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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.76 MB, 1392x2088, ________BOBBY____.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57260124 No.57260124 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information

>GMERICA: RICO's Rough Sting & Launching TEDDY on tZERO, Part 6

>GMERICA, part 5


>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

>Temporary alliance with jews and reddit we can go back to hating each other later
>Don't take any DD for fact use your brain

>Umm Uhh Uhh Uhhh Umm

>As always
Kek bondies

Previousneed on /BBBYQ/:

>> No.57260159

This stock ceased to exist 3 or 4 months ago. This is just a thinly veiled /pol/ thread.

>> No.57260164

keep seething,it shows you for what you are, a pathetic moaning cunt

>> No.57260178

post shares

>> No.57260179
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New tweet

>> No.57260249

Kek crypto baggies

>> No.57260276

>keep seething
>he says as he seethes
Kek angries

>> No.57260292
File: 22 KB, 541x652, holly etlin roundtable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holly Etlin appeared on a restructuring roundtable on 12/15/23 and made a HIGHLY interesting statement around $BBBYQ

She states we saw a situation in Bed Bath & Beyond,
where the Asset Backed Loan (ABL) caused issues
where the commitment to buy inventory wasn't fulfilled and for the Christmas season and ultimately this affects the ability to repay loans.

Holly Etlin also states the FILO (Sixth Street) is still looking for recovery there and that hasn't happened in retail for a long time except from fraud cases

This is interesting as she indirectly confirms our speculation that Bed Bath & Beyond was targeted by predatory lenders like JPMorgan and with all of the Ponzi/Rico lawyers we have discussed, Michael Goldberg, Elise Frejka and Nick Lewin that an ongoing investigation is taking place and that the Chapter 11 was a necessity tool utilized to pay JPMorgan off early and begin proceedings against them.

Strategic with purpose and intent since day one.

I am also extremely demoralized, therefore, when we receive new equity and cash in exchange for our bbbyq shares that were removed from our accounts due to a pending merger and acquisition corporate action, I will surely sell them for any price I can get, given how relieved I will be when this is all over.

Why would I actually hold the new equity? Why would I use the cash portion of the dividend to buy even more of the new equity? Who would do such a thing? why would someone behave this way? If the stock happened to be cartoonishly over shorted, this would be disasterous for doug shitfu and friends.

>> No.57260295
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>no u

The best you can do shillsister?

>> No.57260315


>> No.57260329
File: 401 KB, 1478x718, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek shillies

>> No.57260343

post shares oh wait you can't cause we (citadel) have them all in a box under kenny's desk (also where gary gensler is)

>> No.57260364
File: 647 KB, 600x3219, save the baggots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baggies: what do you need saving from?

>the FILO (Sixth Street) is still looking for recovery there
Good luck with that, kek

>> No.57260384
File: 318 KB, 1284x1197, IMG_2948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sal is now reposting the things “shills” we’re saying a year ago and claims it’s bullish
even you baggies should be able to see through this transparent grift.

>> No.57260393

>posting cringe
Yep it's UltimatePedo and Pals again kek

Shares are linked to your tax number, so while under an anti-trading order, which you have been shown, told about and given the court docket they literally say is in place, you STILL refuse to acknowledge this.

Why can't you address this?

>> No.57260427
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Uh oh stinky shillies

>> No.57260435
File: 46 KB, 828x675, approximate number of shareholders as of September 29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also this docket.

>> No.57260445

Kek if only you understood what that meant, you might actually be a useful pet one day

>> No.57260455

Kek seethies

>> No.57260456

Kek, crushed that baggie. All he has left is desperate cope.

>> No.57260469

yeah no shit shares were cancelled to preserve the NOLs, just because there are no shareholders doesn't mean the record of being a shareholder is extinguished you moron

>> No.57260484

Lol, this is pushing it a little too far and makes the larp too obvious. Even baggies aren’t this stupid.

>> No.57260486
File: 69 KB, 686x310, docket 2686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOLs, huh.

>> No.57260516
File: 47 KB, 725x367, l2i6ere3ub0c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's another NOLs episode
Baggies getting desperate lmao

>> No.57260531
File: 2.77 MB, 1300x953, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the seethesisters are still going at it

>> No.57260555

What's the next date for the court stuff? Sorry I just have 1000 shares I am curious

>> No.57260556


lol, amc baggies sound exactly like bbbaggies did a year ago. Exact same talking points all through the comments.

>> No.57260561

As a near gme maxi who only bought some bbby at the last possible minute I’m actually a little jealous. The gme shills were never this thorough.

>> No.57260568

>The ad hoc bond holders couldn't scavenge the NOL's which means they don't exist anymore.

>> No.57260572

The plan was finalized months ago. Shares were cancelled. There are no more court dates to be concerned about.

