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57244215 No.57244215 [Reply] [Original]

How are europoors so poor compared to the rest of the world (US, Australia, Japan)??

>> No.57244259

yet we live way better lives than you fat brownoids, crazy isn't it?
maybe socialism really is better than capitalism after all

>> No.57244261

Should be pretty obvious, a few decades of combining distributive tax policies with mass immigration from poor countries.

>> No.57244268

Europe is better than america
shut the fuck up pedro

>> No.57244283

And because of leftist retards like this

>> No.57244287
File: 1.06 MB, 948x957, 1673642708081996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am american and I have $23 on my bank account left

>> No.57244288

shut the fuck up nigger
go to amerimuttland if you hate socialism so much

>> No.57244297

Did you even look at your own chart you retard. Canada is logging America

>> No.57244308

that wealth is all fake home prices you mongoloid

>> No.57244310

Typical leftoid rabies patient

>> No.57244322

cope and seethe, if you really hated socialism for being so heckin evil you would've left Europe by now and went to the hellscape that is amerimuttland where people die because they can't access basic amenities like healthcare

>> No.57244328

Because they are getting raped by taxes

>> No.57244333

Japan has fake homes? Sounds interesting honestly, explain!

>> No.57244365


23k is not that bad. Polfag here, I have less than twice of that. We gotta stay strong to make it, bro.

>> No.57244369
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fine i guess

>> No.57244532

We got too cocky Mutt-sisters...

>> No.57244555

Communism is a bitch. Look at that iron curtain schism.

>> No.57244562

>le number of digital fake goymoneys is le good
>le racial homogeny and cheap housing to reproduce your people in LE BAD

>> No.57244606


There are other options. They aren't just "poor oppressive communist but racially homogenous state" and "mega globohomo but rich republic".

Think more Franco/Pinochet...

>> No.57244638

And American wealth is fake equity market cap pumped up artificially with quantitative easing money.

>> No.57244645

We don't need to go anywhere, Europe is becoming a muttland already thanks to socialism.

>> No.57244708

why is that country next to germany so dark, i thought germany had the best economy in europe?

>> No.57244725


Kek, yes. Inevitably, they will have the poorness, and the mud hordes alike. L

>> No.57244774

Europe is in serious decline. Germany is nothing more than an american vassal. Germany can worship jews and accept immigrants, everything else (including following its own interest) is strictly fobidden.

>> No.57244920
File: 113 KB, 750x887, d7424ecd8cc59e70623bdea69a34c114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

West Europe isn't energy independent nor does it have the ability to grow its own food. They also claim to be independent but have American military bases on their soil.

>> No.57244949

>Germany is nothing more than an american vassal
always has been

>> No.57245163

USA literally blow up their energy infrastructure and poor adolfs can’t even say anything

>> No.57245308

Your map is saying Western Europe is wealthier on average than the US

>> No.57245321
File: 508 KB, 1242x1041, yuropoor pay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat brownoids
sure thing Mohammad
it's a poor life, but their immigration is way up! Short the Euro

>> No.57245401

Everything in the US is overpriced. Lots of immigrants notice it and go back home. Or send money back home where it goes 4x further. Or why so many amaricans are taking their money to South America where it goes 4x further.

>> No.57245488

Median wealth is a meme, you are just looking at rate of homeownership and age.
That's why Germany is "poorer" than Italy/Spain, bc they have a widespread rent culture.
Can't speak to why the US is so low, probably because the population is younger so there isn't much home equity yet.

>> No.57245784

>no data on the Dutch

>> No.57245812

What about the rest of the world?

>> No.57245879

Nice to see some economics discussion here.

>> No.57245979

I live in Poland and it's 9/10 (-1 because of the weather). Life is cheap, I bought my own 3-bedroom condo at the age of 27, got comfy remote job as data scientist for US-based company. Women are hot, taxes are low (12,5% flat off my paycheck if you know a creative taxes guy, normally it's flat 19%).
(You) may want to consider this country as a retirement place and you won't regret it.

>> No.57245989

no we don´t, you deluded piece of shit. can´t wait to fuck off from this continent and leave it to the gutter tier brownies coming from the middle east and retards like (You).

>> No.57245991
File: 12 KB, 194x259, 412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atleast I live in a small island of one of the poorest europoor countries, so we don't get any rapefugees here.

>> No.57246011

Sortudos do caralho
Vcs não têm noção do quão merda está o continente lmao

>> No.57246292

I am Turkish and live in America. They are giant cucks for BBC. Disgusting country, especially the women. Trying to make as much $$$ and then fuck off again. Hate them about as much as I hate the damn Jews

>> No.57246376
File: 612 KB, 568x652, 1673900555917617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Portfolio losses these last 2 weeks made me slip under the Australian line
Fuck it's over.

>> No.57246751

Germans are poorer then Italians/Spaniards tho since around 20 years ak since the euro started having impact

>> No.57246784
File: 409 KB, 1358x1080, fat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turks are disgusting as well tho. Decadent.

>> No.57246878

Europoors will balance this out with ICP: hear me out ahem …. R1b

>> No.57246901

Lol, anon from a decadent fatfuck country emigrates to another decadent fatfuck country. Complains. Yet still stays.
Idiocracy is here, folks

>> No.57247242

maybe idk, but doesn't remove the fact that home equity account for the vast majority of median wealth.
Median wealth is useless unless you remove home equity, should only be non-pension stock and bond portfolio, the approximate sales value of the shit you own.

>> No.57247835

>Syphon wealth from one of the most productive countries in Europe to two of the least productive makes the citizens poorer
Really makes me think.

>> No.57248306
File: 43 KB, 720x636, 1699436828256478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How are europoors so poor compared to the rest of the world
Too pussy and zero ambition. They have a ton of millionaires, like they often brag, without mentioning that 90% of millionaires in Europe inherit their wealth, the other 10% are slaves to VCs and don't have any liquid money.
You can't get rich through work because government takes 70-80% of their money, at least in WEU.
Real estate is in an insane bubble, which is the only reason why Europe is shown as wealthier than Africa on your map.
Stagnant eu life is depressing, not sure how you could be happy if you inherited the best place on earth and you're watching it turn to shit with every passing year. I'd rather live in a shithole that's getting better, assuming it's as safe or safer (which is not difficult to come by these days).
Bulgaria and Dubai only, why would anyone move to a semi-leftist country like the USA, lol? Unless they're a doctor (Dubai and Oman are better for doctors but w/e) or need venture capital, nobody in their right mind would go to the states to "escape socialism".
> cope and seethe, if you really hated socialism for being so heckin evil you would've left Europe by now
A lot of us have, faggot, how is this news to you?
>fake equity
still way more liquid than eu real estate
This, too. US literally does a terrorist attack on German energy infrastructure, and Germany responds by paying for America's war, wtf.
Doesn't take a Putin cocksucker to facepalm at that.
Poland is fine tbqh, I guess Slovakia also.