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File: 2.32 MB, 1536x2048, _________KEK___DOUGIES_________.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57227380 No.57227380 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information

>GMERICA: RICO's Rough Sting & Launching TEDDY on tZERO, Part 6

>GMERICA, part 5


>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

>Temporary alliance with jews and reddit we can go back to hating each other later
>Don't take any DD for fact use your brain

>Umm Uhh Uhh Uhhh Umm

>As always
Kek bondies

Previousneed on /BBBYQ/:

>> No.57227406

RC sold the sec forms dont lie

RC is CEO of only one company

Two assets will go to infinity

Few understand this

>> No.57227766 [DELETED] 

>Order Audit Trail System (OATS)

The order audit trail system (OATS) is a computerized regulatory mechanism that maintains detailed records of securities transactions.

OATS requires member firms of FINRA to automatically record and report orders to FINRA.1

OATS was established so that orders could be more easily tracked and reviewed if necessary; for instance, in the case of a trading error or suspected market manipulation.

Individual traders and investors are not required to provide OATS data to FINRA. This is the job of the broker or member firm handling client orders.


Oh cohen.... 100% Whole, OATS.

Shareholders made whole and OATS means Doug shit is fucked

>> No.57227799

>Order Audit Trail System (OATS)

>The order audit trail system (OATS) is a computerized regulatory mechanism that maintains detailed records of securities transactions.

>OATS requires member firms of FINRA to automatically record and report orders to FINRA.1

>OATS was established so that orders could be more easily tracked and reviewed if necessary; for instance, in the case of a trading error or suspected market manipulation.

>Individual traders and investors are not required to provide OATS data to FINRA. This is the job of the broker or member firm handling client orders.


>Oh cohen.... 100% Whole, OATS.

>Shareholders made whole and OATS means Doug shit is fucked

>> No.57227811

Kek baggies

>> No.57227855

I’m thinking about doing a YouTube meltdown show. It’ll cover all the baggie drama and the lowlights from the pp show and Kais’ show. That way, people that want to watch the train wreck can get their fix without giving the grifters any engagement on YouTube, X, Reddit, etc. Would anyone here be interested in watching?

I bet I can get it up and running before pp gets his app that he keeps bullshitting you all about.

>> No.57227868

No, nigger it’s literally about inflation. So cringe.

>> No.57227879 [DELETED] 
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>> No.57227901
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it’s also buy one get one free

>> No.57227979
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>> No.57227989

The grift shills usually reply to everything. They’re clearly trying to bury my idea of a meltdown show. Well guess what baggies, I know your playbook better than you do. Prepare to be exposed.

>> No.57228015

Alex is hosting his “show” right now dumb nigger. Maybe that’s why. You also won’t show your face to have said show.

>> No.57228021

I’ll wear a mask. I don’t need all the anti-trans bullshit in my life.

>> No.57228063
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Hannah the mannah

>> No.57228103


You will never pass by the way. You could stand to lose ~150lbs

>> No.57228131

>baggies mad they’re going to get owned by a girl

>> No.57228155
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>> No.57228176

So I get to embarrass grifting baggies AND transphobes? This keeps getting better.

>> No.57228204
File: 179 KB, 1067x851, 1702579875847723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to embarrass whoever you want man I'm just here to shitpost and I'm not watching your show

>> No.57228207

Please tell me how I am the Redditor that’s disturbing your comfy 4chan.

>> No.57228243

>It's about being made 100% whole
>It's about Valentine's Day
>It's about OATS
3 narrative shifts in 1 day, baggies shambling

>> No.57228276
File: 15 KB, 255x205, CigarPepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing gets the seethies all riled up like seeing the BBBYchads having a good time. It's like the metrics they use is public sentiment and they don't like us thinking we're gonna wagmi.
Why am I still such a comfy boy if I lost all my munny?

>> No.57228336

>Hey seethie why does it feel so soft and squishy when I sit down if I shit myself?

>> No.57228342
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>> No.57228370

Sir, you obviously still have a penis

>> No.57228396

My genitals do not need your approval, thank you. You seem pretty obsessed with what I look like naked.

>> No.57228410

I know you would like to think that, but you're already so grotesque while wearing your mask that I deign to think what lies beneath.

>> No.57228412

Just watched this lol imagine paying 500 burger tokens to attend this after already suffering 100% losses


>> No.57228426

>bottled water
>warm coors
>chicken tendies
>ice cream
He spared no expense

>> No.57228507

Anyone who think Ryan Cohen is going to make them rich deserves to be mocked.
Anyone who thinks Bill Pulte speaks on behalf of Ryan Cohen deserves to be studied.

>> No.57228629

Sounds like a stomach ache

>> No.57228688

Did Ryan Cohen stuff you into a locker in high school? Did he give you a wedgie?

>> No.57228961
File: 15 KB, 300x243, IMG_1085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be warned, this could go on for months, I worry because it’s an election year that the FBI/DOJ investigations can purposefully be held up for a looong time.

Stay vigilant, even posts that are seemingly positive can be from silly shillies trying to demoralize by hyping dates their handlers already know are nothing burgers because the wrenches they’ve thrown in the judicial process take a certain minimum time to resolve.