>> No.57260585

Someone post the dougshit and pajeetie oc
We really are blessed with top tier entertainment in this thread fren

>> No.57260591
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>I just have 1000 shares
Are you sure about that?

>> No.57260613

Well, they still exist in daily chatGPT cope that Sal posts to pacify the baggies.

>> No.57260622

>to preserve the NOLs

>> No.57260643
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>ID hopping again

>> No.57260650

so why does BBBY have a general when it's a defunct company but AMC doesn't have a general despite actually still existing and operating?

>> No.57260670
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, King.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe in Kais

>> No.57260671

AMC has been banned from the Teddy keiretsu and, as such, is no longer welcome on /biz/.

>> No.57260695
File: 19 KB, 389x389, 1624841642126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. strange isn't it?

>> No.57260704

>Business and Finance

>> No.57260705

I thought you were making a weeabo joke, but I saw ABC say teddy kierestu with no irony. Insanity.

>> No.57260716

All My Circuits is a fictional television show inside the television show Futurama. It belongs on /tv/

>> No.57260717

That’s because bbby has a grifter whose income is dependent on baggies continuing to tune into his show every night.

>> No.57260738
File: 2.38 MB, 1240x1654, 114989705_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 days until form 1099-b should drop, 9 days until baggies say it will. Who will be taking the blame?

>> No.57260740

>Business and Finance
>BBBY has no ongoing business concerns

>> No.57260750

>omg someone donated 50 to pp and included an antisemitic slur
>haha a 500 donation asked pp where the shares are
>lawl someone donated to ask pp for pics of his wife
I don’t think he’s been grifting the baggies…

>> No.57260759
File: 1.56 MB, 1440x1438, idk if i can resist the fire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hedgies seethe at holly Etlin's information

>> No.57260761

why are the shills even here anymore lmao, if it's home go over and ignore the threads I don't post in random biz shitcoin threads.
>inb4 "bEcAuSe It'S fUnNy"

>> No.57260766
File: 166 KB, 600x889, nintendo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BBBY keiretsu is no joke.

>> No.57260771

lol is it really 0.0751
holy shit

>> No.57260784

Link to a clip with time stamp?

>> No.57260802

>what is 2+2?
>inb4 “fOuR”

>> No.57260819

Hey Kais, I know you're here. I will bring a lot of subscribers to your channel if you make a video copying Carlos Matos. Instead of saying BITCONNEEEEEEEEEEEEEECT, just say KAIS MALEEEEEEEEEEEJ. You have to do the hey hey hey bit of course. I'm serious.

>> No.57260829

I’m referencing posts made in this thread by the most loyal pp viewers

>> No.57260842

it's because GME still has shares

>> No.57260852
File: 3.99 MB, 3835x2739, portrait of dougshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea it is because the chapter 11 process (while still having many NDA's which remain so) is a very public process, so they (shillies) can really dig in and spread only slightly incorrect information and cause a lot of "chaos" in general, which causes me to become extremely demoralized, therefore I will surely take any price I can get on the new equity.

Who would buy more of the new equity with the cash portion of the dividend, given that the bbbyq shares were removed from accounts pending a corporate M&A action. Who would hold the new equity into the retard level of share price?

kek doug shitfu.

>> No.57260869

>chapter 11 process
But that's completed

>> No.57260915

I went to the Louvre once, the Mona Lisa is entirely underwhelming and 100% of the people in that photo taking pictures are chinks

>> No.57261190

Lunch break?

>> No.57261213

There's nothing to kek so there will be no kekking.

>> No.57261217
File: 16 KB, 279x279, IMG_4649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They really want to bury this, which implies demoralization is their primary goal. They need to somehow convince people to sell a guaranteed winning hand. They’ll work during lunch to push any intelligent discussion or statements so any viewer only sees scitzo shit about kalis marjev who pissed on cnbc’s sign.

>> No.57261236

And yet here you are in under 2 minutes, very impressive

>> No.57261237

I still don’t get this premise. If their goal is to get us to sell something the moment we get it how is fudding us everyday for a year better than just ignoring these threads? All this fud is doing is making us all more spiteful.

>> No.57261326

>They need to somehow convince people to sell
There's nothing to sell
Thank you

>> No.57261361

At the heart of their playbook lies the inability to adapt. They cannot change their strategy because they do not know how. Additionally, consider what might happen if they weren’t here. It would be easier to have discussions and compile facts. It might be more comfy, OC and memetic warfare would be more common as holders want to be entertained. Having them here keeps you entertained, demoralizes those who aren’t autistic, and derails any kind of legitimate discussion. It doesn’t seem like a win, but it’s all they can do.

>> No.57261405

It’s so metal that I shitpost so well that there’s a thread of schizophrenics that spend their entire day thinking about how I’m a special forces operator hired by the global banking elite.

>> No.57261528

We will be naked shorting, short ladder attacking, and cellar boxing any new equity from anything having to do with Ryan Cohen, so go ahead and hold onto that new equity, and use the cash dividend to buy more of our fake shares we sell you.

