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57247931 No.57247931 [Reply] [Original]

Shorting Bitcoin is literally free money.

>> No.57247971
File: 55 KB, 720x858, 161779667_5794934037187069_7942841058157899571_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitcoin at $15k
>"we're going to $10k, shorting bitcoin is literally free money"
>one year later, bitcoin is at $45k, a whole generation of bears have already blown up their accounts
>bitcoin ETF approval is hours away
>"shorting bitcoin is literally free money"
stupid is as stupid does

>> No.57247998

I don't think anyone is actually short. You would have to be so retarded you can't even functionally use a computer to short the etf announcement when everyone knows it's confirmed now.

>> No.57248004

It's literally free money (for bulls)

>> No.57248064

Yes, free money for the Exchange.

>> No.57248069

If 'no one' is actually short, that means all the shorters have been effectively liquidated and the only liquidations to complete now is on the downside.

>> No.57248151

That kind of logic is what got you rekt. The trend is your friend stop trying to time the top and stop trying to short the most bullish event in cryptocurrency history. At least wait until a blowoff.

>> No.57248170

Well this last 15min certainly says something about the current trend, 'friend'.

>> No.57248201

how did alts become less volatile then btc? In what kind of fucked up time are we living?

>> No.57248210

shorters will be liquidated too

>> No.57248221

>In what kind of fucked up time are we living?
The bear market time. And it won't end for another 3 months, until the halving kicks in, and not one second longer.

People always forget that basic fact and think this just HAS to be the dawn of a new day. And then it never is.

>> No.57248335

I am not going to say this time is different but I really dont know whats going to happen, this has to be as stupid as the corona virus pumping everything

>> No.57248504

I feel like one of the last unironic bears on this board. It’s not even unreasonable for bitcoin to test 32k again, TA literally is screaming it

And no, it is not astrology for men.

>> No.57248556

You're not alone. It's just most of the board is full of FOMO morons that think something pumping 3 months straight on lower and lower volume totally has to just keep going up on even bigger volume and not do at least one big swing down first.

Their loss will be our gain - just keep DCAing a short judiciously with a ton of collateral (to avoid getting stopped out by all the scamwicks) all the way up to 50k and it'll work itself out one way or another.

>> No.57248832

>TA literally is screaming it
you're a literal drooling retard if you think TA isn't pure astrology bullshit
it predicts nothing, absolutely fucking nothing
a literal 50/50 gamble

>> No.57248888
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Based. Rango is fast for shorting (swapping is near instant)

>> No.57248932
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i'm using rango rn to cross-chain swap to BTC, need to make gains

>> No.57248954
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Shorting, longing, leverage,

>> No.57249022

id rather hold btc rn even harder since SEC has been aproved prices will go dumb dumb soon

>> No.57249058

>swapping coins is the same as shorting
go fuck yourself nigger

>> No.57249062

I don't want to get my ass liquidated sorry

>> No.57249140

Swaping doesnt mean shorting you fucking retarded dumbfuck