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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57253109 No.57253109 [Reply] [Original]

lmao a sucker is born every minute


>> No.57253148
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Poor guy got honeypotted through a rogue/fake app.

>> No.57253157

its over, the dad should have know that crypto is a scam

>> No.57253161

That's not even a crypto scam, at no point was crypto involved. He just sent his money into the scammers bank account apparently lmao

>> No.57253165

>esl retard

not my problem

>> No.57253168

boomers kinda deserve it. they are shitty

>> No.57253176

Indians lol.

>> No.57253177

i guess this boomer will just have to pull himself up by the boot straps and get a job at mcdonalds, kek

>> No.57253191
File: 93 KB, 2300x2227, ZQ2CUAWWCJD3XHI4B6PDJIURN4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no sympathy for boomers KEK an entire generation of ladder pullers i hope they all go broke and have to work cashiers.

>> No.57253207

boomers shouldn't be allowed on the internet. they are too retarded

>> No.57253262
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and that's how Big Black Rock will play their bitcoin pitch to risk averse boomers

>> No.57253297

That money is gone lmao. I'm pretty sure my dad fell for that dumb shit too. He once asked me a "hypothetical" question about using a crypto app to double his $300.

>> No.57253307

>only 200k for entire retirement

it was over before it even began

>> No.57253342

sue app store for allowing this, problem solved

>> No.57253467

the future of finance!

>> No.57253488

sounds like pajeet got scammed by a pajeet

>> No.57253503

Buts be someone outside the us and europe, there are more contries in the world you know?

>> No.57253515

The only 2 absolute normies I know that got into crypto, my brother and an 70+ year old guy that works in my industry, and each of them found themselves on the sketchiest on ramp apps.

My brother was on some app that gave big rewards for referrals and seemed to have virally make it's way through the navy. He used that app to buy safe moon. Lol

The old man was using an app called uphold. Some shit I never heard of. At least that app allowed you to withdrawal unlike the one my brother used. I just don't understand how these normies find these shitty apps.

>> No.57253550

So it's an Indian posting about his dad that got scammed by another Indian that was probably pretending to be a cute asian woman that convinced him to deposit real money into a fake crypto exchange. Poo on poo violence.

>> No.57253556

Uphold is a legit exchange, oddly, they just suck for a large variety of reasons.

>> No.57253559

$200k Canadian is even worse.

>> No.57253582

>jeet english

pretty much sums up this country

>> No.57253595

its tulip mania

>> No.57253770

200k liquid in your 60s assuming your home and vehicle is paid for (reasonable assumptions to amass 200k) while collecting social security and probably a retirement pension is absolute coast mode. you'll be lucky if you make it that far.

>> No.57253803
File: 59 KB, 721x599, biz-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>esl language
It's a fucking stinky pajeet, not a boomer. Canada is flooded with them and I hope the afflicted parties on the OP are forced to flee their debts accrued in canada

>> No.57253857

>wants to cash out

HAHAHAHAH, there are still people who think you can cash out internet fake money???????

>> No.57253927

They send these boomers a text message with a pretty

>> No.57253936

this is a pig butchering scam

>> No.57254002

Nobody wants some shitcoin. Its all a scam. Put your money in and try take everyone else’s money out. He skipped a step but he got what he deserved

>> No.57254017

>HAHAHAHAH, there are still people who think you can cash out internet fake money???????
i am pretty fucking sure the whole thing is a scam my money has been stuck in coinbase for several days now, 4 figures not a lot but i can't fucking cash it out it says it's not available after i converted my fucking shitcoin to usd. Fuck niggers and trannies.

>> No.57254046

why didn't he just open a coinbase account?

>> No.57254049

But if its usd you dont have to worry about the coin crashing right?

>> No.57254076

>The victim of one of the scams was a 71-year-old California man. He sent money to crypto wallets that channeled more than $100,000 into the account in Wang’s name, according to blockchain analysis company Coinfirm. The man’s family told Reuters he lost about $2.7 million, his life savings, after falling prey to someone claiming to be an attractive young woman called Emma.

>> No.57254092

what app?

>> No.57254134

his "retirement fund" was a 30k gamble on a loan?

>> No.57254246

skill issue

>> No.57254287

One time pajeet scammers tried to call my dad but his racism pulled through thankfully and he told them to fuck off. I told him to never trust street shitters after that

>> No.57254342

USD has been actively crashing for 3 years.

