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57219116 No.57219116[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm basically in a sexless marriage. Once a month if I'm lucky. Only thing keeping in the marriage is my young daughter and my comfortable lifestyle thanks to the money we both saved before marriage. Decided I'm going to leave once I make it, don't even care if she take 50% at this point.

As part of starting your new life, are you leaving your partner? Will you try to hide your money or is losing 50% minimum worth it?

>> No.57219233

>move crypto to private ledger
>tell court you lost your keys
>move to Mexico

Yes anon I plan to move to Thailand, live on the beach and fuck Russian backpackers

>> No.57219246

What's the problem with your wife? Will you disappear to Thailand first, then tell her you're done or divorced first?

>> No.57219252


Why don't you just cheat? You think the next relationship one is going to be better? Because it won't.

>> No.57219253

sexless marriage Chad here
it completely stopped 2 months ago. before that it was sporadic. I told her already I don't accept this demotion to friends that she's forcing on me.

currently just trying to not have fights while trying to figure out how to proceed. we don't have any children.

she's the one that introduced the idea of of separating, but now she seems to be on the fence about the separation. However, I'm starting to see that it might be the best outcome for me.

>> No.57219315


I hate these fucking obvious American threads so much

>DUde if you marry you lose half your stuff lmao XD

fuck off with your retarded dated 3rld world country shit already

>> No.57219344

Seems he forgot to ask his mum for a shirt

>> No.57219354

Honestly she’s pretty great. I am just bored. I miss dating and meeting new people

I’m Australian. Not only are they entitled to half of everything you’ve built before you even met, they are also entitled to your super contributions (government mandated retirement funds). It’s pretty scary. At least we don’t have alimony

>> No.57219361

I can have sex with my wife whenever I want but fapping is easier

>> No.57219363

>not marrying a virgin muslima who wont divorce you

>> No.57219366

kek smartass

>> No.57219377

nope dont stay anon. dont for one second think her lil game of acting like she thinks your repulsive but later oh no i changed my mind will work. ex wife tried that cutting me shit off and when I said I wont accept this she tried the same shit as yours oh we should seperate... nope we're getting divorced if you dont want me now you wont later fuck you. she still 3 yrs later regrets it and has told me multiple times, now that my life has improved without her holding me back she realises just how comfy she had it and all she had to do was want me. fuck her.

>> No.57219383

>Honestly she’s pretty great. I am just bored. I miss dating and meeting new people
>I don't want to be a grown up.
You're going to be one of those creepy old guys who still wants to live like he's in his 20s when he's in his 40's

>> No.57219397

This grammar hurts my eyes. It's like talking to a monkey

>> No.57219414


>> No.57219431

Yeah but after this bear market my dick doesn't work at all man. What's the point in getting into a new relationship when you can't even fuck.

>> No.57219441

Kek this. I did it, it's pretty great. I just needed to make a few pictures where I pretend to be a Muslim they could show their relatives in their origin shithole of a country but I drink and eat bacon and salami all the time and her family here don't care at all. She was a virgin, does like 90% of everything for the kids and always cooks. You guys should take the brown woman pill

>> No.57219502
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Ever stopped and considered what you'd to to a man if he treated your daughter the way you want to treat your wife?
Try talking to your wife first. If it doesn't work, try talking again and again, and I guess if it becomes unbearable just cheat on her without her knowing (seriously last resort).
But don't show your daughter how being an ass to a good wife (like you yourself admitted) is being normal.

What's really happening is that you want to try to live like a chad now that you have money. You'll regret it if you go this path, grass is always greener, and you'll trade a good wife and the mother of your daughter for some attention from basic bitches. Try to snap yourself out of it, anon.

>> No.57219542

Literally not how it works. All that money given to his mother would be claimable as it is his earnings during their marriage. You quite obviously can't just send it to your mate and beat the court lmao.

>> No.57219555

middle eastern?

>> No.57219560

i heard many lie about being a virgin though hearsay but wish you the best

>> No.57219569

Maybe the money was never his, contractually, and his mother (who happens to be his agent) was set to receive all the payments.

>> No.57219573

Incel thread

>> No.57219600


>Incel thread

This is literally the married men thread you absolute mong.

