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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 400x400, payfair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5724411 No.5724411 [Reply] [Original]

You have less than 5 days before I move on to shilling Reddit.

What's up guys, I'm here with your hourly Payfair (PFR) shill thread.

The Market Cap is still at a low 3 million. You know what that means right?? M-o-o-n mission.

I told you about it when it was $.02, I told you about it at $.03, I even told you at $.04 and now I'm telling you about it at $.05, don't be the guy who has to buy in at $.10

With only 100 million tokens, Payfair should have no problem reaching at least $1 once the project is up and running. That means an easy x20 if you get in with the early boys

>> No.5724421

Here's some of the basics on the project:

Payfair (PFR) is a decentralized escrow and P2P crypto-exchange on the ethereum blockchain. If you're too daft to understand what that is, it means you will be able to sell your crypto directly to buyers for FIAT.
Yes, this could literally get rid of the cant cash out meme.

But its not just crypto, potentialy Payfair could do FIAT to any crypto, any crypto to any other crypto, crypto payment for contract work, etc.
There's potential for this to become a huge market.

Everyone and their boomer parents will be using Payfair to buy crypto and to cash out when the time is right.(tip:never sell, always hold)

>> No.5724502
File: 286 KB, 722x830, pfr trust node.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another cool thing about Payfair (PFR) is the potential to make money just by holding the coins! That's right, It's like you will be getting paid to make money.

While the exact numbers will be up to a community vote, currently you need $200 worth of tokens to form a trust node, and $250 for an escrow node.

And even though you can only buy Payfair (PFR) on Etherdelta it has still managed to have a great healthy grow in its first month.
The developers are already working on getting it listed on other normie friendly exchanges and that alone should bring us a nice bump in profits.

>> No.5724501 [DELETED] 

low cap best cap, im happy for you to shill this anon, we need to spread more attention

also op, look into PFR, BBT and HAT, all low cap with great potential


>> No.5724542
File: 110 KB, 675x563, pfr roadmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now check it out, the exchange will be ready by February and an IOS app in Q2 will help get Payfair to the mass adoption level that will not only take us to the Moon, but potentially Pluto.

>> No.5724570
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One of the concerns I've seen come up is "Why would I trust a random stranger (escrow) with making sure my money stays mine"

Okay, I get it, it could seem like your putting to much at risk on the hands of strangers, but you don't even need to use and escrow with Payfair (PFR). Its just an option. If you want it can just be the seller and the buyer making a transaction after both parties agree that their requirements were met.

Now let's say you do want to use the escrow for extra security, From my understanding you transaction will be handled by 3 different people. They are all anonymous to each other and to the people making the transaction. The transaction will be approved after three consecutive approvals from the escrow participants.

And what keeps the escrow participants from misbehaving? Their own tokens will be at risk for bad behavior, there will also be a rating system, and people who use the service will be incentivized to rate by the giving them lower fees for participating.

>> No.5724619

here is a post from the telegram. google "payfair telegram" to join. the devs and community are active.

"Hello, dear friends! Today we want to remind you that this week our website will be updated: https://payfair.io.. This week the main page will be the Payfair platform.

1) Soon, you will be able to sell and buy PFR and ETH after testing the platform.
2) At the moment, we are fixing bugs and evolving the functionality of the platform.
3) We ordered a promo-video for marketing in masses. It will be complete in January.
4) We will be listed on the WandX exchange
5) We listen to our community and we will hold a voting process and possibly we will peg the trust-node to the number of tokens and get rid of fiat peg

P.S. Guys, please vote and leave your comments ;)

>> No.5724772

ill be around for the next hour or so answering question

>> No.5724871
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>> No.5725190
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>> No.5725251

when will it moon my friend, and how high?
t. 10k pfr holder

>> No.5725375

news coming jan 5th.
im holding for at least a year, but if i was looking to flip quickly i would wait until February.

>> No.5725564

My comfiest hodl of Q1 2018.

Stop shilling here, OP. These autists will buy high after early Feb hype

>> No.5725908

same for me.

>> No.5726058

I hate etherdelta.

>> No.5726139

Couple of whales were destroying sell walls today. I just want to buy more before it moons.

2018 will be huge for us brother.

>> No.5726236

Threw in $100 just to see what happens

>> No.5726398

so much this.

