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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57219742 No.57219742 [Reply] [Original]

>woke up early
>browsed internet in bed and then slept more
>alarm woke me up at 8:59 am
>turn on work laptop
>answer a few emails, waste a lot of time
>shock of going back to work is fading
>plan to have a long lunch break

Work wasn't as bad as I was expecting.

>> No.57219758

Daily reminder that """wfh""" posters are neets larping as workers. We're all back in the office.

>> No.57219879

lol if you are then you're doing a cattle job. My employer has absolutely no leverage to get me back in the office with.

>> No.57219890

wfh Chad here
my wife is leaving me because she never gets more than a few hours alone time
I'm desperately trying to find things to do outside the house

I literally just go "work" at a "co working space" to vacate the house so she can have some space

we've stopped having sex months ago

heed my warning lads.

>> No.57220100

>my wife is leaving me because she never gets more than a few hours alone time
ah she's a bit like me, I love my GF but I need alone time regularly too.

>> No.57220108

if she's leaving you because of that, that's good for you if you can't spend this amount of time with other person you're not compatibile and it's not worth it

>> No.57220151

mostly true, but not true of everyone. i was hired as permanently remote, hundreds of miles from DA OFFICE. my coworkers who live local were recalled to the wage cage a few days a week. i'm still remote and was promoted to manager last week.

>> No.57221370

"alone time"

absolutely code words for craving bbc

>> No.57221426

I make 70k a year remotely in a bs corporate job that has no hard skills. To get another job and maybe make more money every job opening has like 400 people.

I need to make more money, how???

>> No.57221486

Communicate m8. Tell here what she needed to have.

>> No.57221496

are u me might be a lot of us

>> No.57221533
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>woke up at 8.55 huddle alarm
>turn on work laptop, meeting at 9.00
>get tasked with few programming stuff (im a gave developer, a programmer but for now also a technical artist)
>all my task for today is done 12 pm
>git push
>spend all day playing vidya and doing my personal project, while waiting for QA test review
>5pm, wage hour has finished
>reminded that the americans are waking up
>see BTC pump, hit reverse button to place my short

Life can't be better than this, bro. Seriously. If this keeps up, then i will have money to finally be able to afford a house to move to a smaller town or a gf on this expensive city that i live in

>> No.57221543

Tell me where should i sign in

>> No.57221676

I need to come to office twice a week, I go once a month. Yolo.

>> No.57221759

the hell are you talking about

>> No.57221837

>daily standup at 9am
>Currently running over an hour
>Does so not that infrequently

Wfh would be better without meetings

>> No.57221987

tfw wfh and only one standup a week

>> No.57222672

OP here. I know I joke about wfhChadding but the total lack of fulfillment is palpable. I was watching young Elon Musk videos at around 4 pm and feeling sad.

I need to start some sort of side project or else I'll go crazy.