>> No.57219618

Yes. Basically you want to look for hot not-head scarf wearing Iranian or Iraqi women

Nah the first time that pussy was tighter than my own anus, nigga so I'm pretty sure. But yeah yeah I'm not arguing there's probably liars out there as well

>> No.57219641
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>Once a month
I spend the whole 2023 sexless, you're doing way better than 90% of anons here. Fuck sex, if you want to leave let it be for other reasons. Women like to be courted even if you already fuck her, spend weeks if not months tryng to make her fall in love again with you. That could save your marriage. Anyways, if you find she cheated on you, you cheat on her. You won't even feel bad, I've fucked a couple of married women and they told me they husband cheat on them with prostitues, so I didn't feel bad at all for taking another man's woman and having anal sex is the ass with her, or oral in the mouth.

>> No.57219645

I wonder if the slutty types have a higher libido so the chance of sexless marriage is lower compared to virgin women with lower body count.

I’m a 29 year old incel manlet virgin NEET so obviously it doesn’t really matter as it’s long over for me but just being curious here

>> No.57219656

Yeah, I used to think I needed my wife's permission to have sex with her. Ended up divorced over it.

now I tell my wife that I need to get laid. If she says no without a damn good excuse I tell her I'm going out to get laid. If she's ok with that then we're fine. If she's not ok with that I try to be quick about it so I don't mess up her whole evening.

refusing sex is a negotiating method for women. It's also bullshit and breaks up marriages all the time. Don't fall for it. You need sex like she needs you to help with bills or chores or whatever she's getting out of you. If she don't give you sex she don't get your help.

>> No.57219684

watching roasties getting btfo = beautiful

>> No.57219686

Because people are claiming to be married?

>> No.57219688

>try not to have fights

>> No.57219702

The average father is the cuck who raises a shitty feminist slut daughter retard

so the answer is nothing, you won’t do shit

>> No.57219706

this, if you complain about a female you’re not in top 1% and should kill yourself as a genetic dead end

>> No.57219711

>I’ll cheat if you don’t fuck me
you’re still negotiating faggot

>> No.57219724

Marriage is essentially long term prostitution but with a higher price

>> No.57219728

Okay, honest question for you because I do agree after a certain point refusing sex is a form of psychological abuse (as is threatening to have sex with another woman btw even if retaliatory, assuming you aren't LARPing)

What is that point for you? Like excluding illness and other extenuating circumstances, daily, if she doesn't want to have sex more than a few times a week, or after several days in a row of refusals, or is it only after a week or longer it becomes a problem for you?

The reality of modern marriage when you aren't very wealthy (this is biz, no one here is) and don't have maids and low hours at work etc. is that even as a man sometimes you won't be in the mood, you need to set aside time to first get relaxed and then in the mood and then actually have the sex that can be a whole evening

>> No.57219731


>> No.57219737

>I wonder if the slutty types have a higher libido
Slutty young ones do it for attention.
Only milfs are genuinely slutty for cock, so you won't know.
kinda based ngl. I've been told ONCE that I'll be left sexless, I just respond "I'll be having sex one way or another" and they never bring it up.
Sure bro, all those batshit feminists had fathers around, got it.

>> No.57219757

>you’re still negotiating faggot
I'm being honest about her options. It's not a negotiation, it's a simple statement of what happens if she refuses to have sex with me.
I like 3 times per week, I don't really care which 3. I don't have to set aside time to get relaxed and in the mood, I'm horny most of the time. I can be done in minutes. In fact I'm usually too busy to spend time warming her up so that's probably a huge reason she's not that into me. By the time she gets in the mood I'm already done.

My method obviously doesn't work for most people, but it works for me. The wife doesn't really hate it. She's pretty slutty and likes a good quickie every now and then. And sometimes I do have time to get her in the mood. Either way she cums every time so that's a bonus for her I guess.

>> No.57219766

>I just respond "I'll be having sex one way or another" and they never bring it up.
exactly. Women understand sex is a power they hold over men, but it's only as strong as the tension between biology and a promise. The promise usually breaks, the sex drive doesn't.

>> No.57219767

>It's not a negotiation, it's a simple statement of what happens if she refuses to have sex with me.
It's an ultimatum. You sound really bitter about your divorce and like you are mistreating your current wife. If I were her I would leave you over that behavior. Threatening to cheat if you don't get what you want is unacceptable behavior in a relationship under any circumstance.

