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57297511 No.57297511 [Reply] [Original]

Should I leave my parents house to go rent an apartment in the ghetto for cheap?

>> No.57297554

What is your income? What do you do for a job?

>> No.57297563
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If you have a handgun or can get one, then yeah. Just don't leave home without it.

>> No.57297575

the answer to moving out is literally never unless one of the following is true

1) you can afford to buy a house
2) your parents are extremely annoying to live with
3) the place you're moving to is a much better location than where your parents live
4) rent would cost less than 20% of your wages
5) you are moving in with a gf together

>> No.57297606

I make about $4100 a month
I have a few guns
I just don't think I'll ever be able to have sex living at my parents

>> No.57297630

you can move in with but only if we can make out once in a while, no homo ofcourse

>> No.57297667

No. If you have to ask this, you're gonna get robbed. Work, save your money for a couple o years and get a good work record. Use the money to downpayment buy a small 1 bedroom outside of the city but within 20 minute drive. Try to get one that even if you lost your job you could find enough money to make payments mowing lawns or walking dogs.
Don't rent. You should consider helping your parents with bills, however, learn what it takes to keep their house so you can be ready for your own.
Don't rent, and especially not in the ghetto.
Seriously, you can have enough to downpayment on a small house in 10 months. Maybe not where you live, you might need 20 months. Your guns will only be stolen when some honkey does a B&E on your shit, and if you draw on some nog, you'll just start beef if you don't shoot, and if you do you'll go to prison.
You shouldn't be having sex with your partner until you're married, you have a thing called pairbond, and if you ruin hers, and yours, you will just harm yourselves for the rest of your lives.
And no, I'm not kidding, and yes, I can tell you by looking at the people in my highschool and their relationships. The ones who were fucking around have all divorced or are severely fucked up on drugs, and the goodies who waited until they married their high-school or college love are sticking it out, with smiles and happy families.
Also, seek Jesus, do it before you're old and dumb.

>> No.57297669


>> No.57297747

>rent an apartment in the ghetto for cheap
This. Diversity is our strength.

>> No.57297832

I did this, it's worth it if you parents are draining your mental health and energy.

you can love them and they can be wonderful people but 50+ people tend to get emotionally retarded and be kind of a pain to live with.

moving to the ghetto is also cool because you don't lose your edge, keeping your edge by seeing watching you back any time you go outside is good. I say this without irony.

>> No.57298450

>50+ people tend to get emotionally retarded and be kind of a pain to live with
thats because the purposefully act retarded to get you out of the house and into making babies. they dont want you to be successful. just want you to create another slave.

>> No.57298476

No. Save up instead and buy crypto