But for sure the demoralization has worked on me, therefore when we get the new equity and cash dividend I will sell the stock for whatever price I can get, given how relived I will be. Why would anyone hold the stock , and even use the cash portion of the dividend to buy even more of the new entity ? This would spell trouble for the banks if the stock happened to be cartoonishly over shorted, and we all know the banks are the most well liked entities in the eyes of the public and investors alike.

>> No.57229039
File: 148 KB, 1080x1202, Screenshot_20240108_174141_Reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over Pulte bros

>> No.57229049

>Finally, he didn't want to lead on his game plan of still being involved. His intent on the "departure" from holding the stock was to make it look like he was no longer involved. He wanted certain parties to believe that was the case. It's the old movie storyline of "they think I'm dead so now I'm dangerous". See Lethal Weapon 2, The Lone Ranger, etc.
reddit moment

>> No.57229193
File: 33 KB, 187x269, SonicKneeBend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pulte is based and needs plausible deniability and the shills pounce all over him for it. For this dedication of jumping in front of the shills and keeping us engaged in the black-out period, I kneel.

>> No.57229249

Plausible deniability of what?

>> No.57229256

If you were a woman you wouldn't feel the need to call yourself trans. Narcissistic cunt.

>> No.57229285


>> No.57229414
File: 154 KB, 1024x1024, 1700342210104076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you ask a man wearing a mask who he is?

>> No.57229427

M&A is very hush-hush and although he is not over the wall he definitely knows to keep the community engaged while we wait out these final months.
It's actually not surprising one bit he doesn't own any BBBY.
Only the unsophisticated would hear that and be confused.

>> No.57229478

You baggies are still alive? I figured most of you had roped or quietly exited your positions for a tax write off last year

>> No.57229493

>he doesn't know

>> No.57229635

So he knows, but doesn’t know. And he’s involved, but not involved. What kind of retards are you roping in with this?

>> No.57229642

Reminder to torture those two in the OP pic to death.

>> No.57229694

>he posts a r*ddit thread
Total baggie death holy kek, lmao even

>> No.57229714
File: 192 KB, 556x577, 1704314758133538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you took off the mask, would you guy?

>> No.57229997
File: 553 KB, 603x342, IMG_0811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone post the Twitter caps of Doug shitfu melting down when engaging with bbby members a few months back.

Imagine being worth tens of millions at least, and still engaging with people on Twitter who are supposed scitzos.

Oh yea, almost forget; I am extremely demoralized, therefore I will sell the new equity , when it arrives, for any price I can get given how relived I will be. Why would someone hold the new equity and use the cash portion of the dividend to buy even more? Who would behave this way?

>> No.57230313

You keep talking about shills trying to demoralize you to sell, but I will tell you outright- IF a new equity comes out, MOASS is guaranteed. Your argument doesn’t even make sense- shills are saying a new equity isn’t coming. So if it does, you’ve already proven them wrong and won’t be demoralized. Your strawman is 100% cope. No shills are trying to get you to sell because they’re telling you there won’t be anything to sell in the first place.

>> No.57230353
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>> No.57230500

You forgot to say "in minecraft".

>> No.57230551

If you can't explain it simply you don't understand it

>> No.57230573

>shills STILL don't understand what's going on
you've been played like a fiddle

>> No.57230603

imagine if all these people just invested in coca cola or microsoft or something. they wouldn't have lost money, or had to fly to that cringecon really depressing actually.

i get the feeling a lot of these people are used to getting rugpulled so they have a stick to the man mentality.

>> No.57230633

And yet every day for a year exactly what shills think will happen, happens.

>> No.57230691
File: 10 KB, 200x202, 1699440489787427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw baggots rope

>> No.57231079

Nothing happened yet again so now baggies are coping saying that T+2 is actually the important day
>kek baggies

>> No.57231194
File: 94 KB, 465x869, t8u7erq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it odd how there is all this 'evidence' but the critical point has none?
>Remember when he said that thing that he absolutely said?
>Anyway moving on to screenshot #423 we can clearly see that this proves otherwise

>> No.57231431


>> No.57231498
File: 54 KB, 852x1256, 1474135188058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link to baggies roping on livestream?

>> No.57231597

Watch over the next few weeks as nothing happens yet again and baggies remain poor. The narrative will shift once again to
>We would have been rich by now but the damn plan administrator didn't do their job properly
Once that falls through we'll see accusations against the government and the Qbagnon journey will be complete

>> No.57231738
File: 254 KB, 960x835, 1703258669355148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, it's real. We're all gonna wagmi, frens.

>> No.57231802
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>> No.57231823
File: 312 KB, 1728x718, wagmi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think we're getting $44 a share? Or do you think there will be a run up?

>> No.57232247
File: 27 KB, 400x400, IMG_1711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am extremely demoralized, therefore when we get issued new equity and cash in exchange for our bbbyq shares that were removed due to a pending corporate action I will surely sell the new equity for any price I can get, given how relived I will be.

Why would anybody hold the new equity, and even go as far as to purchase more using the cash portion of the dividend? Who would behave like this?

>> No.57232325

What new equity?

>> No.57232340


>> No.57232466

a newfriend downvote isn't an answer

>> No.57232525

>reddit is consistently front of mind
its very possible YOURE the newfriend

>> No.57232536
File: 110 KB, 200x299, saddamgtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you faggots still doing here?

