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57298099 No.57298099 [Reply] [Original]

>talk to any normie about BTC
>they all have the same lie
>"yeah, I had BTC in 2009, but I lost the password"

why lie?

>> No.57298174

I talked to a lot of normies and never heard any lies like this.

>> No.57298205

ive heard this story so many times and its always some guy whos net worth is that months rent.

OP is not wrong

the funniest part is its always like 2008. "wtf are you satoshi or something? you must be satoshi or something"

>> No.57299508

lots of people downloaded the primitive gui client and played around with it for 15 minutes, some mined, some got a small amount from faucets.

i was in high school and wanted to buy weed on silk road when btc was around $10, but i had no way of buying because sellers wouldn't use paypal due to chargeback fraud.

>> No.57299533
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, IMG_0328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually did have BTC though, 15 actually. I “lost it” because Silk Road shit spooked me enough to get ride of it all because I had just graduated college and didn’t want to fuck my career aspects up.

>> No.57299619
File: 244 KB, 792x1178, MV5BNzMzODVjMWUtYmIxZS00NDlkLTlmNTktNjI5NTdhZjUzYzY1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTQxNzMzNDI@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I add 5 from faucet.. but i was barly understant gmail at the time so a seed phrase and dowload a blockchain was the most stupid thing for me for a thing at 0.10$

>> No.57299886

Sounds like things haven't improved much for you since then

>> No.57299939

I had some too. It was just 30 bucks BTC at the time, but I know it's worth more than I've ever held since. I don't remember exactly what percentage of BTC it was. I got into it again in 2017. I would've still been able to access it, but I used a university email at the time. They deleted my email. I'm hoping I still have the password and username written down somewhere, but It's like excavating ancient history for me.

>> No.57301510

see what I mean? same lies

>> No.57303145

what's the lie? i mined dogecoin on a radeon 7950 during the first real crypto bullrun and bought 1 bitcoin after the crash from 1000 to 500. it was a lot of money for me at the time.

>> No.57303185

I heard about it in 2010, at that time all I cared about was video games. Didn’t look into it until 2015 but had no money at all until 2017 but by then it was too late. Finally bought the bottom of 2018/19 and I am up 800% on my initial

>> No.57303249

My brother has 20 btc lost on an old pc hdd. Bought them to trade on ebay when btc was in its infancy. Probably only cost 1$ each. But no one would accept them.

>> No.57304102
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I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I even knew the existence of BTC back in 2010 and still didn't hold any a decade later, let alone lose access to my actual wallet holding BTC.

>> No.57304128

>entire thread is full of people who still insist on pretending they had and lost it
That's surprisingly pathetic. For every retard who lost btc from 2009 there must be dozens of people who didn't so where the fuck are they? Most people don't lose their passwords in just a decade

>> No.57304747

talk about btc to people on reddit and beoble. thats where you will find your sentiment.

>> No.57305486

people lost their wallet files because it wasn't worth anything at the time. even if you thought it was the future it was delusional at the time to think it would be where it is now.

>> No.57305745

It's funny when people say they lost their seed words from year 20xx, from when wallets weren't made from seed words yet and were just collections of private keys.

Or they say they bought 100 BTC in year 20xx with their pocket money, you look up the price that year and it was already over/around $100.

>> No.57306377

I thought your BTC wallet was stored on your PC hard-drive, but you couldn't simply back it up by copying the wallet file to a USB stick?

>> No.57306417

when i think about how my life could have been different if i made better decisions with the chances i was given i get all clenched up inside with anger but there's no point to holding on to regret so i try and let it go

>> No.57306503

I almost lost a bunch of doge I mined way back when it was first created. Took forever to recover, had to download the whole goddamn blockchain but I was able to sell at the tail end of that elon/plebbit pump. Made like $20k off it. I think it was worth only a dollar or something when I mined it kek.

>> No.57308288

i never lost a wallet, but one of my knucklehead buddies lost his dogecoin one from 2014 and asked me how to recover them when the elon thing popped off.