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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5721916 No.5721916 [Reply] [Original]

congrats on this, seriously

>> No.5721929
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>> No.5721964

Personally think this moon was like a month early, but thanks.

>> No.5722004


is 50 k link enough to make it anons?

>> No.5722048
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>that fucking wall

>> No.5722060

>He doesn't know

Anon.. Multiple investment companies have published reports that they think REQ is the best investment in the ENTIRE CRYPTO MARKET. https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/6f7ca2_96ffee2e91f14af3bbbcecdbc7aee3b1.pdf

Please also think about the Ycombinator connection between Coinbase and Request Network.

>> No.5722063

Exactly this. Not sure if we can sustain a random moon like this. Nothing will come in the next weeks to month.

>> No.5722104

i had a couple hundred REQ sold them at like .33 cents to buy some other coins.
Oh well. You cant win them all.
congrats i always knew REQ would make it but there are just too many good coins out.

>> No.5722169

Did the exact same fucking thing, are you planning to get back in? or don't you see a point anymore

>> No.5722180

>got into the coin meme now in December
>always felt this was the right bet

I'm a nocoiner and better than you

>> No.5722233

Where do you go to buy REQ?

>> No.5722250

Traded my req and ada for xrp when it was .66. Might buy back in, but xrb and xspec are looking too good right now.

>> No.5722287

Do you hear yourself?

>> No.5722291


>> No.5722308
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Not too late anon.

I just sold the remainder of my XVG and LINK bags and went all in to REQ. This has momentum like we've seen with ANS back in the day.

Don't squander this opportunity. They happen only 1-2 times per year.

>> No.5722343

Was 50/50 REQ and LINK and pulled everything out on the 29th in anticipation of XLM news. I've gotten a good 30-40% out of XLM but I would have made +100% if I'd just stuck to my guns.

But I'm happy for you REQtards who are making it right now. Many lambos and early retirements to you all.

>> No.5722371

>tfw only 2k REQ

Feels bad, but already almost made three times my initial investment. Wish I got verified in time fuck.

>> No.5722390
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>> No.5722401

why do people predict utter bullshit in crypto
>this will be only $1 EOY 2018 LAWL
do they not know how fast things go up? It might be a dollar next week

>> No.5722408

I remember threads were people said "TFW only 2k ETH"

Just hold and don't daytrade and you'll make it.

>> No.5722414

you're going to Jupiter m8

>> No.5722439

>Next week

Stop fudding.

>> No.5722492
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>> No.5722510

You disgust me, stop with this fucking FUD already.
REQ is going full Andromeda

>> No.5722533
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should I dump my NEO for REQ?

>> No.5722536

>It might be a dollar next week
Whales and bagholders will dump their profits. REQ will never be over $1.

>> No.5722541

>Next week
Nice FUD faggot, everyone know it will be $2 tomorrow MAX
Lmao for real? I know that thinking in a similar growth rate for REQ is kinda too big, but could you imagine it? $700 per REQ?

>> No.5722561


Moon is now $5 value, comes with main net.

>> No.5722585

>REQ will never be over $1
>REQ will never be over $0.7
>REQ will never be over $0.5
>REQ will never be over $0.2
>REQ will never be over ICO price.
Just kys please.

>> No.5722599
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>will never be over a dollar

>> No.5722603
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NEO doesn't have the same explosive upside potential. Makes no sense to sit on it while REQ is experiencing the kind of growth it is, without even any news. Imagine what happens with Coinbase listing and main net launch..

>> No.5722636


>> No.5722676

>biz sees a moon and acts like they called it all along to make everyone else feel like shit for missing it and FOMO into buying at ATH

classic biz

>> No.5722693

but isn't this buying in at highs?

>> No.5722694
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Read https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/6f7ca2_96ffee2e91f14af3bbbcecdbc7aee3b1.pdf

The potential marketcap (assuming 100% marketshare) is 5 TRILLION DOLLARS.

That is 10x the size of the entire cryptomarket right now. That is the potential marketcap of REQ. Do you understand the sheer potential of this project? I am not joking when I say that REQ might beat bitcoin by marketcap eventually.

>> No.5722750

But anon, I DID called it. Everyone did. And I got a lot of shit for it. There was even some particular faggot with a steemit article who won't just shut the fuck up about how bad was REQ. Now look at us. Fuck you for not listening.

>> No.5722764


It's like buying ETH at $7 last November and complaining that it was expensive.

