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File: 236 KB, 1148x1176, 1683043433551383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57245204 No.57245204 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information

>GMERICA: RICO's Rough Sting & Launching TEDDY on tZERO, Part 6

>GMERICA, part 5


>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

>Temporary alliance with jews and reddit we can go back to hating each other later
>Don't take any DD for fact use your brain

>Umm Uhh Uhh Uhhh Umm

>As always
Kek bondies

Previousneed on /BBBYQ/:

>> No.57245247


>> No.57245262
File: 574 KB, 716x601, 1699049660817881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what's the newest cope baggies? Or have you accepted that it's jover

>> No.57245272

How is a possessive toddler like a bbbaggot?

>> No.57245281

God bless the baker. Let us look forward to the seething of pooniggers and tunnel rats itt. Amen.

>> No.57245349

personally, I accepted it was over late nov but I still check this general at least twice weekly in hopes of some glitch in the matrix. I only held 30 or 35K shares so I wouldn't be rich but it would be nice to trade those garbage shares for $15 each.

Won't happen sadly though.

>> No.57245354

Riggers, Diggers and DotNiggers

>> No.57245366

> They're talking to each other.

>> No.57245466
File: 1.96 MB, 366x360, 1693259635513385.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. We quash them in any debate, so they just circlejerk each other and pretend it's consensus.

>> No.57245478 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 499x533, IMG_4522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god I am extremely demoralized. Therefore, when we get new equity and cash in exchange for our bbbyq that was removed due to a pending corporate merger and acquisition action, I will sell the new stock for any price I can get. Why would I hold the stock and actually use the cash portion of the dividend to buy even more? What would cause someone to behave like this? This could cause a catastrophic meltdown for wallstreet if the stock happened to be cartoonishly over shorted and new equity was issued.

>> No.57245487
File: 1.00 MB, 1776x1098, Michael I Goldberg Will Save Us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We quash them in any debate
My rabbi in yhwh, plugging your ears and shouting lalalalala isn't "quashing" someone in a debate.

>> No.57245502

you wouldn't need to argue with strangers online if you had shares

>> No.57245510
File: 3.01 MB, 1728x2048, 1701553885761390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will soon be so demoralized you will full horseshoe 360 and walk away remoralized

>> No.57245547
File: 38 KB, 893x305, gtdlmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for a game baggies. Guess what month this cope was posted

>> No.57245662
File: 1.28 MB, 1280x606, pp pping.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*commits indecent exposure and public urination in your path*

heh, nothing personnel

>> No.57245696


>> No.57245732

Fun fact: many meltdown posters believe in hollow earth, metaphysical entities, and that ufos have contacted the governments of the world. But rich people doing a ponzi scheme is much too far fetched.

>> No.57245763

Good thing I'm a GME """maxi"""

>> No.57245768

When is Tzero, it's looks like it's never happenin...

>> No.57245781

Aliens controlling the government is a euphemism so they don't sound antisemitic. They would rather make believe than believe.

>> No.57245786
File: 64 KB, 777x664, 1664914882675757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

downies pretending to be "maxis" now kek

>> No.57245793

It’s their last resort. It heavily limits the type of shilling they can do though so I assume he will burn the id soon.

>> No.57245800
File: 472 KB, 2048x2048, C5C98616-E432-4859-8571-72A2D7B1D1CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know.

>> No.57245895
File: 48 KB, 525x491, buy the socks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too cowardly to even give me a fake (You)
"GME" meltdown users are now shitting on AMC and AMC 2 (that's you) more than they are shitting on GME (because they can't). They are even using my terminologies and kekkingpoints without them knowing.
>b-but why are you doing this
>are you insane?
Yes. Also, did you seriously not expect reprisals from GME spite holders? You seriously expected that they would only direct their spite to hedgoids and not to BBBaggies that infested our general for months? I am an equal opportunity spite dispenser.

>> No.57245927

>our general

>> No.57245966

so why did RC like pulte's tweets and a florida panthers video of bobrovsky celebrating

>> No.57245982

Uh oh maxi. The line of questioning is beginning and it starts with digits >>57245966. Pop that addy it’s time to WORK!

>> No.57245996

Greetings baggies, any equity today? No? Ok same time tomorrow then, hope you don't have any bills that need paying

>> No.57246044

The ID churn in this thread is going to be epic.

>> No.57246073

Why doesn't he get we can see him? Why does he still do it?

>> No.57246075
File: 1.70 MB, 590x633, 1692599476079975.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek is with us frens

>> No.57246080 [DELETED] 
File: 2.78 MB, 1904x1428, IMG_3327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am extremely demoralized. Therefore when we get new equity and cash in exchange for our bbbyq that were removed from accounts due to pending corporate merger and acquisition actions, I will surely sell my new stock for any price I can get. Why would I, or anyone else hold the new equity and use the cash to buy even more? This could spell disaster for hedge funds and market makers, along with their prime brokers alllll the way up to the dtc and the fed if the stock was previously cartoonishly over shorted.

>> No.57246081

Ah yes, the quintessential BBBaggie """DD"""
The longer this pans out, the more I find out about annoying GME posters being BBBaggies
>Michael Burry cock sucker
>sugarbaby anon
>uh oh stinky poster
>christ is king poster
>one thing that they always do doer
And it makes me glad. I suspect radioanon is also a BBBaggie but he might have roped himself a long time ago.

>> No.57246096

>Why doesn't he get
Because he doesn't. He can't. If he had throne the throne of mind to understand he would not be here.

