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57243169 No.57243169 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
> living in Spain
>native English speaker and content writer/marketing analyst
>lost my job 4 months ago.
>trying to career change to a more secure position doing data analysis
>Sent out 300+ applications in the last 4 months

no interviews.
no call-backs.
just rejection and ghosting.

bros, how the fuck do i get hired? I'm not above lying on my CV or fluffing my technical skills but it doesn't matter if I don't even get a call-back.

how can I even invest without money? Fuck this gay continent. i almost wish I was living in America

>> No.57243206

What's wrong with marketing? Tech is saturated

>> No.57243223

>Sent out 300+ applications
You should have realised something was wrong after the first 50 failed to get back to you.
You need to review your approach. Get some feedback from people you know that have experience in your industry. I'll even given you some feedback if you're willing to post a redacted version here.

And how tf did you apply to 300+. Are there that many legit data analyst positions open in spain?

>> No.57243239

>>duuurrr i applied 60 million times expecting a different outcome
can these normie wagies even recognize the SIMPLEST of patterns? its shocking to me. i guess its why they are in denial about the nature of niggers too lol

>> No.57243264
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Marketing is kind of a waste of time.
After like 5 cumulative years in the game doing copywriting, digital content and social media management, all I can say is that I dislike the gamble of my time, effort and sanity.
You can put tonnes of work into a campaign, inbound strategy and all that shit, and there's no way of knowing if it will actually work or not. It's also precarious. If the company isn't making enough money, marketing is always the first to get slashed (which incidentally is what happened at my last job).
I was there for two years, started as a content writer and comms specialist, then they fired my manager and my supervisor and I was the only one left. I ran the entire marketing operation for 9 months before they let me go because, "we made some missteps in our sales strategy and we're in a bad place financially."

>> No.57243299


>Are there that many legit data analyst positions open in spain?

I've been applying across the EEA to remote, hybrid and on-site positions. In Spain anyway, about 3-5 new positions at my level open every week or so.
I've been using:
and direct applying through company webpages.
I've been applying to everything I could find, jobs based in Italy, Spain, Poland, Germany, Ireland, Romania even fucking Greece (not France though, I'm not that gay).

>> No.57243314

Don't include your picture in your CV. Ugly ass

>> No.57243359

I'll share my most recent experience and skills here.

Technical Proficiencies:
Data Cleaning/Data Wrangling (Microsoft Excel/MySQL/PostgreSQL/Python ) · Data Analysis · Data Visualization (Power BI/Tableau/Looker Studio) · Google Work Suite · Microsoft Office Suite · Content Writing · Content Management · SEO Copywriting · HubSpot CMS ·Salesforce CMS • Google Search Console ·

Soft Skills:
Proactive problem-solver · Strong presentation and communication skills · Highly organized and goal oriented · Adept in both support and leadership roles · Interpersonal communication and mediation


Provided Power BI development, data visualization, and report design for Customer Success
Developed and delivered reporting templates, improving customized reporting efficiency for over 30 clients and 140+ applications, saving Customer Success team approximately 55 man-hours of effort per month
Collaborated with Customer Success and Product teams to streamline customized reporting workflows
Prepared and optimized social media content for inbound marketing strategies.spot CMS and Google Search Console leading to 46% growth in social media followers
Managed, analyzed, and optimized content using Hubspot CMS and Google Search Console
Supported Sales Team with prospecting and client communication efforts
Supported the Product Team with English language UX content

The rest of my work experience is less applicable to data/tech jobs.

>> No.57243375

why are you guys so desperate?
If I get fired I could easily survive like 5 years without a job
you guys don't plan or prepare at all?

>> No.57243383

>What's wrong with marketing?
wymyn invaded the space instead of being home makers

>> No.57243388

your job is easily replaced by AI

>> No.57243408

every company has to save money. Its a recession bro

>> No.57243416

Just have a 5yr emergency fund bro. Okay Plebbit.

>> No.57243504


No actual accounting and no actual coding. Just a bunch of memey soft skill shit.

>> No.57243510

Yeah I know but what's the alternative?
McDonald's? Become a tradie?
As much as I want to do an MBa, I can't afford to go back to school AND be unemployed right now.

