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57297990 No.57297990 [Reply] [Original]

okay Tether FUD loaded, 32k today

>> No.57298062

Okay just sold 100k into tether.... Oh wait....

>> No.57298098

nahh real tether fud indicates it might not hold its price

>> No.57298113
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>basically a nothingburger org

>> No.57298237

Holy shiat I just UNtethered!

>> No.57298484

United Nations? Are they fucking with us?

>> No.57298516
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>> No.57298523

the decade of cope from tether truthers has been one of the highlights in crypto
there's always some conspiracy despite everything else collapsing around it

>> No.57298920
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I am ok with collapse if there is no fundamentals, and if there is none, let the collapse happen.
But my fren, the united nations? Come on...

>> No.57298973

>identifies USDT as a prominent choice for fraud in SEA:FT

what does that mean

>> No.57298986

It means regular USD has 0 fraud

>> No.57298990
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>identifies United States Dollar Tether as a prominent choice for fraud in South East Asia: Financial Times

>> No.57299003


>> No.57299005


if Tether collapses btc isn't going to $32k

it is going below $3.2k

>> No.57299010

why would it collapse?
it's a compliment

>> No.57299011


>> No.57299018

shut the fuck up mentally ill /pol/tard

>> No.57299029

They literally print billions out of thin air to prop up the price of bitcoin kek

>> No.57299087

they used to do that
they're backed by T-bills now

>> No.57299090

of course and they'll collapse in 2 more weeks like Q said

>> No.57299098

Literally never ever proven they are backed

but keep buying!

>> No.57299106

and you keep waiting
just 2 more weeks until Tether collapses and Bitcoin dies for real this time

>> No.57299108

keep coping. they won't trap you.

>> No.57299109

independent auditors check their reserves quarterly

>> No.57299117

No they never did

>> No.57299126
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You mean, they've never been audited. That's because their first years after inception were likely very illegal. Ultimately you're wrong.


>> No.57299151

3k is the floor yes

>> No.57299171

Do you think the fed will ever be audited by the way?

>> No.57300050

3.2k? LMAO at the bulltard cope.
Its going to negative 60k, all BTC holders will have to pay the government to not go to jail.

>> No.57300069
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The NY Attorney General investigated them and settled for a small fine. You'd think they'd just let them get away with printing billions out of thin air just like that?

>> No.57300079

Do they... audit them or just "check" them?

>> No.57300096

There needs to be a $5 non-fiat stablecoin.
Just an erc20 token that holds $5. Is named something else and isn't tied to fiat directly.
>LTC? $70?
LTC is a hassle.

>> No.57300144

the mental gymnastics display is a 10/10 here.

You literally think that institutions are putting in a billion dollars of cold hard cash to the tether vaults in exchange for tether. During unprecidented bond yield rates and uncertainty, where orgs are stockpiling cash and cutting jobs, that they are doing that.

>> No.57300176
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>> No.57300185

There is.. its called link, its just depegged right now

>> No.57300705
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>> No.57300840

are you guys stupid or something? hes saying if tether went under, btc price would plummet. not hard to understand and hes right. not just btc the entire market would go under

>> No.57300899

>this is fraud
>that is moneylaundering

why can't the jews let us have fun?

>> No.57301717

anybody else notice that USDT's market cap shot up to 95 billion from 90 billion causing the market to pump and now that it's hovering around 95 billion not going up any further the market will dump when tether gets redeemed and pumped when they print it up past 95 billion again?

meanwhile the US and UN and EU are all pointing out that China, Russia, Hamas and organized crime use Tether for money laundering and scams and sanction evasion

Tether just "onboarded" the FBI and US Secret Service last month and has had to freeze millions in scam/crime-related money multiple times in the past few months. if you can't see the writing on the wall, that Tether is going to be killed by regulation triggering a panic that will likely Ripple outward and cause the entire market to be burned into ashes then you are blind and have no eyes to see.

the question is, which cryptocurrencies will rise from the ashes like a phoenix?

>> No.57301815

Oh come the fuck on now. More Tether fud in 2024?
Even Coinmetro trades Tether now

>> No.57302321

>the block
didn't they try to FUD the ETF approval?

>> No.57302377

>USDT is backed by drug trafficking and criminals
Ironically a more solid backing that the real dollar

>> No.57302735

>actual, unironic Tether fud
Absolute bullswitch signal

>> No.57303050


>> No.57303071

like it's any different

>> No.57303176

you xrp cucks are retarded. keep bagholding