>> No.57246103

>doesnt answer the question
>tries to namefag using things that most anons do
>acts like this is his science experiment

>> No.57246133
File: 110 KB, 1340x986, dildodude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably it's best to remove the pp show link from OP until the trademark dispute gets resolved.

>> No.57246137

>doesnt answer the question
You mean rope me in a mentally-retarded """discussion""" about Brain Chobani's tweets and how it MAY have anything to do with getting your shares of BBBYQ uncancelled? No thanks, I'm smart.

>> No.57246155

The bbby shills are so much saucier than the gme shills. Like it’s personal or something.

>> No.57246158
File: 17 KB, 248x189, dbu7spz-8d0cc3b2-dfdc-4246-bf2b-de80fe18de30 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm smart

>> No.57246171
File: 66 KB, 640x640, literally me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw didn't buy BBBYQ

>> No.57246191

So you, ostensibly a gme maxi, do not want to talk about the CEO, president, and chairman of your company? If you have any sort of thesis involving Ryan Cohen being important to the turnaround of GameStop, then I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want to discuss what he says, writes, and does. Is it maybe because it gives you cognitive dissonance? Is he just doing things for no reason and with no plan? You shouldn’t be a maxi if you believe that. So if there is reason driving his actions, then what are your logical interpretations of those actions?

>> No.57246199

Cringe lulcow poster

>> No.57246212

Leave him alone. He’s smart. Kek.

>> No.57246214
File: 293 KB, 300x577, pepe suit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a bit of insider information. All I can say is look out for February.

>> No.57246224

I’m trying to get him to share some of his wisdom with me. This is MY science experiment.

>> No.57246243 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 529x360, IMG_2590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I am extremely demoralized. Therefore when the people that aren’t paying attention to the meme stock saga or are on the edge about whether or not to invest in gme/ bbby(when you could still slurp for cheap) see that the scitzos were right all along, and abusive naked shorting is common place, they will surely not invest in Ryan cohens new venture.

Why would an outsider, who may or may not have been swayed by the bombardment of organic altruists; who swarm social discussion forums to warn the weary travelers to keep away from investing in the new equity that’s coming, actually go and invest instead of listening to organic altruists?

When it turns out that the gme/bbby holders were right all along why would people dog pile into the new equity once they understand what RC is doing? This would cause great harm for wallstreet and the banks, and the peoples’ love for wallstreet and the banks is at an all time high, surely they would never invest in RCs new venture upon discovering the gme/bbby investors were right all along.

>> No.57246247
File: 725 KB, 498x498, classy pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers to that, gonna stock up on some GME in the meanwhile

>> No.57246256

>Basis for protest
Verbal Agreement

>> No.57246257

You don't understand me wanting to talk about his tweets that aren't related to gamestop? Sorry, my investment is with a company that exists (GameStop) with shares that aren't cancelled ($GME). Until Ryan Cohen comes out and says what drove him to take the actions he took, I will not presume to know more than him and I will not speculate. Perhaps when GameStop becomes bankrupt, is wound down, and GME cancelled, then I might go finding clues in tweets and children's books. Until then, I will focus on watching GameStop's improving financials and kekking BBBaggies' non-existent bags.

>> No.57246273

You are the diametric opposite of dogshit anon. Tyfys.

>> No.57246300
File: 22 KB, 365x365, Smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Market collapse imminent within 3 months?
Millions of eyes from around the world are staring, let's see how much longer Kenny and company can keep it up.
Apes are holding and waiting patiently

>> No.57246302

>when GameStop goes bankrupt
Very organic maxi thing to say. totally normal.

>> No.57246319
File: 3.10 MB, 498x286, tenor (4).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57246321


>> No.57246338

His next move is
>I was just pretending to be retarded

>> No.57246355

That's what you got from out of that? I expected too much, let me lay it out for you, as one would for a five year-old:
Bed Bath and Beyond: went bankrupt; is winding down; and its shares cancelled.
Bed Bath and Beyond Holders: have nothing; and are left to divine clues on how to get their money back from tweets and children's books that aren't even about them.
It was being implied that for me to do what you and other BBBaggies are doing, GameStop needs to become bankrupt; needs to wind down; and needs to have its shares cancelled.

>> No.57246362
File: 351 KB, 512x512, 1668007075540827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apes are holding and waiting patiently
They must be because that was posted in 2021

>> No.57246387

Jesus. You really are esl.

>> No.57246389
File: 1.66 MB, 3840x2160, Comfy_Cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the shillies are still here seething. Wonder why?

>> No.57246397
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>> No.57246408

>gamestop needs to become bankrupt
You can’t help but leak your true feelings through phrasing.

>> No.57246419

You should check out this call if you haven't already. The DD is becoming more concrete. You can lie about everything except taxes.

>> No.57246431


>> No.57246447
File: 102 KB, 600x600, FNVzQHZXEAMpeUA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No you are mad, not me who has lost my money but you, the person laughing at us

>> No.57246476
File: 8 KB, 256x256, IMG_0225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I am extraordinarily demoralized, therefore when we get new equity and cash I will certainly sell my equity for a low price because holding into the thousands and beyond will hurt wallstreet, who is an altruistic entity that has sent an armada of informed researchers to esoteric internet communities to warn us about investing in GameStop or bbby, and how dangerous it is.

Do you realize how much damage would be caused if people took their cash dividend and bought even more shares with it? Who would do such a thing ? What have hedge funds, prime brokers, banks, regulators, and the political establishment ever done to warrant such treatment by these terrorist shareholders?

