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File: 505 KB, 525x564, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57285229 No.57285229 [Reply] [Original]

i live in a place where minimum wage women are pretty but im scared to ask them out.
i always tip 20$ / 30% and they remember me, but i just leave without striking up a convo

any tips biz?

>> No.57285241

>tipping 30% so they notice you

>> No.57285252

20% minimum or 30%

>Verification not required.

>> No.57285272

my strategy is get to where you are first name basis and than ask her out preferably when she is not busy. Asking out a worker is hard mode most likely going to say no unless you build up some sort of rapport

>> No.57285282

be brave
look good
Smell good
Sound good
Feel good
bring some game.
probe subtly for info, status, feedback, give and take, reciprocation
use your senses to gauge the acceptable depth of your advances
The human body is equipped with sensory receptors that can detect sexual emotional energy, excitement, fear or attraction

>> No.57285288

Minimum wagie cuties are the best

But you want to ask her out either same day you see her or the next time you come in. Constantly going to their place of business to see her day after to day to one day ask her out is cringe. They notice and it’ll creep them out.

>> No.57285302
File: 310 KB, 1052x789, f4eb1bf9b290516a2c4383e756f8cddd8eb3ea2f92b88c01c2549989d6068351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unless she's below 19 she's going to have a min age mindset and isn't worth your time.

but tipping is cringe. the chad move is to not tip then ask her our when she confronts you about it

>> No.57285305

Tell them you have big PP. Then strut, women love when you strut. Throw random change at strangers to show you aren't afraid to spend. When you sit to talk to her, turn the chair backwards and sit on it wrong. This means you're cool and don't follow rules, you are a rebel. A rebel with a big PP. Then enjoy the sex.

>> No.57285334

In the past I’ve done this with waitresses and strippers. Usually you need to dress in a way that she’s attracted too. Also make sure to tip well always. As she gets to recognize you as the guy that tips well she’ll become more friendly with you as a customer. That’s when you start to strike up casual but personal conversations to get her comfortable around you. Start cracking jokes and ask her how her weekend was, how work is going, just dumb bullshit that allows her to open up to you. At some point you need to move past being the customer, do not ask her for her number at this point, she gets asked for her number by strangers all the time. Instead let her know you’ll be at some local event or even just hanging out at a bar late one night and ask her to join you. If she says yes you’re golden, if she says no don’t sweat it and just continue to be the good tipping funny customer for a while she may not be ready. If she meets up with you at the public place that’s when you want to get her number as you have now solidified yourself as a person of interest in her life.

>> No.57285342
File: 270 KB, 1024x1024, 1703425161936874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scared to talk to women.
I think I found the problem.

>> No.57285343

but what if shes always busy?

>> No.57285355

waitresses 'date' cooks, chefs, and their managers. That's about it. They definitely don't date customers. They're getting plowed every day in the storeroom or walk-in. Not interested in you.

>> No.57285438

I kek'd but this is unironically what pickup artist wannabe's think will get them laid

>> No.57285444

My roommate in college left a note for a waitress at a favorite place we ate at a couple nights a week. The manager left a voicemail on his phone asking him to call him. He never went back for the year and a half we lived down the street. I kept going once a week.

>> No.57285496

It's too late, he didn't ask her out within 30 seconds of her seeing him. It's over for op

>> No.57285511

KEK, thought of chubby, insecure OP sputtering to girls who'll only ever view him as a regular fixture of a low-paying job they can't wait to leave.

>> No.57285550
File: 1.90 MB, 498x280, cosplay-comic-con.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've asked out two girls this month at coffee shops and one at a chipotle. They were close to my house or work and I'd be seen them a couple times. They were all smiley and had probably seen me before. I just said "you're pretty, wanna grab a drink sometime?" Two giggled and gave me their number. One giggle and said she was seeing someone. Do it when it's not busy or towards the end of shift. Coworkers being around is fine because girls like that but other patrons isn't helpful

>> No.57285561

She could ride my space channel

>> No.57285841

Then she’s not interested and you move on. A woman that is interested will find time to hang out

>> No.57286637

Just ask them out, the worst that could happen is they say you're ugly laugh at you, encourage their friends to laugh at you as well as the customers nearby, you lose access to the shop they work at but also all the shops nearby because word spreads rapidly about "that one ugly guy" (which they all know means you because you're the ugly guy).

>> No.57286691

Stopped reading when

>> No.57286836

pretty good advice. there are autists on here that won't pick up signals. girls are less obvious than we are. they'll stand in your vicinity and wonder why you don't ask her out where we just stare at them and do weird stuff with our eyes lol.
for you autists:
see: >>57285444
checked btw
be careful esp if you're not in a big city doing this. don't make your daily breakfast place awkward trying to get your penis touched.

>> No.57287090

I've dated several women in my life (been married 10 years with a kid now). One piece of advice i heard somewhere, that has been a GODSEND when talking with girls.
When a girl is taking with you, you actually don't have to pay attention. You simply need to respond to the last word she said with a question mark. That's it. She will think you are so into the conversation into her you mean while you can be thinking about whatever. I use this tactic my entire adult life and I still do it with my wife from time to time. It comes in very helpful on a first date, in a bar, in a car.
Anyway for what it's worth I thought I would share that tidbit with you. This board was good to me a couple years ago with some advice so why not give some anon out there some hope.

>> No.57287169

>I really like to cook, anon!
So you like to cook, eh?
>yes, I do anon!
You do?

>> No.57287337
File: 124 KB, 281x252, a1e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does she know you're an anon?

>> No.57287345

She's a literal goddess. I can only imagine how many marriage proposals she got from rich men after these vids went viral. I don't even get why beautiful women like this exist when they can just sit back and collect 10k per month from a rich simp

>> No.57287355

This is such bullshit. If they get a chance to exercise hypergamy ofc they will. So many women especially poor zoommette wagecucks want to be saved.

>> No.57287425

How big of a deal breaker is bad teeth? I'm tall and have good hair but my teeth are fucked.

>> No.57287794

There's a 90% that they are on tinder... just hit the whore up on there.

>> No.57289048

Because you have to understand one thing there are 1000 of pretty girls but few rich men

>> No.57289095

post video

>> No.57289118

>grab a drink
I don't go to bars or eat out much so what else works? The phrase "grab a drink" doesn't even provide a clear mental image of a place or situation, it's entirely foreign to me.

>> No.57289161

> How does she know you're an anon?
The autism gives it away.

>> No.57289207

Womrn are never "busy", anon.

>> No.57289603

Literally everyone on /fit/ eat chipotle, my low t friend

>> No.57289604

You're so retarded and sheltered you can't even comprehend that it can mean coffee too

>> No.57289642

I do something similar with my wife
She talks so fucking much and yet conveys so little information

>> No.57289725

you would just say "get a coffee" in that case. is that cliche really the only option

>> No.57289741

No you're actually just retarded an a basement dweller. It literally keeps it open to do either.

>> No.57289746

I wouldn't go to a bar tho so there's only one option

>> No.57289778

Brush/floss them shits. Having crooked ass teeth can be forgiven, but having brown teeth and stank breath is the kiss of death

>> No.57289780

She probably wants nothing to do with you and asking her out is just going to creep her out. Why would she go out with some random incel who came into her work one day?
>b... but she's always so nice to me
She's paid to be nice to you, doesn't mean anything

>> No.57291015

I like how despite the backdrop, the artist decided rapunzel should be wearing shoes. It's a kid's film, after all.

>> No.57291030

i know some dudes with horrible teeth. rotten, they still have gfs tho.

>> No.57291253
File: 38 KB, 1320x339, 1704914359040107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just tickle her