>> No.5726474

consider it the normie filter for the early moon missions.

>> No.5726540

Your job is done here PFR Soldier, russian brothers won't forget what you did for the nation.
Let them buy at ATH now.

>> No.5726575

How can I run a node? I currently have metamask but I have enough tokens to run a trusted node.


>> No.5726665

They will announce this soon, they said they were on holidays and will be back at work the 4th (they are russians)

>> No.5726709

Yea I have a really high amount of payfair. It went up so much today so I was very happy.

>> No.5726713
File: 52 KB, 360x740, Screenshot_20180101-143612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

200k PFR checking in

>> No.5726744

daaamn. what price did you buy in?

>> No.5726750


Thank you

>> No.5726771


3 cents.

I wish I would of brought in at 2 cent but I hesitated.

>> No.5726871

Reddit is not ready yet

>> No.5726940

I already 4x in the past week. This PnD thing is too easy. Comfy af

>> No.5726949

Jesus christ we are going to be so fucking rich lol. If this shit wasn't on the worst exchange ever imagined we would be lunar already.

>> No.5727069

Cheapest way to get etherium to that shitty exchange?

>> No.5727080

it is cheap because it's only on the worst exchange.

in the future i will specifically look for low m cap coins only on etherdelta

>> No.5727086

Normies REFUSE to touch ED

>> No.5727181

17k reporting in. Would buy more, but poorfag. Bought at 4 cents. Thanks OP! I'll probably flip this though, don't think I'll hold, unless my other shitcoins moon and I can afford to let it sit.

Good. More for me.

>> No.5727252

17k you'll do fine bro., esp. when it hits 50 cents and def. when it hits $1. Just hold and forget about it don't get eager to sell when it hits 15 cents.

>> No.5727254

This coin can only go up.

Don't recommend flipping it. But it's your choice though.

>> No.5727259

cool. definitely wait to sell at $1 if you dont plan on holding long term.
it would be stupid to sell before that.

>> No.5727340

Flipping before major announcements and new exchanges, attaboy

>> No.5727411

Lol it went up 30% since I last commented...

>> No.5727481

everyone is realizing the potential and holding their coins.
check the books, so few are willing to sell. the price is gona go crazy

>> No.5727526

Yea I already 2x and bought it 36 hours ago. Glad I got at least 40k!

>> No.5727588

CMC cant even keep up with the price right now.
check the order books on ED.
it's at $.09

>> No.5727720

Where can I buy?

>> No.5727745

Etherdelta only. And if you complain that's why you're not going to get in on early gains.

>> No.5727747

retarded piece of shit its literally written here just read you fucking imbecile

>> No.5727821

Thanks anon

Dont shill reddit till its on a normie exchange, their memory is short and they cant etherdelta

>> No.5727926

ill be heading to reddit after the team gets back on JAN 5th. hopefully with some more news for the shilling.

i gave my /biz/ bros enough of a chance.

>> No.5728212


>> No.5728265

More now

>> No.5728301

Dang good find. Sending over 10 eth to ED now.

>> No.5728371

Fuck sakes boys tripled since this thread

>> No.5728410

This is a $100M marketcap coin right here. That's 10x from here.

>> No.5728422

ok i clicked on team link in the website its empty. thats the scam

>> No.5728443

The site is a demo you pajeet

>> No.5728475

they had the website with all the info, but changed it to display the demo and some stuff broke.

they will be changing the website very soon and updating the whitepaper.

you can buy now or wait until it is updated. your choice.

>> No.5728495

Literally just go look at the last commit on the repo. It's huge and code quality is top notch.

>> No.5728549
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>> No.5728585
File: 128 KB, 754x687, 1_Xj4wtMaalTrGZLlIVxJJJw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggots payfair is shit!

Buy Privatix (PRIX) this shit will moon the coming weeks maybe days! Great team, far more experienced then SUB and MYST.and they already have a milion + customers. Shill this everywhere anon and create awareness for this undervalued gem!

>> No.5728599
File: 24 KB, 990x398, BAGS2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Demo app not include smartcontracts system yet"


>> No.5728615
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>> No.5728621

To be honest you should probably not trade crypto if you can't read simple instructions. Did I say check commit activity? You're literally that faggoty project manager that asks people how many commits they had today ignoring the fact the last commit is so big it lags your computer. Stay poor though

>> No.5728626

It looks like a scam : look at their russian FB account => https://www.reddit.com/r/Payfair/comments/7gfghi/payfair_an_overview_of_proof/

nothing for most of them.
they just posted a picture of 3 lads on computers.