I certainly understand the importance of wallstreet and their need to take tax breaks from the evil system by stashing it offshore after siphoning trillions from the working class over decades. They have earned that money by normal market making and other shorting activities. The engineers and scientists who build buildings, bridges, and water treatment facilities are not nearly as important as hedge funds are.

>> No.57246495
File: 748 KB, 1404x1662, 115056291_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tick-tock, baggots. Form 1099-B is coming. How do you think your handlers will explain why it's a 100% loss?

>> No.57246498

The only laughing I hear is the laughter of comfy shareholders awaiting their disbursements while sisyshillies futilely push on their rocks. You have my permission to continue and TYFYS.

>> No.57246509

>reads thing beyond middle-school tier
Of course you will project what you want to see, you've been doing that since Chobani sold BBBYQ.

>> No.57246517

>comfy shareholders
May I see one of your shares?

>> No.57246539

no true GME holder would call him chobani

>> No.57246578
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>> No.57246634
File: 37 KB, 685x197, argument.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new equity and cash
lol. lmao

Although, maybe this Ryan Cohen guy is just a shill. What other reason could he possibly have to claim that baggots aren't getting new shares?

>> No.57246674

Holy fuck, I am extremely

>> No.57246695

you seem upset.

>> No.57246733

it's because gme still has shares lmao

>> No.57246737
File: 1.92 MB, 498x362, 1665159322570949.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will bend the knee to the silly shillies once we leave CH11 with nothing.
Until then I am literally on the edge of my seat literally waiting for the go-ahead to put in my two weeks and RETIRE in my 30s.
You laugh but for some reason I feel like a sensual, hot piece of toast being lathered up with warm, smooth butter all over my body. I just want to get all my shares and roll around on them, slipping and sliding each way.

>> No.57246750

kek baggies

>> No.57246809

pretty low effort.

>> No.57246835

>no true GME holder would call him chobani
>he doesn't know of Brain Chobani

>> No.57246870

how do i buy this?

>> No.57246949
File: 138 KB, 466x244, chapter 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>once we leave CH11

>> No.57246973
File: 198 KB, 1024x1024, KP250_Knee_Pads-color-black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put em on

>> No.57246983

On January 1st I wiped my ass with a $50 and put it in a box. Every day I smile knowing that the contents of that box is worth more than the entire investment of every BBBaggie combined.

>> No.57247047

>collects shit it a box
Could you possibly be more brown?

>> No.57247070

Thanks for acknowledging that shit in a box has more value than BBBaggiestonks

>> No.57247088

>Could you possibly be more brown?
The only way one could possibly be more brown is to be Neelay Das.

>> No.57247132
File: 290 KB, 1440x893, Screenshot_20240110-125515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I waste my breath on the impossible feat of convincing someone like you that poo has no value?

>> No.57247135

my first genie wish is for you motherfuckers to explode whenever you have the audacity to say blatantly stupid shit

>> No.57247157

Update on my police report. Sal is under active investigation for breaching section 127 of the Communications Act 2003 and evidence including written messages and recorded speech is being collected for the CPS.

As Sal would say, actions have consequences and you should be ready for when the digital world meets the real world.

>> No.57247175

Making Sal pay for television will be the second most important thing shills do with their lives.

>> No.57247206

the fuck is sal? salami? salad?

>> No.57247209

This fucker is definitely browsing here.
very based.
>when the digital world meets the real world.
I believe his words were
>when the online meets the real world.
>he doesn't know
Brown White Supremacists have done more for less.

>> No.57247374

holy shit you fucking retard, imagine being a shill and not only looking up 24/7 info about stock you don't own but you now spend your days looking up local laws surrounding the viewership of state broadcast to "pwn" these people.

The pwn is already yours. It's a self pwn. Thats the joke. You.

>> No.57247401
File: 655 KB, 626x1012, vhbhyghbjnk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes I'm a BBBY holder, how could you tell?

>> No.57247412

Hmmmm, sounds like somehting Salvatore Linoleum Flooring would say

>> No.57247433 [DELETED] 

Paki hands wrote this post

>> No.57247440

A french faggot who calls everyone Keith who totally isn't the thread splitting ID hopper wrote this post

(nice 1pbtid btw)

>> No.57247452

Imagine the sons she'd bear. Just imagine.

Unless it's plastic surgery, heaven forbid.

>> No.57247458

You better put some “the Kai’s MAJEEJ” show links in that OP or someone will copyright the thread name and shut you bitches down

>> No.57247464

Sal (You) is keith innit? Guess we will find out.

>> No.57247485

So the faguette is just spamming 1pbtid's and is likely the Kais personal army dick sucker.

I see

>> No.57247487


>> No.57247488

You sound incredibly rattled, scared about the bobbies coming to visit?

>> No.57247497

Not even Brit'ish you fucking cheese eating fuck nugget id hopping loser

>> No.57247501

yes, we. As in axlbRy6K, that bong autist who actually reported him, and me.

>> No.57247509

oi, you got a loicense for that profanity (and the threats you made on that spaces call or whatever)

>> No.57247653

This dude looks like moonMAN

>> No.57247765

We know you aren't British, you are a Paki shitskin

>> No.57247884

Oh no... well that sucks
Hope baggies didn't invest money they couldn't afford to lose

>> No.57247989

I just bought a call for btc. Fucking expensive.

