in a videogame is depriving them of resources they earned through the usage of their time: they grinded mobs to earn gold or mats or drops through the trading of their limited time on this earth.
Some people will say "it's just a game", and to that I agree but respond in spirit with "so is the economy when you detach yourself from it".

Again I'm not personally calling you out on it, there's no need to be defensive. Lying to someone in a business contract is fundamentally the same as lying in a casual conversation, just at a different scale.
I agree with you it's not "as bad", but it's still in the same category.

>> No.57302890

>it's okay when I dump on someone because it's bitcoin, man. But op, if you dumb on someone and it's mot bitcoin, you're a scammer whaaaa

>> No.57302906

When did god say that you can't scam the shit out of everybody? And no... some dusty re-re-re-re-re-re-rewritten fag book doesn't count

>> No.57302908

You need to stop letting your emotions drive your arguments. You'll never think or speak clearly if you keep up like this.
1. Yes you're absolutely correct. Your entire paragraph can be summarized by saying nothing is ever priced accurately. That doesn't disagree with my argument.
2. I'm talking about what's ethical and unethical, not what's legal and illegal. I can t ell you've never actually thought about right and wrong beyond the law until now. Because you, like most others, only care about whether someone can be proven to have committed a crime. What it's really about is whether or not you can have a clear conscience, whether or not you're here to harm or help your fellow man.
3. Again, you're too mad to even have a conversation with. You completely glossed over the definition of "memecoin" to protect your fallacies and mimicked a stutter to troll instead of actually trying to understand the discussion and resolve the miscommunication.
4. Again, avoiding saying what you mean to protect your fallacies.
5. Again, just giving up on the discussion so you don't have to put any thought into finding out you're wrong.

I'm not saying other people trading your coin speculatively makes you a scammer. I'm saying YOU trading speculatively makes you a scammer.

If you think it isn't worth 1T but other people pump it to 1T, you did nothing wrong. But if you tell people to buy it while it's worth 1T, you are scamming.

It's all about intent, how is this so hard?

>> No.57302909

Nigger, ever hear of scratch tickets and casinos? LOL
Do you know what consent is? Do you know what choice is? Hot cheetos deprive your health. Junk food deprives your health. Free markets have them alive despite that because there's enough demand for them. Simple as that. Memecoins have demand in the form of people wanting to gamble and willingly take the bet.

Basically you niggers hate there being demand for something you don't like. That's what it boils down to.

>> No.57302916

More cope. Here's the summary:

Basically you niggers hate there being demand for something you don't like. That's what it boils down to. You WANT memecoins to be zero, but the fact of the matter is markets don't care what you want. Aka you just got rekt

>> No.57302945

I feel like you just read the words "priced inaccurately" in my post and just decided you thought you knew what I meant.

It's simple. If you intend to gain dishonestly, it's theft.

>> No.57302968

we know you bought chainlink and missed every bullrun, it's okay anon, you're still not priced out of rope at Home Depot

>> No.57302990

Don't worry. I get you need me to repeat simple shit. Here you go:

Basically you niggers hate there being demand for something you don't like. That's what it boils down to. You WANT memecoins to be zero, but the fact of the matter is markets don't care what you want. Aka you just got rekt

I'll try to dumb it down further. Just as there is DEMAND for casinos in vegas, there is DEMAND for casinos in crypto in the form of defi shitcoins. YOU can hate them, but the DEMAND for them is still there whether you like it or not. End of the day the FREE MARKET doesn't consist of a person holding a gun to your head. It consists of a CHOICE. You can CHOOSE to gamble or not. No one forced you to and your feelings won't change the fact that the DEMAND is there.

>> No.57302991

Lol genuinely wished I had bought Link. Been here since mid 2017. I'd be long gone if I had.
Again actually try to understand the miscommunication here instead of just name calling like a 5 year old.

I'm starting to think this thread is just full of people that think OP is a scammer and OP samefagging to continue lying to himself.

>> No.57302995
File: 31 KB, 657x416, how is this spam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologies for having to respond like this, but system thinks this is spam somehow, so see pic related for response.

>> No.57303016

Lol you just do not get what I'm saying no matter how many times I say it. You're still trying to argue whether or not a memecoin has value. I'm not even sure anymore if your retarded or trolling so I'm just gonna let this go. If anyone else reading this has questions I'll try to help while I'm here.