It looks like confido

>> No.5728658
File: 122 KB, 1280x960, workworkwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUD trying to accumulate. sorry mate, you had your chance.

>> No.5728694

>scam : look at their russian FB account => https://www.reddit.com/r/Payfair/comments/7gfghi/payfair_an_overview_of_proof/
>nothing for most of them.
>they just posted a picture of 3 lads on computers.
loooooooool they got funded millions at ICO and they are still in a schoolroom and print their company tag on white paper? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

>> No.5728780

Well accumulating is over sorry bud. You'll have to take what you have.

>> No.5728805


Lol just a fking picture. That is your proof. I mean, are kidding me ?

It is not a proof in any sense.

By the way I did not say it was a scam, I said it looks like a scam.

>> No.5728836

now i know you are talking out of your ass.

the ICO made $120,000

sorry friendo, buying at $.10 is still in moon mission price, so dont worry.

>> No.5728877
File: 90 KB, 1280x960, workwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didnt present it as proof of anything, im the OP and just sharing more about the project. was gona post that pic anyway.

>> No.5728892




>> No.5729026

>Bought 12k an hour ago
>It's up 100% already.

What the flying fugg

>> No.5729051

look at my previous post man, I posted the exact same link.

1. Click on the VK link in the 6th item. They are almost empty.
2. Click on the 3 itemwith the proof that the devs are working. It looks like a joke.

>> No.5729142

PFR is FUDding proof fucking despajeetos
" funded millions at ICO " fake news only 215K
"Demo app .. LOOOL "
" Shilling PRIX " totally different product

Try harder

>> No.5729249
File: 486 KB, 383x681, f95.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up 500%

>> No.5729374

... Jesus christ really? You need a VK account it's just like facebook for Russia

Also commit 5 days ago, https://github.com/payfairio/pf_demo/commit/485b1ada0ed01147f6324bae4ee6b57ea27e0565

Looks pretty real to me

>> No.5729561

OP what's your buy up to price?

Going to take me a few days to get some ETH and sign up for etherdelta.

>> No.5729582


>> No.5729633

Bought at 2 cents. Sell when?

>> No.5729639

I'm not sure I'll go that high. I already have a 30k+ stack though

>> No.5729652

Hey OP, when did you first post about PFR? because i bought in a month ago... thanks if it was you!

>> No.5729685

> Anonymous (ID: GLHza7tL) 01/01/18(Mon)13:02:07 No.5729633▶
>Bought at 2 cents. Sell when?
Lol I got annoyed by all the shilling and finally caved too. Guess it was a good choice.

>> No.5729689

oops, i thought you asked what i bought at.

This is almost guaranteed $1 coin, so even at $.20 that is a x5.

the only reason i wouldn't buy is if you know of another project that could make you more money. but this is looking more and more like a sure thing

>> No.5729726

no problem. by informing others we all end up making money.

>> No.5729752

Fugg, when to sell? I’m up over 200%, every time I open delta PFR has jumped even more

>> No.5729764

Oh btw if you guys want another payfair level pick checkout bitboost. Really early adopter coin right now but they have a professional team and a really good whitepaper.

>> No.5729788

wait until february and re-evaluate if you still want to hold.

this coin will be paying dividends monthly, so maybe never sell.

>> No.5729794


>> No.5729821

Fuck that shit I'm not selling at a dollar. If it reaches a dollar it will go much higher.

>> No.5729950

Sell for what you feel comfortable with, hold some long term so you can set up your own masternode for passive income

>> No.5729962

How much for a masternode?

>> No.5729995

$1 would be a retarded exit point, it will have proven to be able to gain value and will still only have a market cap of 76mil

>> No.5730032

currently a trust node is $200 worth of tokens and an escrow node is $250

trust nodes will be pegged to a set number of tokens in the future after a community vote.

>> No.5730102

what do you like about them most anon

>> No.5730119

sorry if this is a shitty question, but do you have a ballpark on what kind of returns we would get on the nodes?

>> No.5730170

This is actually a pretty quality coin. Might pick some up later. I'm all in PFR rn though

>> No.5730196

Anyone looking to buy just wait it'll drop sub 6-7 cents tonight, weak hands selling.