>> No.57254359

unironically a good idea in life to never trust indians or jews

>> No.57254367


>> No.57254376

This, it's either a pajeet or filthipino and both groups are complete trash.

>> No.57254389

I got scammed too - guy is a fucking psychopath lover too
Many people have been scammed by him
Any way to get back at him

>> No.57254420

Wait a minute, what is wrong with uphold?


>> No.57254581

These kind of threads just make me sad. You fags have no heart

>> No.57254621

> just don't understand how these normies find these shitty apps.
Either the FB spam comments where some profile with an anglo name and a white face talking how "Mr. Fred Smith" is giving them insane returns in broken English or direct FB messaging.
Yeah I use goybook. It lets me know of local events and lets me keep in touch with people I don't talk to.

>> No.57254631

Try over a hundred newfag.

>> No.57254649

No sympathy for retarded boomers who trust everyone and everything.

>> No.57254968

This isn't even funny it's really sad.

>> No.57254980

How can you be born a Boomer with the easiest run possible and still retire in your 60s with only $200k?

>> No.57255020

the best part about boomers doing this is that they wont live long enough to feel the consequences but their kids will inherit the debt

>> No.57255118

>their kids will inherit the debt
Not how it works. Why is /biz/ so financially illiterate? bunch of poor retards on this board.

>> No.57255205

Kek, another ESL ranjeet who got scammed. Why are they all so stupid?

>> No.57255229
File: 482 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20231124-113624_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no crypto involved
>crypto app
Nice try sam bankman ellison, not buying your bags though

>> No.57255534

>kids will inherit the debt
You can't inherit debt you dumb nigger.

>> No.57255572


Am I a sociopath/psychopath for not feeling bad for these people?

If you grow to the age of 40 and haven't learned what is too good to be through

Or if you have hundreds of thousands of wealth to begin with and decide to lose it all in a scam

Maybe you deserve it?

I dont even have 10k in crypto because im a poor wagie but at least im not so fucking stupid to give away hundreds of thousands to literal strangers

like how is it possible for you to even live passed 30 years old?

How is it even possible for you to have over $100 in wealth if you are this fucking stupid???

How can I feel bad?

This guy obviously can lose it.

If you have $100k or more and decide to put it into a fake app you obviously can afford to lose it.

I wont even lose $10 in a scam. 10 dollars I wouldnt even give to something I dont trust.

But these guys can give away life changing wealth, and they decide to cry when they lose it

Sorry I just dont understand

>> No.57255622


>> No.57255623

you are an edgy queer, kys

>> No.57255648

What? Im asking question

How the fuck does anyone manage to get $200.000 dollars to invest, only to not check what they are investing in?


$200k is life changing wealth for 99% of people

And you just gamble it away or dont double check where you are sending it to?

It is a legit question, it does not make sense and just reeks of made up.

If I had $200k, I would guard it with my life. I would not double, not triple, but quadrouble check every single step, probably sleep on it too to make sure.

But these guys just send away life changing wealth to something that does not even exist in the app store

Im sorry it is just not possible and if it is possible then the $200k wasnt important to you

>> No.57255674

>Am I a sociopath/psychopath for not feeling bad for these people?

>> No.57255684

ok good

>> No.57255698

>I wont even lose $10 in a scam. 10 dollars I wouldnt even give to something I dont trust.
this is why you will never make it

>> No.57255710

"Canadian" Poo got poo'd
Pooetic justice

>> No.57255718

Probably Indian, that sucks man. Work hard your whole life and it gets snatched.

>> No.57255723

Lol you dumb idiot. Meaning you dont give 10$ away to a scam means you are make it possibly.

If you give away 10 money to what you dont trust? How cna make it if money gone?

>> No.57255728

I'm a mid 30s minimum wage cuck and have a 100k because i have no life or friends to spend it on.

>> No.57255732

Yes but you no invest it into something stupid right

you double check before sending $100k right?

>> No.57255736

a lion meets a frog.

the tiny frog squaks loudly how if he had fangs he would take care of them everyday, and never use them so he wouldn't accidentally break a fang, in fact the lion should be ecstatic he had fangs, and how can he not take better care of them??

the lion snorts and trods on, ignoring the frog

>> No.57255741

You are right, the weak small frogs deserve to be eaten by the lion

if you have $200k and are useless uncareful with it, the $200k should belong to someone else

>> No.57255749

99,9% of crypto is a scam and scams make most money in this space.
If you are not willing to take a risk for $10 gamble, you are not making money in this space.
you even have dirt poor mentality:
>If I had $200k, I would guard it with my life.
200k is nothing, but feels like a big chunck of money when you are DIRT POOR.