>> No.57261534

>t. discord tranny
You’re a useful idiot, I unironically thank you for the entertainment. Much easier than having to make oc.

>> No.57261570
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>>57261534 kek

>> No.57261660

Did Ryan give you a swirlie in high school?

>> No.57261666

>whats is tZero
your incompetence is only matched by your impotence

>> No.57261681

the chuckle fucks actually think Cohen would launch a company that would allow naked shorting in the year of the lord and savior BTC ETF kek

>> No.57261702

all they know how to do is fraud
and they got caught

>> No.57261716

kek seethies

>> No.57261719

i resent the implication that only meltie fags are "anti-semitic"

>> No.57261739
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>and they got caught

>> No.57261747
File: 19 KB, 564x301, IMG_2176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy does this guy know about tZero. Which is the only blockchain stock exchange/certification platform that is approved by the sec. That also is a subsidiary of overstock, who is famous for taking on naked shorts for like the past 20 years.

Shillies big mad.

>> No.57261796

If only BBBY hadn't sold IP to Overstock who own 55% of the tZero, totally unrelated I'm sure.

>> No.57261804

The implication was melties are the only people who will pay to be ironically antisemitic. Give them 5 years and eventually it will be unironic. These things take time but luckily they’re here forever.

>> No.57261871

And your overstock shares?

>> No.57262375

*unzips circumcision scar*
Youre proposing we'll get 7 * out BBBY shares in Teddy shares?

>> No.57262403
File: 194 KB, 720x727, 1666624011936357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sorry the jew hurt you fren, this is your payback for them stealing your penis flesh. I'mnot proposing anything, but this is a compelling argument

>> No.57262432
File: 188 KB, 1179x511, IMG_1135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if this hedgefund jew in Miami works with Cifu and KG ect.
Same meltie energy . Pictrel

>> No.57262450

I like your chart so Im hoping its 7x our bbby holdings. That would be payment enough

>> No.57262641

tZero is a scam

>> No.57262663
File: 13 KB, 282x287, 1643715257036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That the best you got?

>> No.57262903
File: 35 KB, 656x367, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek seething fucking downies, calling a neurologist a fake doctor and larping as intelligent is the peak of downie posting.

>> No.57262937

Now that’s some nice seethe

>> No.57262947

You mean Jake? He’s an EMT.

Michael went to a foreign med school then couldn’t pass any US exams.

>> No.57262990

Anon… why do you know this?

>> No.57262991
File: 88 KB, 396x385, 1643425447075.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only they knew what is coming. Or maybe they do know and that's why they're so unhinged.

>> No.57262998

This level of seethe is literally inexplicable. Jesus Christ. How can they still claim to be complete bystanders?

>> No.57263011

We have background on most of the pp regulars. Jake is not an aggressively annoying dickhead, so we haven’t released his info. But if you show me proof of him lying about being a doctor, we will.

>> No.57263030


>> No.57263081

we think anyone that broken (You)s rather than just not reply at all is a raging faggot desu

>> No.57263083

It was a trick question. I know you can’t post proof, because Jake has never claimed it. The only place we see that data point coming up is here, Reddit, Twitter, discord, and ppshow livestream - but never from Jake himself or anyone close to him. It’s always treat like a fact that everyone knows already. Classic disinfo. You should ask yourself why you believe it.

>> No.57263118

He drives a poverty-trim model 3, of course he’s not a doctor.

>> No.57263121
File: 129 KB, 867x1300, IMG_7971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57263156

Anon we know you’re just pouring over twitter screenshots and poorly attempting writing style analysis. You don’t need to lie here.

>> No.57263158

we don't think about you at all, speak volumes about how rent free we live in your vacuous brain holes kek

>> No.57263171

>admitting to doxing people

>> No.57263172

>reeeeeee give financial or legal advice you coward
My soul has been nourished on this blessed day

>> No.57263178


>> No.57263192

bold of you to think you're part of this group kek

>> No.57263195

It’s ok we have his info too if he ever takes it too far he’ll be getting a knock on his door. He hasn’t done enough to bring a case against him yet.

>> No.57263220

Who would want to be part of a group of schizophrenic cultists

>> No.57263222

it's just ultimatePedo and pals kek

>> No.57263226

Ok, pop quiz - what country am I in?

>> No.57263248

nobody wants to be part of your low IQ fake conspiracy non shareholding group retard

>> No.57263260

>what?! You don’t want to be a leddit tourist who’s part of a schizophrenic cult? You MUST be a shill
Anons are just kekking at you muppet's

>> No.57263266
File: 139 KB, 480x466, 1606415655205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reply to this post with

>thank you bump baggies

Or your mother dies in her sleep tonight

>> No.57263304

Reply to this post with KEK BAGGIES to gain permanent immunity from 'your mother will die on her sleep if you don't reply to this' and other likewise posts. You will also be immune from any 'no immunities' posts as well, so nothing can stop this immunity from protecting you.