>> No.57248204

Shut the fuck up boy or Kai’s will make you his new glory hole. Don’t want to do it? Too bad he filed a trademark that says you have to. He has all the trademarks. MOASS can’t happen until Ryan gets his trademarks back from KING KAIS but guess what Kais ain’t selling for anything less than a piss tape to use as blackmail

>> No.57248217
File: 42 KB, 400x400, 1704644639144201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting this much cringe
>under a another NEW id

>> No.57248271

The KAIS “Kais Majej” MALERJ ARMY will get you for that comment

>> No.57248318
File: 212 KB, 1170x496, Screenshot 2024-01-10 152749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if based, cringe, or unhinged

>> No.57248319

for me, it's PP's Fatty Hotwife

>> No.57248396

First PP, then that rants losers, then we’re coming for Pulte then RC. The name of the game is now give KING KAIS what we wants or the KAIS ARMY gets you with its trademarks

>> No.57248408


>> No.57248409

We are reaching psychosis levels previously considered impossible

>> No.57248438

Today is the 10th, I must have missed the news about the legal case against Ryan Cohen being dismissed. Could someone point me to it?

>> No.57248451
File: 58 KB, 1024x779, 1704913166446395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57248486

PP was triggered by Krinkle King Kais' fatty hotwife tweet.

>> No.57248652

Imagine wanting to be internet famous and getting beaten to the punch by someone with a ready-made talk show with all of the talking heads and being an outsider looking in as all of the money, fame, and fortune slips right through your fingers.

>> No.57248703

It ain't easy being brown. Just ask any of the faggots spamming itt.

>> No.57248781
File: 9 KB, 247x204, 11111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57248854

>t.Neelay Das, Brahmin Caste

>> No.57249700

TYFYS, ser, how many bobbies on your ledger?

>> No.57249733

He’s gonna be really triggered when he wakes up to see Kais pissing on her tonight. He rolls over, what does he see? A TM. Kais KAIS MAKEEJ Maljje has trademarked his house. PP must leave.

>> No.57249737
File: 539 KB, 665x835, BBBY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57249740

We are ABE (All BBBaggies Equal)[equally zero]

>> No.57249759

he must trademark the gabbussy

>> No.57250014

i sold my BBBY as soon as the jew sold and haven't kept up with anything other than knowing the stock went to 0
can i get a QRD on why this general exists

>> No.57250102

>can i get a QRD on why this general exists
Teddy Keiretsu
source: Cohen's Children's Books and Tweets

>> No.57250123
File: 396 KB, 499x336, 1646254936302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like they genuinely believe they don't glow

>> No.57250153

lol that sounds fucking dumb
you've posted 12 times just today alone in a 4chan thread for a stock that doesn't even exist anymore and you're claiming anyone else other than you is glowing?
fucking lol

>> No.57250170

>counting posts

>> No.57250183
File: 43 KB, 391x180, IMG_8118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy never even held the stock. Ain’t that weird?

>> No.57250211

sorry i don't keep up with the regulars in your post-investment copium thread like some schizophrenic faggot

>> No.57250218

Very weird

>> No.57250327

>This guy never even held the stock
I have said as such. Additionally, you also now do not hold the stock (no one does).

>> No.57250329
File: 27 KB, 540x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems this has always been their intent

>> No.57250346

Serious question for the apes in the thread
I'm a shill FUD troll, I am not hiding it. I am just curious
How do you rank the following 'plays' and their communities?
>Crypto (Bitcoin)
>Crypto (Non-Bitcoin)
>Precious Metals (I.e. Silver)
I ask because I wonder like, at least you guys have the 'Ryan Cohen Messiah Figure' thing in your play concept. But AMC baggies don't even have that lol they just keep getting diluted -90%+ and no theory of the case of how things are gonna turn around for them. And some of the shitcoins are just transparent pump and dumps for stupid coins no one gives a fuck about. Do you ever think like "Well OK my shares are gone but at least I have hope Ryan Cohen will save us all, at least I'm not as bad as an AMC ape?"

>> No.57250376

Precisely why I chose the past tense.

>> No.57250380

>not including the Teddy Keiretsu

>> No.57250391

Correct, I never held BBBY/Q because I'm smart.

>> No.57250394

I can’t imagine there is anyone who ever bought bbby that doesn’t also hold gme.

>> No.57250429
File: 9 KB, 441x495, 1701011990617205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because I'm smart
Keep telling yourself that, fren. As long as you keep bumping my thread. You're working harder than any of your peers.

>> No.57250456

according to him everyone sold their GME to buy BBBY, because he NEEDS that to be the narrative rather than people using disposable income bought both

>> No.57250514

>giving (You)s is hard work
Yikes. Here, have another >>57250429, it's worth more than your entire BBBYQ stack (zero).

>> No.57250650


>> No.57250657

But what if you hadn't eaten breakfast?

>> No.57250746

These are all you have. Thanking me for my hard work (hard for you) and insinuating that I am a future doctor/lawyer/astronaut.

>> No.57250758

What else do you need?

>> No.57250785
File: 86 KB, 901x834, sneedtard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baggies confirmed illiterate

>> No.57250787


>> No.57250790

Don’t take it too personal pal.

>> No.57250813

>>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

we're at cope levels that shouldnt even be possible LMFAO

>> No.57250830

>4 months ago
dear god...

>> No.57250832

I would foster this thinking. It may have hilarious results.

>> No.57250833

Sorry fren, they are no longer for sale. They have been called away to prevent any changes in ownership while CH11 proceeds. That means that smart people like you missed out. You missed your chance. Is that why you fill our thread with seethe?