>> No.57255755

You misunderstand

What I mean is, even sending $10 i would check to make sure it isnt a scam

>$200k is nothing

oh n ow you are just baiting, but if $200k is nothing to you, then you can also not invest the time to write a reddit post about losing it

>> No.57255757

buddy, you are the frog in this story and just literally quoted what the frog said.

>> No.57255769

If you send $200k to unknown and unknown steals it, you are stupid and dont deserve $200k

>> No.57255793

you type like an annoying retard

>> No.57255796

No - if you don't know what the fuck you're doing, stay away from it. Simple as.

Why put 200k into something you know nothing about?

>> No.57255806


>> No.57255812

Be cautious with this in some jurisdiction yes you can
Life destroying debt even

>> No.57255818


>> No.57255840

I agree!@

>> No.57255841

Mass replying niggers like you make me leave threads. You attention whore faggot

>> No.57255847 [DELETED] 

Only good Internet money is Bitcoin xrp and monero and non of you jeet niggers would ever be able to convince me otherwise.

>> No.57255850

Boomers are not made for crypto. Jeets have been getting craftier each bullrun and while they are still obvious with their shilling, their progress can be seen even on this board. Crypto will always be seen as magic internet money scam by boomers, thta's why i don't think etfs will change their mind

>> No.57255901

Thank you

>> No.57255982

I have 200k, I don't guard it, I don't have locks on it, it's really not that significant to me
let me explain it to you, mass replying faggot, before I leave your thread forever

if I use 200k to pay off my house, I will still have to pay city tax, I will still have to maintain and repair it, my mortgage going down is not so significant that I can stop working all together

by the time bitcoin reaches 250k, a beautiful house will be 2 million bucks.

it doesn't fucking matter, they keep us spinning around the wheel

>> No.57255997

>If you grow to the age of 40 and haven't learned what is too good to be through
You're likely not a sociopath or anything like that. It just means you're low empathy and can't fathom that people cognitively different to you exist. Low empathy means you're low tier trash like 99% of humanity and probably the people you're mocking. Btw by empathy I do not mean being a leftist cuck. Aristotle was right when he said a significant percent of humanity would be better off both morally and physically as slaves and the rest as their masters.
>How can I feel bad?
Idk man. Life is suffering at all levels. If you have even an ounce of schadenfreude left in you then you just aren't big enough to grasp the whole picture unironically.

>> No.57256024

Im cleaning my house right now

>> No.57256366









>> No.57256759

>boomers and their friends
why don't they just ask their children?

>> No.57256888
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The real answer is because the person online probably presents themselves as successful while a majority of us are flipping shitcoins for 5% gains. Boomers prefer quick rich scams vs helping younger generation compound their wealth together

I know I'm an insane example but can you imagine me asking my mom if she wants to invest? She knows I'm in it for years and have the basic idea around crypto down but I highly doubt she would trust me with financial advice

>> No.57256895

When money comes to you easily (boomers) it also leaves you easily. This is how the world works.

>> No.57256911

>"Let me just bet my retirement money real quick".
I love this shit

>> No.57256925

this. tired of seeing these esls on forums and chatrooms. they just just stop posting.

>> No.57256984

You’re in crypto so you’re not that smart faggot

>> No.57257067
File: 1.83 MB, 2208x2707, Schizo Drunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good news nigger. National iq dropping means autistic savants become moderately rich

>> No.57257096

Debt doesn‘t have to be monetary.
Your autism shines through

Also the debt burden of your home country is very much inherited

>> No.57257105

> too good to be through
> live passed
Kys immediately, brainlet

>> No.57257107
File: 13 KB, 255x247, 1588186306882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for playing

>> No.57257123

Have you ever lived around brown people

>> No.57257148
File: 41 KB, 640x480, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

samefag, kek

>> No.57257168

KEK, this poster gets it.

>> No.57257194

Thank God I played Runescape enough to know what a scam is

>> No.57257491

Nope because we all know the risks and dangers of Crypto. It's not a game where banks and regulations protect you.

