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File: 149 KB, 640x853, cornell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57207387 No.57207387 [Reply] [Original]

>Was a multimillionaire rockstar with a family
>Still killed himself

Reminder no amount of money and prestige can unfuck your mental state so put it above anything else.

>> No.57207404

>After performing live in front of thousands of people who loved him

Seems a little fishy to me

>> No.57207408

Fuck off conspiracyfag. This man had left-wing sympathies.

>> No.57207416

Fun fact: "Mailman" by Soundgarden is a song about, and I quote, "killing your fucking boss"

>> No.57207423

Mailman is a badass song. Soundgarden was my favorite band from the early 90's grunge scene.

>> No.57207426

>retard think leftists are born evil
he saw things that he shouldn't have just like chester

>> No.57207429

Soundgarden is my fav band :)

>> No.57207439

I don't doubt that. The music industry is full of pedophiles. Hair metal bands in the '80s regularly fucked 11-15 year olds. Jimmy Page by all accounts should be in prison.

>> No.57207451
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>> No.57207454

>died of hanging
>with prescription pills in his system
classic CIA murder

>> No.57207465

they have great deep cuts, like "Limo Wreck" and "Head Down" off Superunknown. It sucks that I never got to see Cornell and Soundgarden live.

>> No.57207469

blackhole sun

>> No.57207482

become a good whole healthy person before you get rich. most rockstars are about as far away from this as you can possibly get with some exceptions

>> No.57207488

how do you think they become rockstars? it's not luck or talent.

>> No.57207489

Wow, calling out pedophiles usually doesn't get you accused of being Jewish. That's a new one.

>> No.57207492

Well yeah, if money doesn't make you happy then you are mentally ill.

>> No.57207501

Most people who are born into money have fucked up problems compared to those who had to earn it

>> No.57207505

people that get famous kill themselves because of the sexual things they had to do for the higher ups before they’d make them famous. Many of them simply can’t cope. Nearly all famous people that are goys had to get buck broken by the higher ups Jews. This is common knowledge

>> No.57207508

Omitting the hooked nose people and replacing them with another group does.

>> No.57207520

What is this "another group"?

Famous rockstars? I thought it was common knowledge that big rockstars have a penchant for pedophilia.

>> No.57207535

>capitalizes jewish

>> No.57207545

Words identifying races and ethnicities are capitalized.

White, Black, Jewish, Asian, Latino

>> No.57207552

Only jews Capitalize the word "jewish" or "jews"
like they also capitalize G in god.

>> No.57207553

>Most people who are born into money
yeah see that's different, they don't know how bad things can get, they don't have perspective. Usually raised wrong too and that's what causes the fucked up head issues.

>> No.57207555

where do you think you are pardner

>> No.57207561

Monotheists capitalize the word God. Zoroastrians capitalize the word God.

>> No.57207571

I've been on this website for too long...

>> No.57207574

I capitalise the J in Jewish because it physically hurts me to not write properly.

>> No.57207575

jewish pedophiles capitalize it too.

>> No.57207582
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Then you have no concept about how jews view language.

>> No.57207584

Anon all the famous rockstars pretty much confessed to fucking underage groupies in old interviews. Who are you defending here exactly?

>> No.57207591

Jews typically wouldn't use the word God. They believe that the name of God is too sacred to be used. They would spell it G-d or would say "hashem".

>> No.57207595

oh yeah how would you know rabbi?

>> No.57207597


>> No.57207602
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>> No.57207604
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I won!

>> No.57207617

That's Anglos, and informal words ("bummed") aren't the same as broken syntax.

>> No.57207651

Sometimes it's not about the winning and the losing, it's about the lolz that were had along the way

>> No.57207794
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Remember the wise words and embrace the girl aesthetic. SPX, Thight skirts, thighter thights, school shirts and bows. We're making it out of the generational trauma induced by our families with this one

>> No.57207831

What if I told you...the woman you have your family with will be a major contributor towards fucking up your mental state.

>> No.57207848

Just eat nothing but thai food and grow a beard, women will stay far away from you.

>> No.57207854

mental illness

>> No.57208548


A lot of famous artists are druggies who burn their fucking neurotransmitters out with cocktails of god only know what that are omnipresent in the industry social scene.

Drugs with mood-altering effects take a steady toll on mental health long term. They aggravate underlying negative tendencies and make it ever more difficult to regain your mental balance.

>> No.57208573

>just become a sociopath, have perfect parents, a perfect diet, job, fitness routine, and mental health bro!

>> No.57208668

Suicided along Linkin Park's singer as they were about to talk publicly about pedo rings

>> No.57208673

Let me guess... these pedo rings just happen to be Jewish?

>> No.57208694

Not really
Just like the Military-Industrial Complex, mostly WASP
Jews make great scapegoats tho
And the real powers that be let them be at the forefront of our cattle herding: finance, entertainment (media/porn)
>look man it's the jews!