You're a jerk

>> No.57219773

most white females have fathers and they’re cuckmaxxed simps who’ll say nothing when their girl talks to them on the street like he’s an incel classmate or get run trains by the whole neighborhood, yet will be the first to jump you for saying a bad word about their princess

>> No.57219782

>if you don’t have sex with me I’ll go and cheat
This is a negotiation. Marital rape is non-negotiation, stop bullshitting yourself boomer and go back to r*ddit, your bitch will cheat on you as well and leave you with nothing having evidence you’re at fault for the coming divorce

>> No.57219783

Sexless marriage 18 months now, baby.
Brother is she is the one talking about separation you’re probably done. Women don't talk that way unless they are mentally pretty far out there.

Anyways if she doesn’t want children dump her immediately if she does want children and the sex becomes amazing again.
Red flag. This is what happened to me and it tricked me into think our life was gonna be amazing together. No… she just lost weight ans wanted to fuck to get pregnant. Since the baby she turned into a monster. She humiliates me and acts 10x than when were were dating because she knows i cant just leave now.

Women really are not like man. Their word and honor is nonexistent when making promises or plans and sticking to it. The only thing you can count on with a woman is that she will do whats best for her.

I love the baby however so i will do my time and do my job well. But marriage is a raw deal in 2024.

>> No.57219785

>If I were her I would leave you over that behavior.
yes, most women would. That's how she and I ended up married. She wouldn't.

>You're a jerk
could be worse. Lots of men would just rape a wife that refused. But yes, I am a jerk. When it comes to sex anyways. I will get laid. Aside from that I give her anything she wants that I can afford to give. She finds it a fair enough deal to never complain.

>> No.57219790

you’re as much of a faggot as him
fuck off to r*ddit too

>> No.57219796

holy shit so all the bagholder generals are just some boomers from r*ddit? No wonder this board is shit

>> No.57219797

>Lots of men would just rape a wife that refused.
Congratulations for being better than a felon doing 25 in federal prison I guess

>> No.57219805

I tried lebbit for about 25 minutes, once, and got banned from whatever stupid group or forum or thread or whatever I was using. I don't even know how the website works. Also, you're a nigger

>> No.57219806

>Congratulations for being better than a felon doing 25 in federal prison I guess
I'm not better, I just don't break the law. And I don't play bullshit games about whether she's going to have sex with me or not.

she says no, I stop paying her bills. It's very simple.

>> No.57219809

Never lived in a Western country so I really can't argue, maybe you're right about your situation.
But you can't abandon your kid when the wife is "genuinely good" like OP said and not expect to damage her in a way that might lead her to becoming a crazy feminazi.
You've got to find a way to make things work. If your wife is "good" you're already ahead of 90% of people.
>But yes, I am a jerk
Depends on how you said it. I never cheated on mine despite saying the same things.
You can do it in that "playful but kinda srs over long run" way that women take note of, but most men are too gorilla-brained to exert.

>> No.57219826

>your bitch will cheat on you
>I never cheated on mine
you guys seem obsessed with cheating

get divorced a time or two, you'll relax a bit about that. Cheating isn't the end of the world, and if you get a divorce you're going to get to watch your 'wife' cheat with lots of people.

>> No.57219837

God I'm glad Im married to a woman who can reason and who I don't have to treat like a drooling retard that I need to condition and brainwash to control. She's quite reasonable most of the time (after she's calmed down), and so we usually are able to function through mutual respect and understanding.

>> No.57219842

>you guys seem obsessed with cheating
That's the subject of the thread, in a way.
I'm also happy with my wife, I'm just trying to fit in OP's shoes.

I feel like a lot of people ITT think he's talking to some rando gf and not the mother of his kid, who OP clearly stated was also a good person.
If even the best women get betrayed by their men, how tf do you fags expect to build a culture that doesn't have women focusing on careers and hating men?

>> No.57219844

>>I don't want to be a grown up.
Honestly who does, it sucks nigger ass. I'm chained to a desk 8 hours a day (which is at least less than when I ran my own business) and then to my wife and kids for another 8 till I go to sleep. Everything is so stale now. Most exciting thing I've done in the last 9 years was bang some hooker's when my wife was out of state

>> No.57219846

how long you been married? I usually get along with the wife for the first six years or so. After that things go to shit.

>> No.57219867

>If even the best women get betrayed by their men, how tf do you fags expect to build a culture that doesn't have women focusing on careers and hating men?
a valid criticism, but dudes also need to get laid and don't always have the time, energy, or intelligence to give a woman what she wants every time.

sometimes you gotta be practical. I hate it when the cat pisses on my laundry, but I still feed the fucking cat. My wife hates it when I get drunk and come home in a cop car, but she still needs to have sex with me.