>> No.57263317
File: 2.01 MB, 400x226, IMG_7834.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57263398
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The melties bring all the keks to the yard

>> No.57263402

>reeeeeeee tell me what you know about me
lol no

>> No.57263428

That’s what I thought. I accept your concession.

>> No.57263443
File: 24 KB, 578x538, 1603404859488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can taste the fear. Shame UltimatePedo got his reddit yeeted, it was hilarious looking at cringe hentai posting by a grown man. Oh he'll deny it's him but he'll also reply to this post seething kek

>> No.57263496


>> No.57263509
File: 34 KB, 400x400, AdufcFlA_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the pic

>> No.57263511

That’s not me, I’m a different person. You need to stop accusing me of that, you fucking weak-bloodline loser.

>> No.57263619

From one autist to another, this >>57260738 is ultimatepedo. The anon in question is another of remarkable similarity so you’re not far off…

>> No.57263744

He can be on the hook for unauthorized practice of law
>he said it wasn't legal advice
Just because you label it one thing while doing another doesn't mean you'll get away with it.

>> No.57263784

when's the last time anyone talked about business or finance in these threads? you just talk about reddit

>> No.57263808

Link me the statute he violated

>> No.57263820
File: 2 KB, 188x75, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moans about talking about reddit
>adds nothing
>is 1pbtid
ok downie, whats that 5th or 6th ID?

Do you think he is a Gaul? Perhaps maybe a a Parisian?

>> No.57263843

>He can be on the hook for unauthorized practice of law
Holy fucking shit you absolute retard, he hasn't practiced law anywhere .Jesus christ you straw grabbing fucking idiots, show where he practiced law outside of reading dockets and up on laws and conveying his info to others. He hasn't been in a courthouse representing anyone, he hasn't been a witness to sign documents or anything of the sort you mouth breathing fucking retard.

FUUUUUUUUUUUCKING HELL you downies legitimately make me think you believe half the shit you post.

>> No.57263868

Sept 29, 2023.

>> No.57263932
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>He's making a list
>Checking it twice

He already got Short Destroyer, how long before UltimatePedo and pals get the treatment?

>> No.57263972
File: 16 KB, 547x175, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, AA gets caught in a honey pot with a minor, gets called a pedo for it, attack's Sal as a result.

Kek fucking downies, an endless source of the lulz

>> No.57264238

Does talking about pbtid never get old for you, anon?

>> No.57264250

Does making new ID's to moan in threads you have no stake in get old anon?

>> No.57264381
File: 2.37 MB, 1392x2088, ________BOBBY_______V2____.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

touched up

>> No.57264510

I will after I get off my wage cage. The rules vary slightly from state to state, but they are the same substantially
Giving legal advice is considered practice of law.

>> No.57264528

What legal advice is anyone giving anyone lol, let alone Jake

>> No.57264535

I'm surprised Sal is still posting given that he is going to jail for what he says online

>> No.57264547

>still trying this impotent cringe posting
So you lot are still going with this eh? I see you lot spamming this line on twatter, so that means this is your latest psy op talking point marching orders kek

Well do carry on, never stop your enemy when he's making a mistake and all that kek

>> No.57264562

Do I detect someone being scared that the digital world is meeting the real world?

>> No.57264614
File: 183 KB, 1376x774, 1665116015469885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one cares what impotent shit you came up with on discord today kek

>> No.57264634

>No one cares

>> No.57264638
File: 2 KB, 157x88, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he spun up ANOTHER ONE


>> No.57264678

Is this 'he' in the room right now?

>> No.57264851
File: 99 KB, 1170x265, IMG_3357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be unable to close your short position
>risk autists becoming billionaires
>start WW3

>> No.57264949

>every news story is secretly about my failed investment
Main character syndrome is alive and well with the baggies.

>> No.57265031

These are the posts that tell me you’ve never been here until they assigned you.

>> No.57265093

>most loyal pp viewers
Why would we care what the shills say?

>> No.57265096

You have more posts than me and I held BBBY. Btw can you give me cliff notes of the last show? I missed it

>> No.57265099

Fun fact: I made the first ever /bbby/ thread on /biz/.

>> No.57265111

I only watch I Love The StockS now. PP show is hyper gay.

>> No.57265146


>> No.57265177

>He's not one of the main characters
Anon, I...

>> No.57265244
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This can’t be fucking real.
Holy shit

>> No.57265262
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>> No.57265275
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>> No.57265309

Stopped reading at r/twoxchromosomes. YWNBAW

>> No.57265325
File: 950 KB, 1125x1769, IMG_3361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind this is a meltdowner

>> No.57265401

backtracking are we?

