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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 35 KB, 256x256, Dogecoin_Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57256596 No.57256596[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>/biz/ refuses to buy this coin
Doge is practically guaranteed to hit $1 by EOY.

>> No.57256676

I never filled a 1m bag, was dca'ing for quite awhile but then spent a bit on vacation off the coinbase card. Sitting on almost 300k bag.

>> No.57256701

It will run twitter bank. Allowing BTC to be spent via doge. Anon told us this before Elon even bought twitter. Simple as

>> No.57256881

I am going to buy it though
I want to make a bit of money elsewhere first, but the plan is to put it all into doge

>> No.57256933

I bought a tiny little bag. Just in case Elon does his thing again. Only real shitcoin I own. If it does nothing I lost a couple of thousand. Oh well.

>> No.57257464

>It will run twitter bank
it won't
elon is not our fren anymore
he did an interview literally within the last week talking about X being the new bank and they were developing a single unified database so all settlements were final and immediate and he was not even remotely like hinting/talking around blockchain.
elon is now the enemy, he turned his back on doge.

>> No.57257497

We'll see. He is good for surprises too.

>> No.57257517


>> No.57257553

>by EOD
here fixed it

>> No.57257587

I never thought of buying more before this bullrun, but when I think about it: I could see it surpassing ath. A small group of boomers did well with it last cycle. The ETF is about to open up a whole new market of boomer money, or at least positive sentiment towards crypto. As soon as they see their stonks taking a big shit, 2 years before they're ready to retire, the dogecoin boomers from the last cycle will tell their friends in whispered tones, how dogecoin will make them all rich. Elon tweets and it pulls a 2x, then more boomers buy in, then it hits some absurdly ridiculous 100b mc and boomers consider it a stable coin at $1 lol.

>> No.57257664

Nice try Elon. Look up to Dogether. You are falling for npc midwit msm traps,

>> No.57257771

Doge is one of my longest held coins. I’ve thought of selling and buying something else but can’t bring myself to do it. No it’s going to go 100 or 1000x. It the chances of going 10x are pretty high. It’s not going to get rugged and it’s cheap, fast, and easy to use. It’s just a good coin for anything really.

>> No.57258732

I bought DOGI instead -_-

>> No.57258840
File: 15 KB, 546x289, 1704985238023861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm holding 312k DOGE and 10k DOGI. You're ngmi if you don't have both

>> No.57258860

what the fux that's 5x me

>> No.57258893

I sold my XRP. DOGI will do $300+ in clown market GBR

>> No.57258920

2000 DOGI is a good stack

>> No.57258996

thanks bud, I still kept some XRP though

>> No.57259024

Ya, maybe I'll buy some back since it's pretty much a stable coin anyway

>> No.57259751
File: 607 KB, 976x850, pepe1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would I save a lot of money by eating oatmeal for every meal? Trying to buy some SHIBA.

>> No.57261444

He will never, ever turn his back on doge. He autistically wants it to happen that doge becomes the world currency. I think he will see to it that it does, make no mistake.

>> No.57261482

I tried doing that, I don't think it was good for me
I saved a load of money by living in a shitty shared house from the age of 22 to 25, despite having a high paying job
I ate basic but nutritionally balanced food
With that (plus investing in doge as it turns out) plus finding a rich gf we managed to buy a house

>> No.57262837

my doggies stay salty if you know what I mean ;)

>> No.57262859

Just buy Dogezilla on Solana, 190k mc
50% supply burnt
Lp locked (50k)
Mint revoked
Listed on CMC yesterday

>> No.57262888
File: 242 KB, 355x370, sdsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy sucks off his dog

>> No.57262929

you are poor

>> No.57263088

Is putting your savings into Dogecoin a good longterm strategy for poors? I mean keeping it in savings is just going to make it worthless as inflation keeps getting worse here. Potatoes and rice doubled in price the last few years. It's fucked.

>> No.57263506


>> No.57265054
File: 56 KB, 590x688, 1679061659469294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But beoble biz and twitter all tell me shib >>> doge. Your response?

>> No.57265443


>> No.57265501


> yea bro, just buy our dev farm rug scam

no fuck you

>> No.57265543

DOGE + dogbat is the true /makeit/ folio.