>> No.5730239

So I'm new to PFR so I've never communicated with them or anything so can't speak to that side. I'm a dev who writes code at all levels of the stack.

Take the last commit. https://github.com/payfairio/pf_demo/commit/485b1ada0ed01147f6324bae4ee6b57ea27e0565

This was 5 days ago. If you're a dev I won't need to say anything else but if not I highly recommend having a trusted developer friend look at it for you. They will assuredly reach my conclusion, the code isn't copy pasted(I checked), its modern ES6/ES7 and they have consistent style.

But honestly I like low MCAP low circ the most.

>> No.5730247

it's going to depend on how many tokens you have and how much $$$ the platform processes.

>> No.5730249
File: 62 KB, 700x700, 15672580_683499368499313_6655998657034182543_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW almost fomo'd out of PFR into REQ last night but told myself I wouldn't FOMO again and it paid off

PFR community has hands of Iron

>> No.5730464

ok got in at 0.0000149000

threw 140 bucks at it hoping for the next 5x-10x mission

dont fail me faggots

>> No.5730531

Don't fall for this russian confido. Some guy literally destroyd the founders (who don't even know how to code) in the telegram and they banned him.

This coin is a joke. literally confido 2.0.

>> No.5730535

This is going to drop more, look at the weak hands and sell walls.

>> No.5730538

OP you're doing a damn good job shilling this
Price jumped by almost 50% by the time my eth reached etherdelta
Hoping to grab some of this and PIVX if they dip

>> No.5730574

fake news. i always tear this shit apart, but not wasting my time today.

>> No.5730606


>> No.5730675

Welp we broke the previous volume record so that's awesome. For anyone who is doubtful that it might be a "scam". Well verge actually was a scam and it is 2bill mcap.

>> No.5730823

You're going to lose people a lot of money. I hope you can live with that, pajeeter.

>> No.5730895

Fucking hell I put an order on etherdelta to buy at .000071. Didn't expect it raise this quick. Could have made easy x2.

>> No.5730915

It'll fall, weak hands selling. Support on buy at 4 cents.

>> No.5730929

and if i made them a lot of money?? would i have to live with that as well?

everyone makes their own decisions. im just spreading the info.

>> No.5730952


>> No.5731007

i'd be surprised to see it dip below .0001 eth


>> No.5731054

anyone catch that order earlier where someone with fat fingers accidentally bought literally 0 PFR for 1 ETH?

>> No.5731095

I think it'll go below that, but it gives us a chance to load up on more PFR cheap.

>> No.5731101


if i try to cancel an order on etherdelta, i get a popup on metamask to confirm the transaction and gas price

it's defaulting to 75 cents, but if i modify the gas price and change it to like 4 cents, will my cancel order go through, take forever/never happen, or what

>> No.5731105

lol. i saw that. wish i could've scooped it up. was watching the order book.

>> No.5731113

It was two and I fucking lost it. Etherdelta horror stories.

>> No.5731164

Buy support doesn't matter on a moon with a low volume currency

>> No.5731206

It is such a shit exchange, someone should go ahead and create a better version because they claim to have made $1.1m in the past 30 days but can't even fix their interface

>> No.5731274

also why the fuck are there sell orders for like 120 and buy orders for 145

im guessing that because of the architecture of the exchange, orders dont get filled and you have to manually buy/sell for one?

but if that so why are people setting orders below the highest bid? are people pajeets?

>> No.5731321

they fucking round up eth so I deposited and made sure i leave 0.001eth for fees. but they rounded up my eth and I actually have less than that, now I have to deposit more ether or sell like 10 pfr to be able to withdraw cash. its just annoying

>> No.5731339

It does, look at the coin it is back down to 5 cents.

>> No.5731375

It's at 10 ya goob

>> No.5731410

ok who sold 730 pfr for 76000 wtf was that

>> No.5731425


>> No.5731431

Holy crap this was sub 10c? wtf happen?

>> No.5731449

bros i'm so retarded but noticed iotchain --> iotchina


>> No.5731499

0.000160000 25.000 0.004
0.000066000 353.903 0.023
0.000066000 353.903 0.023
0.000120000 830.000 0.100
0.000076000 730.000 0.055


>> No.5731514

Someone keeps trying to pump it by buying 25 shares at like .00016

>> No.5731581

Generally just don't trust Etherdelta UI lol. It's confirmed garbage.