>> No.57219990

What a ledgend

>> No.57219995

>entitled to half of everything you’ve built before you even met
This reads like pure insanity, I hate america so much

>> No.57220035
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I divorced my wife to be free. I sunk all my post divorce money into Bitcoin and alts in 2020, travelled the world, spent a year in Africa fucking qts, lived in Bangkok for a year, live in China now. Retiring this year at 43yo
I wake up crying sometimes. I'm so lonely. I fucked up. I shouldn't have done it. She was an angel.

>> No.57220051

courts in Europe don't steal wealth from men and give it to women
Europe is just very different from the rest of the western world apparantely
kys post wall hole

>> No.57220067
File: 105 KB, 728x566, 1600556284161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woman who can reason and who I don't have to treat like a drooling retard
I've only recently met people like this and my god it's such a game changer, It's like I can talk and not worry about if they understand the words I'm saying. When talking to some of my older friends I just gave up on the idea of them remembering anything I say the next day.
I wonder where I can find a woman like that, though. Seems virtually impossible, the problem is I'm not happy fucking around with any girl who is not on this level, so now I've been single for 5 years.

>> No.57220091

whats the deal with peoples marriages becoming sexless? are you doing your part? im genuinely curious - are you wildly out of shape or something? Are you even attempting to have healthy communication with your wife? Do you KNOW why she isn't having sex with you?

>> No.57220110

i've been with my gf for 8 or 9 years. i'm leaving her when the lease ends. i'd do it sooner, but i don't feel like dealing with her insane tantrums while i'm stuck here. something in her changed mentally within the last few years and she won't address it.

it's a wonder i haven't snapped and beaten the living shit out of her.

>> No.57220120

I’ve thought about it a lot. It’s a tough decision because I don’t want to split up my time with my kids. I want to see them every day. I have three. Part of me is hopeful that once she is no longer pregnant, she will stop being so unpleasant and lazy. She’s been pregnant basically for the last four years so it’s tough to remember what she was like before that. If shit doesn’t get better though, I’m right with you. I don’t think it’s good for my kids to see their dad miserable with their mom. That’s the thing about being a parent, nothing is about you anymore. Your life is not your own. A beautiful yet scary thing.

>> No.57220124

>whats the deal with peoples marriages becoming sexless?
Life's burdens stack up. Married couples don't have realistic role models... people change and realize things as they get older.
> im genuinely curious - are you wildly out of shape or something?
Everyone gets boring no matter how /fit they are.
> Are you even attempting to have healthy communication with your wife?
Most wives don't actually have "healthy" communication though...
>Do you KNOW why she isn't having sex with you?
It would be good info to know that's for sure... but just as long as we don't try to scapegoat one or the other partner here.

>> No.57220125

is it too late to get her back? why'd you divorce her? was it worth it? do you think you'll ever love again? do you have kids?

>> No.57220139

for me it has always been
>I'm not happy and if I'm not happy I don't feel like having sex
no shit honey, nobody's happy all the time. Or even most of the time. I certainly can't make you happy all the time. I'm lucky if I make you happy on very rare occasions. Welcome to being an adult, we're not all just roaming the planet in a state of constant happiness. Sucks, but we still have to eat, drink, sleep, and fuck. Happy or not. I gotta pay the bills whether I'm in the mood or not. I'm not usually happy about it, but I do it anyways.
>I'm not happy
that's the only one I ever got. She apologized years later when she finally decided it wasn't my fault she wasn't happy.

>> No.57220203

>is it too late to get her back?
She remarried
why'd you divorce her?
I lost my attraction to her. I was going out if my mind horny for other women
was it worth it?
No. But who knows. Maybe the future makes it the right choice. But as of now, 4 years later, no
do you think you'll ever love again?
It's hard because we were the same in everything - our passions, ur hobbies, our world beliefs, music, movies everything. Now I'm left looking for a new wife in Indonesia or the Philippines and they're often 80IQ NPCs desu
do you have kids?
No. Me ex couldn't have kids. I desperately want them. No too late when you're a while man in the 3rd world. Will go impregnate someone ig

>> No.57220243

the real kicker
if you marry someone else and have kids with them and then she gets a divorce and wants you back, would you drop your new family to go back to her?

not saying it will happen, but it happened to me and lots of other guys.

