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File: 12 KB, 344x344, XRB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5718704 No.5718704 [Reply] [Original]

Should I go and fuck the fuck out of bitgrail and buy xrb?

>> No.5718737

You better buy before $250

>> No.5718995
File: 46 KB, 585x585, mooning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude. Think about it logically. The common populace if they were to use crypto currency would always prefer the currency that has instand and feeless transactions. Raiblocks is the only currency right now that is actually working and offers that.

Considering the huge boom of crypto in 2017 and the technological superiority of Raiblocks, this coin could easily go into the 1000$ territory.

>> No.5719031

Why would you post a title like this, made me panic and check my portfolio.

>> No.5719041

Exactly. Transfering 15BTCs from exchange will cost you quite a bit using any coin to do it. Not only money but time. Use XRB its literally there in a second without a single cent od cost.
Thank you Anon who shilled it here when it was 9$. Thought I was buying ath now literally tripled m investment.

>> No.5719047

you need 133 xrb to have the equivalent of the 21 btc club

look at dash absolute shitcoin but has low supply so its worth 1k
we all gonna be filthy rich

>> No.5719071

>feeless transactions

how does it actually work?

>> No.5719102

That's it boizzz I'm selling my litecoin to get xrbb

>> No.5719264

Current XRB exchanges are shit.


Got like 3 days to vote

>> No.5719279

how long does bitgrail take to show my ETH deposit?

>> No.5719316

how high do you see this Q2

>> No.5719333

~$40 at most

>> No.5719362

$300-500 easily

it will be $100 in 2-3 weeks

>> No.5719400

No way, that will mean I’ll have made it

>> No.5719435

shut up retard

>> No.5719472

i donno about 100 in 3 weeks, maybe EOY2018

>> No.5719491
File: 2.51 MB, 600x338, 1514477494195.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the whitepaper:

>> No.5719499


anyone that puts 5-10k in the next 24 hours is going to make it. we are very close to the cutoff point of making it and just making some nice money

>> No.5719518


I have 114 XRB (bought in at 15 USD)

What does the 21 btc club mean?
Am I going to be rich?
It's been doing really well but I am thinking of cashing out the 1 ETH that I put in and put it into REQ as well, keep my profits in XRB but be on two moon missions at the same time


>> No.5719526

nice meme. so you don't know either?

>> No.5719581
File: 165 KB, 913x771, 1514326267192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously. Stop being a Brainlet for once an read the first few paragraphs of the whitepaper.

" Each user has their own blockchain, allowing them
to update it asynchronously to the rest of the network, resulting
in fast transactions with minimal overhead. Transactions keeps
track of account balances rather than transaction amounts,
allowing aggressive database pruning without compromising
security. "

>> No.5719623

what did the thread say exactly?

>> No.5719640

What the fuck is XP?

>> No.5719676

pajeet scam

>> No.5719679

21 btc club= theres only 1 million people that can own 21 btc
its a meme club you get by dividing a coins supply/1MM

>> No.5719704

some shitcoin, I forgot where I saw it but apparently they plan to flood the votes last second to win the vote since people won't bother voting for XRB if they see it ahead.

>> No.5719753

If it's truly feeless, what stops people from creating thousands of tx/s and slowing the network?

>> No.5719761

>Tfw at most only 27k people on the planet can have as many XRB as me.

>> No.5719785

lmao nope. Almost as delusional as vergies, definitely as delusional as linkies

>> No.5719789

21 club in btc means no more than a million people can have as much btc as you.
XRB's club is at the 133 mark i guess.

>> No.5719844

Nothing, devs admit that that's currently a flaw. Which to me is a positive sign because lots of devs act like things are perfectly fine until a crypto's vulnerability is exposed.

>> No.5719934


It's a DAG. You have to personally work two transactions before anyone will confirm yours. Similar to IOTA, except IOTA hasn't fully figured out how to do transactions yet, leading to an inefficient network.

>> No.5720064
File: 140 KB, 628x228, RaiBlocks_Roadmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit this was up for 5 seconds on their website

>> No.5720085

thanks just sold 100k

>> No.5720104

Yes and No.

It is a DAG, but to send a transaction, you don't perform the work for two transactions. You simply do the proof of work of your transaction, and the receiver does work on their end of the same transaction.

