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57286158 No.57286158 [Reply] [Original]

tf do I do

>> No.57286169

Lol newfag you should know you don't talk about it to normies.

Just make a separate wallet with like $125 of dogecoin and tell her that's it

>> No.57286174

at least you have a gf, i lost mine worrying about making money shitcoining

>> No.57286179

tell her she should get on her knees to ask you to marry her and then you say no. problem solved

>> No.57286185

tell her "not your keys not your coin"

>> No.57286197

>You have no gf
>You have a poorfolio/nocoiner
>you will never be a real woman

>> No.57286228

Kek I did this before too.

>> No.57286318

Tell her your finances are your own until she is numbered among your possessions as is signified by a wedding band upon her finger and her family name being your own.

In other words, there is no "our" until you belong to one another by marriage.

>> No.57286328

>complaining about having a GF in this day and age
blind retard

>> No.57286330
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I’m so fucked. She knows I’m holding close to $500k in doge and various alts.. today was the first time she acknowledged our situation because Doge went -20% over the last few weeks. The context is she said “we need to sell half” to “secure our crypto”

>> No.57286345

if this isn't a LARP, leave her

>> No.57286381

topkek "our crypto"

>> No.57286390

"our boobies"

>> No.57286440

the old dogewallet pussy trap

>> No.57286449

Find out what laws there are for a defacto relationship. In my country if you live with someone for 3 years that's the same as marriage. End it before then.

She's probably just hanging round for your crypto, find another gf that hangs around for like $80k crypto. But no use getting rid of her yet if you're well off the defacto threshold

>> No.57286498
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ahahhahhah i hope it is larp

if not, leave her and don t mention crypto to the next one.

>> No.57286539
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You know what to do

>> No.57286658

My woman doesn't know about my crypto. I remember this one time she wondered if I had anything setup to take care of her if I pass away. I said "babe, dont worry... This is my key to my security deposit box it has everything you need if I pass away" and to my surprise she was relieved... Then I skipped away like it was nothing.

>> No.57286755

>Just make a separate wallet with like $125 of dogecoin and tell her that's it
Literally what I did lmfao

>> No.57286788

shes right anon you are gonna feel silly holding those bags. listen to your woman. also tell us about her butthole so we can help you navigate this situation carefully

>> No.57286948

a frank conversation about finances is in order
>>57286318 along the lines of this anon's post

>> No.57287605

this kek

>> No.57287791
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>young female even knows about "crypto"
Red flag.

>> No.57287835

>walk over to gf
>tell her to look at you
>stare directly into her eyes and soul
>tell her matte of factly "its only my crypto."
>ignore her attempts to argue and fight and just repeat "its only my crypto."
issue solved and you established male dominance. why this isnt your first thought idk but you now have a solution to the problem. the rest of the thread is just a waste

>> No.57288803

and tell her to make her own wallet

>> No.57288814

Be a man and either marry her or stop the relationship

>> No.57288833

Run for your life.

>> No.57288844

>tf do I do

>> No.57288851

My wife is fully aware I have about 50k invested in crypto.
However the cold storage location & access key locations are unknown to her.
We got married in a separation of property regime (idk how its called in english lmao) so se has no rights to anything I own.

>> No.57288855

He won't, all she done was present her hole and she got $250k in crypto coming right into the bullmarket

>> No.57288861

that's dumb, if you die in an accident that will be burned instead of going to her

>> No.57288868

It will be "our crypto" or her uncle will have you suitcased, pendejo

>> No.57288874

Does she have anything setup if she passes or does she just assume you'll get a younger prettier one

>> No.57288882

you obviously failed the first rule of wealth having.

>> No.57288884

I guess I could always make a will leaving everything to her just in case.
Should I include locations & keys/passwords in the will or its a risk? (thinking about the person redacting the document being a smartass and taking it for itself) How is this usually managed?

>> No.57288909

you should but I don't know the best way to do it, I don't use cold storage myself. If it gets over $200k I suppose you'd need to talk to a lawyer, there might be a way to tell her the seed phrase but if it ever goes missing you can sue her or something

>> No.57288918

Also "buy low, sell high" when you dump her

>> No.57288999

Why and how she knows you holding?
Never ever tell anyone about your crypto/stocks. It always backfires.

>> No.57289034

I tell me mum so she knows I'm not losing it all gambling or something

>> No.57290015

cash out.
if it goes down, she leaves you, because she thinks you're worthless.
if it goes up, you tell her you cashed out january 2024, she leaves you, because she thinks your decision-making is worthless.
in either case, the real problem is gone

>> No.57290352

Use a safe or use some other form of long term storage, put the way to access it in the will. Don't mention in the will what is in said storage.

>> No.57290370
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Make her understand you have ALL of the power. Make her beg for mercy. Make her pray for your forgiveness.

Show her the power of Sneed.