>> No.5722771

REQ and LINK were shilled nonstop on this board for months

>> No.5722801

i cant believe how long this sat at 4c and biz didnt accumulate... hahahahaa

>> No.5722879

Seriously? I'm an oldfag.

Do you remember when ETH was shilled like no tomorrow and 50% of the threads were about ETH when it was below $2 and people thought it already mooned? I do.

Do you remember when Antshares got shilled on /biz/ after it "mooned" to $1 and everyone thought that was the peak? I do.

If /biz/ shills a coin based on their fundamentals it will eventually moon, hard. LINK has a similar fate. Every oldfag can see the patterns by now and it's very different from pajeet shilling as well.

>> No.5722890

Newfag spotted

>> No.5722900

I remember this. Fondly. Every day I had people laughing at me for accumulating well below ICO. REQ was going nowhere, they said.

68k stack here and comfy.

>> No.5722942
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I envy thee.

>> No.5722974
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Same anon.

We were defecated upon almost daily throughout October and November.

Screenshot is from yesterday. Probably substantially more today, haven't even checked my portfolio today, and I don't really care until REQ achieves $5.

>> No.5722984

Same. No fucking way I'm missing out on this obvious moon-ride like I did with ETH and NEO. Third time's a charm right?

>> No.5723006


Sorry, 2-3 days ago.

>> No.5723044

Fuck this makes my dick hard.
Now let your imagination loose. What's your max estimated price for REQ?

>> No.5723115 [DELETED] 

What exchange did you buy on? I need to get off coinbase quick.

>> No.5723174

Don't sell at $5 man. REQ will be a gamechanger I just feel it. 3 billion marketcap is too low for a project of this scale.

>> No.5723179

Nigga why don't you just use LocalEthereum and then transfer that to Binance? For real, do you prefer those 20% fees?

>> No.5723287

For everyones sake I am going to stay away from REQ. Everything I touch dies. Im broken and down alot of money

>> No.5723302


Depends really how slick the product is.

If it's idiot/Norman-friendly and fires on a Slavephone, I'll sit on it for a while longer.

>> No.5723333


Now's the time to buy the dip. New floor is 75 cents.

>> No.5723357

Is 3.5k REQ enough to make it?

>> No.5723379

Whoa anon. Those quads give me faith. Alright I am in

>> No.5723388
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bought all i had left of btc at 5820 did i do good?

>> No.5723448

Gonna see a huge dump at $1. Hopefully req will have the potential to rise again - the team seems solid though.

>> No.5723463


Are you're OK with 5x in the next 4 weeks.

Are you happy with $25K?

>> No.5723510

Held Req for a month, 3x'd, but every pump was seriously nerve racking, full of anxiety. I decided to sell 3 days ago at 49000 Eth, now everyday I have to come back to see this.

>> No.5723556

Historically milestones such as $1 actually caused a pump. It's things like $5 and $10 that usually cause psychological check-out points.

>> No.5723587
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I'd be more than happy with 25K in 4 weeks lmao. is that possible with such a portfolio?

>> No.5723627

you deserve to be left behind

>> No.5723653

hope so, i wann buy more

>> No.5723657
File: 39 KB, 409x185, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just buy back in

sold all my XVG i bought at the dip just now and bought REQ at 6000 thanks guys

>> No.5723662


>> No.5723670

Stop watching graphs and prices all the time. If you make consistent gains just ignore /biz/ and everything else for a week.

>> No.5723681

can you .png this?
thnx anon

>> No.5723700

I guess so

never buy at ATH, even though Req has consolidated at 3 new ATH before running up again.

>> No.5723738

It was partly because I had to watch every other piece of shit coin moon for no reason. Weak hands deserve this.

>> No.5723787

Its going up and I'm moving my stop loss as it does Ill buy back if it falls.

How much has the volume increased since last night? its at 4400 BTC 24 hr now if it has substantially increased I see it doing another 50% today

>> No.5723908
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You don't have what it takes anon.

You won't be prosperous.

>> No.5724004
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How will my portfolio look in a year? Im not selling shit.

>> No.5724014
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>> No.5724116
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Just two days ago the volume was under 500 BTC.

This is pretty amazing actually. A total and utter shitcoin like Verge has a volume of 10,000 BTC.

Just think how undervalued REQ still is.

>> No.5724278

Good job dropping that NEO

>> No.5724344

Whats a good buy in price/floor?

>> No.5724379

Is REQ going to reach .90 today?