>> No.57220253

>Lifes burdens stack up
yes, kids, work schedules especially if opposite, and other stresses can slow the frequency of sex in marriage. It should be a mutually frustrating experience, and more in the vain of two teenage lovers who aren't allowed to see each other but cant wait to get their hands on each other than a husband feeling like his wife is an asexual nag robot and the wife feeling like she's chained to someone she won't fuck no matter how pent up she gets

>everyone gets boring no matter how /fit/
women need sex just like men do. To go months saying I'd rather feel all this pent up sexual energy than fuck the person I married, is a clear indication there is a larger issue at play

>most wives don't have healthy communication
most people on this planet can't communicate in relationships of any capacity, work, home, parental.. just like how most people in the west are fat and poor. If you won't work on it don't complain about it

>don't try to scapegoat one partner
hate to break it to you but life as a man is harder than life as a woman. In ever way you have to work harder at things. You have to make more sacrifices and more effort in every facet of life. If you aren't willing to figure out what needs to be done to reignite the sexual flame in your relationship, make your wife feel comfortable sexy and secure and attracted to you, regardless of if she's matching your effort, you must not want sex as bad as you claim. Saying any part of life should be fair as a man is a grave misunderstanding of what it is to be a man and you should be old enough to have realized this by the time you're married with kids. I'm 26 and this reality set in years ago

if shes not worth the effort, you have nobody to blame but yourself, YOU married her. You can't blame a shitcoin or a startup for failing, that was your investment to make a calculated decision on.

>> No.57220283

you're speaking to your wife like she is a man instead of an emotional creature. I assume you've said practically these exact things to her. They are basically children for their entire lives. Can't you remember being single? You have to win pussy, even if girls go out with the intention to fuck, they'd rather go home alone than go home with someone that didn't win them somehow. (unless they're fat goblins that nobody wants aside from being used to get a nut off when pickings are slim)

>> No.57220298

No. If I have kids my world will be complete. I'm also planning on marrying someone I find incredibly hot and is obedient. I'm only 6 figure hell now but will make it this bullrun m. 1 mil net worth is insanely rich in SEA.

>> No.57220308

>but it happened to me and lots of other guys.
What did you do?

>> No.57220332

>I assume you've said practically these exact things to her.
I did not, and we divorced.

>You have to win pussy,
I am remarkably attractive to women. I never had to work that hard for sex and I still don't 30 years later. I usually have women chasing me. But like most good looking people I'm a shallow, entitled asshole.

that dynamic aside, I'm not interested in just having sex, I also want an emotional connection. But emotional connections with women are extremely easy to form when you're a shallow, good looking asshole. So I get that thrown at me all the time as well.

>> No.57220340

>What did you do?
I didn't go back. We had already ruined our son's life pretty well by splitting up. I didn't want to ruin my other kid's life by going back to her. I wanted to, but not more than I wanted my kids to be happy.

>> No.57220382

>Part of me is hopeful
Post-pregnancy hormones are a bitch.
It's not even the during-pregnancy ones.
Mine became her former self eventually, hope the same happens to you, too, anon.

>> No.57220436

>If I have kids my world will be complete
true facts. Godspeed anon, you know what you want and you can get it. In my experience kids are easily the sweetest thing in life.

>> No.57220469


>> No.57220480

Thanks anon. Appreciate it

>> No.57220507

Take care of your daughter, talk to your wife. Grab your balls, say what you feel and stop being a duplicitous coward.

>> No.57220539

Thou shalt not commit adultery.Exodus 20:14, the Holy Bible.

It hath been said, Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement: But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery. Matthew 5:31-32, the Holy Bible.

Adultery: to have unlawful intercourse with another's wife.

Fornication: illicit sexual intercourse; adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, intercourse with animals etc; sexual intercourse with close relatives; sexual intercourse with a divorced man or woman.

>> No.57220561

Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. 1 John 3:4, the Holy Bible.

Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. Matthew 5:27-29, the Holy Bible.

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10

The fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Revelation 21:8; the Holy Bible.

>> No.57220573

>The Good News
The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. I declare unto you the gospel: Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 6:23, 1 Corinthians 15:1,3-4, John 3:16-21, Acts 3:19, Acts 2:38, the Holy Bible.

>> No.57220583


Marriage is no longer a religious institution, retard. Wives don't follow 20% of the guidance of the Bible. It's a state contract to force men to serve and provide for women and families.

