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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57259424 No.57259424 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57259434

it's pumping downwards

>> No.57259441

46k is the new support, up from 41k, cope

>> No.57259443

they literally pumped to clear out the shorts so they can dump
crypto needs to KYS

>> No.57259444

Eh we proved our point...

>> No.57259459

it is going straight to 30k
cascading liquidations on longs will take ti there

>> No.57259460

Fuck off Bobo

>> No.57259464

What's surprising it that the volume didn't really go up.
What's up with that?

>> No.57259472

>t-ten k-kay p-p-p-progra-mm-med

>> No.57259497

gap at $9k will get filled

>> No.57259514

yes 10k eventually
the ETFs can short it to zero if they wanted

>> No.57259519


LMAO who in the world would sell now? Gotta be desperate shorters pulling some strings.

>> No.57259533

Most of the “volume” is usdt wash trading
The real money coming in, even at 500million dollaroos, is a drop in the ocean of churning fake dollars

>> No.57259545

brainlet cannot cope lmaooo

>> No.57259557

zoom in

>> No.57259568
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>BTC PLUMMETS to $46.5k
Zoom out.

>> No.57259579

Sir please zoom out

>> No.57259604

Isn't it up overall since the approval?

>> No.57259610


>> No.57259639

If you see the chart upside down, yes, of course, way up!!

>> No.57259640

Fuck this gay shit, I'm out

>> No.57259657

It is up since the approval. It was $45.5k when ETF was approved. It's $46.3k right now.

>> No.57259688

OMG ANON YOU'RE RIGHT, go all in, you'll be rich!

>> No.57259698


>> No.57259717

This anon has the mindset of a leader.

>> No.57259730

Almost gonna be red. I wonder what the normies will do when it goes red. Let’s check the historical BITO chart to find out!

>> No.57259753

you faggot are getting dumped on and you will realise it when your portfolio is red again, hehe

you deserved it

>> No.57259767
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woo reversal

>> No.57259797

good. i really want to accumulate as much as possible now, all the fud and threats of outlawing btc are officially dead.

>> No.57259809

no, it is scam
they need low price so their EFT look appetizing to boomers so there is some volume
the pump earlier is to clear out shorts but also to suggest higher price hopes

>> No.57259812

all of you guys should take a chill pill, lol. either you all are manic or depressed. it's not like it's crashing to zero and even if it went down to 10 k it would go up again eventually.

>> No.57259831

BTC is dead as a currency

>> No.57259834

>go up eventually

>> No.57259847

is it?

>> No.57259854

For reals. These guys would've never lasted in the wild wild west days of crypto.

>> No.57259864

yes, its pump meme now, completely void of any intrinsic value

>> No.57259879
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>all the fud and threats of outlawing btc are officially dead.
Not exactly.

>> No.57259881

I remember a couple of days ago ETH was crashing just a couple of days ago and I was one of the idiots getting frustrated enough to dump and look how that went. just saying

>> No.57259892

People starring to snap out of the spell placed by btc cult mentality
Protip: if everyone thinks they're gonna get rich doing the same thing like q giant herd of coattail chasing niggers, you're all going broke

>> No.57259919

no protip but if you run for the hills as soon as you're facing a dip you won't make it either.

>> No.57259940

bobos are getting cocky again
time to slurp

>> No.57259943
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my shitcoin long is tanking im financial ruined

>> No.57259960

When will people realize that crypto doesn't run on good news but TA instead.

>> No.57259963

At some point, probably soon, the only upward pressure on the deflated performance chasing hype train that was btc will be the GME tier baggies still slurping at 4k, as they die off it will trend faster and faster to 0.

>> No.57259964

Explain this to me like I'm a bobo who's never owned crypto

>> No.57259968

yes, please...zoom out and see how far there is left to fall. fags in here talking about 46k being the new floor. kek

>> No.57259974
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Well why didn't you say so!

>> No.57260000
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It's fucking over...

>> No.57260037

are you blind? i lost five hundred fucking dollars its over kms tonight.

>> No.57260094
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>Dump literally reverses moments after this post.

Naga does it again!

>> No.57260266
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BTC, like Au, is a Money (store of value), not currency (transactional media), remember that Au has rarely been used as currency (transactional media), poor monies like Ag were used instead. The value of Money is derived primarily from demand for Store of Value, Money stores value dispersed within the economy by being something that meets the demand for SoV, as demand for SoV is consistently high Money retains value given normal functioning of the economy. BTC is still an immature Money which is why it's still volatile, but the properties of BTC (cryptographically fixed supply, weightless, no holding cost etc etc) make it a superior Money to the natural monies, and as network effect is huge in Money (Perfect money has universal acceptance, larger network = closer approximation to perfect money = more value) BTC being the first of the successful synthetic Monies will continue to cannibalize the SoV market.

>> No.57260357

>bitcoin is a security
>brings up commodities
nigger wut

>> No.57260422

we've been buying the news since summer 2023 dude.

>> No.57260490

>muh no use
It's shocking how poorly the SEC understands Money, functional demand is DETRIMENTAL to a money, price is a product of aggregate demand, a money having functional use means part of the price (proportional to it's functional demand) will be from functional demand, forcing buyers of Store of Value to pay a functional premium and subjecting them to the risk the functional demand will fall, causing real terms fall in money value independent of demand for Store of Value. Gold is the best natural money precisely because it has little functional demand, BTC improves on this by having no functional use outside of Money.

>> No.57261391

based mental health chad with the white id

>> No.57261775
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Bitcoin S.A. you won't see my money ($3000 USD) before 35k.

>> No.57262487
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>BTC, like Au, is a Money (store of value), not currency (transactional media),

KEK, so much store of value that owners of 6 000 000 BTC can't access the value stored in them

>> No.57262505

>meanwhile sell the news sisters sold at 37k

>> No.57262623

>I threw a gold bar into a volcano so gold isn't a store of value, ok!?
Dullard. The ability to truly self-custody with all that entails makes Au/BTC better, not worse, stores of value.

>> No.57264455
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>Buy the news bros....

No... the mantra is "buy on the rumor, sell on the news".

>> No.57264539

please tell me that's a woman

>> No.57264643

the only thing this thread tells me is that bobos are getting increasingly desperate and butthurt as the crash they wanted becomes less and less likely

>> No.57264900

Somebody posted a huge sell wall at 48-49k and said that was going to be the top the other day. They were correct.