>> No.57232569

Yea, pretty much. I don't think this is just some ordinary business deal. It's easy to be a shill and dismiss everything we've seen so far but literally all of the moving pieces show this is a bear trap set by entities that have been previously attacked by short sellers. This is a pretty major happening unfolding right now and hopefully you bought your tickets for the moon ride. RC has no time to fuck around with shorts killing his access to the credit markets. The shorts die in the next two weeks.

>> No.57232599
File: 25 KB, 396x385, optimistic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

won't you feel silly once the screenshots of new shares start pouring in

>> No.57232663

no, will you feel silly when that never occurs?

>> No.57232672

Checked. Can't wait. Gonna throw it all into GME and watch everyone seethe.

>> No.57232679

Why are you here? Very odd. Never seen anyone so obsessed with others investments. Odd. Very odd indeed. Sad. Many such cases.

>> No.57232683

>keith still samefagging to completely fill these threads up everyday to prove how not mindbroken he is from being completely wrong about bbby and losing everything from it

>> No.57232726

>keith still samefagging
"Keith" is Salvatore Linoleum

>> No.57232737
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the only thing that i doubt is that this will ever stop being funny

>> No.57232747

sounds like an italian porn director that refuses to work with a budget over 100 lira

>> No.57232758

hey watch it you don't want to know what happens if the online spills over the real life do you know what happened to shortdestroyer go look him up money can make things happen

>> No.57232797
File: 88 KB, 396x385, 1643425447075.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too. it will be very fun

>> No.57232798

You had me fooled until the last two words.

>> No.57232911 [DELETED] 

These threads are just me and three other anons ID-hopping and alternatively pretending to be baggies and shills. Pure simulacra, “desert of the real” shit.

>> No.57232921

That little ironic joke tagged onto the end doesn't negate the fact that operations specialists have a deep rooted loathing for hedge funds who systematically short sell their companies and by extension their compensation./net worth. This was a long time coming that short sellers are stealing equity and the dangerous nature of it means that someone was eventually going to come along and slam the door behind them and fill the room with smoke.
That reckoning is happening RIGHT NOW. The shorts are absolutely seething because of all we've dug up so far. We also have the smoking gun in that we have them trapped dead to rights in a short selling scam they can't get themselves out of. We even caught the DTCC being complicit as well.

>> No.57232995

No walking it back once you take it too far. Just switch IDs. It just looks desperate to try and keep it going after you get busted.

>> No.57233017
File: 79 KB, 520x760, 4466261F-79A9-48E3-AA4F-06D8151BE13B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its time to go even further BYON

>> No.57233066

Said the man who knows nothing about looking good

>> No.57233076


>> No.57233569

I sure hope all that work doesn’t cut into his job of claiming bong welfare for being a mental midget and playing with Star Wars toys

>> No.57233578

Don't forget 3d printing copyrighted/trademarked works and selling them on ebay without permission.

>> No.57233627

Oh and I forgot his Paralympic shooting dreams too.

>> No.57233651

based and claypigeonshootingclubofkentpilled

>> No.57233719

The funniest thing about Sal mouthing off a out how people need to watch out on Twitter is that since he is a bong he is actually the one who needs to watch out because there is verifiable evidence that he broke the law my sending malicious communication on the internet. At any point the police could come knocking for him, all because he lost his rag I'm an online chat room.
>kek pakis

>> No.57233754

oooohhh that's true
if you're goona mouf off on da indanet, better make sure ya dount live in a nitemaire poleez state, where things happenin on twitter is mo real than real lyfe

>> No.57233772 [DELETED] 

Sal also admitted on stream that he watches the tellie without a license.

>> No.57233867

zamn I hope no one reports him to the bong police and see doggy dog poster disappear for no reason.

>> No.57233882
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>> No.57233885

This thread is only for meltdowners to talk about their favorite ecelebs. Mods, do something!!!!

>> No.57233911

>75% of posts are baggies talking about Doug cifu, platinum sparkles, and hannah

>> No.57233937

Prove it?

>> No.57233954

I did. Called 101 and explained what had been said. They took a follow-up statement and said that what had been alleged was covered under 127.1. Since people in the UK have been given custodial sentences for jokes in private WhatsApp I expect Sal to be getting a visit soon. How do I know this will happen? A colloquial term for police in the UK are 'bobbies', you cannot refute that Sal is going to prison.

>> No.57233974

My favorite eceleb is Hannah the Mannah. I like how much coverage he gives to bbby while also portraying an obviously masculine demeanor. We need more men like that giving voice to shareholders.

>> No.57234255

>Green Ooo ID

>> No.57234291
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>2 mutually exclusive opinions are both correct

>> No.57234319

Uh oh baggies, bad news. You know how when people started laughing at you in SS, so you declared it compromised and moved to BBBY? And then people started laughing there so it was declared compromised and you moved to theppshow? Then that got banned so you moved to teddy? Well now people are saying that is compromised as well! Where will you go next?

>> No.57234380

Checked and kekked

>> No.57234399

>We keep coopting your communities
>This is a reflection on you
Yeah, that we're all gonna wagmi. TYFYS.