>> No.57243513

im copying your text and trying with it locally. it seems like this b.s would work with the HR roasties here. they love that shit.

>> No.57243521

Okay, I'll say right away this looks really similar to my CV when I was in the same boat last year. I was applying daily and the most I got after 2 months was a single interview for a shitty junior position.
Obviously your actual cv will look different to what you posted here, but I'd start by changing the structure slightly.

First, I'd start with a personal statement type paragraph. Nothing excessive, just 3-4 lines summarising your skillset, experience and current aims. Like the blurb of a good book.

I'd then follow up with some kind of summary of your training. If you're a university graduate then include this and highlight anything you did in that time which could be useful to the position. This is more useful if you graduated within the last few years. If you've done courses related to data analysis or programming (which I very much reccomend if you're new to the field) then that goes here too.

Finally, the meat of the resume is the actual experience, of which you seem to have a good amount. The only thing I'd change here is adding way more stuff about python and SQL. Among many other things, those are core parts of the required skillset and currently you don't have anything mentioned about it.
It doesn't matter if you have limited skills here, just get something down that makes sense, even if it's something you saw someone else do. If they ask to see it, just say the code was proprietary or something.

>> No.57243530

I hope you have better luck than I've had so far, brother.

>> No.57243549

yeah but I'm going to aim at local smaller businesses

either way I sold a bunch of crypto the past 2 weeks so my money for the next 2 years is actually already secured. i dont really need a job. heh.

im going to adjust your text a bit. its a good basis but i'll add some of my skills. (I have your skills plus more) but its normal cause I'm an ex devops engineer. I dont want to do devops anymore or straight software coding though. big soul killer.

>> No.57243554

thanks man. I graduated a few years ago with a shit liberal arts degree, so I try not to lean on that. I got into Data Science and Analytics through a bootcamp but the certificate isn't accredited or anything. the skills and practice was quite good though.
I'm working on putting together a portfolio and website to host them at the moment so hopefully that'll make a difference.

>> No.57243557

first of all, which part of Spain?
some companies would prefer not to hire somebody based in a particular place because you get an idea of who they are and / or vice versa...

>> No.57243579

probably should mention I work in the UK and don't know what the market is like in the EU. This is all really just general shit you should be doing regardless. You want to oversell and stick the landing in the interview, not undersell and miss the interview altogether.

>> No.57243596

based in Madrid, but honestly, I hate it here. I'm just kind of stuck because it's my wife's hometown and all her friends and family are here.

>> No.57243605

> living in Spain
Isn't 25% of Spain unemployed to being with?

>> No.57243607

Your network is your net worth fr. People who apply for professional jobs through online application don't get hired, you need friends to refer you.

>> No.57243615

At the moment it's shit in Spain at least. Last I checked unemployment was at 12% or something near that, so I've been trying to find remote jobs outside of this accursed place.

>> No.57243622

Is this a real thread or are you lying OP?
If this is a real thread
>Content writer/marketing analyst
Yeah no shit dude you don't have a real CV with real skills on it and you're in a place without a real economy, what the fuck do you think is going to happen?
>Sent out 300+ applications in the last 4 months
Wow everyone he sent out 'applications'. That's right he 'applied'. Wow to such a high number too! Wow, we should give him a medal

>> No.57243637

Happening everywhere now. There are so many women accountants now, finance departments are fucked.

>> No.57243645

well Madrid sounds good on the cv, better than Cadiz or Alicante or whatever.

Consider scrapping 'content writer' and changing title from 'marketing analyst' to 'data scientist'.
it's all bluff but it's more now.

Then, as you yourself acknowledged, don't forget that your job in marketing is basically a waste of time. Frankly, most jobs are, these are all just highly leveraged debt run and subsidised industries that very infrequently actually run a real profit (without kicking at least one can down the line) once you get past the accounting games.
Knowing that, and knowing we are in qt, appreciate that these companies have less room to wiggle with so marketing goes first.
That situation is unlikely to change anytime soon so you either luck out by getting a job in the area or you change field.

What happened with your last position says a lot.
Two people lost / left their position and you were left running the whole thing.