>> No.5720218

Nothing, and is one of these issues "we will fix it when we're there that can completelly fuck a project"

Xrb DDoS is going to be a thing

>> No.5720230
File: 351 KB, 590x385, XRB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know whats awesome about Raiblocks and their way of doing this, you can see their 6 millions of XRB developer fund, every transaction, every movement of currency:


Eat this fudding piece of shit.

>> No.5720237


So... lambo 2018 for me?
Should I sell for 1 ETH worth and reinvest in another coin or just hold XRB?

>> No.5720293

So they haven't solved the major issue of cryptocurrencies? IOTA also has zero fees and instant transactions on top of smart contract functionality next year and IoT.

>> No.5720294

I can't use XRB to buy drugs safely garbage coin!

Time to support PIVX and XMR so I can shoot 20000 dollars worth of meth into my veins like a proper crypto royalty.

Come back to crypto currency when you aren't a poor 13 year old XRBIGGER

>> No.5720336

I'd say it'll keep mooning all the way till it hits Binance. Their tech, as legendary as may be, is hard to integrate and should take roughly 3-4 weeks

>> No.5720340
File: 144 KB, 640x626, XRB_Goddess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1, 5, 10, 15... now 24. I Fomo'ed hard and didn't listen to nay-sayers and baught at 18. Might wanna get it because 50 is right around the corner.

>> No.5720347

If I were you I would sleep better with xlm for the same potential, but is up to you

>> No.5720401

before you do that, you should not make the same mistake i did, bitgrail daily withdrawal limit is 0.5!!!! so ur money will be stuck paying evey day daily fees by withdrawaing 0.5btc daily, unless u get verified by sending documents which i already did 20 fking days ago with no response!

>> No.5720425

>every day daily fees
What do you mean by this? Bullshit

>> No.5720443


In RaiBlocks you dont need to "confirm 2 other". Take your piece of shit iota to belarus and stick it up CfBs ass.

>> No.5720448

These exchanges are a complete mess.

>> No.5720491

tfw bought at 16, was late to the party but still happy. cant wait for this shit on binance.

>> No.5720499

I have 40 ethereums, I cant exchange my ETH to BTC since the orderbook there is a fucking joke, i'll lose so much money doing that, I have to withdraw 9 ethereums daily thats 0.05 ethereums every fucking day u pajeet

>> No.5720537

you only do the proof of work for your transactions not other peoples, if there a problem detected, it is sent out to then be analyzed by others or some shit. but it isnt a 2 for 1 like IOTA

>> No.5720545
File: 102 KB, 770x634, KvmKbgG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Register on Kucoin (invite code: 1t3ha).
They will add XRB very soon and they don't have bullshit limits.
Also you can buy their Token and earn a share of the transaction fees every day.

>> No.5720552

I wish i never sent money to that cancer exchange, they keep ignoring my messages I've been withdrawing since 3 days now i paid 0.15 eth

>> No.5720585

tfw bought at 9 but only had 750$ to put on

>> No.5720637


Get cucked. Why would you send ETH instead of Bitcoin when you buy XRB with BTC???

>b-but I save $30 in transfer fees
Should have checked the ETH to BTC exchange rate before sending you brainlet.

This is natural selection at its finest

>> No.5720846

My money was on Kukoin, trading ETH BTC there before sending to bitgrail is also a joke, besides i like to accumulate ETH instead of BTC, its just that bitcancergrail takes 0.05 ETH for the withdrawal fee not a single exchange takes that much greedy ass mfkers

>> No.5720860
File: 151 KB, 445x447, 1509926435177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>definitely as delusional as linkies
nothing wrong with this.

>> No.5720890

Are you me anon?

I literally have 114 exactly as well. Bought at $6 and then $8. Been staring at the price in disbelief since then wishing I had bought moar

>> No.5721638

fucking captchas, man... join the chat here, big pump in 2 days discord.gg/vGh73

>> No.5722139

Mfw 14000 am i going to make it?

>> No.5722364


I am not you, but I hope we'll both do great in 2018 anon

Congratulations to us

>> No.5722485

>Want to buy XRB
>12 hours pending deposit into bitfail
>Eth address listed different than the first one generated
>Eth probably lost forever.


>> No.5722892
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, face_on_hot_grill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I just sent $5k OF ETH to this shitty exchange to try to FOMO XRB
I should kms on multiple levels

>> No.5722907

source on that porn pls

>> No.5723000


We're not going to make it.

>> No.5723034

It's not fomo

This coin only has 3billion marketcap...