>> No.57234428
File: 3.10 MB, 498x286, tenor (4).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caps lock
ask your handler what "conversion" means. At this point I think you're too dumb to read a dictionary by yourself.

>> No.57234442

Based narc

>> No.57234498

>Says someone else is ESL
>Incapable of understanding the point
Wew lad, better check your dictionary again

>> No.57234524

to the great beyond

>> No.57234584

>If you don't accept my misrepresented point then you don't understand
Is that you, Goldberg?

>> No.57234604

>Noooooo you can't hold people accountable for their statements that is misrepresenting them
I am just glad you think the plan administrator is going to fuck baggies over, that is an admission that you are not getting anything

>> No.57234666
File: 413 KB, 668x844, Mr Beast and Pulte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57234684

Holy based I cannot wait for
Pulte to start giving away money to people to transition just like his friend does. Transbaggies rise up!

>> No.57234736

Your video cut out just before a puff of cold breath appears on the right from a talmudic jew hiding at the end of that tunnel, it shows that on X/twitter. Pulte is right to distance himself from pp and rather let psycho kais mouthpiece for him. On that note fuck pp trademark, he told Kais to tm his show, stupid jew talmud kid fucker loooool. Finally gottem.

>> No.57234743


>> No.57234765
File: 25 KB, 360x360, 1652801791540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the mark of the mr beast

>> No.57234771

>The digits
>The beast
Fuckin kek

>> No.57234779

Fucking told you all. Bunch of luciferian kid fucjers sticking together, still fuck pp though. True backstabbers secretly hating each other, it’s glorious watching them in-fight to suck satans’ mangina.

>> No.57234790

things that put "shills" in "shambles" according to ploot

>BBBY going bankrupt
>BBBYQ shares being cancelled
>Bagfest 2023 where baggies paid $500 a head to watch youtube grifters slap each other with dildos

>> No.57234913

Is the pp app out yet, he said he’d have it ready by now, his own social medial website. How’s that doing?

>> No.57234991

Awww, now Bruno and Jake are fighting. And that makes Travis so sad that he’s giving up Reddit.

>> No.57235039
File: 121 KB, 1284x1678, IMG_2747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these assets being activated is fucking bullish. Infighting is always a good sign (not necessarily a signal that it is within days to weeks, as the DOJ/FBI have control of this thing now and can delay due to the election year) because it signals that at the minimum, an important informational event is near and if they have to split the community again to smother it they will.

>> No.57235054

this has to be a sign

>> No.57235128

>it signals that at the minimum, an important informational event is near
An informational event just flew over my house!

>> No.57235132

Kais tweeted, and then deleted, a video of PP exposing himself in front of a daycare. Sick shit.

>> No.57235150

It’s a sign that we need to get in touch with Mr. Beast’s legal counsel to warn him about ploot.

>> No.57235161

Wow this is just like that time Pulte tweeted himself with Kanye, what is going to happen this time I wonder?

>> No.57235186

We got Kanye to cancel his appearance at the hangar party. I’m particularly proud of that one.

>> No.57235281


>> No.57235347

“We” as in the organized meltdown discord. Not the honeypot ones that you baggies fell for, but the own for meltdown operators.

>> No.57235396

sounds like a fun way to keep yourself busy and not at all an indicator of an underlying mental condition

>> No.57235466

Citadel's psyops division have some pretty defining traits in common...

>> No.57235491
File: 373 KB, 1080x1394, Screenshot_20240109_132555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by this?

>> No.57235500

Did you also tell the other meltdownies to stop calling people baggots because it makes you self conscious about your life choices?

>> No.57235513


>> No.57235561

No, that’s just public messaging we use on Reddit. Know your audience.

>> No.57235562

Kais is having some serious misgivings that he is a memorable face in the BBBY talking-head space but is not getting any tendies. I think he saw the $500 donations and the $10,000 lawyer fees from Pulte and he is absolutely seething he can't get his hands on any of it. I really can't explain why he's getting so antagonistic. He grabbed after the spigot going for PP show copyright and they cut him off and now he's a seethie.

>> No.57235573

that anon is always here posting 50+ times per thread. Either he’s a very sad person or employed by some of the worst financial criminals on earth and both paths will end the same way for him. The question is, will the suicide report list one or two bullets fired?

>> No.57235598
File: 60 KB, 294x361, BAHAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Na, I;m pretty sure you're a faggot.

>> No.57235620

lol, check out this newfriend. Enjoying your first week on 4chan?

>> No.57235645

are you implying that I must have you confused with another anon?

>> No.57235659
File: 140 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.zrcR.DvP4mzKu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if we didn't know who you are, your cringe would give you away every time. You can't help it.

>> No.57235760

in fairness, kais has always been very unstable. It didn't take much to push him over the edge. The hungry look on his face on the PP show when PP was getting all those $500 donations was telling though.

>> No.57235771

I have a precise level of cringe set for all of my interactions and it gets adjusted in a weekly, sometimes daily, basis.

>> No.57235775
File: 157 KB, 1178x1064, baggie train wall plan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people like to follow sportsball, and they get off on the highs, the lows, the catharsis and the drama. Some people like to follow stock baggie cults, except there's it's just lows and lowers (for the baggies)

>> No.57235776

Your hormone abuse is none of my business

>> No.57235805

And your transphobia is none of mine.

