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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 110 KB, 1080x1185, IMG_20240113_062505_577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57280246 No.57280246 [Reply] [Original]

>changed color
>changed the ticket
>always fooling people
Falling on the first mat is ok.
Falling on the second mat is stupid. And what is it about falling on the third mat? Kek

>> No.57280425

One of the most pathetic shitcoins ever hard shilled on this board hands down.

>> No.57280518

What the fuck does this mean.
Just threw a few hundred bucks at this shit but using the old ticker.

>> No.57280573 [DELETED] 

Ahmed and jeet the telegramkikenigers lying again because poya fuked them in their punanipoo yaa

>> No.57281233

It means he got no arguments against kns except empty fud kek.

>> No.57281248

You bought a scam, congrats

>> No.57281375

Ahmed and jeet the telegramkikenigers lying again because poya fuked them in their punanipoo yaa

>> No.57282798
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>low IQ fags on /biz/ hates a coin
>HUGE fucking buy signal
juz sayum cuz

>> No.57282848
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It's not too late to grab a bag OP

>> No.57282859

so do i have to migrate my shit now or?

>> No.57282887

if you are running a node you are comfy af

>> No.57282897

Is there a guide on setting up a KNS node?

>> No.57283074

The fud I see all the time on this makes me want to buy it.
So....how do you buy it?

>> No.57283177

Go to
and bridge over some ETH if you don't have any on the ARB network

Go to Uniswap and trade the ETH you put on the ARG chain for token

Then sit back and listen to the LINK shades bitch and moan.

>> No.57283214
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There is a link to the announcement about the token change right there you retard.

>> No.57283229

It’s on the website docs, or jump in the Unchained channel on the TG

>> No.57283266
File: 90 KB, 750x1000, IMG_20240104_180714_863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you wanted to be taken seriously you'd move off BSC too.
>dropped the taxes and gimmicky tokenomics
>new token has an actual use case
What's wrong with that exactly? It sounds like an improvement to me

>> No.57283280


>> No.57283551

>we aim to increase token value
Nice unregistered security pooyajeet. Very cool

>> No.57283583
File: 223 KB, 1024x1024, EE1E56B6-2E24-432D-89A1-57EABCEE96E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorfags will stay poor, kenbros makingit

>> No.57283668

we aim to increase individual token value

There is a big difference kek

>> No.57283683

Cope streetshitter

>> No.57283689

do i need to migrate or do anything?

>> No.57283694

It was airdropped. Just add contract address to your arb wallet

>> No.57283733

thanks brosef. any chance i can still sell my deprecated tokens to some suckers? i did that once with some other migration lol

>> No.57283738

There is almost no liquidity, you might get a few sheckels but nothing significant anon

>> No.57283740

The Japanese are honorable people. Would they actually scam you?

>> No.57284397

The samurai would never
Nor would the swiss

>> No.57284399

Kenis :D

>> No.57284460

Pooyajeet isnt swiss or gook

>> No.57284477

More Swiss than you are

>> No.57284536

>A pig was born in the horse enclosure it's a horse now

>> No.57284591
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>LINK shades bitch and moan.
I have both though. Im comfy

>> No.57284659
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Bouncing rn, bullish

>> No.57284683
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>> No.57284700

i dont see any transactions or new tokens in my wallet. debank is still showing the proper value though

>> No.57284751
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Scam KNS

>> No.57285222

no, i still have my kns and its still worth 3x what i paid for it. i just dont have the NEW kns

>> No.57285244


>> No.57285985
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Mind gets blown daily in the tg

>> No.57286042

Kek surely banks are willing to buy some JavaScript shit made by one man team :DDD

>> No.57286068

It’s not a one man team you tard

>> No.57287087
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People who FUD this are literally retarded
You deserve to be poor you retard

>> No.57287473

So can I get a quick rundown

>> No.57287479
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>> No.57287484
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Lmao this shit is going to 50 cents

>> No.57287488
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>> No.57287597

Founder who does multiple things? Bit bearish

>> No.57287635

Just checked their telegram and this nigga posts daily wallpaper instead of devving

>> No.57287807

You clearly didn’t check the TG then. Spend 10 mins in he Unchained channel and you’ll shit yourself. Dude is an absolute weapon. He took a break on Xmas day and that was it.

>> No.57288739

$1 per KNS is inevitable

>> No.57289406

1$ is fud

>> No.57289878

>advertisement on 4chan
>banned by jannies because they know it's a scam

Yeah I'm thinking scam, everyone can code up some meme network and pretend they have a working product, jannies, please ban "KNS" too.