>> No.57265489

Imagine being this retarded unironically

>> No.57265549

>inb4 2ptid

>> No.57265557

Remember when shills tried to push neelay das as "Our guy?" Good times.

>> No.57265570

Remember when shills tried to push PPseeds as "Our guy"? Good times.

>> No.57265644

What number comes after 1, faggot?

>> No.57265653

Grumpy is that you?

>> No.57265690
File: 55 KB, 608x202, PPSneeds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These shills are literally built for BPP

>> No.57265715


>> No.57265724

This, fake and gay.

>> No.57265751
File: 552 KB, 1080x1478, Screenshot_20240111_201843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a name for Kais' bat ASAP

>> No.57265801

Try to keep track

>> No.57265881

notsea killer

>> No.57265915

"In Minecraft"

>> No.57265951

Remember baggies you should ABSOLUTELY NOT claim tax relief on your reported 100% loss from your brokerage 1099 this year. If you do you will be ineligible for new equity.

>> No.57266124

>account created 8 hours ago
redditfags will literally believe anything and this also outs you as a reddit fag, faggot.

>> No.57266135

The screenshots were posted on twitter, nigger.


>> No.57266179
File: 244 KB, 1440x1931, Screenshot_20240111-203305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin kek

>> No.57266228

That shit is going directly into the shredder, never claiming a loss because it will never be a loss. That shit will be long term capital gains.

>> No.57266364
File: 33 KB, 400x400, IMG_5925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m starting to question Ryan cohen

>> No.57266389

PART 1/3

So up until yesterday we had some unresolved questions:

1. Whats up with the 11.8b credit?
2. Why does RC lawsuit take so long?
3. Why bring on M Goldberg (best in world-tier fraud specialist) for execution of very simple Ch11-exitplan for a 50m cap pillow company?
4. Why was DOJ on first hearings of BBBY bankrupcy?

It now turns out:
1. 11.8b is the full sum used for BBBY share buybacks. The money GME used to become debt free and gain warchest, BBBY used to buy back their own shares at high prices while $5b in debt, and shortly after bankrupcy. $11.8b wasted! This was facilitated by JPM, who months later froze the assets of BBBY, such that BBBY had access to no money and had to raise money from bond sales. Same JPM who did not allow any measures of selling off BBB, or others, in bankrupcy. Same JPM who only left after being replaced as DIP, and who in court urged to be held on even after having no formal ties to BBBY estate.

2. Because the section 16b claim pushed against RC relates to buybacks. RC bought less than 10% and is no insider, everyone knows that, but the case "incidentally" revolves 100% around the buybacks. It turns out Tritton bought BBBY before buybacks were announced (illegal insider trade) and sold the high. Every claim pushed against RC, can in fact not be pushed on RC, but is now pushed on Tritton.

3. The $11.8b is new compensation from JPM to BBBY to reverse the fraud. Michael Goldberg is brought because this is indeed a fraud, and he is incentivized to fuck them up, as the gets 3% of what he manages to shake out. Goldberg was the one who brought down Madoff.

4. Because the collusion of Tritton; since he came to BBBY he recked them in about 3 years, from an indebted but functioning company to bankrupcy. Tritton did same for other companies.

PART 1/3

>> No.57266425

PART 2/3

What COULD have happened, was that BBBY became another GME post sneeze. It would have been debt free and with huge war chest. 11.8b! Imagine what that would have meant for the entire ape-crowd.

Instead, it was very brutally evisceraded by insider trading that has been proven, facilitated by JPM.

It is oddly fortuitous. Goldberg is on case and DOJ. $11.8b starts to appear as credit, after a case that has been going on for about 6 months now.

It may be, who knows, but it may be that the $11.8b is Goldberg and others have brought a case such that JPM/tritton and others are forced to reverse their fraud. It would return the money to BBBY.

I will remind everyone of this: during GMEDD interview with RC, he said in total three sentences related to BBBY. First some bs, last that he sold (yeah we know) and in the middle:

"It is very unusual for companies who do buybacks, to go into bankrupcy".

That was his only comment; buybacks! We are not waiting for the RC case to merely be dropped so that RC is off the hook. RC is already off the hook; there is no PnD case, and there is no 16b case.

The case is not about the possible demise of RC, actually about the very redemption of BBBYQ holders, as it puts the illegal trades and nefarious buybacks in the spotlight for Goldberg and DOJ. And the allegiations put against RC are now reversed against Tritton and JPM.

Goldbergs cut would be 3%, about $300m. The name is Goldberg, Michael Goldberg. His name in german, means literally "mountain of gold". His nose can sniff a literal mountain of gold. Do you think he will miss his target?

If he pulls this off, and i think he will. The waterfall is EXTREMELY in the green, without RC and others having paid a cent.

Do you have any idea of the total reckoning that will ensue? Waterfall would leave $25-35 per share. Before counting the most precious resource in this entire: the shorts.

