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57262527 No.57262527 [Reply] [Original]

Why do my balls have a stitch line?

>> No.57262535

That's where God sewed you together.

>> No.57262552

Quite literally, unironically, the best thread on this board right this moment.

>> No.57262557

Why don't I have any balls?

>> No.57262559
File: 106 KB, 1600x900, Spurdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's why you don't have vagina. Even the dick knob is overgrown clit.

>> No.57262560

We all start out as females (as embryos) and 50% turn to boys.
That's what's left of ur vagina. It grew together.

>> No.57262561

ure a tranny

>> No.57262573


>> No.57262577

based and trannypilled

>> No.57262617
File: 8 KB, 215x234, 1399557071570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to cut off the stitches when you enter puberty anon dont tell me you just left them there? thats probably why you have a small dick right now but its possible to fix it as an adult too but you have to use a knife to cut them open instead

>> No.57262620

its ur old vagina

>> No.57262629

the Y chromosome is one hell of a drug...

>> No.57262634

i am a valid woman because i have the stitch line. i am going to use the women's bathroom and no one will stop me because i have the stitch line

>> No.57262752

You are trans.

>> No.57262767

that's called perineum

>> No.57262823

imagine having more than one

>> No.57262836
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I can tell just by the way my balls and dick look, I would've had a hot pussy.

>> No.57262838



>> No.57263614
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>> No.57264133
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I dont have a stitch line

>> No.57264195

How is this business or finance related?

>> No.57265884

Wait... so every time I've went down and sucked the clit I was in fact sucking a dick that didn't grew?

After all this time... I was gay?

>> No.57265892

He’s advertising to the cougars that browse /biz/ anon

>> No.57265965
File: 21 KB, 550x362, 7694535687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it really make sense that you have two balls yet one penis? No, it doesn't. Every male when born is implanted with an egg shaped computer chip and an artificial sack is attached. Your original testicle was stored in the buttox with plenty of cushioning for protection. The world has been psyopped into believing this is natural. It's why porn is everywhere.

>> No.57265990

You were born a woman but your parents wanted a boy.

>> No.57266007

My birthmark is under my balls. How do I profit from this?

>> No.57266011

Tell girls it's poop stains

>> No.57266032
File: 6 KB, 250x228, 1632605854126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the thread for balls related medical advice?
I've been feeling weird tightness in my crotch, like something is pushing up against it. Nothing hurts but it's uncomfortable, I can't even push my legs together now which is more annoying for sleeping than you would think. I think I have prostate inflammation, is that a fair assessment, /biz/? Anyone had that problem? 35 and sit on my ass all day.

>> No.57266088

>bust out laughing at this in front of my wife
>>whats so funny?

>> No.57266106
File: 33 KB, 600x493, 1653672746336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kek
Yes hands down best thread on biz right now

>> No.57266147

You're supposed to suck on those?

>> No.57266152

Damn I have a super long clit

>> No.57266158

Big clit energy!

>> No.57266160

A stich in time saves 9"

>> No.57266162

i love you idiots

>> No.57266168

No, he's just weird and maladjusted

>> No.57266172


>> No.57266196

based infofeeder

>> No.57267037

Yes anon, you can flick over it with your tongue but the tiniest amount of suction with both lips around it (and all the surrounding skin because you'll never isolate enough JUST to suck clit) send them wild. They orgasm harder and faster, so make sure you don't go to sucking too quickly, because the longer it takes for her to orgasm, the more pleasure she gets from it
>Then if she's my waifu she rolls over and goes to sleep and I have to fap myself

>> No.57268410


>> No.57268418

good question

>> No.57268427


You definitely have experience, fellow clit sucker.

>> No.57268436
File: 220 KB, 504x488, 1678708660758431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were an experiment commissioned by the Chinese Gov't in the aftermath of the Cold War. Once you achieved puberty, Xi was satisfied with the results of the experiment, and your testes were removed and taken back to a lab in Nanking--to prevent accidental reproduction. Your testicles are synthetic now. I'm sorry to have to tell you this.

>> No.57269293

yep. you were sucking an undeveloped penis.

>> No.57269340

You still have the stiches as an adult?
Sign of a beta male desu
If you had proper test it would have fused faster and better. No line visible. Literally beta cucked from birth lmao loser

>> No.57269348

this could be true. i have extremely high T and no stitches

>> No.57269382

high test man here, can confirm