>> No.57235833

I do not fear you; I am disgusted and repulsed by you. There is no reason to tolerate your kind.

>> No.57235898

I hope one day you can let go of your hate and anger and embrace the love that is humanity.

>> No.57235976 [DELETED] 

You must have another anon confused for me.

>> No.57236022

Not hate or anger. I told you what it was, but your willful ignorance is what brought you to your current, lowly state.

>> No.57236026

Calm down Hannah the mannah
So you're all onions "boys?"
Explains why none of the melties can Man up, lol.

>> No.57236035

Onions? What’s an onions boy?

>> No.57236049

And he calls others new

>> No.57236258
File: 943 KB, 663x839, Pulte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57236272

I believe you have mistaken me for another frequent user of this forum

>> No.57236392
File: 80 KB, 956x1006, Homosub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onions auto correction.

>> No.57236397

Oh god please be real.

>> No.57236416

Extremely based

>> No.57236429


>> No.57236436

Would've bee cooler if you had dubs.

>> No.57236474

Get out, faggot.

>> No.57236502

It's Virtu finance? I know a guy who works there unironically but won't give any details and won't ask him questions

>> No.57236623

He won't be working there much longer once they have a forced short position of TEDDY put on them. They will go bankrupt and Dougie will rope.

>> No.57236792
File: 321 KB, 597x583, image[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know who else is called Bobby?

>> No.57236803

Bobby. Nice.

>> No.57236814


>> No.57236843
File: 1.78 MB, 350x255, 52919.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57236978

If anyone was having trouble following the retcon cope.
1. Baggie DD claimed that there was a 90 day period after form 15 submission during which acquisitions could occur, and that this was certain to happen on the final day to completely wreck the shorts
2. After it did not happen baggie DD said that was fine, since new equity could not be distributed until after the 90 days had passed anyway and now that the stock was officially cancelled they would get new shares in TeddyGmericaKeiretsu
3. After it did not happen baggie DD said that was fine, because actually an acquisition did happen in that 90 days but they just haven't told anyone about it because...just shut up the point is the DD says baggies already won ok?
And now baggie DD writers are citing 'people being mean to them online' as a reason to vanish into the night and never post again.

>> No.57236981

Didn’t read

>> No.57237040
File: 31 KB, 525x282, beg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

begging the sec lmfao

>> No.57237051

>Travis quitting
Another one bites the dust. Or was he always a Kenny plant? Lmao

>> No.57237057

I'm not going to read all of that, but I appreciate all of the effort you put into that bump. We all appreciate our sisyshillies, especially ones that work as hard as you.

>> No.57237066
File: 13 KB, 535x189, Screenshot 2024-01-09 at 16-09-22 Gary Gensler (@GaryGensler) _ X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls sec help them omg

>> No.57237098

Dude, this is fucking based.

>> No.57237115
File: 16 KB, 279x279, 1693180743095203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, September, the slurpocalypse. Poor Dougshit.

>> No.57237146
File: 656 KB, 634x768, 1704243688288485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy mother of based

>> No.57237171

could there be a BBBY ETF?

>> No.57237255

>The plan admin is a shill plant and there is nothing baggies can do about it
Kek baggies. Ken wins again

>> No.57237325



>> No.57237394
File: 152 KB, 379x376, 1659102704847022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all they do is spam twitter and reddit
if i wanted to go to twitter i would go to twitter. if i wanted to go to reddit i would go to reddit. i don't care what happens in those shitholes.

>> No.57237400

Is KAIS a plant or what? WTF is he smoking? by doing that.

>> No.57237417

Only transfags care! Thanks for the bump anyhow.

>> No.57237422
File: 30 KB, 741x237, gg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek crypto baggies

>> No.57237477

>complaining about Reddit and twitter links in a general thread where the op has so many links to Reddit and twitter it takes two posts.

>> No.57237506

wtf it's real. HOW? This is really clown world.

>> No.57237552

On the pp discord, they’re instructed to act like “who cares” on public social media sites to try and downplay all the chaos.

>> No.57237619

>He patrols reddit
>He patrols X
>He even patrols the pp discord
Where does a guy find so much time? TYFYS

>> No.57237629

So is PP going to kneel to Kais and not use theppshow tonight? I bet he does, by try to play it off like it’s ironic or a joke.

>> No.57237844

Looks like Bruno is aiming to be the next kais. He’s throwing a tantrum about pulte and Jake. And pp csnt choose a side, because Bruno is one of the few baggies that will still work for free on his show.

Alex - Bruno will turn on you. Surely you can see this.

>> No.57237907

Can't be Kais if you're in prison.

>> No.57237945

I don't think Kais has good standing to enforce that trademark when PP has a record of publishing content for a long time.
What a strange development.

>> No.57237957

Didn’t read. bet it was super interesting though but I just don’t care is the problem

>> No.57237994

It’s hilarious because people like doug have been saying
>bitcoin etf in the next 2 weeks confirmed
since middle of last year. Makes me comfy to know even dougshit is trapped in the 2 more weeks vortex.