>> No.5731666

The correction will be healthy for the price.

There was nearly no sell orders left.
No we can work the price up again.

The recent spike was unsustainable.

>> No.5731665

Looks like it's working, lol

>> No.5731693

100% agree. I was hoping it would go down. 300% for a coin this size can be scary without liquidity.

>> No.5731722


>> No.5731774

Etherdelta scares me.

I always quadruple check my transactions before purchasing.

I'm that .000771 order

>> No.5731779

Yeah shares, I buy it and sell it then someone buys it and sells it and we all share it XD

>> No.5731797



That's why I quadruple check.

>> No.5731849

bought at 0.000171000 -_-

>> No.5731856

Why the fuck is no one taking that .000105?

That's a free 30%.

>> No.5731955

I see it as sold.

>> No.5731973

KYS. Like seriously, do it now.

>> No.5732003

I would not want them to be the face of a coin.

>> No.5732041

Thanks anon! Bought 2 days ago after reading your thread.
I'll tip you when I get my lambo.

>> No.5732043

same :(

>> No.5732060

Why? You want some handsome chads with top tier body language, dressed sharp, smirking at you through the camera?

Give me these fucking incels any day.

>> No.5732072

wtf i wanted to sell it few hours ago

>> No.5732090
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huge redflag here

>> No.5732111

agree. i dont need guy who hired 3 hookers to stand next to him. i need three dweebs without social life to code

>> No.5732143

for everyone worried about ED buy on stocks.exchange. The price is currently lower there because of less traffic.

>> No.5732180

Gotta say, I prefer STEPS escrow service over this one. They are out in the open and happy to show their faces. Still organising their ICO but it will be better than this anonymous bs

>> No.5732226

can you mine these?

>> No.5732270

Lol again where are you getting this? Please post concrete proof like others have done. The current FUD is the lowest effort possible.


>> No.5732278
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Fake news

>> No.5732356

I dont mean to fud, I'm just saying I prefer a project with a public face.
In terms of escrow services STEPS is very upfront and open with team members and payfair is not. I just don't want to get Joosted again lol

>> No.5732386


>> No.5732408

Ahhh ok this is a reasonable outlook. I just annoyed by all the clearly bogus shit going on in /biz/ lately. I still have slight worries too but honestly again I encourage anyone who knows JS to read their recent code.

It is not trivial code to say the least.

>> No.5732432

Waiting for a pullback before I get in! sell now

>> No.5732449
File: 8 KB, 399x28, trade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit's getting real

>> No.5732602

how the fucc u buy this shit on etherdelta this shits puzzlin lads

>> No.5732619

Thank you , who shilled this project about 2-3 weeks ago - I saw the potential and invested - now have 500% my investment.

All the shills shitting on this project - russian coders, not too good lucking (haha), empty github (not true, check last update - huge amounts of beautifully written code etc etc

What I want to say - sometimes you just have to have cahones (balls) and invest in what you believe, despite the shitter army talking crap on 4chan.

This coin will atleast 5-10x minimum the next 1-3 months, wait for 5 january update

Invest in your futures best.

>> No.5732626

Someone said coinexchange works

>> No.5732680

>>573261 congrats man. Up quite a bit as well. Too bad I only put In $120 but hey profits are profits

>> No.5732686

I don't expect more than 5x until Feb.

>> No.5732854

Correction is over. It's going to moon again!

>> No.5732985

yup, expect a steady rise.
it's #3 on biggest gainers on CMC.
people are gona notice and buy it up once they see what it's about.

and the koreans will be up and about soon

>> No.5733014

shits so easy i cant wait for the 10x this is comfy

>> No.5733187

i'd be cool with that.

>> No.5733227

can't see it on there fuuckkkkk

>> No.5733236

Nigga it says 9 cents on CMC now, EXPENSIVE SHITCOIN : (

I wanted in tho

>> No.5733279

We've been saying this for literally hours now lol... Idiots believe the FUD while the FUDers go accumulate.

>> No.5733292

it dipped check ED you mongoloid

>> No.5733357

I just found the thread : ( latefag here, i'll try to get in this

inb4 i buy bags

>> No.5733533

coin has potential. Bumping

>> No.5733616

Yeah people are fudding shit really hard nowadays. I play everything cautiously because i dont know whats real anymore.

