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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 83 KB, 584x568, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57238328 No.57238328 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57238359

I hate jews so much it's unreal.

>> No.57238372

That's literally my money

>> No.57238375

told you guys it was intentional and you dont believe me. nothing was compromised. just normal jewish tricks.

>> No.57238381

good thing BTC isn't a security or else this might have been something to be concerned about

>> No.57238442

this... this is a joke right
no way Gensler would use his actual name to do it. Sure, no one could prove anything, but the overconfidence and clownishness would just be too much

>> No.57238451

What a legend. How big of balls do you possess to hack the government and cause panic just for a few millions bucks?

>> No.57238463

Whats anyone gonna do about it? Just further enforces his notion that crypto is the wild west and he needs to protect investors (from getting rich)

>> No.57238499

what's rollbit? It's blocked in the USA apparently

>> No.57238508

Precisely the point, if his real name was used then everybody would think there's no way it was an insider trading since he wouldn't have used his real name. Reverse psychology. Here's some evidence that suggests it was likely an inside job >>57238407

>> No.57238515
File: 28 KB, 320x232, 1530248939481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57238526

Days without Jewish tricks: 0

>> No.57238544

Counter never gets pass 0

>> No.57238569

If you haven’t embraced the clown world you’re doing it wrong

>> No.57238574

2 million is hardly any money for Jews though. They wouldn’t do market manipulation for a measly 2 million

>> No.57238576

its big bitcoin price betting site

>> No.57238613


>> No.57238651

It's 2 billion

>> No.57238660


>> No.57238688

>but the overconfidence
This new generation of jews have been overconfident for 16 years now since 2008 with their SJWs and trannies ... unless the SJWs/Trannies/new-gen taught the jews how to be obnoxious overconfident unsubtle imbeciles who can't even hide their jewish tricks anymore.

The election was still a shitshow and I don't understand why it was such a shitshow when Trump & Biden work for the same person and the votes are digital.

>> No.57238778

Is there a 1000x leverage site in the us. Might as well lose 500 bucks Fuck.

>> No.57238802

Yeah go ahead retard, see if it stops at 500 if it goes south for you.

>> No.57238808

Post link

>> No.57238845

>everyone screaming DA JOOZ
>no one realizing it's the hacker and he has a sense of humor
Christ you guys are extremely retarded

>> No.57238863

They just got caught for digging pedo tunnels where they imprison goyim children to rape and sacrifice. And they'll get away with it.

>> No.57238885

they would do it for 2c never mind 2million.
2 million here plus 2 million there adds up

>> No.57238888

There was no hacker you gullible idiot

>> No.57238900

are there any sites that give you multipliers without leverage?

>> No.57238915

Imagine having to go through life while being as stupid as this guy

>> No.57238921

I’m probably asking a retarded question (because I am retarded) but did they change their name as a joke? I don’t even know how easy that would be to do, because I am retarded. I don’t do ETH.

>> No.57238931

cant make this shit up what a shitshow

>> No.57238946
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>> No.57238947

Jews will dive into a lava pit for a penny

>> No.57238949
File: 159 KB, 680x572, 1704373023099213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh really? Where's the proof?

>> No.57238966

you can use rollbit, just use vpn

also, you will lose(most likely)

>> No.57238976

Honestly anons he’s a Jew worth $100 million you think he’d bother gambling with 1000x leverage? Holy fuck now I see why the scammers flock here.

>> No.57238978

would be funny if the hacker, if there was one, actually did that

>> No.57238983

God I hate this board

>> No.57238988
File: 496 KB, 1082x695, 1697897909288030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right...or rather if there was then at least he wasn't the one on these trades.

Can all of the /pol/ tourists go back now that this nothing burger has come to pass? Thanks

>> No.57238996

Lol absolutely BASED hacker BTFO crypto and getting rich.

>> No.57239014
File: 109 KB, 976x850, 1698434030397451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are normies still not aware of the heebs

>> No.57239062
File: 86 KB, 1024x576, Eq9ckcIWMAAjiBj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these trades werent real
it was already hard to like rb now they look like legit retards.

>> No.57239089

Ugh I hate the crypto "industry" so much, its unreal

>> No.57239470


>> No.57239485


>> No.57239507

Glowies is that you or literal 30iq stoneperson?

>> No.57239538

it's for our own protection, goy

>> No.57239762

How many times do I need to explain, they tell you what they are doing every time.

>> No.57239777

In a way. First they do it. Then they accuse YOU of doing it. Then when they’re caught doing it they say, “lol so what everybody does it everybody knows everybody does it old news”

>> No.57239779
File: 110 KB, 594x932, rlb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its free marketing, they would be retarded NOT to post this. and they've done it before

>> No.57239827

you are demanding proof from quads of 8? wtf more do you need anon?

>> No.57239916

>its free marketing, they would be retarded NOT to post this
>free marketing
ik theyve done it before on last news hoax and retard pseuds like you are why crypto is hated

>> No.57240291

literally 0 iq