>> No.57250847
File: 66 KB, 997x701, krinkles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>while CH11 proceeds

>> No.57250849

>you missed your chance
at what

>> No.57250867

At losing all your money

>> No.57251179

Any word on if the judge has dismissed the case against Ryan Cohen yet like everyone was sure they would do as an open-and-shut process?

>> No.57251238

I haven't heard about it getting dismissed. It keeps getting dragged on with legal loopholes even though the case hasn't had any merit for over a year. They're still juggling plaintiffs, or maybe they've entered discovery. Idk, just talking out my ass.

>> No.57251303

>Legal loopholes
Such as?

>> No.57251347

PP was saying kais’ wife is a prostitute, though. Then he cries foul when it’s turned on him?

>> No.57251360

He didn't say that, though

>> No.57251422

He said it on his show multiple times.

>> No.57251437

Should be pretty easy to timestamp an instance where he says it, then

>> No.57251462

>Spoonsneeding time is over

>> No.57251488
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>> No.57251490

Did Mr. Sanjeet make you change IDs?

>> No.57251532


>> No.57251573
File: 813 KB, 604x717, 1625002373709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Baggies getting BTFO'd by their own catchphrase

>> No.57251705

He deletes all his videos. You know that. But you’re probably PP himself trying to obfuscate.

>> No.57252067

>Tokenized Teddy Shares On tZERO Edition
How would this turn into short positions in BBBYQ being reopened? Would tZERO call Dougie and say they owe him billions in shares? Doesn't seem possible.

>> No.57252347

Wow this daily thread is still alive

>> No.57252432

unlike their shares

>> No.57252463
File: 2.36 MB, 264x264, 1704849680553734.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

four digits a share, the really retarded will sell their shares. the true winners will hold forever.

>> No.57252478

Kek baggies

>> No.57252638

In a spaces today, plur said pp is a shill and that’s why he stopped going on his show. Bruno is also saying the same thing. Jake also refuses to go back on theppshow

>> No.57252665

So you know he has a tendency to delete his videos but you don't bother saving anything to substantiate your claims? Curious.
I also heard this from my cousin's college roommate's aunt's dad who hear it in a dream. Trust me on this one, bro.

>> No.57252686

Shills in shambles.

>> No.57252816
File: 553 KB, 480x556, 1663697283644748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long til kais takes hostages

>> No.57252863

Link to call?

>> No.57252871

kais won't do shit

>> No.57252936

Did the case get dismissed today?

>> No.57253001

shills watching pp show right now

>> No.57253024

Who cares what an e begging uber driver does?
Oh right, transbaggies, kek

>> No.57253089

it's insulting to bastardize his name, like ploot is only funny because we think he's cringe

>> No.57253095


Everyone is turning on PP.

>> No.57253173

I really can't last more than a minute or two listening to these fuckwads. This video is only slightly better.

>> No.57253301
File: 3.43 MB, 2954x1362, stinky shillies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pssst, he's lying
For example, Jake is on the PPShow right now

>> No.57253328
File: 2.98 MB, 450x800, 1699498567375211.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty amazing. This almost reminds me of the time I wanted to make fun of AMC investors and so I read every single AMC statement and news article for three years and spent all that time fudding their investments on three different forums.
This is totally normal.

>> No.57253380

I did the same to my friend. He told me he was investing in a company that I didn't agree with. I have been texting him everyday for 3 years about how bad of an invest he has made. I read all of the financial filings and constantly keep him up to date with any changes. Did I mention I'm a massive faggot too?

>> No.57253382

Ahhh, many such cases

>> No.57253388

I love baiting the pp internet defense force.

>> No.57253404

Tell me you’re bootyblasted without telling me you’re bootyblasted

>inb4 IM NOT MAD U R

>> No.57253508

>2 + 2 is 3
>actually it's 4
>heh get baited retards

>> No.57253640

How’s your investment doing? lmao

>> No.57253681

do NOT ponder the share price bros

>> No.57253753
File: 176 KB, 1233x707, image[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentle reminder:
25 days till Christmas on the lunar calendar

>> No.57253768
File: 3.70 MB, 576x720, IMG_2253.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck I’m so glad all these random people pour over complex legal documents and let me know that my stock is dead and worthless. They show up here under strange emotional pretenses and keep up to date on a supposed dead stock, not to troll, but to inform us that it is dead. We should thank them for their service.

When we get our new equity I will certainly sell it immediately because of how demoralized I am. All this shilling is really stressing me out, therefore I will sell a guaranteed winning hand early instead of holding into the thousands to collapse the financial sector. Idk why anybody would hold into the thousands, the system cares about you. The media has always been by the people and for the people. The 4th estate is certainly not controlled by the financial sector, who in turn is controlled by the banks, that would be ridiculous. Remember the warnings the media gave about 08 and bear sterns and Lehman brothers, we should take their warning here too because they have our best interests at heart for sure.

>> No.57253776

>absolutely seething

>> No.57253811
File: 335 KB, 396x413, 1699631720636116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m so glad
Are you really?

>> No.57253828
File: 108 KB, 1099x582, won.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh ya, that happened

>> No.57253831
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Unbelievably based

>> No.57253978
File: 190 KB, 220x220, giggle-chuckle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so glad all these random people pour over complex legal documents

>> No.57254043

It has been quite a fall to earth for Ryan Cohen, the meme stock activist investor, since his high-flying days as a meme stock pied piper playing to crowds of bored Reddit day traders during the depths of the pandemic.