My other issue with payfair is they raised very little funds. The issue with confido is that they hit legal issues and ran out of money to solve it. So with payfair they raised even less so their path to success needs to be perfect or they will run out of funds. Also they have little room to pay for exchange listings.

>> No.5733624

use metamask

>> No.5733723

Yes this is my biggest concern as well. The thing is that even with those factors there is still a lot of room for growth. Crypto doesn't care about real factors like laws or scams. If verge can reach 3 bill with a scam why not anything else lol?

>> No.5733729

Should I FOMO or wait for a correction
I wanted to buy this last night but I was really drunk

>> No.5733751

Guys I wasn't around last night. What happened with verge? Wraith was shit?

>> No.5733798

what a joy, I had 7 bucks left over from buying REQ awhile back and bought it cause it looked similar to confido (glad I didn't buy that) and bought 700 payfair tokens. Once it hits 1 dollar its going into dragonchain though.

>> No.5733824

DESU I'm not sure if it will correct more. Markets this hard are hard to read(especially on etherdelta).

I actually bought this as HODL and never expected it to go up now.

>> No.5733860

Verge was delayed; devs didnt give a shit and people sold

>> No.5733884

i think this is the best correction for now it will start mooning again

>> No.5733904

if you can score anything below $.10 you should be good to go.
you will x10+ no problem

>> No.5733924

just because devs didnt give shit i chose not to sell.

>> No.5733943

Alright I'll hold for a week now that I'm getting a small profit from ENG

>> No.5733964


>> No.5733996

When it's already 2$

>> No.5733999

DESU not sure. Dev's aren't really focused on that side of things. They seem to be technical and heads down. I think kucoin is easiest next.

>> No.5734051


>> No.5734262

Fake news

>> No.5734306

Bought some on stocks.exchange..


>> No.5734319

sad that i pajeeted and bought in at 149 but oh well, still having faith

btw after this coin probably never buying on ED again.

Worst fucking UI ever, laggy, and I have to pay gas to cancel an order lmao

>> No.5734384

ED is an exercise in delayed gratification. For a period of 10-20 minutes you're anxious, sweating and you can taste the sweet kiss of death. But 3 months later you've 10xd on this shitcoin no one else was willing to go and buy.

>> No.5734499

I almost bought this coin yesterday. Fuckin A.

>> No.5734709

Please don't let this be another UAHPAY
Fucking Ukrainians. kek
I even said before they exited that anyone can put some lanyards on dress up nice and put their logo on a big board. Got to give it to them it worked.

>> No.5734865

this desu senpai

>> No.5735027

it went down a little, mooning is over for today
i am hodling, waiting for january 5th

>> No.5735628

yup. was a fun ride today
it will probably hover just below $.10 until the next explosion in growth.

>> No.5735729

It'll dip to 7 cents in a few hours. scoop up the weak hands then

>> No.5735847

bought at 8.8 cents... 20% of portfolio... High risk high reward

>> No.5735885

see you on the moon

>> No.5735978

gl mate

>> No.5736033

buy before january 5th

>> No.5736041

if it dips to 7 cents i am buying another 10k

>> No.5736078

at .087-.089 , give it like 2 hours

>> No.5736870

ok anon i might like this then. only 5m mcap anyway

>> No.5737024

Same, going to buy up more when it reaches 7 cents or lower than .084 cents in a few hours.

>> No.5737248

Is $10 in enough to make it?

>> No.5737513

cash to monero >:)

>> No.5737694

Can you cucks stfu til my buy order is filled thanks

>> No.5737849

Can confirm

>> No.5738313

I dropped 90 $. wait until end of Feb to cash out . ezpz 50 cents

>> No.5738580

I still don't get it. Can someone give me another rundown on what payfair is and why it can get big?

>> No.5738674 [DELETED] 

Dont listen to op he is part of pump n dump group

they are targeting PFR

see for yourself

Shame on u anon

>> No.5738737

Shut the fuck up pajeet, you just posted this in the DBC thread.

>> No.5739448

What happens on the fifth?

>> No.5740044
File: 10 KB, 395x87, EtherDelta PFR ETH (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which autist did this

>> No.5740353

100% sweetie