You get fucked if you don't know shit. These people shouldn't be risking money like that or even thinking about investing in crypto unless they're desperate with a few hundred dollars.

>> No.57257577

Right, fking Christ so many normies going to get rekted

>> No.57257582

>Or if you have hundreds of thousands of wealth to begin with and decide to lose it all in a scam
one thing to think about is i doubt the dad is rich or even great with money, 200,000 saved by a 60 year old guy is not crazy wealthy. if someone had multi mullions saved for retirement that's pretty great, but 200k is a lower class retirement fund. he was probably some toilet repair man who didn't have too many bills and just barely scraped by but saved what he could, never really used the internet much but was like "Heh my retirements going to be shit with this 200k, maybe if i 10x with bit cones it it'll be a bit more lavish." and then wham, he flushed all of his money down the toilet by sending it to some street shitters

>> No.57257606

>Redditor's Dad loses entire 200K retirement fund in crypto scam

>> No.57257609


Makes it easyer to read


Crypto is the future brainlet


They are probably wording errors, you still understand what he means


I am just saying that if you have $200k and are old age 60 you are very stupid to lose it all in one blow. You would expect someone with that much life experience to know better and double check. So you manage to grow old and manage to save $200k and then just decide oh lets send something to literal strangers without double checking? Sorry but it seems weird like natrucal selectation

>> No.57257642

Future of finance, right guys?

>> No.57257643

>the oldest people, who have benefited from decades of compound interest, have the most money

>> No.57257691

>I am just saying that if you have $200k and are old age 60 you are very stupid to lose it all in one blow.
for whatever reason old people fall for internet scams waaaaay more than younger people. they will click fucked up links, believe fake websites more, install malware like its nothing. they usually can't tell whats photoshopped or an AI voice so they get scammed by videos of things like an AI mr beast telling them to use a fake crypto app. the average younger person can easily call shit out as being fake online and has a 6th sense for it but people who didn't grow up being online a lot are just retarded when it comes to using the internet.

>> No.57257762

>That's not even a crypto scam, at no point was crypto involved. He just sent his money into the scammers bank account apparently lmao
oh my sweet summer child
do you think your lofty intelligence confers to the masses you needed to buy into crypto to become your exit liquidity?
crypto is DOA, it is a ponzi scheme, it is a scam, and thanks to the internet it will never be forgotten.

>> No.57257990

Well in your analogy for the situation in the OP. The lion just lost his eyes and can no longer continue to hunt.

>> No.57258012

200k is nothing at 60. 200k in your 20s is tremendous

>business and finance board

>> No.57258030

india should be disconnected from the world wide web

>> No.57258043


Yep, time value of money. That's why the "wait until you're old to start working/saving" people are utterly retarded. Pile up your capital as fast as fucking possible when you're young, and it will be a massive snowball by your late 30's that you don't even need to contribute to anymore.

>> No.57258131

The average normie may as well be doing that.

>> No.57258195


>> No.57258553

>Buts be someone outside the us and europe
English 19th language moment

>> No.57258629

>crypto app
Yeah bro I'm sure the fake "crypto app" the scammers made him install actually bought crypto on-chain for him, for some fucking reason.
>been going up and functioning well for over a decade
Damn that's a long arrival

>> No.57258754

10/10 bait

>> No.57259071

>reddit spacing

>> No.57259995

wtf is your picrel getting at?
i honestly don't get it

>> No.57260056

These are all fake. Every single one. All the cuck ones, everything.
The more engagements the post gets, the better the writer thinks he is.
Reposting on 4cham for a whole thread is more free engagement and why screenshot threads should be banned.

This is just "Hey! Look what I "found" on reddit!"
That's not business & finance.

>> No.57260197

Bait and edgy teen mentality, but actually based take. I only feel sympathy for people who are genuinely unfortunate. To actively make a bad decision out of arrogance or thinking you know better is always deserved unless the person was mentally deteriorating or ill.

>> No.57260287
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>Poor guy

No. He deserves it. Know why? Because every single one of these dumb motherfuckers who fall for these jeet scams do it for one reason and one reason only


"Oh lemme go into crypto I heard it's easy money here take my 200k give me back more"


Fuck greedy faggot dumb normalfags they deserve to get skined alived and die of hunger out on the streets

Every jeet who scams a greedy old boomer out of their retirement is a hero.

