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File: 521 KB, 576x1024, 3 Generations.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57279808 No.57279808 [Reply] [Original]

Are you going to leave all your crypto to your kids and grandchildren when you die? How do you even do that? Just write your seed phrase in your will?

>> No.57279816
File: 165 KB, 404x561, 1705080737431061.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My son will inherit 666 blackrock stonks.

>> No.57279831
File: 396 KB, 800x450, IMG_0542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no I take all my keys with me to the grave

>> No.57279833

Holy shit, the wall is gaining more and more power. It cannot be stopped.

>> No.57279841

Imagine having kids. The horror. The horror.
When I die it will contribute to BTC price by my BTC being lost forever.

>> No.57279849

That's cause ameritards can't take care of themselves along with the rat poison food we eat over here.

>> No.57279888
File: 17 KB, 258x195, trololololololol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My descendants as soon as they crack my wallet keys just to be surprised by 69 million TROLLANA tokens (they're rich)

>> No.57279901

>How do you even do that?
>Just write your seed phrase in your will?
Might as well just post it on Twitter.

>> No.57279940

>kids and grandchildren
nigga, i'm 30 with an engg degree and i live in my parent's basement

>> No.57279950

Yes, the fuck else would I do with it? Send it to some Jewish charity scam?

>> No.57279963

Grandma at 34, insane

>> No.57279990

I am buying myself a triangle truck with my crypto. Never want to tell the story about the loan i had to get on the cybertruck. I sold some crypto to buy my triangle truck. wagmi

>> No.57280029

2 of my cousins were grandparents in their early 30s. My extended family are bogans.
my crypto is going to my nephew and niece, its in a SMSF account with the those 2 as the legal owners when i die.

>> No.57280035
File: 933 KB, 640x1203, solidmeoutside.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon i am only 23.last time i nutted inside was some months ago

>> No.57280383
File: 251 KB, 450x563, 1698047292115054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have a kid at 18 and then they have a kid at 18, you'd be a grandparent at 36. Is it really as INSANE as you suggest? Most people were well and truly grandparents by the time they were 40 not so long ago.

>> No.57280483

we've strayed so far from god it is unbelievable

>> No.57280546

Smart Contract that gives them rations of my stack like monthly payments so they can't fuck up with the seed phrase or their life with drugs n shiet you know. I could even get to convert to cash and deposit straight to their bank through CCIP or some shit, find a flaw.

>> No.57280755

nigga that bitch in OPs video had her autist kid at 15 tf you on about you bloody bitch basterd

>> No.57280764

that woman literally looks 53

>> No.57280787

One year older then me and here I am still looking like early/mid 20 mind a few grey hairs.

>> No.57281180

Only if they have white children.

>> No.57281186

>mohammed and praditha find your keys while grave diving

in apu voice: thank you, mr white man

>> No.57281448

Yes, getting pregnant at 17 is pretty retarded unless you are already rich, married and emotionally mature

>> No.57281603

do you have any kids or grandkids? You realize that biologically that lady is absolutely mogging 99% of people by having a grandbaby already

>> No.57281621

women hit the wall everywhere lmao
it's not an american phenomenon you fucking retard

>> No.57281643

the grand child looks white
now that's a rare find OP

>> No.57281683
File: 84 KB, 861x1300, 1570466907350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw almost the age of the grandma and still childless and single

>> No.57281707

1987? why does she look 50

>> No.57281718

Is it just me does does younger mom = better looking children?

>> No.57281767

If it was 1977 it would already be brutal, but 1987 is the wall being vindictive.

>> No.57281821

Who want to drop children into this hellhole?

>> No.57282062

men can have children even in their 50s
al pacino is 80 and had a kid last year

>> No.57282070 [DELETED] 

listen up i'm just a poor White man trying to make it in this world

give me ICP to this account address



>> No.57282183

Delete this NOW!

> see grandma
> see age
> around my age

>> No.57283179

Looks pretty rough for her age too...!

>> No.57283230

Lmao that grandma is looking rough. Looks 50

>> No.57283436

That would have felt so good

>> No.57283449

The age of the father also has health affects on the child, similar to age of the mother. Increased risk for down syndrome, birth defects, autism (lol). You want to have kids in your mid 20s/30s, if only because they are exhausting to chase around the older your get.

>> No.57283462

This, I'm doing that with my daughter if not it will go to some other white cause.

>> No.57283474

>biologically superior because she did what every animal in existence does

>> No.57283519
File: 57 KB, 760x374, 1681511105127964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it isn't similar at all
a 30 year old woman being pregnant is already considered geriatric pregnancy
autism and birth defects only come from old eggs (down syndrome is from the mother's chromossomes)
and you can have a young mother to your kid and she can bother to run around him, like a mother should do anyways
>if only because they are exhausting to chase around the older your get.
kek all of the sudden, in the divorce culture we live in, it's the father that must chase a baby? get real

>> No.57283539

Chainlink verified trust.

>> No.57283596

I'm having kids when I'm 80
My will will state that my kids inherit everything and my egg donor young wife will be permitted to live in my kids' home as long as she doesn't bring any men around and she focuses on raising good kids. If she tries any funny business my wAIfu will be waiting to kick her out and take full control of the family
If my wAIfu can have my children then the human woman won't be necessary at all

>> No.57283667

how can you be 36-37 year old (1987) and look like 50+ yyo ?

>> No.57284314

My Aunt was a great grandmother at 55; you don't look "old" at that age.

>> No.57284322

Wtf is this shitty low effort "dance"

>> No.57284332

Have fun taking care of a child in your 50s and 60s
It's hard enough in your 30s

>> No.57284336

You don’t “take care” of your children when you’re 50 lmao retard

>> No.57284376

What? Who's raising your kids? You tossing them to the state?

>> No.57284557

I'm sure your kids will love their elderly, deadbeat dad who has never played or spent time with them, because that's woman's work. Might as well be divorced lmao. Way to save the white race.

>> No.57285941

It's 35, not 30 and the sped kids are more likely to come from older dad DNA than the eggs.

Just catching you up on the latest facts there babe.

>> No.57286194

They literally look like pigs. Physiognomy is real

>> No.57286238

Two generations of single mothers

LOL fack no. I am going to spend it all. I don't have kids so no one will be deprived.

>> No.57286337

I'm 31 and that man on the right looks like he could be old enough to be my dad

>> No.57286464
File: 17 KB, 692x390, GIGA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will leave them the public key so that they can see how much money they'll never be able to get.

>> No.57286482

american women hit the wall early though, your culture doesn't help

>> No.57286500
File: 60 KB, 1122x900, 1701054379404631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A man of taste and sophistication