>> No.57238001

Doesn’t matter. He filed with YouTube, YouTube is just going to look and see a trademark is filed. Now PP has to do the work and expense of challenging the filing.

>> No.57238014

But I actually don't care, I just want MOASS, I don't fucking care about these fucking internet celebrity fags begging for donations and fighting over God knows what.

>> No.57238044

>I don’t want eceleb drama, I want moass
Lol, guess which one you’re going to get and which one is never going to happen.

>> No.57238058

Bruno is a puppet of ross. Ross is against Pulte. That is all you need to know. Pulte has been given the golden halo by RC. Which means fuck everyone that is against Pulte. Everything else is just noise. When I receive cash + equity, I will be investing 100% of that cash back into what ever company emerges from bankruptcy.

>> No.57238080

And PP can turn right around and sue him for lost income if he's smart.

>> No.57238126

kek baggies

>> No.57238161

>sue a guy that is completely unable to pay, and have to disclose you grifting income publicly
Zero chance he does that.

>> No.57238186
File: 174 KB, 524x510, Screenshot 2024-01-05 at 15.25.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57238198

Thanks for trying anon but downies wouldn’t be here if they could understand the law is not some magical incantation but rather a codified set of cultural norms subject to interpretation. As much as they try to cast baggies as sovereign citizens, their understanding of the law is more similar to that of a sovereign citizen.

>> No.57238204

His wife's a lawyer. Plenty of assets to take if he causes lost income. Could be pretty cut and dry to be honest.

>> No.57238245

His “wife” claims to be a law student, not a lawyer. If you recall, just months ago kais’ son had to drop out of college because Kais couldn’t pay.

>> No.57238263

Ok Mr lawyer, what tort action would Alex bring and in what jurisdiction?

>> No.57238287

Can you go do the dd for me? It seems you don’t have any other plans for tonight and you seem to enjoy it.

>> No.57238298

It is my contention that pp does not have lrgal recourse available to him that would lead to satisfactory compensation.

>> No.57238414

>Baggies literally losing their shit because their idols are eating each other alive
The response?
>This must mean we are close if all those deep agents are being activated now
Kek baggies

>> No.57238429

I guess contention is the next best thing you can do if you can't have menstruation.

>> No.57238437
File: 22 KB, 740x189, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57238443
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>> No.57238493
File: 104 KB, 1075x1250, Thisisyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some UBER BASED, Grade-A OC, fren.

>> No.57239001

>it's his job to grift

>> No.57239051 [DELETED] 



>> No.57239150
File: 21 KB, 241x248, 1704661269853382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plano's a nice town. Lotta jews tho.

>> No.57239264

>bag holder general
>stock is gone
>half of you paid $500 to go to a PPshow IRL event with water and warm coors
>still losing money to grifters after stock has gone to $0 kek
>worship Pulte
>worship PP show
>civil war breaking out

How it ends:
>Poolt leaving to grift somewhere else, never owned any BBBY
>RC cashes for $70 million made of you baggies who still worship him
>people you looked up to like PP show dude and Mallej dude at civil war
>you with thousands lost from BBBY going to zero and a credit card bill you can't pay from buying a $500 ticket and plane flight for a grifter event for a bankrupt company


>inb4 shill
If I was a shill and got paid one (1) penny for posting this, I made more than all of you combined on BBBY.


>> No.57239277 [DELETED] 

Lol, pp just filed for the creation of an llc in texas. He thinks that’s gives him the trademark. Pro-tip : it doesn’t.

>> No.57239288

Now that you know where he lives, you can finally go suck his cock since you clearly have a crush on him

>> No.57239338 [DELETED] 

The email on file for PP’s trademark is

The phone number on file is:


>> No.57239342 [DELETED] 
File: 438 KB, 879x1942, Screenshot_2024-01-10-00-11-06-64_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Publicly doxxing yourself (again) instead of using a professional agent registry service

>> No.57239359


>> No.57239364 [DELETED] 

Phone number carrier is t mobile, so it’s not a Google voice number. May be a burner, but it’s an actual cell phone.

>> No.57239429

Behold the might of the reddit tranny discord

>> No.57239445

Dougie won when they canceled the stock, this was before. His short position was closed at that point.

>> No.57239453

So PP is skipping the show tonight and having Michael host.

Michael - please be aware that now that there is a trademark dispute, Alex is having you host because there is legal liability with continuing to use the trademark after notice. He’s throwing you under the bus. Why do you think he’s suddenly happy to give you money to host for the first time?

>> No.57239456

>newfag thinks autistic levels of personal information gathering are leredditdiscord and not vintage 4chan
Unironically kill yourself

>> No.57239495

>he doesn't know what makes him glow
It's certainly not your self acclaimed autism.

>> No.57239544

You are so new you would call the people who found Shia LaBoeuf's flag >plebbit glowniggers and say how strange it was for someone to be so interested in an art project.

>> No.57239555


Pulte being drunk as fuck and high on coke and being cringe with a woman on a twitter space lol

>> No.57239587
File: 132 KB, 332x429, 1696256663486221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your internet historian tier knowledge of chan culture does not impress me. Your success in fitting in here is equivalent to your success as passing as a woman. You will never accomplish either.

>> No.57239608

Just here to remind my baggies that,
There will be NO refunds.