Best of luck anon.

So, that's alright.

>> No.57243650

They only hire women now and spend their attention lambasting men for not working.

>> No.57243682

>Consider scrapping 'content writer' and changing title from 'marketing analyst' to 'data scientist'.

Thanks man, I'll give that a try.
I'm not giving up, I just need to figure out what I can do to move forward. I'm even looking for volunteering positions to get some more direct experience but haven't had much luck yet.

>> No.57243700
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if I put on brown face and pretend to be a tranny do you think it would get me a DEI hire?

>> No.57243738
File: 12 KB, 128x192, content.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger you're coming across as a Jack of All Trades. Read pic related.

>> No.57243771

Time to ACK, buddy. That incurable attitude is gonna get you nowhere

>> No.57243952

Honestly believe copywriting is about to be completely replaced by AI. I used to be a copywriter. The most successful ones I met had their own business or hopped from management position to management position before the company noticed that their salary was too high and the money wasn't going to roll in. So they had great references all the time. Kind of fucked how this one guy I knew would scam like this and get praised by the companies for doing so.

>> No.57243996

this nigga put 'Microsoft Excel skills' on his CV lmao. you sound incredibly low iq but I'm sure you'll find the perfect spot for you

>> No.57244057

he is not wrong tho. no effort and no thinking from the OP = no results

>> No.57244140

I feel the same way

Yeah this is why I've more or less given up. I find it extremely hard to bother applying when each application is going to end in rejection.
There is literally no alternative however besides mass applying and getting one out of 10000 applications. That's literally the application process that is expected. Besides just nepotism. Even if your application gets through you still have to suck dick at interviews and shit too.
Job hunting is literally a waste of time if you're not a low iq gambler or a turbo normalfag. The only people that can do the same thing with a low chance of success over and over hoping to strike it big are gambling addicts.
By the way playing the "numbers game" in dating is also retard shit.

It's not like I have a problem with working. You do your job and are guaranteed compensation for it. The only industry where that's not the case is sales, which is an industry for degenerate normalfag gamblers.

Anyway, I've been thinking of turning to crime lately. Like credit card identity fraud shit online. There's got to be something job that pays consistsently and well and doesn't involve a complete lack of control where you're putting your success in the terms of approval from some other party.

>> No.57244168

>content writer/marketing analyst
get over yourself snakeoil salesman

>> No.57244173

I feel the same honestly. that's why I'm eager to gtfo of this retarded industry/career path.

Microsoft Excel is still used by a lot of companies with immature data infrastructure for their analytics and business intelligence departments. It's a common technicsl skill listed in job postings and filtered for by ATS. Besides which, using VBA and contemporary Excel's data analytics and visualization extensions are still valid skills for data analyst and certain data science positions.

>> No.57245602

There are jobs out there that still require you to know how to use microsoft office. It barely takes space, nothing wrong with having it on the resume.

>> No.57245867

>living in Spain
Spot your problem now do the necessary ser.

>> No.57246119
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Enjoy your forklift life.

>> No.57246642
File: 6 KB, 1200x1200, NET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have become a .NET developer instead anon. You would have been drowning in job offers.

>> No.57246715

Get a trucker license or become a plumber, these kinds of "skills" you post are absolutely garbage and everyone knows. If you ever get laid off, youre in the wrong racket

>> No.57246739

This but Java. Java is faster and cross-platform.

>> No.57246761

noone in charge cares, they want what the others are having, they want .net

>> No.57246775

Spaniard here.

Been like that for more than a year.

>> No.57246778

Modern .NET is also cross-platform. No idea how slow/fast Java is nowadays, but C#/.NET makes huge leaps in performance every update.

>> No.57246790

hey bro any jobs available for someone fluent in both English and Spanish? could i teach english and make a decent living?

i visited Madrid last year and honestly it was fucking awesome

>> No.57246922
File: 102 KB, 1200x2133, Accurate+daily+mosquito_f76812_7915705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 1. Formatting, titles, and keywords are really important. Your qualifications don't matter if you don't get through the HR filter.
> 2. When applying to positions far away, most want local candidates.
> 3. Make sure you can talk about your experience and expand on everything on your resume.
> 4. Network with like-minded people.