>> No.5724413
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>> No.5724440

Anything below 0.001 ETH is gonna be great from now on
It will dip into 0.0094-0.0095 (best case scenario) after the run is over (1+ hour) and then correct back to around 0.0015 ETH
Probably not, but it will happen before Friday

>> No.5724441
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How the fuck do i tell my mom that i earned more than 1k $ in one day.

>> No.5724487

You don't tell women about finances. Not even your mother.

>> No.5724506

You don't, not unless you have to.

If you want coping/emotional support, stay vague and don't mention numbers. If you have to, mention numbers 1% of reality. She'll congratulate you and be plenty happy you made $10.

>> No.5724564

Fuck my mother has been watching me from the $20 I started to the $9K I'm now. Should I worry?

>> No.5724565

You don't. If you wanna brag do it anonymously. You don't tell family/friends about gains.

>> No.5724606

1.5k in LTC 700 in XRP 200 in XLM. What should I move to REQ or should I just chill where I'm at

>> No.5724661


Exactly, people don't realize that REQ wasn't even top 100 few weeks back on CMC. Considering the connections backing this project and the caliber of its use-case, it deserves to be among ~ top 20 on CMC, bringing it's current marketcap to roughly ~2bil aka a 4x its current price at minimum.

>> No.5724689

You don’t tell anyone.

>> No.5724691

Reddit is full of these fags. They worry about the slightest thing. I really don't understand this. When everything was crashing 30 percent I was calm as fuck and just played video games. I also have 80k so it's not like I don't have a lot to lose. However, it's fake internet money at this point. I didn't realize those gains yet so who cares?
I firmly believe that is what makes you successful in crazy bull markets. Not giving a shit and taking risks. Plebbit tier is never going to make serious money because they actually care about 'fundamentals'. I'm not going to own that coin in two weeks why should I care?

>> No.5724813

Yeah but you need to recognize when something is a short term hold and when something is a long-term hold such as ETH/Antshares.

REQ is within the ETH/Antshares realm.

>> No.5724869

you guys are good people....REQ reddit is a fucking circle jerk

>> No.5724878
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Is 2000 REQ enough to make it /biz/?

>> No.5724939

You have to define "make it". For some people it's six figures, others eight.

>> No.5725033

another 2k fag here , all i need is 15k $

>> No.5725075

Tell her you lost it all on a couple bad moves, move it to a cold wallet on an external HDD, and pretend crypto was just a phase and pretend you learned a lesson or some stupid shit like that.

>> No.5725076

That's 6000 dollar eoy.

>> No.5725143
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>tfw if I went all in on request instead of XRB I would be richer

>> No.5725209

move half LTC and half XRP into REQ

>> No.5725335

Because at the time when it was 5 cents that was really far away. I always believed in the project and though it would get close to a dollar around this time but it’s best the give conservative estimates in order to avoid disappointment l.

>> No.5725359
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it feels good to win lads

>> No.5725453
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Fair enough, it's kind of a vague question. I'm not talking about becoming a millionaire and buying a lambo. I'm not really bothered about flashy things. Making it to me would be living a pretty normal life, only not having to worry about wageslaving for at least a few years whilst I do things like travel and learn new skills.

>> No.5725510

The only 300 REQ

>> No.5725559

SERIOUS: Is it still too late to get into this or it's officially mooned and done?

>> No.5725760

I love seeing anons with weak hands get chewed up and spat out.

>> No.5725762

Run the numbers on living expenses for whatever you want to do (travel? live with your parents to learn skills?) and you've got two scenarios:

1) Spend down (living expenses * years you want to take off)
2) Live indefinitely (living expenses / 0.035, assuming a 60/40 stock/bond portfolio that you basically will never see drop to 0)

>> No.5725788


>> No.5725798

Have you even seen the potential of REQ?

Solid concept, real world application that is actually useful. Solid accomplished dev team. Backed by Y Combinator, the highly selective seed accelerator behind Dropbox, Twitch, Coinbase, AirBNB, Reddit.

ITS FREE FUCKING MONEY DUDE, just hold and you'll be up 5000% in 2 years.

>> No.5725844


I think this will try to run to $1 but there should be a correction. Usually the rule is previous resistance=new support, but since this moon was so volatile, I would say this will settle at around $0.70 maybe even $0.60 before they release some news. Of course this is just predictions, it could pull a XRB and just moon forever

>> No.5725848

kek I told my parents I more than doubled my money (started with 40k) in a month and now they want me to invest some of their money. my mom texts me with cryptocurrency news all the time

>> No.5725876
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>> No.5725893

oh jeez another one?
are we seeing $1.30 today?