>> No.5723054

any pending deposit?

My BTC is in pending still, which is to be expected.

>> No.5723084

>>5718704Guys can somebody with a brianed explain to me how Raibitcoins can go onto binance if there are no coins left available?

>> No.5723121

>people send their coins to binance
>they get to set the price
>people buy at what price they think is acceptable.

>> No.5723126
File: 48 KB, 750x878, 1wcby83obcbz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I brought 20 of these at 11$

Am I going to make it?

>> No.5723164

That was me last night buying

>> No.5723186

Literally absolutely nothing and there's no easy way to fix that. It's also prone to eventually consistent behavior under high network load. Expect someone to attack the network with a botnet and short the coin extremely hard at some point.

>> No.5723192


>> No.5723276

Don't touch them until it's listed on binance.

>> No.5723280

You're gonna have a lot more ETH than what you sent in a few weeks.

>> No.5723286

>tfw have been wanting to put money in since it was at $4
>research it and watch the price rise every day
>once i got paid it was already at $20
Could've been thousands of dollars richer if I didn't spend my money on stupid shit early December

>> No.5723339

It's not too late for 2x. Don't chicken out.

We are getting binance and then the money is coming in. If I wasn't in raiblocks until today then I guarantee you a lot of people weren't either and won't be until binance.

>> No.5723364
File: 190 KB, 442x650, 1460308214800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was asking whether I had enough (I don't).

>> No.5723375

LINK is at least feasible. If this really could work at scale then satoshi would have done it. He chose network security over transaction speed and cost. Look into the CAP theorem for some proof that this shit will fall over.

>> No.5723399


Nothing listed for pending. The transaction is now 12 hours old with thousands of block confirmations.

>> No.5723408

exact same as you brother, difference is i had the funds. I just fucking watched and kept saying "theres no FUCKING way its going to keep going up at this rate", and day after day it did. Gave up at $21 and went all in. Already mooning again it seems btw

>> No.5723409

What price did you buy at, and will you immediately dump when it is on Binance or will you wait and see where it is going more long term for 2018?

>> No.5723482

>he isn’t holding XRB for all of 2018
I’m cashing out 1k of them when it hits $100 (which will be soon). Holding the other 4K for all of 2018 at least.

>> No.5723637
File: 124 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-01-01-12-07-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's hoping lads

To be fair, who could have seen this coming
>inb4 half a dozen lucky faggots (You) me with 7 figure portfolios
I've never seen a chart like this before, definitely not with this market cap

>> No.5723878

I did the same shit with litecoin...

didnt realize you can directly exchange ltc to rai

you can also exchange eth to rai so maybe try that

>> No.5724050

Every crypto gets bitch-slapped at 2xx. Bitcoin got bitchslapped at $20k, Ripple got bitchslapped at 20k BTC, XRB getting bitch slapped now.

>> No.5724055

my god
i bought just 2 when the were like 9 usd, i wish i could afford a little more rn

>> No.5724191

2? Aren't you only able to buy 10 minimum?

>> No.5724300

i do have 2. i admit im just a new fag, but had faith in this coin

>> No.5724331


best way to buy it send $1k+ in BTC. you get fucked on the conversion exchanges, dont send small amounts otherwise you get fucked on the % fee from high btc fee

>> No.5724342


>> No.5724472

FML bought .5 yes that's correct half a fucking xrb because I didn't think anything would happen. Was like $6

>> No.5724651

this rumour was what made me buy XRB at 6. Now it's still not on kucoin but.. it's okay :-)

>> No.5724686

Fuckin RIP

>> No.5724786
File: 223 KB, 738x1280, IMG-20171228-WA0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5724949
File: 6 KB, 598x104, DFFC7C81-013C-4033-9D8E-96868D9163C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can’t stop winning can we?

>> No.5725027


>> No.5725078
File: 127 KB, 1280x852, IMG-20171228-WA0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5725107

Japanese shit coin

>> No.5725185

he has a point, these are the two ultimate hodl coins for making it in 2018, theres a third but I'm not telling anyone what it is yet

>> No.5725246
File: 49 KB, 500x667, Kikkozzedron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I buy XRB with USD?

