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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57220721 No.57220721 [Reply] [Original]

How do you compare?

>> No.57220738

About 50x median ig

>> No.57220749

you forgot to subtract plywood box "equity" which is fake due to 1) being propped up by massive amounts of debt and 2) being inaccessible unless you consider additional debt with HELOC (see prior point i made.)

>> No.57220763

Wealthier than the median US boomer while being 31 and living in the poorest country in European Union


>> No.57220783

I'm 38 and have 4k usd saved

>> No.57220791

Net worth isn't money

>> No.57220817

39 and 5k saved. We'll make it somehow fren.

>> No.57220837

Stop trolling man, it's not very nice. I'm trying to get an actual career still, but blaming my life on a shitty upbringing and being a victim in my mind didn't do anything for me. I guess I just never found my purpose or meaning in life. I still enjoy little things though.

>> No.57220854

No I'm being serious too unfortunately haha.
Same here though. Plus just had absolutely no plan ready after high school.

>> No.57220867

25 and I have 4k saved. When LINK reaches 50 ill be ahead of the curve with my 405 stinkies

>> No.57220950

29, my net worth is about $375K with retirement accounts included. I just don’t spend any money and I’m a shut-in with no friends. I’d rather have very little and a thriving social life.

>> No.57220956

i'm 28 and 45-54

>> No.57220975

europoor with a 500k networth. its all in bitcoin. started investing in crypto/bitcoin since 2017. I don't work a lot, but when i do, i dump my wages in ibtcoin., haven't worked the past 2 years. was out travelling.

33 y/o

>> No.57221190

American, 32, around 500k but most of it is tied up in my house and savings accounts that I never touch.

>> No.57221222

>impressive, very nice
>now let's see the white-only statistics

>> No.57221254

Having a social life is as easy as making an effort to have a social life. Frankly you seem like the kind of guy that doesn't want to have an irl social life tho, you should probably just find some gamers to chill in a discord with.

>> No.57221597

About 1000 bucks

>> No.57221832

Feels OK

>> No.57221873

This better not count non-liquid assets like primary reaidence "home equity" that you can't access without a (((loan))) having to

>> No.57221921

28 and I have around 35k

I live with my parents and make fuck all but I also have zero debt

>> No.57222004

23 with 110k

>> No.57222022


Good job keep it up.

>> No.57222034

>65 to 74
Most boomers quite literally were too stupid to make money living through the longest period of sustained prosperity free of major global wars in history.

>> No.57222097

Lol jfc it's well past the point of being gentle. You nearly middle aged poors need tough love. Get a fucking job.

>> No.57222107

40, low 7-figs net worth if I include property

>> No.57222121

Hey that was uncalled for mister.

>> No.57222132

You know it does.

>> No.57222177

Nope, incredibly called for. Had someone kick me in the ass a few years back and now I'm on the right track.
>t. 35 yr old CPA with $120k from just a few years of aggressive saving and investing. Should still hit $5M by retirement maxing retirement accounts.

>> No.57222200

275k in property (acreage and a house; purchase price, not fake ass zestimate)
200k in retirement funds
50k cash and liquid assets

doing better than the average boomer, feelsgood

>> No.57222220

Right on man, good job.

>> No.57222347

300k cad (80k is in a retirement acct)
The secret is to get a high paying job. I havent made anything from crypto just vanilla stocks

>> No.57222354

I lied
am poor as fuck

>> No.57222430

This anon gets it. You can't save your way to wealth, you gotta earn more money. Living cheaply on a small income can only get you so far. Same with the shitcoin gambles, they only work out a small percentage of the time. That's not to say I don't have high hopes my bags will take off, it's just not the primary plan.

>> No.57222565
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these numbers are fake