PART 2/3

>> No.57266457

PART 3/3

Finally, recall that several institutions chose to convert their bonds, whom they could have gotten full payback on, +15%, just before they knew about incoming bankrupcy. This is in context of e.g. that institution making on avg 17% return on each of their investments. Taking 15% would guarantee them their avg return, safely and quickly, prior to bankrupcy proceedings that are by nature uncertain. They denied this possibility, and instead converted all of their assets to common stock. One week later, BBBYQ bankrupt.

You think they just gambled that?

So what is possible on timeline:

* RC, Brett Icahn or other (or all), now got access to BBBY very cheaply. The company is streamlined, Bed Bath and Buy Buy Baby are already up and operational!

* $11.8b payback as per above, or w/e compensation comes from Goldberg pursuing these people like a bloodhound. Resultant waterfall down to Class 9 (recall: very major institutions are also in this class, as well as the EIGHT former BBBY executives that Goldberg himself brought on about 1-2 months ago)

* This is before the short-situation escalates. This is not like GME sneeze. This is a situation where shorts have been frauding the shit out of BBBY for years. We dont even know float; DTCC has 780m outstanding BBBY, while we know that the actually authorized publically available BBBY are less than 480m. And retail has been piling up BBBY on ridiculous prices, some even under 50c or 10c.

Im thinking we back.

PART 3/3

>> No.57266486

>I'm thinking we back
it's honestly just sad at this point. You poor idiots deserve rest, but retarded grifters just can't let this cash cow die

>> No.57266510
File: 84 KB, 659x609, so_good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me.
The guy that Pulte gave $10,000 to said that 6 different firms were unable to represent him because they were already involved in the case.
We also know that there is non public information being handled in this case as well.
All we have to do is sit back and trust the process.
This is going to end when it needs to. But I am pretty sure things are going to end up quite lucrative for shareholders.
We are ALL going to wagmi

>> No.57266762

Big deal nigger!!! IF you believe that shit then you are a REDDITFAG!

>> No.57266881

Thanks, fren. I'm hard as nails now.

>> No.57267060
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>> No.57267109

tell me about the rabbits george

>> No.57267147
File: 36 KB, 400x500, 1628648490770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very based

>> No.57267707


>> No.57268138
File: 15 KB, 300x243, IMG_1085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be warned, this could go on for months, I worry because it’s an election year that the FBI/DOJ investigations can purposefully be held up for a looong time.

Stay vigilant, even posts that are seemingly positive can be from silly shillies trying to demoralize by hyping dates their handlers already know are nothing burgers because the wrenches they’ve thrown in the judicial process take a certain minimum time to resolve.

But for sure the demoralization has worked on me, therefore when we get the new equity and cash dividend I will sell the stock for whatever price I can get, given how relived I will be. Why would anyone hold the stock , and even use the cash portion of the dividend to buy even more of the new entity ? This would spell trouble for the banks if the stock happened to be cartoonishly over shorted, and we all know the banks are the most well liked entities in the eyes of the public and investors alike.

>> No.57268139

i've felt like this at times but there's a plausible solution with clawbacks from jp morgan for fraudulent conveyance. RC is either hinting that we're going to make it or doubling down on the larping which should lead to credible minecraft threats if nothing happens and we're left with nothing. see also >>57260292

>> No.57268588

nice concern trolling, shill
we are all gonna WAGMI i know this in my heart, i haven't quit my job for nothing, i can literally retire next month because we will all get ONE MILLION DOLLARS EACH SHARE

>> No.57269210

*Yawn* do better

>> No.57269294
File: 2.28 MB, 370x424, 1617788906975.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be warned, this could go on for months
Once this is all over there will be so many hitman sent after the people responsible for all this stalling by spitefully newly rich anons that they'll have to play rock paper scissors to decide which one gets to shoot them.

>> No.57269350
File: 79 KB, 407x691, This.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooooooo stop speculating about this stock
>noooooooo wealthy people would never commit fraud
>noooooooo you're supposed to make fun of people on 4chan stop discussing things
>noooooooo the stock is over and done that's why I'm just here to laugh at you every day I don't actually care

>> No.57269353

My sources tell me logoniggers are at the top of the list.

>> No.57269369
File: 83 KB, 960x440, 89l3d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noooooooooooooooo Gensler save me, your my only hope!

>> No.57269405

This is what we're all going to see when the tide rolls out. All the naked shorts and we'll see their tiny lil pen0rs

>> No.57269540
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>> No.57269677

has anybody checked those jewish caves to see if our shares are there?
ryan please..

>> No.57269681
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>> No.57269692

Just piles of ritual sacrificial bones.

>> No.57269800

We are ALL gonna wagmi (except sisyshillies)

>> No.57269832

You will never make WAGMI

>> No.57270503
File: 15 KB, 255x205, CigarPepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else a comfy boy?

