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57281447 No.57281447 [Reply] [Original]

What coins did he hold?

>> No.57281457

What did he do?

>> No.57281463

I don’t see how that affects you. Why do you care?

>> No.57281476

he tried to hold ICP on release day
diamond hands

>> No.57281478

XRP, toxic schizo bags

>> No.57281481

Furry detected

>> No.57281533

Probably put his hands in dry ice to have paws

>> No.57281557

GME. The company literally cut off their hands and some morons are still holding those bags

>> No.57281564

interesting to see how they both have child molester phenotypes. really makes you think.

>> No.57281607

hes coping thinking about all the fisting sessions they'll have

>> No.57281609

Its how they reproduce.

>> No.57281965

If memory serves this was around 2017 it was intentional and posted on some gay forum where he had frozen his hands and cut circulation with his boyfriend to fulfill some disability kink.
Homos are all mental cases.

>> No.57281966

What the fuck is wrong with this site

>> No.57282134

let people enjoy things

>> No.57282176

Yep, and globohomo zionist society keeps enabling them.

>> No.57282292

Looks like a LINK holder to me

>> No.57282503

Enjoy having their hands amputated? This is the height of mental illness.

>> No.57282899

Anyone that brought a kid into the world at any point in the last 10 years is the real mentally ill.

>> No.57282956

well. no.

>> No.57282969

He cut off circulation to his hands to turn them into "paws". It was so e of the dumbest shit I've ever seen
Try this but with your neck

>> No.57283078


>> No.57283096


>> No.57283323

not disagreeing but what exactly is a child molestor phenotype? Does the bald patch factor in?

>> No.57283334

You think hands are the peak?
Buddy, wait till you hear that people have been chopping off their johnsons.

>> No.57283354

lol can you anti-natalists just fuck off. if we survived the black death i think we can survive some faggots doing faggot stuff

>> No.57283355


>> No.57283363

mental illness

>> No.57283366

Was a faggot

>> No.57283403

good lord

>> No.57283411

pale, shaved head, unkempt appearance, not a hideous face but definitely off-putting. the one with hands is fat. visibly double digit IQ.

>> No.57283680
File: 54 KB, 772x960, IMG_8171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He cutoff circulation and plunged his hands into dry ice, so he could get them amputated.
He wanted to have prosthetic paws, so he could live out his fursuit faggotry in real life.
He is also gay, had another gay fursuit fag as his fiance, and wanted to live out his life in a fursuit, with paws, getting his butthole fucked by other men.

At this point I fully advocate murder.

>> No.57283693

how do I profit from faggots mental illnesses?

>> No.57283700

Looks like he isn’t even a furry anymore too

>> No.57283809
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>> No.57283904

Your opinion isgayer than that nohands furry with AIDS. Kys now

>> No.57284407


>> No.57284415

No shit probably KNS and he was taken down by the jannies

>> No.57284622


>> No.57284678

cope, chuds. he turned furry AFTER he lost his hands.
>>I took up cosplay after my motorcycle crash in 2012 as a way to cope with learning to live life with physical limitations, unable to enjoy the active lifestyle I was accustomed to.

>> No.57284693
File: 315 KB, 840x925, 1704031566571519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chuds utterly and forever BTFO:
>>Due to the inherent nature of the cosplay scene in general it is a target of harassment by internet trolls who have nothing better to do with their lives than hide behind their computer screen and stir drama on a superiority complex high to feel better about their own life failures. Now imagine someone in the cosplay community ends up in the spotlight after a life changing incident. Yeah, that was me and they had fun with it when they learned I lost my hands. It escalated so far out of reality as these internet trolls targeted me as leverage for their moment of internet clout, theorizing all these elaborate stories, compounded by creatively photoshopped "screenshots" of things I said and so on. Last count there were 10 or 11 "proven" theories that labeled me as some sort of unhinged psychotic lunatic with some sort of fetished self identity mental disorder or something, another suggesting I was trying to literally become my cosplay character through surgical means, because thats totally how that works haha, that's how these people think and what their kind believes.

>> No.57284755

based researcher

>> No.57284868

so he dosed up, fell asleep with hands in dry ice to "ease the pain" or some shit. gets his hands amputated and becomes a fury. how is this any better? just a slightly different order

heres what i found in all of 2 seconds

kinda funny they think a reframing makes any difference. the guys still an idiot

>> No.57286326

that guy aint holding shit

>> No.57286348

im no scientist but i believe we're naturally supposed to desire having kids and not desire losing our vital appendages

>> No.57286350


>> No.57287648
File: 87 KB, 600x719, men are pigs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


youre a lazy fucking moron that couldn't read past the first paragraph on his website. he didn't lose his hands in a motorcycle accident in 2012. He was a furry for years before he "accidentally" froze them off. kys furry troon

>> No.57287820


kek, fags genocided yet again

never trust a pedo (homo)

>> No.57287833
File: 17 KB, 586x528, 1661866405752985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disgusting degenerate faggot get what he deserves

>> No.57287846

Enjoy the ride!


>> No.57287877

How'd he type all that?

>> No.57287920
File: 793 KB, 800x600, 1704636654448479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lemme see those hands...