>> No.57220587

>Love & Family
Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, the Holy Bible.

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them. Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged. Colossians 3:18-21, the Holy Bible.

>> No.57220594

>Husbands & Wives
Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies.

He that loveth his wife loveth himself. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband. Ephesians 5:22-33, the Holy Bible.

Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband. The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife. Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency. 1 Corinthians 7:3-5, the Holy Bible.

>> No.57220595

>wife won't give sex
>send her off to mental institution
Shrimple as.

>> No.57220702

>spend 200 dollars on date and buying clothes get home
>I have a headache

lol I’m glad i divorced honestly no nagging and can spend my money on Urm shitcoins

>> No.57220704

And then people ask why women act the way they do.

Sex is a pleasure yes, but one day your dick will stop working, your body will get old and your loneliness will begin demoralizing you from living. You'll miss having that person in your life.

Jack off for a bit, communicate that you miss making love to your wife, if she fails to understand at all why you want to reconnect and bring intimacy again, then consider that a deal breaker for the marriage to her.

Thing is you need to be 100% honest to her about your needs. You're married after all, not some 20 y/o dating around in college.

>> No.57220709

Go back you massive pussy Jesus Christ man grow a fucking pair

>> No.57220745
File: 763 KB, 500x275, 1344486775094.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the opposite problem

>wife wants sex all the time
>I've gotten bored of it and miss my pussy hunting years

I still make sure to do it with her once a week though. Starving your partner is grounds for cheating/splitting up imo.

>> No.57220917

Get out before kids. Makes things SO much harder.

>> No.57221134

This. I don’t like to say this because my kids are the absolute best thing that ever happened to me in life. I would die for them in a second, but it would have been so much easier to leave my wife before they were born.

>> No.57221326

How did you get a visa/ permanent residency?

>> No.57221364

Insanely based momma’s boy protecting his gains from thots

>> No.57221368

show tits or GTFO

>> No.57221383

This is the reality of life for real people who actually have lives outside of their bedrooms and real relationships, you'll drop this fake macho LARP when you finally get some pussy kid

>> No.57221389

Damn, dude maybe spice it up with your wife to rekindle the flame before making a big change like that.

>> No.57221422

Haha beautiful!
Smart guy

>> No.57221428

>sexless marriage
pick one

>> No.57222029

Marry a religious woman then.

>> No.57222125

Like me then. It's not bad at all. Early 20s women crave that mature cock if you are not a fucking loser.

>> No.57222211
File: 36 KB, 766x766, IMG_6123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gf for 8 or 9 years
>8 or 9 years
>changed mentally within the last few years
oblivious faggot

>> No.57222696

based anon, I repent for even mentioning those sinful acts

>> No.57222754

yeah i guess i should have married her and had a few kids. would have definitely changed the outcome and not ruined my life. shut the fuck up, nigger retard.

>> No.57222887

Anyone just get bored of sex with their partner and not care about sex at all period anymore? I legit feel like I can just take it or leave at this point and can just jerk off if that itch really needs to be scratched. Maybe I just lost attraction to my GF, I still enjoy her company and spending time with her tho sex just feels like a chore for me with her unfortunately and happens to every girl I fuck after 5-10 Lays.

>> No.57222962

get a hormone test

>> No.57222987

based af mom

>> No.57223008

Marriage is cucked. Kill yourselves, normies.

>> No.57223070

I mean, at least they still try to make it seem like they are.

>> No.57223113

Peace be unto you.

>> No.57223115

kek and here i thought /biz/ was full of incel teenagers.this is a therapy thread for sexless marriage i feel you anons(i'm not married though)

>> No.57223183

>help help my wife wont suck my penis no mo
>my young daughter and comfortable lifestyle

Nigger she isn't fucking you because she takes care of a little kid and likely a manchild's, plus his house and mess all day, which sucks you fuck-wanting hormones down to nothing.

If your kid is not literally old enough to be ignored for a full 24 hours, don't bet on getting your dick wet. Go look at your naked body in the mirror; would YOU suck that?

You get old. You have kids. You fuck less. Get over it faggot.

>> No.57223202

this thread actually made me feel better about being a foreveralone kissless virgin, thanks /biz/

>> No.57223276

Exactly, in some EU countries you don't even need to be married for the lady to divorce rape you. Very different

>> No.57223293

yeah the more time you spend here youll realize we are just normal 20/30 somethings with a splash of autism

>> No.57223303

its not over for you bro, just geomaxx and be Catholic.