For #1, I can tell you that your phrasing reads poorly. For instance, just grabbing something at random
>Supported the Product Team with English language UX content
Could be much stronger
> Collaborated closely with the Product Team to spearhead English language UX content strategy, ensuring seamless user experiences and expanding content access initiatives to successfully reach a global audience.

As for #2, you can BS with custom-tailored resumes. If they want an in-person interview say you're out of the country on business and would like a remote interview if possible. If they decline and you're desperate enough, schedule it a few weeks out and go. If you don't feel the job is worth it, politely tell them that you'll get back to them at a later date once you're back in country.

>> No.57246956

there are EFL jobs for auxiliares, and freelance tutors especially out in the pueblos around the city. As for the pay...it's not amazing. Fortunately the cost of living is low, so it's not terrible but renting is an absolute nightmare. You will need probably some kind of credentials and teaching experience for it though. if you do want to follow through on it, I wish you the best of luck.

>> No.57246961

Does Mayara not think that I'm going to send her and her family to burn in hell forever?

>> No.57246987

I see what you mean.
Thanks for the advice. I was trying to save space to keep my CV to a single page instead of multiple pages. I'll make some changes to my CV and do some A/B testing to see how they pan out.

>> No.57246992

You can try that or try getting into a university.

>> No.57247024

>the cost of living is low
yea i was amazed at how affordable everything was

>renting is an absolute nightmare
why is that?

>some kind of credentials and teaching experience
I already have a 4-year college degree, im sure the credentials wont be hard to get. i can start off as an assistant or something. i genuinely enjoy teaching people things

>I wish you the best of luck.
thanks fren

>> No.57247038

thanks. yea that's not a bad idea as well

>> No.57247059

You are welcome :)

>> No.57247104

If you really need to, you can cut down on size by writing a summary and incorporating your skills/technologies into the focus.

Bold it for recruiters. Try to find a recruiter that gets paid commission based on your placement salary.

Also, 2 pages are fine if you have a ton of relevant experience spread across multiple positions. Each position should only have around three bullets summarizing your most impactful contributions. This saves space and recruiters/HR only skim-read your resume so it makes their job easier. Bold relevant technologies if applicable.

You can trim additional space by listing your total years of experience in the summary and dropping the other experience off your resume. Hiring managers will ask "I see you list 6 years of experience but say you have 10" (or whatever) and then you can go into detail on those.

>> No.57247133

>>renting is an absolute nightmare
>why is that?

I'm not sure but in the city at least real estate prices have been going up like crazy. Depending on where you want to live obviously, but on average you're looking at around 800-900€ for a 45-50m2 apartment in or around the city center.
The further out you go from Sol, towards the South like Carabanchel and places tend to be cheaper but also more ghetto/full of immigrants and look like housing projects.
If you decide to live in the pueblos it's much cheaper, but there's not much to do there, so you might end up spending more on buses or the AVE for transport (unless you invest in a car or something)

>> No.57247208


That's a good point, I'll see if I can cut more junk from my less relevant job experience.

Part of the reason for all the fluff text is for the ATS software that they use to pre-sort and filter applications. From what I understand, before any human being even gets an application they use those applicant track systems to filter how well they match the job listings based on word matches and similarity.
(at least that's what the consultant I paid for CV advice back in 2022 told me)

>> No.57247250

He's right. That's why I mentioned formatting, titles, and keywords being really important.

If you can work with a recruiter or recruiting agency it'd be ideal as they get paid on your placement and will leverage existing relationships as well as nudge your resume to be more targeted for specific listings.

The best to work with get paid by the placement company based on your salary, but it depends on your field. It's a common strategy in tech recruiting.

>> No.57247456

900 euros for a studio would be amazing. im in southern california and those start at about $2k

>> No.57247668

depends on your take home salary, I guess.
mine salaray was about €1700/month after taxes, and that was doing better than a lot of people that i know. a friend of mine is currently an assistant EFL teacher and i think his official take home is €1500 but he also tutors on the side (so he rakes in an additional untaxed €300).