>> No.57303026


The issue is a simple supply and demand thing aka Free markets/choice. That's all there is to it. Choices shouldn't be limited based on something being "a bit harmful" because by that logic we should ban quite literally every fast food places, all sodas, all donut shops, all candy stores, etc. Free market can regulate itself (exception being drugs because that is actually harmful to society as a whole in the form of violence, homelessness, etc.).
The demand for shitcoin gambling exists. Simple as. If the free market as a whole hated them, they'd never move to begin with. Free markets make the choice

>> No.57303031

Your "logic" got debunked many times by me, but you're too emotional to understand basic concepts like supply and demand and free markets/choice.

>> No.57303046

no you can’t just break everything down to he is just jealous
if op makes money from fooling retards that’s fine in my book but it’s generally not viewed as contributing in a meaningful way
so if you make money in such a way they gonna resent you
if people see holes making millions on OF there is generally a resentment towards it
and it’s not because of jealousy primarily
they might be jealous of the money but the bigger problem is being rewarded by doing something that is regarded as wrong
and even worse if you make more money doing something like this it gives the other party a feeling of injustice

so in short if he would be jealous he wished he would be in your position which he probably doesn’t
he just resents you because you are unfairly rewarded for doing something wrong

now you could say that you don’t care about normie morality which is a fair point
but acting like it’s jealousy is just copium

>> No.57303072

> Free market can regulate itself (exception being drugs because that is actually harmful to society as a whole [...])
Have you seen obesity rates? The people are, as a whole, in fact unable to regulate themselves. It's why we have the FDA and other such things (yes I know they're largely corrupt but that happened later).
We have regulations on things already so "free market" is in fact no longer truly the case.
Side stepping sugary products because that's a can of worms, we could easily improve the quality of all food products as well as the health of the nation (and, downstream, lower medical and insurance prices) by removing seed oils from the food industry.
However, I recognize that the feasibility of what I'm suggesting is very different than the practicality of attempting it. I do not know enough of the field of finance, crypto, or anything tangentially related to say how it should be addressed.

>> No.57303073

Hi OP. Debunk this >>57302945
>It's simple. If you intend to gain dishonestly, it's theft.

>> No.57303082

>Have you seen obesity rates?
Nigger, can you read? I don't give a fuck what the obesity rate is. People did that to themselves. They gave companies the demand. They live with the consequences. Enough of the hand holding bullshit

>> No.57303093

>gain dishonestly
I already did. Something having utility doesn't magically mean it's "in the clear". I already gave 2 examples of utility and gave the tesla example with the pic too, but you're too fucking slow to keep up

>> No.57303127

>Something having utility doesn't magically mean it's "in the clear".
Again, not what I'm saying. See here >>57302908
>It's all about intent, how is this so hard?

Not sure how many times I can say it.

>> No.57303158

"Intent" is retarded cope. Factually/objectively speaking what I say is how markets trade aka speculatively.

And AGAIN, for FUCKS SAKES, people WILLINGLY gamble on shitcoins. They don't give a FUCK what the "intent" of the coin/dev is (as long as the contract itself isn't scammy i.e. unlocked liquidity and unrenounced contract).
Just how slow are you?

>> No.57303190

Dont tell your family about your criminal activities. Half the people on ADX Florence are in there cus the people closest to them snitched

>> No.57303191

Lol you're just screaming about shit completely unrelated to my argument. Just calm down, read what I said again. Feel free to post again when you get it.

>> No.57303195

"They did that to themselves" because the foods they are eating are causing metabolic dysfunction and the people who should be "responsible" are telling them that it's totally healthy.
It's like complaining about the people who took the vaxx did it to themselves. Yes, they did, but the entire point of having trusted medical institutions is to be able to trust them, let alone threats to job and employment and even possibly losing your children because of child protective services threats.
The average normie is just as stupid as they were 80 years ago. It's the food that's different.

>> No.57303222

Creating shitcoins isn't illegal, lmao. Hell even making them have genuinely scammy contracts isn't illegal. Just look at what Ice poseidon did. That was a GENUINE rug as in he stole the liquidity pool and he faced no jail time over that despite being open about it

>> No.57303257

>about shit completely unrelated to my argument.
Read carefully. You said "intent matters". I debunked that. I get you're used to your safe space in reddit, but you need to grow tougher skin here
LOL look, commie. I don't like fast food like mcdonalds, but by no means do I think going full on commie and restricting them from making their food is the way to go. You need to understand what demand is and what accountability is. You keep making excuses for genuinely bad decisions people make. It's not a company's fault if some ogre can't control themselves and just gorges down food. That's what ACCOUNTABILITY is for. YOU make the choice. YOU should face the consequences. That simple. No, a burger isn't crack. No, it's not the same despite how much you try to stretch the truth.