>> No.57224322

so you ruined her life instead? why not just break up instead of deceptively stringing people along?

>> No.57224455

I got a white "muslim" wife and we go to church together and just had a beautiful blonde baby, and already she wants me to put another baby in her

>> No.57224537

In my country (France) this trick wouldn't work, the state would steal 50% of the inheritance money.

>> No.57224574

That pic is the most feel good story of last year

>> No.57225297

If she will take 50%, why would you break up *AFTER* making it instead of before.

>> No.57225355

Don't reason with retards

>> No.57225382

It’s better to consider what you’d do to her father since he raised such a wretch

>> No.57225427

I rape my wife whenever I want. Her being "free use" is a condition of our marriage. She gets a break when she's on the rag or when I'm practicing semen retention to store Vril for casting a magic spell.

I'll tell her in the morning I'm going yo assault her sometime later, and she's like a frightened but horny animal around me. I'll just grab her by the throat and she knows it time. She's usually really wet from all the buildup.

I don't masturbate btw. Every bit of my cum goes in or on my wife. She's a cute cumdump but if she doesn't get pregnant soon I'm going to have to get rid of her.

>> No.57225440

Keep her and get a girlfriend. People today always fuck this up. "Oh I can't do that uhhh she might find out" so it's better she finds out that you're gonna drag though a divorce? I get that a non receptive partner can chicane you in divorce if you're cheating, but back in the day when couples wanted to split they just agreed to look the other way and it called it done.

>> No.57225495

You can't have someone else receive your income lmao. Think about national insurance. There's a lot of good reasons for that law, tax avoidance for one and slavery for seconds.

This is just some facebook photo to give retards a dopamine spurt but has zero basis and it's embarrassing to think it does.

>> No.57225506

maybe talk with your wife? also this >>57219502.

>> No.57225609

You had me until brown woman
So close yet so far from making it

>> No.57225668
File: 194 KB, 900x900, 1689980937862301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that great on the other side of the grass, man. My wife and I have fucking like rabbits, trying to have a kid for 4 years with no luck. We're still trying different fertility treatments, but there's an extremely large chance that we just won't have any kids of our own. I'll probably end up becoming an hero honestly. We did everything right and still got fucked over. Of course, both my meth head cousins get to have 3 kids each, no problem. All 6 of whom are neglected, mentally underdeveloped, and misbehaved thanks to their useless, drug addict parents. All I'm saying man, is don't walk out on your daughter.

>> No.57225677

How old your wife?

>> No.57225681

Your balls make no sperm. Go get checked

>> No.57225695

She is 27, and I'm 28. We've been trying since she was 23.
My sperm count is double the national male average for my age.

>> No.57225709

You can’t have been trying for 4 years and not have an answer, so what’s your guys’ best guess?

>> No.57225734

None of the doctors know what's wrong. Like I said, we've been seeing specialists for all of last year. She takes all these pills to simulate pregnancy and regulate her hormones and it makes her completely drained of energy. It's hard to see her like that sometimes.

>> No.57225757
File: 82 KB, 784x676, 84EF8FD1-F3D4-44F7-A443-2B3F8926BA51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece women don't even need to get you to sign the papers for the right to steal your shit

>> No.57225773

Hope it all works out for you guys

>> No.57225787

stop wearing polyester underpants
stop indoor overheating
squat and slonk eggs

>> No.57225853

If you want to avoid a sexless marriage, don’t make it feel like a chore to your wife… like you’re going to be upset when you don’t get what you want. This is 100% the recipe for a sexless marriage and I guarantee OP and every other guy crying about it here created this pattern in their relationship.
>if we can’t have sex I’ll cheat
That doesn’t work.
Women are pretty simple. If you take care of them they will crave your approval and validation more than anything else.
This is what works…
>approach her for sex
>she says no
>whatever, no problem
>continue to maintain normal connection with her
>ask again the next day or whenever it is
>not tonight
>ok, whatever imma jack off the
>third time, she still says no
>that’s when you emotionally withdraw a bit and give her the gift of your absence
She will sense you are pulled away and will feel unsettled by it.
You’re basically training the relationship to recognize sex is necessary in order for you to take good care of her without having a tantrum about or negotiating like a beggar.

>> No.57225948

>unironically using creepy in a futile shaming attempt

Kys faggot and go back.