Now, Cohen faces the very real specter of GameStop’s demise. Not only are GameStop shares down 95% since 2021, but the underlying business also continues to deteriorate rapidly amidst three consecutive years of declining revenues and profits due to the general decline of physical software sales.

GameStop’s appointment of none other than Cohen himself as CEO in September 2023 inspires little confidence, since, in the words of Wedbush analysts, “the appointment of the controlling shareholder reflects the difficulty GameStop has had in attracting competent executives…we are unaware of any recruiting activity, and can only surmise that the company could not convince any competent replacements to jump onto the sinking ship.”

Nothing seems to have worked for Cohen since he took ownership of GameStop, as Wedbush points out. He recruited several top senior Amazon executives in early 2021, only to fire them months later. Cohen then tried to grow GameStop’s sales, only for sales to continue to plummet. Next, Cohen tried out an NFT Marketplace initiative, which is now flailing and apparently winding down. Then Cohen initiated what Wedbush called “one of the most inane decisions we have ever seen,” by having GameStop authorize him to invest the company’s cash in other stocks as if GameStop were a mutual fund.

>> No.57254052

Sadly for GameStop, Cohen’s track record as an investor is plainly terrible. He seems to have made his greatest profits through his antics at the now-bankrupt Bed Bath & Beyond, and his “sketchy” timing put him into the crosshairs of a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) investigation in addition to several shareholder lawsuits for fraud and a separate case accusing him of “short swing profit” in federal court. Cohen’s lawyers deny any wrongdoing.

Perhaps Cohen can meme-stock GameStop’s way out of its fight to survive once more, but with all his miscues and baggage piling up, the pied piper’s magic seems to be wearing thin.

>> No.57254182
File: 30 KB, 284x298, ide like swaps that pay out if digits are non-sequential.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Therefore, I am extremely.

>> No.57254217

So are the new shares in the room with us right now?

>> No.57254430

Holy shit this guy citizen is a massive retard. I want this to be over so I don’t ever have to hear any of these people ever again.

>> No.57255320
File: 947 KB, 1200x675, IMG_3673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bill pulte giving that DD writer guy 10k to get a lawyer, is pretty interesting. This guy (pulte) would be long gone if this play was dead, I imagine there are "leaks" if you will, like basically if you get legal representation, they are going to be able to poke and prod and realize something is up with this case. Us non-lawyer mere mortals cannot intuit these factors but if someone gets a lawyer and pokes around a bit, or really digs around the brokerage houses, or respectfully requests administrative correspondence via the bankrupcty court, or any other administrative entity, without "delay nas"ing it, information, or the lack thereof, can be used to gain a glimpse into what is happening here.

Information, and the LACK OF INFORMATION, can be very useful tools for lawyers to explore an ecosystem one cannot fully access due to NDAs or potential criminal investigations taking place. If you are denied access to something that should otherwise be publicly available, you have just gleaned useful information.

Pulte is basically poking at the DD guy to ask a lawyer, knowing that lawyer is probably going to be stonewalled at some point of their "investigative" process of seeking information, and the meta information as to why they are being denied access to that info, that should otherwise be publicly available to shareholders, would be very useful to have.

There are probably not many reasons as to why informational access, that should be available to shareholders, would be denied, assuming it was properly administratively requested (hence the legal pros to do it for you, instead of "neelay das"ing it). So if/when DD writers legal counsel gets stonewalled, the WHY are we getting stonewalled question can only have so many potential answers.

Shills in shambles per usual.

>> No.57255559

Isn't it? You should research stocks in order to decide whether or not to invest in them. And discussions are more productive when everyone is caught up. If I didn't read the BBBY filings for myself, who knows, I might've been successfully tricked into buying shares like some kind of idiot.

>> No.57255863

all of this makes sense though if you believe in the GME maxi narrative that he isn't doing anything special with BBBYQ

>> No.57255880

>general for a stock that doesn't exist anymore

>> No.57255896

>If I actually did lose all my money that would mean I made a bad decision. That makes me angry so the reality must be that I am actually going to be fabulously rich at some undetermined time in the future because that would mean I made a good decision

>> No.57255904

ryan cohen the activist investor who bought GME before it did a 100x in january 2021 is up to something, he calls himself warren icahn by night, it's some kind of 69d chess maybe recovering billions of dollars from jp morgan or something for fraudulent conveyance with the stock buybacks that led to BBBY going bankrupt

>> No.57255905

I guess 20230930-DK-Butterfly-1, Inc general just doesn't have the same ring go it.

>> No.57255915

Ok but what is there to talk about? The stock doesn't actually exist anymore, so how does it concern the burned bagholders?

Are you trying to get some sort of class action reward?

>> No.57255983

So it's past Jan 10th and Ryan Cohen didn't get the law suit dismissed. Baggies...our response?

>> No.57256242


>> No.57256299

Tha Plan Admin is pursuing litigation against Ryan Cohen? Bullish! This is clearly a 69D chess move between both plaintiff and defendant to get loads of money out of JP Morgan

>> No.57256336

No one cares what this cunt has to say, he's a burnt asset

>> No.57256393

>Purity testing baggies
>Posting during Europe hours
>Wannabe roadman dialect
Yep, it's Sal. By the way the intro for PPsneeds was fucking cringe and you should I ironically kys

>> No.57256478
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>> No.57257013
File: 21 KB, 241x248, 1704661269853382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning, sisyshillies. It's time to attend to your stones.