>> No.57303305

You debunked nothing. I'll say it one more time. >It's simple. If you intend to gain dishonestly, it's theft.
Your response to this was a strawman.
If you don't get this, I give up.

>> No.57303340

I debunked everything and you just refuse to acknowledge it
>intent again
I already addressed your "intent" copium, you tard. This is what I mean. You refuse to accept the debunks I hit you with. Either that or you're genuinely a slow person.

>> No.57303492

I will attempt to dumb it down EVEN FURTHER

Random example with random values:
Say Tesla's Fair Value is calculated at $100 per stock for the sake of argument. Say it's trading at $1000. Is utility going to save it from dumping? NO
Utility is a nonsense argument that ONLY matters if you buy below or at the fair value. If you want to play the "I'm a saint" card, you're a fucking retard because the ONLY way it is "ethical" to sell Tesla stock in this example is if you sell at or below the fair value. Why? Because selling below or at the fair value = you are buying it based on the company itself and NOT the speculative price at the time. Basically when it's trading at $101-1000 in this example, it is based on speculation meaning you're dumping on others that wildly speculated. In this example, anything at 101-1000 = trades like a random ass shitcoin meaning selling into that is the same as selling a random memecoin for a profit.

^Ultimate BTFO. Ultimate Debunk that destroys any cope of being "a saint"

>> No.57303507

Just to note, unlike the tard above, I do NOT see it as unethical to sell at "101-1000" in this example because people buying it up to those levels was CONSENSUAL. No one forced then to buy above the Fair Value. In free markets, YOU live with the consequences of your actions. No hand holding bullshit. YOU take accountability and YOU take the risk of others dumping on you.

>> No.57304032
File: 1.40 MB, 1440x1080, Donkey Kong Country - S01E03 - Bad Hair Day [1080p.Upscale.DVDRip.AC3.x264] [PepsiFli✘].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My brother is a crypto scammer
in 2020 there were two local brothers that launched a scam token that promised lambos and exotic car giveaways for a few of the token holders. I only heard about it from a friend who's mom heard about it at work - a very local.
anyway, they were fucking retarded an registered their company that launched the crypto and giveaways with an LLC whose records listed their actual house as the business address. fucking retards kek, I can't believe no one went after them after they scammed all of their token holders (-99.9% kek)

>> No.57304049

>When in reality that means nothing
Sociopathic hands wrote this.

>> No.57304194

You're no better than a currynigger.

>> No.57304364

you are absolutely a scammer
refusing to take responsibility for one's own actions is typical normalfag behavior

>> No.57305213

The ego will come up with many excuses for self preservation and to not demonize one’s self. You probably are a scammer and want to come up with some mental gymnastics about how people are holding you down, in essence you’re a nigger.

>> No.57305464

Dont worry after 2 weeks of starting your own coin you will be a scammer thats how long i give you before you give up when the price crashes to zero and stays there you will lose interest and quit which will make you a scammer

>> No.57305478

moralfag back to r*ddit

>> No.57306353
File: 28 KB, 512x512, 3940235903590235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>epic amounts mental gymnastics
Bro you're almost certainly lying to people by making them think you're a real dev with actual goals for the project beyond it being a memecoin that simply exists. Even if you don't overtly lie you're misleading them. There's no amount of coping bullshit you can do to make that anything other than immoral and scammy. Even the idiots who buy memes are generally buying under the assumption its not just some useless garbage made by an idiot with a token creation tool. They're expecting some kind of actual product delivery or utility. Unless you're flat out telling people you're not a dev and the token is useless then you're a scammer.

>> No.57306510

Judging from you Facebook bimoji you're indian so yes you and your brother are both scammers

>> No.57306596

This, and whatever money he makes he pays taxes to the fed so he his not on any moral highground.

>> No.57306612

>unfairly rewarded for doing something wrong

>> No.57307287

It'll all come back and you'll feel bad.

Can't cheat the world forever.

>> No.57307316

He is seething with jealousy.

Do you have any scamming tips? I'm an autist, which is a career killer. Don't know what my prospects are otherwise.

>> No.57307321
File: 3.25 MB, 1080x1650, PhotoCollage_1705380092732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based judenslaying brother

>> No.57307324


>> No.57307338

Because it doesn’t fit into their jewish constructed social paradigm of high status wealth. The irony being their beliefs being entirely constructed by grifting jews

>> No.57307402

If you create a scam because there is demand for them you are still a scammer. Markets don't determine ethics, neither do people.