>> No.57265558

moonboys bought doge, those kind of people don't stick around, they go to bonk and then the next one and the next one.

And its a good strategy if you know what's hot, I don't myself because I can't stand hanging out in normie channels (although I do have some COQ INU because of the name lol)

>> No.57265579

I think he is being investigated by the SEC for market manipulation for tweeting about DOGE. So now he's very careful not to shill it.

DOGE P2P on X would be huge though, especially if he only offered doge, not even BTC

>> No.57265589

BTC would be a lot safer as a store of value

>> No.57266140


>> No.57266809

I have a little BTC. Not enough to make a difference. Worried about how high the price is though when it comes to getting more.

>> No.57266822

As long as you buy when the price is relatively flat

>> No.57267268

>he doesn't know about Elon making his own crypto coin as a way to pay influencers and that needs to be held by those who want to advertise
Every advertisers in 2025 and beyond will have to have bought $100 worth of X. If the price drops there is no penalty it just needs to be a record that it was bought and not immediately sold

>> No.57267435

where do you come up with these fantasies, Samir

>> No.57267486

He didn’t make twitter. He bought it. With users.
Doge is better than BTC in many ways but hash power.rhxdnv

>> No.57267508

it's a dead shit coin like LINK at this point. i think hodlers will support it at $0.10 at near max or SHIB at $0000.10 at near max. i think a lot of bag hodlers don't mind hodling. they're still trying to slurp under those $0.10 and $0000.10 price points, but at the same time i think they're sort of eager to find a comfy position to either stick around or get out. elon's the richest guy on earth. even he knows if he pumps it past $0.10 that a fuckton of hodlers will just keep selling, so it's best to suppress it at around $0.10 dependent on how successful the halving is. fuck the ETF, i think it's the biggest sell the news bullshit since the ETH to ETH2 transition fail

>> No.57267510

>Like LINK
Ok buddy you're transparent

>> No.57267539

LINK will benefit sergey and institutions, not retailfags despite all the NFT, gameplay BS that sergey tries to laughably shill. all oracle, salesforce, etc. cloud-based companies are dead crabs in the water. i never invested in them. I am invested in LINK but I actually did not invest in it this year as of yet because it is a dead crabbing POShit. I invested in it last year and am turning a profit but I don't see it scaling much. If you don't believe me, look at all the retards investing in Quant in X or Reddit

>> No.57267543


>> No.57267599

stop mentioning this fucking worthless piece of trash, it's worth exactly 0 and should have been there a long time ago. if you want to buy into PoW degeneracy, just buy BTC, shove it into your stupid fucking ledger and don't bother us again with those logo-of-a-fucking-dog coins for imbeciles.

>> No.57267637

cope and seethe
the heckin doggerino is going past 1 dollar and there's nothing you can do to stop it

>> No.57267645

God I hope so

>> No.57267653

This piece of shit is among the worst performing coin in the top 100 in the last year, unpumpable trash will underperform all cycle and never see a new ath

>> No.57267675
File: 238 KB, 532x477, vita-inu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>laughs in VINU being the new DOGE

>> No.57267813

>guys would you please buy my shitcoin bag? it's going to 10 million billion gazillion dollars next morning I swear
>mom, is my lunch ready yet?

>> No.57267827

This but unironically.

>> No.57267855
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x720, linkmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doge is severely undervalued. Just wait until Elon announces DOGE integration into X

>> No.57267913

Not buying your bags

>> No.57267924

>900 trillion circulation
No thanks.

>> No.57267950
File: 113 KB, 1173x768, RIP VD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still hasn't integrated DOGE into X since he purchased twitter in april of 2022
>sold out limited edition tesla merch to retards that you could only purchase with DOGE back in 2022 is about all he's done
the merchfags seem to be merchhodling as well. don't really see any Tesla DOGE whistles on sale or being sold on eBay kek. plus on Tesla's website, it just lowkey mentions DOGE in the shop FAQ. and what's up with Tesla's website. it looks shitty and cheap like that seized glowie dark web site Violent Desires

>> No.57268828

This coin will stay $1.

>> No.57268848
File: 220 KB, 896x977, dankinu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not buying the superior hashgraph version

>> No.57269273

Thanks for the bottom signal

>> No.57269281

i want to buy it but not now. waiting for 80 satoshis price to buy. its overvalued still.