>> No.57260320

Might be greed, but they dumb as shit and told "crypto is magic" and lose it all. It’s sad. I have never been scammed like that, but my sympathy is still with them. Heartbreaking if it happened to my family.

>> No.57260378

there's a bit of poorfag seethe in your post
but even as a richfag, i agree with your sentiment
if anything i think the anons replying "muh edge" are more likely to be sociopaths than you are. although they have the kind of sociopathy that is common and accepted in normalfag circles
whereas you have the clear logical outlook that is seen negatively. normies don't think, and in crab-in-a-bucket fashion they hate witnessing someone who can think

>> No.57260394

These people replying to you and insulting you are leftist tranny niggers. Don't listen to them. You are right.

That old fucking boomer deserves to loose it all for being that stupid. It's called survival of the fittest you niggers. People with low IQ und bad physics needs to get wiped out of the human race, thats literally how we evolved from cavemans.

>> No.57261048

I’ve worked with Indians. They believe if you’re dumb enough to fall for a scam, you deserve it. Using this mindset they go after the elderly who can’t think straight.
I’d say about 10% of their economy is scamming people above 75 who are living peaceful lives.

>> No.57261370

You type like an insufferable retard.

>> No.57261610

I just can't imagine getting scammed by a romance scam. I wouldn't even give my real girlfriend money unless its an emergency. How are they giving thousands of dollars to someone they only know online?

>> No.57261627

>and can't fathom that people cognitively different to you exist.
I can fathom them, I just think they should suffer more than me. If I can't be happy, why should retards?

>> No.57261799

I can't even read your post because you formatted it like a faggot.
Didn't read
Kill yourself

>> No.57261836

just stfu

>> No.57261883

i know a blockchain savvy guy who lost a lot of money to a crypto phishing site, he connected his wallet and got drained despite knowing all about those scams. all it takes is a few seconds of inattention

>> No.57262146

hundred percent a chink. Only chinese say APP (and literally pronounce it ayy pee pee)

>> No.57262426

yeah anons here making fun of this guy don't realize how easy it is to get fucked in crypto. Even if you know what you're doing, you can have one day where you slept like shit and have other things on your mind, do something retarded and lose a good chunk of money. It should never be all of it though, I've got risk management strategies in place to avoid losing everything in case I happen to do something retarded some day.

>> No.57263694

>Am I a sociopath/psychopath for not feeling bad for these people?
No, I'm laughing because Indians are prolific scammers and to see them scammed is schadenfreude at its finest. Moreover, guy absolutely got hooked because of his greed.

>> No.57264102

You ultimately have to be the one to seal your own fate.

>> No.57264492

what shade of shit are your hands only sociopaths take pleasure in someone losing everything. guy is a fucking retard sure but he only had 200k at 60 you say he's greedy i think he's desperate.

>> No.57264578

It was probably Greyscale with an "E"

>> No.57264600

Wow that's messed up

>> No.57264880


>> No.57265189

Lawfag here. You can inherit debt. My own late father’s will even says that you get the goods you get the debt.

>> No.57265206

What kind of shithole country do you live in?

>> No.57265327

Boomers only need $200k to retire once you factor in Social Security. In Canada he would be getting both Old Age Security and Canada Pension Plan plus his healthcare is covered. And he's the last generation of (non-public sector employees) that would have a company pension plan which can be as high as a millennial's annual salary depending on the company and his tenure. He can unironically eat this loss and the only one who will suffer is his son posting this thread because he's the one paying for his benefits via taxes and now he won't even collect that $200k inheritance.

>> No.57265910

Why would anyone ever use an exchange or some weird app? You really ought to only be buying bitcoin or monero in person with cash. If you want to cash out you sell in person and get paid cash. Using some glowing exchange or anything that requires someone else hold your crypto or requires any amount of personal info goes entirely against the whole point of crypto.

>> No.57265918

I think he means secured debt like mortgages or auto loans. If you inherited unsecured shit with unpaid credit card debt or he has leftover medical bills, you can tell the bank and hospital to fuck off. Actually don't do that. Just ignore the phone calls and threatening letters. 9.9 times out of 10 the banks and hospital already found out your dad died and sold his unsecured loans to a ghetto bill collector company for pennies on the dollar who 9.9 out of 10 times won't subpoena you into a lawsuit after 4-6 months of bluffed calls