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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57235299 No.57235299 [Reply] [Original]

I don't believe one second that Gary will approve the Bitcoin ETF. He hates crypto with such a passion, why would he make such a gift to his enemies, ie the early crypto investors? Makes no sense. He doesn't want them to win, I bet he's ready to fuck us hard, even if it must cost him his career (which it won't).

>> No.57235326

he will, there is always a bigger Jew

>> No.57235332

Bro u are literally a smelly fat nerd that made money by being simply that, a smelly fat nerd who bought some fictional code that turned into money. You left the place life had always reserved for you (the bottom of society) and its obvious youll return there eventually, as faith has always had foreseen it for you.

>> No.57235335

crypto and Bitcoin are two completely different things
One is a casino for brown zoomers and the other is digital gold

>> No.57235366

He doesn't hate it. He's doing as he's told. It literally has nothing to do with Gary's 'feelings' on the subject. If you think otherwise yet spend a lot of time looking at these things then you may be an NCP and should take no notice of me.

>> No.57235391

>I don't believe one second that Gary will approve the Bitcoin ETF
then put your money where your mouth is
you can get PAID for being right

>> No.57235392

Gensler doesn't want to destroy crypto, he wants to give the legacy financial system enough time to get a handle on crypto as possible so that they can effectively take over. All the largest scams (CeFi and some of DeFi) have been purged and now the big dogs can move in. The powers he serves are now ready for a BTC ETF, so they will get a BTC ETF.

>> No.57235406
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>> No.57235410

he has no choice. if he does not apply (at least in march), blackrock gonna sue the SEC

>> No.57235426

>so that they can effectively take over
this is such a boomer cope
projects are open source, node upgrades require consensus
if they were ever to attempt merging a backdoor or admin keys into things, the code would FORK and old nodes would not connect to upgraded ones
it is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE for them to "take over" anything

it's OVER
we have WON and they have LOST
this is just capitulation so they don't get left behind financially


>> No.57235427

You're missing the other possibility.

Gary approves the ETF, retail FOMOs into the market. There is a coordinated plan behind the scenes to dump everything which causes mass panic and mayhem. BTC get's decimated. Alts end up even worse. Retail get's annihilated as billions of dollars and wiped out.

Then Gary and the SEC laugh at everyone and say, "see we told you so!". This prompts new regulations. Everything besides BTC is labeled a security. Game over for everyone.

>> No.57235435
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He and Fink go to the same synagogue. It'll get approved.

>> No.57235448

in case I didn't make myself too clear by my previous post


>> No.57235469

No news tomorrow, it will be delayed until March. They are waiting the price to climb to 50k then it will be denied

>> No.57235485

Tomorrow is the federal deadline for the arkshares ETF retard, they have to say yes or no to that one they can't postpone it
god dam this board is full of room temperature iq shitskins

>> No.57235517

I sincerely hope it does some stupid crypto whipsaw bullshit and grinds them into red dido hell even if it destroys my portfolio too

>> No.57235521

Wow wow take a chill pill bro. I don’t want you to get a heart attack.

>> No.57235540

how is that worse than being rich by coming out of a rich vagina?

>> No.57236165

Then bet on it dumbass. You get your money 5 times back if it dosen't get approved.