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57272798 No.57272798 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin, like gold, is a Money (store of value), not currency (transactional media). Remember gold has rarely been used as currency (transactional media), poor monies like silver were used instead. The value of Money is derived from demand for Store of Value, Money stores value dispersed within the economy by being something that meets the demand for SoV, as demand for SoV is consistently high, Money will retain value given normal functioning of the economy. BTC is still an immature Money which is why it's still volatile, but the properties of BTC (fixed supply, weightless, no holding cost, etc) make it a superior Money to the natural monies, and as network effect is huge in Money (Perfect money has universal acceptance, larger network = closer approximation to perfect money = more value) BTC, being the first of the successful synthetic Monies, will continue to cannibalize the SoV market.

>doesn't do anything
Functional demand is DETRIMENTAL to a money, price is a product of aggregate demand, a money having functional use means part of the price (proportional to it's functional demand) will be from functional demand, forcing buyers of Store of Value to pay a functional premium and subjecting them to the risk the functional demand will fall, causing real terms fall in money value independent of demand for Store of Value. This can be seen in platinum, while it's physical properties make it a strong money on paper, it's high functional demand renders it unusable as price becomes dominated by functional demand, not Store of Value demand. Gold is the best natural money precisely because it has little functional demand, BTC improves on this by having no functional use outside of Money.

>> No.57272806

>muh intrinsic value
The only intrinsic value anything has is itself. 1 BTC = 1 BTC, 1 Gold oz = 1 Gold oz and so on. An ounce of gold buys a ton of wheat now, but if a meteor hits the earth and decimates wheat production will it still buy a ton of wheat? Of course not. Ergo, the value is extrinsic not intrinsic, gold derives it's value from demand for Store of Value, same as BTC, BTC better meets the demand for SoV being fixed in total supply, weightless, transferable trustlessly and securely and so on. This halving marks the inflection point where BTC inflation (~1.7% now) fails well below gold mining inflation (2%), at all future points BTC will only ever be a better and better fixed unit of account and therefore a better and better store of value. Bitcoin is an inevitability.

>> No.57272811

Based OP
can't wait for all the seething thirdies to arrive below my reply

>> No.57272862
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Bitcoin belongs to Blackrock.
You may now commence seething paypigs

>> No.57272902

This. They own the miners. They own the exchanges. They own the HODLERs and they have full price control. Better to just give up and buy blackrock stocks.

>> No.57272971
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