>> No.57270524
File: 296 KB, 1266x1315, 1635961220711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am because we have this thread and don't have to deal with a french cuck threadsplitting

I am extremely comfy

>> No.57270802
File: 31 KB, 525x282, beg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57270829

I love the Dougie begging Gensler arc, you know he's in deep shit

>> No.57270922
File: 2.34 MB, 498x396, 1679190769493343.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's for investor protection. BBBY was just viciously attacked and billions of shareholder equity was stolen via short selling but we need to look out for the investors we just robbed!

>> No.57271082

3 years of this shit and baggies still don’t understand short selling. lol

>> No.57271912
File: 43 KB, 586x402, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57271937

lol. How are the GME baggies spinning that as bullish?

>> No.57272131

If you can sell a stock without owning it, I should be able to own a stock without paying for it.

>> No.57272188

I'm so glad Ryan Cohen is in charge making shrewd business decisions. I can't wait for him to swoop in and make all the baggies rich just like he is doing with GME holders

>> No.57272204

You can own as many BBBY shares as you like and not have to pay a cent

>> No.57272207

>naked short selling is illegal therefore it doesn't happen
lmao short baggie logic

>> No.57272351

It turns out it is actually the shills who do not understand short selling.

>> No.57273245

Damn. It really is over isn’t it?

>> No.57273250
File: 927 KB, 800x1000, IMG_4371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I’m thinkin it’s soon or many months.

Shills for last few months have noticeably worked in waves of “demoralization”, but today is awful quiet. Doug shitfu must be getting buttfucked by increasingly larger and larger dildos as he prepares himself for prison.

>> No.57273259

>GameStop marketplace got shitcanned

Holy kek. Fuck those niggers, they never had our backs. I'm so glad I bought BBBY instead

>> No.57273396

Why would you need an unsound marketplace when one already exists with regulatory approval in tzero?

>> No.57273428
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>> No.57273562

I hold both and I’m losing faith. All the cope in here is based on RC possibly saving us. If the gme maxis are starting to lose hope that he has a plan how does that bode for us? I’ve never felt fud like this in 4 years but now I’m really starting to doubt.

>> No.57273593
File: 68 KB, 1024x922, 1698679972523320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for sharing

>> No.57273612

Where do you see the GME maxis losing hope?

>> No.57273614

in his mind

>> No.57273626

I’m serious I’m really not a shill and hate to fud but I’m gonna need to see something happen to reinvigorate my and I’m sure others that RC is doing something. The nft marketplace shutting down is incredibly demoralizing considering how much they spent to make it.

>> No.57273635


>> No.57273641
File: 281 KB, 655x692, SeetheMong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not a shill BUT.....

>> No.57273645

Literally look at the gme thread and I went to the cringe mines after the news of the nft marketplace and even there they’re starting to question.

>> No.57273662


This thread? This one? This one where no maxi's are complaining and there is 2 comments about the market? This one is the one you want us to believe maxi's are losing hope? This thread where your narrative falls apart?

>> No.57273675

Fair enough. It’s not your job to put me mind at ease. In the case of gme it is Ryan Cohens though. I’ve truly never once doubted but I can’t help but feel fudded right now.

>> No.57273685
File: 43 KB, 576x432, SHILL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57273694
File: 1.06 MB, 3376x4000, 1686025068323093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the stock hasn't existed for how many months now and you're fudded by the gme marketplace closing?

>> No.57273703

Oh didn’t even realize there were 2 threads. I was talking about the French niggers thread. You need to fucking relax Keith. You have to acknowledge that this nft marketplace news is terrible and has had some negative affect on holders will.

>> No.57273704

Shills envy my dynamic, ever-changing ip. Guess how many baggies itt are me.

>> No.57273731

Bbby was never my main play. I only bought it because 45 practically got on his knees and begged me not to. Yes the marketplace shutting down is truly fudding me because gme was my only hope.

>> No.57273741
File: 667 KB, 2000x2270, 100144460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Gamestop's crypto baggies are finally joining the Teddy keiretsu.

>> No.57273764

i thought it was well-known that they fired the NFTbro devs, didn't update it from being christmas themed last year, said they wouldn't invest any serious money into crypto/NFTs, shut down the wallet, was basically non-operational for a while, didn't come as a surprise

>> No.57273777


741 checked. I thought keiretsu was some anime character this whole time

>> No.57273783

GME baggies had cope for all of that and up until this morning believe the NFT marketplace was the key thing thst would trigger moass.

Starting to seem like meme stocks are a scam and shills were right all along.

>> No.57273993
File: 282 KB, 670x355, glow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool story bro

>> No.57274012
File: 27 KB, 354x276, TOPKEK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool story glow

>> No.57274022

Heh, fuck GME amirite guys? Now let's sit around and wait for the CEO of GME to come and give us loads of free money.