>> No.57239613

pp and pulte - pulte mad at pp for skipping Atlanta
pp and kais trademark shit
bruno and Jake - bruno called Jake a retard and a liar
bruno and Travis - bruno called Travis a bitch
No Pie and Travis - No Pie called Travis a bitch
Bruno and Michael - Michael three Bruno under the bus about raising funds for a lawyer, bruno called him a bitch
Jake and pp - jake generally sides with pulte, distancing from pp
Sal and pp - sal is being paid by pulte, won’t go on ppshow anymore

Situation evolving quickly. Will update as needed.

>> No.57239625

Attention baggies
>You have no shares
>You have no equity
>You think that you do
You are literally the trannies of the investing world. Your beliefs are the manifestation of mental illness.
>kek transbaggies YWNBAS

>> No.57239687

>tune into PP show every night
>donate every time
>thousands of hours of your life wasted
>thousands of dollars wasted (not including the thousands wasted on BBBY)
Just think of what you could have accomplished if you had stuck that money in SPY and worked on a skill during that time. Maybe pick up guitar or worked out, learn to cook, learn a new language. That could have been accomplished. Instead, YOU HAVE NOTHING. You wasted so much of your limited resources and continue to. And that makes me smile.

>> No.57239701

>yeah but you take 3 seconds to comment here, so you’re wasting time too!

>> No.57239714


>> No.57239841


>> No.57239906

$420.69 XD

>> No.57239913



>> No.57239967


>> No.57239978

Holy fuck lmao

Btw i predict that kais will kill someone or something by end 2024 dude is off his rocker

>> No.57240068

kek that nigga lurks here and knows of the gabussy

>> No.57240135

Kais - if you’re reading this, know you’re winning. God himself has appointed you. He told me this in a dream. You are meant to be a king, a leader of men. Take your crown and watch the throne. Never back down. You are a lion!!

>> No.57240177
File: 1.96 MB, 498x280, star-wars-podracing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now THIS is pooposting

>> No.57240179

This HotchE kid is the worst guest in a long time

>> No.57240314
File: 294 KB, 605x864, IMG_5193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I am extremely demoralized. Therefore when the people that aren’t paying attention to the meme stock saga or are on the edge about whether or not to invest in gme/ bbby(when you could still slurp for cheap) see that the scitzos were right all along, and abusive naked shorting is common place, they will surely not invest in Ryan cohens new venture.

Why would an outsider, who may or may not have been swayed by the bombardment of organic altruists; who swarm social discussion forums to warn the weary travelers to keep away from investing in the new equity that’s coming, actually go and invest instead of listening to organic altruists?

When it turns out that the gme/bbby holders were right all along why would people dog pile into the new equity once they understand what RC is doing? This would cause great harm for wallstreet and the banks, and the peoples’ love for wallstreet and the banks is at an all time high, surely they would never invest in RCs new venture upon discovering the gme/bbby investors were right all along.

>> No.57240361

>When it turns out that the gme/bbby holders were right all along
You will never say when you think this will happen because you know you are wrong

>> No.57240477

Hey newfren. Welcome back!

>> No.57240570
File: 474 KB, 1080x1691, Screenshot_20240109_220339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, kais has learned about the trademark trick. God help us all

>> No.57240611

They actually kinda look the same.

>> No.57240613

I feel like you can't trademark something like >Marantz Rants
It's his name and you can't trademark the idea of ranting so, what the fuck could he trademark squat in this case

>> No.57240640

itt. bunch of namefagging twitter drama bullshit

How much are those shares worth today transbaggots?
Zero point zero still?

>> No.57240703

>not enjoying the baggie civil war


>> No.57240799


>> No.57240804
File: 606 KB, 1080x1671, Screenshot_20240109_224150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by this?

>> No.57240892

It's boring and filled with a bunch of faggots trying to scam the lowest IQ retards on this board.

>> No.57240922

white people are racist
black people steal
jews are rats

>> No.57240945

>It's boring
Kais literally invoked the gabussy

>> No.57241216
File: 144 KB, 708x664, 1445133759360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57241407

Newest Reddit copium advertising $15 a share kek. Enjoy the wage cage faggots.
>muh 100,000 shares
Unironically based if it pulls through but most folks are in this for <10,000 shares. Probably could’ve made more working per hour since all this started versus how much time is spent sifting through dd that never went anywhere.

>> No.57241506
File: 37 KB, 440x386, IMG_0181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah the best dd researchers are the shills, then you perform data analytics on social forums to get a sense of what information wallstreet wants to bury/suppress/modify for nefarious purposes.

Very few individuals and organizations have the patience and experience/advisors necessary to pull off disinformation campaigns with efficacy.


>> No.57241628
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>> No.57241760
File: 38 KB, 653x388, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is disgusting how people get away with stealing money or doing things that are not illegal but still getting money that they didn't work for like overpaid government employees and so on, meanwhile i'm in the hole for probably $100k because of this crooked stock market

>> No.57242273
File: 26 KB, 824x824, e01e8297288a74e5a63e9b583f1dcc7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baggie civil war
Shill faggots paying more attention to it then anyone who has invested then pretending its us who are obsessed
Its pathetic

>> No.57242304

how is that investment going buddy?