>> No.57290443
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Can't wait for this to get to $100m mcap. You fudsters will cry and seethe while I eat out at expensive restaurants.
Ha ha fags

>> No.57290609

Why? Are you retarded? He didn't say anything of value which figures because he's low IQ jeet

>> No.57291181
File: 89 KB, 908x941, 1704468762612222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't check the tg
>doesn't read the site
>he's le stoopid REEEE
You a gnome? Lol faggot, no one believes this and you won't get a better price entry

>> No.57291215

Actually I read what matters which is the github where absolutely nothing is going on. Again you are a retarded shill

>> No.57291223

The team is working on unchained daily, always updating it. Stop lying faggot

>> No.57291233

Good job proving you can't read code. Commits don't mean shit. Code does.

>> No.57291246

Commits are usually made when the code is updated or changed in some way. Fucking retard. What are all the commits for then? Adding notes? They are literally upgrading Unchained daily.

>> No.57291283

Go read the commits retard

>> No.57291327

not buying your blatant indian scam coin

>> No.57291347

It's hilarious when you go read the code and see it doesn't do jack shit. The team doing daily updates is one streetshitter commiting version bumps and shit like that

>> No.57291423

Please, enlighten us as to how he's not improving the code and just bumping commits just to say they are upgrading things instead of actually upgrading the network.
You can't deny that they are making the network more stable and getting it closer to release.

>> No.57291480

I literally just went and took a look. The second last commit as of the writing of this post has 107 lines of code added. 107.
Fuck you you lying faggot

>> No.57291503

>as of the writing of this post
fucking indians i swear

>> No.57291536

I'm white. And that sentence makes sense. Nice try though

>> No.57291602

it's the phrasing. also post hand

>> No.57292024

anon you just have to start scrolling these posters. bad faith angry losers, crabs in a bucket. he will buy probably around 10c and then repeat the same things when it dips to 7.5c

>> No.57292115

At this point I think it’s clear that anyone calling KNS a scam is just getting on the bandwagon and hasn’t even looked at anything to do with it.

>> No.57292123
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>> No.57292271

Did he ever claim to be swiss? They're simply operating out of Switzerland. That's where the crypto hub and lax regulations are

>> No.57292402

Seriously this is one of the most promising projects at the moment, let's see if they can do all they want to

>> No.57292651

The team is working non stop. This is only starting to become known. Take that into consideration

>> No.57292765

Ezpz big stack choice for the inc run

>> No.57293106
File: 70 KB, 429x600, Relena.Peacecraft.600.419938-1376921632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the team is taking questions and talking more about the CEX listing on Tuesday on their twitter.

>> No.57293701

Chainlink did that though, it's literally just a parser

>> No.57294243
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Pump tomorrow

>> No.57294436
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Get a load of this faggot.
One guy made Minecraft and became a billionaire. Shit fud

>> No.57294882

When more people on CT find out about this, it will be flying. 2024 is the year of the kenis.

>> No.57294902

“Swiss army knife” is alpha

>> No.57294931

You mean Jason Parser, the original developer?

>> No.57295465

Inflooooensors are starting to notice. This is primed for a huge year. It's one of those buy a bag and hold plays. It's a low cap bluechip.

>> No.57295801
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>> No.57296048

indian scam

>> No.57296292

Get a load of this faggot. You again. Fucking gnomes I swear I'll squash you if I see you in public you little goblin

>> No.57296380

Gnome bought at ATH and is seething

>> No.57296603

Ur so a raper

>> No.57296714

It is

Tech illiterate people who have trouble with basic arithmetics... Hm, should I care a lot about their opinions?

>> No.57296740
File: 30 KB, 424x448, photo_2024-01-13_18-12-52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le smart man
>It's 1 guy!!! I swear!!
>doesn't look at the CODE and what they're building
Opinion discarded

>> No.57297418
File: 76 KB, 860x573, IMG_2038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s it Ken Chad, that’s it

>> No.57297659

Yeah the day I buy something from a pajeet that graduated in fucking IRAN is the day I off myself
His LinkedIn also reads like a joke

>> No.57298276

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

>> No.57298496

How do you buy it fuckers? When I try to swap my ETH to KNS @ uniswap it says not enough liquidity!

>> No.57298529

bridge your eth to arbitrum network using this site: dln.trade or any bridge you're familiar with. Or withdraw directly through arb network to your uniswap wallet

>> No.57298861

Your loss buddy, this guy even created his own programming language. Let's see you follow suit

>> No.57298892

I bought it using Binance Web3 Wallet's swap function. Was incredibly simple.

>> No.57299435

The difference is that I will be rich with multiple properties and eating at fancy restaurants not caring about money at all, while you will still be here with your stubbornness posting pink wojaks in a year.
I will laugh at your expense.

>> No.57299828

I just came on a printed KNS logo and my cum turned green. Is this a sign from the gods?

>> No.57300014

Ken she

>> No.57300477
File: 75 KB, 1730x1414, JEEEETS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

their unique customer be like
nice try

>> No.57300620

Wtf does this mean you nigga

>> No.57301071
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>> No.57301234
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That he she or prolly they/them can't use other sites than chan xD