>> No.5725905

Yea there is just too much money to make lol can't ride all the moon missions I've doubled and tripled my money also.

>> No.5725933

So, 8400 sat target? Is that how cup and handles work?

>> No.5725965

Just sold some

>> No.5725975

Yea I think request has a long way to go if it's not up there yet in about a month I'll hop back on.

>> No.5725978


>> No.5726007

Is this good or bad pls no bully

>> No.5726113

look at all the other cups and handles on the req charts and you tell me, anon

>> No.5726149

It's already 1.30

>> No.5726197

>it could pull a XRB and just moon forever
oh my god.. i just lookced at XRB. what the fuck , i remember thinking going into that at 1$. holy fuck, it's just mooning.. and wont stop....

>> No.5726249

Real? I bought into LTC at around 40 and I've been terrified of losing my profits lol. You think half of my LTC to REQ is actually a good idea? Surely it will dip a little right?

>> No.5726284


me too, it mooned overnight to 1 and I was thinking that it's too late now

fuck me

>> No.5726315

LTC is pretty risky. It could go up or down randomly. REQ is only going up for the next few years. It's your call, but I'd rather have my money in REQ than anything
Catch the correction in the next half an hour

>> No.5726411

I'm hodling 5 ltc too Anon. Don't listen to others, we are the ltc marines and we're not fucking sellling

>> No.5726422

I hate asking spoonfeeding questions but what do you think it's correcting to? I'll come back to it in an hour and if the price has dropped I'll grab some.

>> No.5726467

I feel you! Just seems crazy that I could have made so many profitable moves with my LTC in this time, instead of having it sit and lose value (for now).

>> No.5726478

Do you belive that REQ will hit that 10$ price eventually, anon?

>> No.5726574

I'm not sure at all at this point. 0.00103-0.00105 ETH seems realistic right now at the lowest, but I'd split it 50/50 at 0.00104 and 0.00109, wouldn't wanna miss it

>> No.5726586
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Thanks anon, I appreciate the advice

>> No.5726653


Ask yourself. Go read about REQ and personally assess it's value. If it can do what half of PayPal can and is targeting a slightly different market than PayPal, then $10 in the next coming years is easy.

>> No.5726957

well about...One Req.

>> No.5727226
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>What's your max estimated price for REQ?

I'd say about 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999.00 USD.

>> No.5727310

retarded-ass question i guess. i wanna take my requests from binance and store them myself somehow. i don't want to use an online anything. i think with btc i just have to create a wallet somehow with some program, send my btc there and store my private key to myself, right? how do i do this with req?

>> No.5727326

Many many fomoing weak hands are getting in now. Check r/RequestNetwork.
Xrp buying normalfaggots who got into crypto ladt week are seeing the pump and itching to get in.

>> No.5727342


This estimate still stand?

>> No.5727418

Yeah but it's just an estimate; this market is unpredictable as fuck. Don't wait too long.

>> No.5727477

You forgot about YCombinator. YC business tactics are EXTREMELY aggressive. YC doesnt fuck around with their startups. They will push Request down the throats of the normies in Silicon Valley and they will use it like addicts. They made Airbnb, Dropbox, Twitch etc mainstream and they will make Request into Venmo/PayPal 2.0

>> No.5727514

ooo here it comes

>> No.5727591

fingers crossed!

>> No.5727625

>responsible for investing other people's money

>> No.5727676

Thoughts on EOY 2018?

Thinking of a long-term HODL in this

>> No.5727701

Stop Anon, I'm doing the same for my dad and it fucking kills me. I was partying yesterday when he asked me to buy some REQ. Just now I got a message that told me: Thanks for investing yesterday I would've made 600 bucks.. Fuck this shit.

>> No.5727705


Thanks for the halp man, I got in at .00108

>> No.5727836

Now close your exchange and stop looking at graphs, don't daytrade this shit just HODL
hope you make it, anon

>> No.5727858

Everything about REQ is long term dude. This is MORE than paypal, without the ludicrous fees.

>> No.5727986

I told him I was just going to buy 50k worth of ETH, get him a ledger nano S and put it in the bank. he knew about BTC for years now due to reading paranoid libertard blogs, but he never thought to buy any. Sad!