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File: 134 KB, 792x582, 1 polnt 5 milly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57261065 No.57261065 [Reply] [Original]

WGMI bros. We are so GMI.


>> No.57261105

Top signal. It’s ogre

>> No.57261122

Cathie gives me wood

>> No.57261149

this dumb whore is wrong about everything and is a scammer fraud

>> No.57261180

How does this woman looks so young with her age? I mean wtf there's a fair chance she's not alive by 2030.

>> No.57261207

lmao even.

>> No.57261294
File: 118 KB, 516x330, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well she's 68 now, so she'll be 74 in 2030.
So yes there's a chance for anyone to die, but she's not significantly more likely to die in the next six years compared to anyone else.

>> No.57261340
File: 51 KB, 1935x1935, HydraBitzlatoBinance987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and 500k 2 years ago by her prediction as well

>> No.57261363

I just bought some ARKB

I trust Cathy Wood. She funded Elon Musk's rise.

>> No.57261382


>> No.57261394

She’s a devout Christian single mother. Keep your thoughts chaste and wholesome about her please.

>> No.57261427

What does her fuccboi look like? Also, I am not sure >>57261294 is actually her.

>> No.57261489

Cool commercial she just dropped.
the First Bitcoin ETF commercial

>> No.57261657
File: 35 KB, 599x200, FIAT IS FREEDOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cool commercial she just dropped.
>the First Bitcoin ETF commercial

Based boomer bait.

>> No.57261674

because a loaf of bread* will cost $25 in 2030

>> No.57261677

Im going to laugh when bitcoin shits the bed and retraces back to 17k and Michael saylor blows his brains out on live tv while being interviewed by natalie and her harem of unoriginal bandwagon whores

>> No.57261694

If Kaitlyn Jenner says so I believe it.

>> No.57261699

or an entire country buys into one of the Bitcoin ETFs...

>> No.57261938

>devout Christian
>single mother
Does not compute

>> No.57261954

>>devout Christian
>>single mother
>Does not compute
Her husband died.. How does that compute ?

>> No.57261963

this, and I hate the leftist simps drooling over this ugly freak

>> No.57261965

Of course it's not fucking her
Come the fuck on it's a faggot old man who wears a wig.

>> No.57261980

God i wanna see her wrinkled tittys

>> No.57262008

Oh sorry that computes.

>> No.57262052
File: 43 KB, 1280x819, young-cathie-wood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the road to 1.5 milly. Buckle up lads.

>> No.57262136

how many bitcoin to become cathie's sex toy?

>> No.57262550

$600K by 2030 is mildly bullish desu

>> No.57263690

this tranny bitch is like the female jim cramer desu

>> No.57263704

those are the dirtiest, ngl.

>> No.57263929

>Market cap of BTC will be 30 trillion by 2030
Yep, Bitcoin will be one-third of the global economy by 2030 and 10x the values of the S&P 500. People should really think before they open their dumb cunt mouths, even if they are a CEO.

>> No.57263937
File: 297 KB, 699x350, wolf of goalsstreet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally a man of culture

>> No.57263956

They were already divorced

>> No.57263970

She's retardedly bullish but useful as an indicator of what will NOT happen. If she thinks $1.5M by 2030 we're probably looking at <$500k.

>> No.57264085

2 more weeks

>> No.57264127

you sound not unlike the cocksure retards of the past who said it could never reach $1, $10, $100 etc. There's no reason why it shouldn't reach that now that boomer money has a way in.

>> No.57264217

Yes! Bitcoin is the future bitch. Spread your cheeks.

>> No.57264284

>He thinks its will surpass Gold marketcap
Okay bruv.

It will do a x10 AT BEST

>> No.57264303

lmao fucking grifter

>> No.57264363

No she didn't. She predicted 2 years ago it would go to 500k in 5 years so that's in 2026.


>> No.57264424

Holy shit. I have 5 btc that I will never sell.

>> No.57264433

rope joowhore

>> No.57264466

>he confidently states it could reach $500k but is completely certain it could never reach 3x that figure..
>because muh gold
kek ok bro

>> No.57264468

BTC local top.
You gotta thank these people and media for telling us when to sell.

>> No.57264488
File: 3.90 MB, 960x600, 1701654654000345.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold mcap is $20T, BTC satisfies the demand for Store of Value better than Au, so there's little reason to doubt it will continue to cannibalize the SoV market, also 5-6m BTC are lost, the actual supply (and therefore mcap) of BTC is 25%-30% lower than gets reported

>> No.57264520

Wait that doesn't compute after all

>> No.57264531

friendly advice
if you see aththis year, you sell
if you don't, you will be crying hard later
don't fall for the hodl meme

>> No.57264540


AND BTC is 100% auditable 24/7/365
unlike Silver and Gold which we have no proof of reserves from any nation.

>> No.57264543
File: 42 KB, 735x721, Source.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who gives a fucking fuck about what Kathy Wood thinks. She has been saying this shit forever.


So accoridng to Cathy in the next 2.5 years bitcoin will hit 500k, time will tell if she is right or not. Its telling that she is moving her perdiction date out to 2030 instead of standing by her original 2026.

Recently she has been perdicting 1 million


I guess we gotta have some bullish news before the bitcoin ETF so fuck it bump it to 1.5 million whats a half a million across 6 years.


If you belive this then you understand why she would be a permabull.

In 2028 this clown ass bitch will be making perdictions on what Bitcoin will be in 2035.

"In early 2022, eight other funds managed by Wood, including funds focused on financial technology and space exploration were among the worst performers in their categories"

There are reasons to be bullish on BTC, but not because Kathy Wood says so.