>> No.57274029
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>> No.57274037

caught green handed

>> No.57274052

Baggies get caught samefagging with some regularity. There’s really only 3-4 baggies in here ID hopping. They’re here every day.

>> No.57274079

i'd like to thank them for their service

>> No.57274158

Interesting that the fudders never respond to s8/1SgGq.

>> No.57274190

Not true, he got a perfectly organic response: >>57274012

>> No.57274255

That's me thinking of a joke and making the correction in a separate post.

>> No.57274281

Coping is in baggies DNA

>> No.57274291
File: 150 KB, 640x628, tg3vm94dtqk21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet mother of numerals

>> No.57274301

keiretsu is when a japanese person commits suicide

>> No.57274373
File: 50 KB, 640x360, BBBYQ exit strategy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that why I kept seeing picrelated in these threads?

>> No.57274444


>> No.57274472

Nevermind, I was thinking sudoku

>> No.57274513

Cool story glow

>> No.57274617

no that's sudoku

>> No.57275061
File: 13 KB, 673x218, RC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57275070
File: 1.36 MB, 320x240, AwwSheeeit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57275084


>> No.57275097

Wow thats totally RC right and not a larper right!

>> No.57275174

Let's fucking go! Icahn feel it in my plumbs!

>> No.57275187

42 posts lol

>> No.57275214

>post count seether
not as sad as someone who has no skin in the play and reposts a larper to try and garner emotional sentiment and when nothing happens will come back with his Gotchas

>> No.57275229

43 posts lol

>> No.57275266
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>> No.57275336
File: 666 KB, 660x1027, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek dougies and seethies

>> No.57275340
File: 831 KB, 220x226, 1704050747668722.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No skin in the game

>> No.57275486

Kais going scorched earth on one the pp cult members. I suspect this is one of /bbbyq/ baggies.


>> No.57275488

You stupid fucking niggers have been hyping this account for 2 years. Look at the account on the wayback machine and tell me thats RC.


>> No.57275534

Fake and gay

>> No.57275600

Yep and it's always a downie pushing it so they can use it as ammo later when nothing happens

>> No.57275638


>> No.57275657
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>> No.57275757
File: 231 KB, 640x1301, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great more nigger day worshiping meaning we can't trade stocks Monday

>> No.57275888
File: 85 KB, 328x277, 1704283836274340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walk into TD Ameritrade
>ask for a TEDDY SHARE
>spaghetti slowly drips from my pockets
>oh god not again
>face gets red
>"Please give me a TEDDY share right now."
>"I don't know what that is. What exchange is it on?"
>struggling to contain my embarrassment
>clenching asscheeks together to hold in my shit
>meanwhile spaghetti is flowing out of my pockets
>voice reduced to a mumble
>"have money please TEDDY share give money please share"
>"Are you ok?"
>shit breaches through my asscheeks
>propelled forward at 60mph
>crash through the Ameritrade employee's counter
>he's holding on to me for dear life
>all the while spaghetti is flowing out of my pockets like fumes
>crash through the entire row of buildings in the strip mall, broken glass shards in my face
>Ameritrade employee is covered in shit and spaghetti
>my pocket rocket shows no signs of stopping
>he tilts me backwards
>the sheer force of my shit has reached 650mph, we are now propelling upwards
>the spaghetti and shit intertwines and falls down to earth in glorious yellow and brown streams as we head towards the stratosphere
>children below frolic in the mess falling from my anus
>the g-force is causing my asscheeks to flap vigorously and create a gale
>spaghetti and shit blowing through the air on the planet below
>3 miles upwards now
>Ameritrade employee has died from lack of oxygen, his body falls to the surface below and is shredded by the force of my shit
>my transformation is almost complete
>as I leave the atmosphere my bear hands sprout and my tail grows, acting as a rudder
>steer myself across the cosmos with my gleaming shit and spaghetti trail

>> No.57276426
File: 140 KB, 480x480, 1625709684074.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57277017


>> No.57277652


>> No.57277673

jannies are fucking based

>> No.57277680
File: 69 KB, 1200x800, Jannies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you thinking what I am thinking?

>> No.57277702


>> No.57277716

Based jannies

>> No.57277755


>> No.57277805


>> No.57277872

Where did all the baggies go? Are they watching the poopoo show?

>> No.57277907

DENIED, this is the last BBBYQ thread as shares are canceled and no longer exist.

>> No.57277942

Someone explain to me how is this account relevant?

>> No.57277991

it's supposed to be Ryans alt if I remember correctly. The text alludes to Ryans don't wake China tweet.

>> No.57277999

Alex canceled the show tonight. No explanation.

>> No.57278037


>> No.57278074

Then why isn’t his show on?

>> No.57278087

It’s your job to tell me

>> No.57278097


>> No.57278108

I just checked and he’s live right now

>> No.57278140
File: 127 KB, 1164x921, Screenshot 2024-01-12 203239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one

>> No.57278177