>> No.57257210
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>legal council

>> No.57257652
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>> No.57257690

I saw Tim pool say "They built them to get around covid restrictions!"

Except that was a lie, they were built in the last 6 months. Tim Fool once again refuses to name the jew

>> No.57257852

>built in the last 6 months
No they weren’t.

>> No.57257880

>built in the last 6 months
No they weren’t.

They were

>> No.57257940
File: 273 KB, 1007x223, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh Timmy, time for a retraction

>> No.57258006

>microsoft word on your laptop

>> No.57258051

This is a weird thing to argue about in a thread for a stock that doesn’t exist anymore.

>> No.57258097
File: 86 KB, 845x925, 1674923120374007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to go on fun space adventures with my cats. How many shares of bbby does that take?

>> No.57258140

It's just jews defending other jews doing jewish things, like blatantly lying about child sex trafficking tunnels, you know that old classic one

>> No.57258269


>> No.57258291

Thank you for conceding that you have no source for the claim that the tunnels were built in the last 6 months.

>> No.57258334

Such a weird hill to die on denying the jewish child trafficking tunnels were made during covid, especially when your claims have been debunked by locals, which mean what else are you lying about Schlomo?

>> No.57258361
File: 86 KB, 645x773, IMG-20240111-WA0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57258371

Wrong Kais built the tunnels with his mind powers it’s his secret route to the patent office, that’s how he gets trademarks so fast

>> No.57258401

so you admit that it doesn't exist anymore

>> No.57258465

Should be very easy for you to link to said debunking then. Unless you’re lying.

>> No.57258552
File: 525 KB, 926x734, 1704812919508699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my Teddy shares are hidden in semitic tunnels under NYC and in the mattresses with child-sized bloody stains found therein.

>> No.57258589

If you’re seeing child porn in every Rorschach test you encounter, that says more about you than it does about Jewish people.

>> No.57258652
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>> No.57258724
File: 132 KB, 609x392, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically I'm just gonna not believe the Rabbi
I know.....UGH I know....
I'm not sorry!!!!!!!!
It's just that I'm not going to believe the oven dodgers claims is all

>> No.57258783

Pretty good satire of how cringey an anti-Semite sounds.

>> No.57258824
File: 97 KB, 1086x378, thanks for the donation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps we should donate more to another semite?

>> No.57258882
File: 140 KB, 600x580, bad actors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are against the grifter who is using you to pump PHM and sabotage its management, you are against the jew who pumped and dumped BBBY back when it was worth something (and existed)!

>> No.57258923
File: 80 KB, 796x742, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pulte family

>> No.57258963

It is the KAIs family now, Kais trademarked them and took it over

>> No.57259046
File: 85 KB, 600x553, distractions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny you say that, because it turns out that Alex Zarac has been a bad actor all along. Kais Maalej is the only man who you can trust.

I hope he really does that, Pulte "family" can't keep getting away with their slander of Bill Pulte.

>> No.57259077

Pour has the same opinion: pp is a hedge fund plant.


>> No.57259086

>Krinkle King Kais will expose Alexander "PPsneed" Zarac's grift
I will allow it, he has Carlos Matos energy.

>> No.57259154

how do you look at an artwork made by someone assaulted by pedophiles, a mattress that looks like a reference, and have the hebraic audacity to call it a rorschach test?
>I already know the answer tunnel boy

>> No.57259169

I love when shills post this without context, it shows your true colours.

Now add the bit where Bill is suing the CEO for impersonating his dead grandad on twitter :D

>> No.57259181

>this random object matches a detail in my encyclopedic knowledge of obscure child porn art
You are a sick person.

>> No.57259197

Pulte Homes is a different company than pulte family charitable organization, you fucking retard.

>> No.57259210

I am extremely demoralized. Therefore when we get new equity and cash in exchange for our bbbyq that were removed from accounts due to pending corporate merger and acquisition actions, I will surely sell my new stock for any price I can get. Why would I, or anyone else hold the new equity and use the cash to buy even more? This could spell disaster for hedge funds and market makers, along with their prime brokers alllll the way up to the dtc and the fed if the stock was previously cartoonishly over shorted.

>> No.57259223


>> No.57259231

You’re not real you’re just a bot

>> No.57259240

“I am demoralized” anon is easily the most triggered poster I’ve ever seen on /biz/, lol. Even more than the dude that was larping as viet cong for a few threads.

>> No.57259241
File: 148 KB, 2200x2237, 1669153111808814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57259253

How many ID's have you had today?

>> No.57259290

Just two.

>> No.57259349

Much like the anon that tried to force the “bump baggie” meme, this little guy will tucker himself out eventually.

>> No.57259363

>larping as viet cong for a few threads.

>> No.57259420
File: 52 KB, 533x200, expect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Mr. Goldberg citing the same case that says that Goldberg is the only one allowed to act on behalf of baggies as in another case where other baggots tried to act in BBBY's name? Can anyone solve this mystery?

I thought baggots, with their ability to connect the lines and read between the dots would be able to figure out that I'm >>57246495 after all this time.

>> No.57259455

Wait, shit, we're still in the same thread. What happened to the activity, baggots?

Also, that's not even a BBBY thread, lmao. Shouldn't be surprised that a bbbaggot has made every bad financial decision he could. Don't forget some RADCQ and TOYRF, you've got to have a finger in every keiretsu pie.

>> No.57259502

It’s been over for months. Your stock is gone. You’re getting nothing.