>> No.57242350

100% loss

>> No.57242404

I'm enjoying a nice Sarah Gadon kino.

>> No.57242630
File: 67 KB, 720x818, 7hlx30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really a big loss for me if chapter 11 yields nothing
Worth every penny for the seethe you bring everyday

>> No.57242707

does the baggot have anything but projection in his bag of tricks?

>> No.57242978
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>> No.57242998
File: 20 KB, 596x265, plootfans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why haven't you subscribed baggies? NFA by the way :)

>> No.57243046
File: 290 KB, 1080x1065, Screenshot_20240110_062124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hands out $20k at Pulte fest
>begs for money to file frivolous trademarks


>> No.57243090

I wonder if this retard registered with his state as a financial advisor or thinks he doesn't have to

>> No.57243257

You're not that anon that hams up /tv/ are you?

>> No.57243339

KING KAIS will bury all who oppose him. You better stop insulting him or he’ll trademark your name and make living illegal for you.
Arrested for public urination
>BBBY viewers?
They love the stock
>his wife?
Kai’s personal glory hole
You mean Kai’s fall guy?
>Ryan Cohen?
Desperately trying to get his Teddy bank trademark back
Wants him to be president
>the food truck outside his apartment?
He took that trademark too (really) now he owns the whole truck because of that.

>> No.57243959
File: 173 KB, 526x716, 84672975_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning, baggots! It has come to my attention that it is already 2024, and your BBBYQ shares still don't exist. What's more, it's only a few days until form 1099-B declaring your "investment" a 100% loss drops. Should only be 5 days normally, but baggots claim that Fidelity won't send theirs until the 20th for some reason. Either way, it is 5 to 10 days until the new premium-grade cope.

>> No.57244044
File: 864 KB, 600x3256, diet benpis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOLY SHIT: newest, completely irrefutable Teddy DD just dropped. Shills will try to argue with this. Also, Donald J. Trump officially joins the Teddy keiretsu. By the way, what happened to ice cream?

>> No.57244100

>reposting citizen tweets
cringelord lulcow posters like you will never not make me sure this play is the right choice

>> No.57244107

Checked. Its their dedication for me.

>> No.57244129

travis said he looked in pulte's office and he had just some diet soda in the fridge and the tub of ice cream in the freezer. we should asking him if it was diet coke or diet pepsi in the fridge.

>> No.57244141

Their dedication is the strongest buy/hold signal they could ever send up. Like the fucking Batsignal these niggers can be seen from space also

>> No.57244162

Yea add to the faggotry and put out more schizo theories. Great plan
Our true focus should be getting real PlatinumSparkles nudes. I NEED to know what her nipples look like and if she likes being choked

>> No.57244201


>> No.57244212
File: 141 KB, 1284x1174, IMG_2882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am extremely demoralized. Therefore when we get new equity and cash in exchange for our bbbyq that were removed from accounts due to pending corporate merger and acquisition actions, I will surely sell my new stock for any price I can get. Why would I, or anyone else hold the new equity and use the cash to buy even more? This could spell disaster for hedge funds and market makers, along with their prime brokers alllll the way up to the dtc and the fed if the stock was previously cartoonishly over shorted.

>> No.57244246
File: 292 KB, 1500x1500, 1704643898756701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based demoralized poster, I will enjoy watching you become de-demoralized when you do NOT in fact sell your shares for a low figure

>> No.57244249

They all drink 12 cans of product per day. fucking based

>> No.57244320
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>> No.57244325


>> No.57244347
File: 373 KB, 2331x764, 169419769165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you say we are in the endgame?

>> No.57244452

yoooooooooo is that a screenshot from X??? (formerly twitter)
seeing this is filling me with hearty keks (4chan slang for laughing, a bit of an inside joke)
this is INSANE yo, i better share this on reddit, maybe i'll get some sick updoots

>> No.57244619

It would be shameful and immodest to hold such equity through multiple trading halts as the market shits its pants trying to unwind years of fraud and illegal shorting activity. Surely the onus should be on us to graciously allow them an exit and sell before the price reaches thousands of dollars/share.

>> No.57244637

kek baggies

>> No.57244673
File: 57 KB, 680x453, 1631026338933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek slurpies

>> No.57244691
File: 41 KB, 718x462, 1704745439976152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Surely the onus should be on us
>to graciously allow them an exit
Oh they will be allowed to exit
>and sell before the price reaches thousands of dollars/share.

They will get a one time offer of $1000 a share.After that it is all about how much they are willing to beg me to sell

>> No.57244772

>here's your community leader bro

>> No.57244854
File: 880 KB, 740x896, IMG_2773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck I am extremely.

>> No.57244912

The correlation between brown skin and poopoopeepee posting is mind blowing.

>> No.57244938
File: 361 KB, 1024x989, 1704643087151718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*bobs head*

>> No.57245039


>> No.57245048

>passive aggressive /gme/ (You) deniers [they're so meek like PP they don't want confrontation] are also BBBaggies.
I am glad.

>> No.57245051


>> No.57245080
File: 730 KB, 1620x2160, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57245086

You have to go back, poonigger. No updoots for you.

>> No.57245119


>> No.57245141

> "Goldberg"

>> No.57245210