Pls answer I'm a noob at all this.
(non US resident)

>> No.5725255
File: 149 KB, 301x360, 1461110246828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK i'm fomo'ing hard

should send all of my 0.65 BTC to bitgrail?

i saw this shilled here at fucking $0.10 and almost bought but it looked like a pajeet coin

>> No.5725270

send half faggot
do it
get rich

>> No.5725331

How the fuck will I be able to withdraw from bitgrail if I only have 4 XRB?

>> No.5725401

dude, im in the same boat, i have only 2 xD

>> No.5725434

I'll send 6 and then you give me back 6.1, what you think?

>> No.5725440

buy more obviously

>> No.5725457
File: 186 KB, 1024x768, 1315994205555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What crash? It's 190300 sat. Like ATH.
People you don't understand, this project is going to replace BTC and ETH. It's not your fucking pump'n'dump.

>> No.5725498


It's not replacing ETH, wtf are you smoking. Unless Colin somehow breaks out his space wizard god-tier computer magic and implements smart contracts.

But it has the potential to be the BTC killer.

>> No.5725502

Sorry, you are stuck there for ever, you literally can't cash out.

>> No.5725533

>to replace BTC and ETH
I'm a XRB holder, but do you know that ETH wasn't created to be a currency right?

>> No.5725678

RAI is replacing BTC
IOTA is replacing ETH

>> No.5725753

Yeah, it kinda makes sense. Both are literally next-gen replacements ready to butcher the old farts.

>> No.5725766

r u srs?

>> No.5725858

Welp... We arrive at this point again. Where another poor soul finally realizes that crypto is a scam because you can't cash out.

You LITERALLY can't fucking cash out. Seriously, try it. You wasted all your money on internet bucks. There is no way to convert it back to fiat. All those "exchanges" that claim to deposit your money into your bank? Those are scams, the deposit never goes through. All those people saying it isn't a scam? They're shills for the scam "exchanges."

Anyone who tries to refute this post is a scammer shilling for scammy exchanges.

>> No.5725868
File: 276 KB, 614x586, 1513971170587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RAI and IOTA are the new generation of crypto.

Fee-less and Instantaneous transactions are a must to actually get accepted by the everyday joe and thus the global market.

>> No.5726010
File: 92 KB, 700x467, thucc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls answer.
got 2k to burn

>> No.5726020
File: 48 KB, 709x765, 1425959586328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5726117

lol the sell off after the first ddos attack will be legendary. Not touching this.

>> No.5726122
File: 11 KB, 240x51, done.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of us saw it coming, I even tried to shill it at $1 after I put ~10k$ in it

>> No.5726124

Buy more or sell it for LTC or ETH when it hits binance and buy it back

>> No.5726126

You can't do that until it hits coinbase, which won't happen in the next 6-12 month.

>> No.5726187

Ddos attack of what? It's like ddosing torrents lol.

>> No.5726204

Correct that XRB is the BTC killer

IOTA is a M2M currency

SKYcoin (a privacy platform) and ADA are the ETH killers

IOTA should be looking at IoT Chain and shitting its pants,they have a working product and its gaining attention.

>> No.5726245


IOTA completely fucked themselves over with their huge marketing push and weakly functioning product.

>> No.5726260
File: 128 KB, 695x867, 1511012360106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, thanks for answering.
Can you tell me - isn't buying BTC and then proceeding to buy smaller coins with BTC implies heavy transaction fees due to shitty BTC design?

Pls explain.

>> No.5726266

Is mercatox legit? cant get a deposit address on bitgrail

>> No.5726301

Buy ETH or LTC, they have much lower fees.

>> No.5726327

I don't recommend mercatox. It takes for ever to withdraw funds.

>> No.5726354


>> No.5726372

define forever? If it's simply hours then I'm cool with it.

>> No.5726376
File: 78 KB, 407x603, 1478356692079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's platform would you suggest for a non-US citizen?
Is coinbase ok?

>> No.5726405

I think some people had their funds stuck for days there. Use bitgrail.

>> No.5726441

5k$ is too low now. You'd get 200 XRB which is very little. The equivalent to the 10k Bitcoin is the 1500$ XRB. That would be a hard target to reach in 2018, and with 200 XRB you'd only have 300k$.

I don't know how you anons define "making it", but for me it means cashing out at the very least one million.

>> No.5726549

I wanted to accumulate more of this shit, but god it just doesn't stop going up.