The only thing I want is for you to admit that you were wrong and I was right. Then this whole thing ends.

>> No.57259515

Ok you’re right. Will you leave now?

>> No.57259546

You forgot to admit that you were wrong.

>> No.57259552

Ahem. Here to remind all bbbaggies that there will be no- and I repeat NO - refunds.

>> No.57259648
File: 277 KB, 407x439, image[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shills begging for concessions

>> No.57259661

You are right. I was wrong.
ok goodbye

>> No.57259671

You can Google the artist and get a breakdown of why they painted that twisted shit, but I didnt realise I was responding to the biggest dumbfuck bump baggie of them all. Crawl back into your tunnel and kill yourself

>> No.57259673

I was right and you were wrong about what?

>> No.57259681
File: 255 KB, 508x294, 2023-11-12 15_44_32-Charles Gasparino (@CGasparino)_ _Memo to Moron_ There are no _BBBY Investors._ .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They always did trythe

>If X doesn't happen when I say then will you admit defeat?!

They have ALWAYS tried to paint it this way, it goes down how they say and if it doesn't it's JOEVER!

They have zero other play

>> No.57259689

>sharing instructions about how to find more child porn art
No thanks, you sick fucking baby diddler.

>> No.57259710

This cope has to feel a little worn out after baggies being wrong for years on end, doesn’t it?

>> No.57259719

too busy digging tunnels under jew York, I get it, takes a lot of energy to be a DUMB FUCK BUMP BAGGIE and dig holes with your limp wrists

>> No.57259754
File: 68 KB, 1024x695, IMG_2641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I’m real, and your handlers send you to seeeeethe

>> No.57259757

>this cope has to feel a little worn out
my intern says this account posted 25 times in this thread, kek bump baggies!

>> No.57259791

Notice for all site users: this anon is as admitted pedophile.

>> No.57259827

I’m email the site admins through the feedback link at the bottom of the page. These /bbby/ threads are absolute trash. They belong on /pol/ or /x/. The stock stopped trading last September. Now it’s just anti-semitism and QAnon conspiracy shit.

I ask that any other anon sick of these threads also lets the admins know via the feedback link.

>> No.57259898
File: 892 KB, 480x270, IMG_8110.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57259913

It hasn’t been a year since chapter 11 began, but it is funny you feel like it’s been a while. It feels fairly short to me (no pun intended).

>> No.57259931

He slipped up a bit there by revealing he was fudding gme for that long.

>> No.57259932

how many ID's you had today?

>> No.57259936

It’s cute that you think baggies started being wrong at bankruptcy.
>RC just filed his intent to sell!

>> No.57259998

kek you've been coping a long time dumb fuck worn out bump baggie

>> No.57260015

Yes, I’ve been coping with being right about bbby for a long time. I’m a Cassandra in these threads. It’s a heavy burden to bear.

>> No.57260028


>> No.57260029

BBBaggies have been polluting this board way before BBBY went bankrupt. Some of them have been holding since even before Ryan Cohen dumped on them at $25. But there is a bright side to all of this, too: I have been there to watch you lose all your money this whole time.

>> No.57260046
File: 47 KB, 541x652, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holly Etlin appeared on a restructuring roundtable on 12/15/23 and made a HIGHLY interesting statement around $BBBYQ

She states we saw a situation in Bed Bath & Beyond,
where the Asset Backed Loan (ABL) caused issues
where the commitment to buy inventory wasn't fulfilled and for the Christmas season and ultimately this affects the ability to repay loans.

Holly Etlin also states the FILO (Sixth Street) is still looking for recovery there and that hasn't happened in retail for a long time except from fraud cases

This is interesting as she indirectly confirms our speculation that Bed Bath & Beyond was targeted by predatory lenders like JPMorgan and with all of the Ponzi/Rico lawyers we have discussed, Michael Goldberg, Elise Frejka and Nick Lewin that an ongoing investigation is taking place and that the Chapter 11 was a necessity tool utilized to pay JPMorgan off early and begin proceedings against them.

Strategic with purpose and intent since day one.

>> No.57260050

you were wrong when I bought sub 10 cents, wrong when I sold for a 2-3x, and you are melting your life away kvetching in your new york heeb tunnel. kek dumbfuck time roasted bumpbaggie

>> No.57260054

One comfypost and shills show their entire hand. You’re here forever.

>> No.57260068

>turns out the debt spiral loans lead to bankruptcy


>> No.57260072

kek bondies, kek glennies, press s to spit

>> No.57260079

Then you agree with me that anyone they held to zero is a moron. Kek with me, my brother.

>> No.57260082

you sound ill-informed, perhaps you could convince the consul otherwise with a paragraph or three

>> No.57260107

>he thinks I sold all of it
>he didn't trade the volatility
I will kek, it will not be with you brother

>> No.57260119

>she indirectly confirms our speculation that Bed Bath & Beyond was targeted by predatory lenders
lol, no shit. But I assume Salvatore is trying to make it look like giving a loan to a company that can't post a profit is illegal. Why is RICO the go-to cope for delusional bagholders?

>> No.57260133


>> No.57260158
File: 106 KB, 599x515, 1608669154673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone on both sides, RC, pulte, doug cifu, plutonium shambles wouldn't be acting all weird if there wasn't anything interesting happening

>> No.57260184

WAGMI fren

>> No.57260277
File: 15 KB, 836x162, pn2r4oe60pac1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cope began before Ch11 baggie