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57256271 No.57256271 [Reply] [Original]

Idk who you are anon but you were pretty on point.

Sending good wishes to you.
If anything new comes up do give us the heads up

>> No.57256283

Except the price explosion never happened. What is your point?

>> No.57256335

Damn...I thought that was just a joke trip account

>> No.57256396
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Well it kinda did, a modest one but its a guaranteed increase. Plus looks at whats happening literally RN, we are pumping

So back then it was exactly the bottom. From here only up

>> No.57256403


How could he have known?

>> No.57256585

>a modest one
then it's not an explosion is it?

reminder that BTC can move 5-10K in a single day, that's an actual explosion

>> No.57256744

>anon larps as an insider on a decision with only 2 outcomes.
>uses basic info from news articles.
I hate you retarded zoomers so much.

>> No.57256745

Good question. Either an educated guess or ges in some investor circle where they get infor a day or two earlier

It sure can, he predicted it going up, but it didi t go up up right away are you really gonna fault the man?

>> No.57256755
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T. Brown ID

I just genuinenly wanted to thank an anon who gave us a geads up. He is currently 1 for 1 in my book and is alright.

>> No.57256777

Really dude? Refute me instead of pulling the race card as a means of argument. You sound like a woman.

There were only 2 outcomes and we knew it was coming because of the fake tweet fiasco. Anon just gambled on a 50/50 outcome.

So psychic.
Much Miss Cleo.
Very wow.

>> No.57256791

This. If anything op should have posted the anon that said something along the lines of "be worried if not much price action"

>> No.57256810

>he was wrong
>can you blame him?

>> No.57256842
File: 206 KB, 900x873, IMG_8482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>only two outcomes
Anons were panicking about
>its gonna be delayed, cancelled, or everyone is gonna sell!

This anon was concise and on point.
Wrote the time of approval, and the movement of the coins.

> So psychic.
>Very wow.

I cringed, go back to r*ddit

But nice get, pehaps you do have potential. Well either way credit where credit is due

>> No.57256889

>he called the movement of the coins
You’re delusional. He did not. But if you want to act like a whamen and cry about the “kindness” of a stranger then you go right ahead little guy.

>> No.57256924

Sure, meanwhile all alts going up +8 to 15%.

>> No.57256927
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>> No.57256930
File: 81 KB, 640x622, 9A905ABF-6CB8-48F1-BCF4-996616D1617F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. I’ve never been completely wrong and “pretty on point” at the same time. How did he do this?

>> No.57256940

none of the things he said happened. the official approval was at 4pm EST. most alts pumped more than btc so people who didn't hold btc didn't "have a bad day". imagine idolizing a random stranger. reddit would welcome you with open arms.

>> No.57256952

Uhh, price dumped

>> No.57256972

lmfao you're retarded

>> No.57257057

Thats just putting 2 and 2 together beuh, i keep 60% of my money in alts rest in btc

Ur just bitter his nametag is now carrying more weight

Sez u

Nah, idolizing wtf is that, i just said thanks, faggot

>> No.57257081

Yeah, he nailed it, impressive.

>> No.57257204

>Ur just bitter his nametag is now carrying more weight
Oh, you're the person in the OP. Was it worth it to jerk yourself off for a few minutes?

>> No.57257222

And youre the r*ddit migrant

>> No.57257225

>idolizing wtf is that
this board is in rapid decline

>> No.57257239

I don't hold any BTC but my coins are up more than BTC. I guess it's a bad day.

>> No.57257240

>And youre the r*ddit migrant
we call you plebbitors, fucking tourist

>> No.57257281

He said what half of my Twitter feed was saying. Big whoop

>> No.57257296

BTC does good, that means alts do GREAT.
What tree did you fall from?

Ur so cringe xD “we” like youre part of a community gtfo

>> No.57257309

Oh yeah?
Post one that sait that for specific time and that its finna go UP not down. Ill wait.

Plus he brought it to US not to tw*tter