>> No.57307407

Nigga, I'm not op and this is for you:

>> No.57307414

>Markets don't determine ethics, neither do people.
Nigger. Junk food is unethical. Casinos/lotto are unethical. They still exist. People need to stop the hand holding bullshit and learn some accountability.

>> No.57307417

Ethics are equivalent to markets in that they only exist or have value because we collectively agree that they do

>> No.57307425

I bet that guy's brother spends all day seething at junk food.

>> No.57307437

That hasn't been the argument the whole time. Of course some people will act unethically. That is not at issue. The issue is when you choose to be one of them, you must also accept and acknowledge you are now acting unethically. One example of this would be to create a dog coin knowing it will be used for nothing but gambling between people. Whether or not you rug the coin, the creation of said coin is inherently unethical because it does nothing. Even when it's just money swapping hands between voluntary participants.

>> No.57307445

>any scamming tips
Buy a machine gun. Cant meet a single person who regrets it

>> No.57307450

>That hasn't been the argument the whole time
Are you an indian? You are saying "unethical bad!" and now say "it's only bad with memecoins". Kys, inbred. You're slow as fuck

>> No.57307454

Found the neaderthal. Wage slave for life. Nene nene nene for life.

>> No.57307461
File: 902 KB, 760x596, 1665406915162969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57307477

First off I'm a different person, learn to read ids. Second acting unethically is bad in all scenarios. Selling things that are actively harmful to people or communities should not be encouraged. For your earlier example of fast food being bad I would agree, and as such would not buy stock in McDonalds even if I thought I could profit. I simply put it in the example of why this OP is clearly acting unethically. Speculating on something with underlying utility is different than memecoin speculation. When what you are "gambling on" is whether something will take off because its real world use case fills a helpful niche in society or it will take off because people think it has a funny name are different.

>> No.57307481

Nigger, anyone can change IDs. Secondly you write long winded babble like the guy above did. I already won this argument, but you want to keep on coping

>> No.57307511

>Nigger, anyone can change IDs
Is this you admitting you are the OP and were samefagging from the beginning?
Also if you could actually read I type far differently than the original person you were arguing with, I just thought I would clarify for you what is inherently unethical here. You seem to want to avoid what is being said and conflate my statements with the previous unrelated poster. The only thing we share is the knowledge that OP is scamming people and wants approval from a mongolian basket weaving forum because he is worried that maybe he isn't actually the good guy.

>> No.57307542

>more long winded babble
>pretends they aren't the only anon that was writing long winded babble
you lost. Get over it

>> No.57307565

stop using iphone faggot

>> No.57307650

Rape your brother and assert your dominance. Fuck him, what a jealous faggot. He should be promoting the shit out of it and rocking the merch.

>> No.57307670

Making a shitcoin with no utility isn't a scam, but it isn't exactly ethical, either.

I made a lot of money from a DeFi platform I created. It's been dead for two years - it failed due to my lack of experience and knowledge, even though I already had enough programming experience to be considered a senior programmer at the time.
I tried to be as ethical as possible while working on the platform, though I wish I had been willing to implement more unethical things, like deceptive website UI to trick them into doing things I want them to. Facebook, Amazon, etc use them too, so why shouldn't I? Alas, it's years too late for me to do anything.
Do whatever will leave you with the fewest regrets.

>> No.57307678

Would you say the same if he was running a lottery or something similar?

>> No.57307983

lmao at the faggots crying about it being a scam when they spend their time here willingly investing in scams to make money.

The major crime was not letting your biz bros know the contract so we could ape at beginning. Shame on you.

Drop the ticker pussy and when it gets listed on exchanges, let us know before you dump it so we can short it.

>> No.57308275

Because you are a scammer and are scum

>> No.57308300

Its true. Im wildly successful and my brother is an utter failure. Im the youngest and he was the precious angel who was give everything. Even though he is getting destroyed by me Im still indifferent to his success and dont actively root for him. If he fails I just think there he goes again, same old loser.

>> No.57308339

>I swear I don't care about him
>but he is a loser and I am wildly successful

I guess you've been told this a lot but you are just a sad man.

>> No.57308534

hey brownoid, calm the fuck down. most of us don't touch your pajeet shit with a ten foot pole

>> No.57308874

I like

>> No.57309989

Good people don't invest into crypto, anon. IF anything, they only get BTC and maybe ETH.