>> No.5726762

I'm not waiting longterm. I'm dumping at 1.5 to 2x, bought at 19k satoshi

>> No.5726775

you right homie i didnt do the math, its more like 50k today

>> No.5726787

You can but the XRBETH and XRBLTC markets are so illiquid that the exchange ratio is not very favorable. It's way smarter to deposit ETH and do ETH -> BTC -> XRB on BitGrail. However, the ETHBTC market is small as well, so if you have a considerable amount of Ether you may want to just deposit BTC and buy XRB with that.

>> No.5726795

You had your chance when bitgrail was glitching.

>> No.5726849

No, that's the withdraw lower limit.

Then you're just retarded. Why would you buy less than a few hundreds dollars worth of a coin?

>> No.5726913

LMAO sorry no cashing out for poor pajeets!
Your best bet is to hope it keeps climbing and that BitGrail will eventually lower the limit again.

>> No.5727028

As the other guy said. Buy ETH or LTC with whatever fiat pair you have at your disposal. There must be a local exchange where you can send euros and buy ETH.

Make account in bitgrail and then buy xrb

>> No.5727596

Nope, your blockchain will get spammed if it becomes to big of a treat and that will be the end of this shitshow.

>> No.5727645

This coins without fees do not work retards will have to learn the hard way.

>> No.5727675
File: 14 KB, 478x523, d04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

motherfucking kek this board is full or retards

>> No.5727699

Remember OP, dont be a newfag
Allways do opposite of what /biz tells you

>> No.5727703

helo sexy open bobs for me pleas

>> No.5727749

Yeah that's why you shouldn't have gone all in when some random anons shilled this coin at less than a dollar...

>> No.5727983
File: 130 KB, 799x447, hovy501u.t3j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>5727596 haha fuck you faggot

>> No.5728053

Sauce on this:
>CAP theorem

>> No.5728085

If enough dumbasses gush about the coin they picked for its shiny colours, someone will eventually get it right. Then they'll brag about it

>> No.5728310

>for its shiny colours
If you think that's all XRB has, you're retarded.
You probably didn't read anything about it.

>> No.5728462

Will I be able to buy it at what price tomorrow?

>> No.5728483

you have to complete a proof of work before making each transaction

>> No.5728500


>> No.5728513
File: 83 KB, 200x239, 200px-Misty_AG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im already in on this. Seriously this is the money maker

>> No.5728601


There are a few coins that are making money right now. ICON, DBC, and this one. All 3 will run for a while longer with this one running the longest until binance.

>> No.5728722

So your transaction will not be confirmed until the receiver comes online? That's not instant

>> No.5728779

The receiver can be offline and the transaction can still be confirmed.

>> No.5728845

How's that? Who does the proof? Or its just 'confirmed' based on the first one I suppose

>> No.5729096

TFW I got suckered into the shilling and bought at $1. I hope I make I boiz , thank you biz.

>> No.5729204

The theorum concerns databases, which a blockchain is. You can choose two between consistency (everyone knows all transactions), availability (network is available for transactions, and transactions complete in finite time) and partition tolerance (the database continues to operate despite an arbitrary number of messages being dropped, but in the case of a trustless network these can also be bad actors forging bad messages).

XRB chooses availability and consistency and ignores partition tolerance. A forger with a moderate amount of resources could attack tye network very effectively, and this will happen as long as doing so can be profitable.

>> No.5729541

Read the white paper. Transactions are basically pre-confirmed based on the fact that the block (account) it originated from was already confirmed to be valid. That's why it's so damn fast.

>> No.5729952

Wait, so is that only for sending? Because that's a huge issue if it verifies receiving that way too.

>> No.5730392

Seriously just read the whitepaper. It's only 7 pages long and easy to understand.

>D. Sending From an Account
>To send from an address, the address must already have an
>existing open block, and therefore a balance (Figure 5). The
>previous field contains the hash of the previous block in the
>account-chain. The destination field contains the account
>for funds to be sent to. A send block is immutable once confirmed.
>Once broadcasted to the network, funds are immediately
>deducted from the balance of the senders account and wait
>as pending until the receiving party signs a block to accept
>these funds. Pending funds should not be considered awaiting
>confirmation, as they are as good as spent from the senders
>account and the sender cannot revoke the transaction.

>E. Receiving a Transaction
>To complete a transaction, the recipient of sent funds must
>create a receive block on their own account-chain (Figure 6).
>The source field references the hash of the associated send
>transaction. Once this block is created and broadcasted, the
>accounts balance is updated and the funds have officially
>moved into their account.