Ever wondered why 4chan has been so heavily astroturfed against jews since the 2010s?

>> No.57208697

Now this I can get behind

>> No.57209747

This thread is pathetic and mostly glows

Everyone here knows he was killed. I think Sam Tripoli or James Corbett did a podcast that spells it out.

>> No.57209772

Hehe, the goyim MADE us do all that evil shit, hehe

>> No.57209788

$1000 would change the course of my life forever,

>> No.57210626

>Drugs with mood-altering effects take a steady toll on mental health long term. They aggravate underlying negative tendencies and make it ever more difficult to regain your mental balance.
More people need to know this. coffee, a drink, or even a stim do nothing in the short term but over months they change you

>> No.57210712


>> No.57211866

stim like from fallout?

>> No.57211874

coffee be too spicy for whites

>> No.57211884

For me its Alice in Chains

>> No.57211983

Coffee is nothing like adderall or amphetamines
>t. coffee addict after getting off adderall 15 years ago.

Biggest worry with coffee is micro plastics from a bad coffee maker or contaminated water.

>> No.57212162

>killed himself
Highly unlikely given the lyrics, "Black hole son, won't you come..." That's pretty much a murder.

>> No.57212226

He didn't kill himself.

>> No.57212271
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>> No.57212310
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Yes, when this was first brought to my attention I thought he looked like Dad, so I guess that's too bad if he joined a cult that said he needed to keep the snake's secrets.

>> No.57212318

Unless that's he himself, which I wouldn't doubt either given how those people seem to tend to be.

>> No.57212325

oh because leftists are never killed? I suppose jfk blew his own head off

>> No.57212338

those are hebophiles retard

>> No.57212353

Yeah, he and Chester were good souls who realized that most humans are complete and utter garbage. They realized that millions of screaming fans doesn't make you feel closer to anyone, it just makes you feel more isolated. I'm sure they felt like circus clowns after playing black hole sun and in the end for the 10,000th time.

Savor the journey, because there is nothing waiting for you at the end of the road.

>> No.57213315

Nice try glow tard
You idiots know they didn’t kill themselves
Naive little fucks will believe anything the news tells you

>> No.57213431

Is that what putin told you?

>> No.57213475

>big rockstars have a penchant for pedophilia.
define pedo. 16 is legal almost everywhere

>> No.57213507

Well Cornell was a jew so yeah.

>> No.57213547

You are a fucking glownigger for sure. He did NOT kill himself Moron.
He literally had a documentary about child trafficking coming out in a few weeks before he “killed” himself.
What a conspiracy right you dumb fucking inbred monkey.

>> No.57213665

>Sam Tripoli
lol. he's armenian why would listen to him

>> No.57213678

Sure. Maybe he was about to blow the lid on some kind of child trafficking thing. Maybe he did get suicided.

But in my experience the kinds of people who say these kinds of things believe in an international Jewish conspiracy and have extremely regressive economic views.

>> No.57213692

Why wasn't it released then?

>> No.57213711

They whined about being suicidal and depressed all the time, battling muh mental health issues was like a core part of Chester's identity. It's not surprising that being thrusted into the rock star lifestyle isn't the big cure to depression that everyone thinks it is. Chris Cornell was Chester's best friend IRL and once Chris offed himself it sent Chester over the edge. Glowies unironically had no reason to kill either of them, they were never a threat to the system in any way

>> No.57213729

It's honestly kind of funny though.

Both of these men wrote several songs about wanting to commit suicide over a time period of decades.

But then it's some kind of surprise when they actually do it

>> No.57213854

>but they just had so much to live for!!!

>> No.57214209
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Didn’t kill himself. Was killed. Bennington and others.

>> No.57214434

they killed him like chester and avicii, to stop the mass awakening of the pedo elite

>> No.57214584

Hello squidward

>> No.57215162
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I masturbate at least three times a day, I do pot every day, I play Blocklords and Counter-Strike 2 for at least 8+ hours a day and I have 0 friends and close relatives. Once I make it in t he stupidest way possible (probably shitcoin swinging) I'll probably still off myself a year or two later haha

>> No.57215181

average biz rutine

>> No.57215221

B-But I thought money = comfort which = happiness...

>> No.57215224

Have you ever meet a good leftist? Cause I fucking havent Leftists are like jews, they're all bad.

>> No.57215227

Are you fucking spying me?

>> No.57215231

yeah well some faggots like that kind of shit as an aesthetic and they aren't actually depressed. the dangers of "just following the vibe" i guess.
shut the fuck up and go back to /pol/ or /x/ you troglodyte inane faggot

>> No.57215237
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What daytrading does to a motherfucker brother

>> No.57215264
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where's the protein shake anom?

>> No.57215277
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literally me

>> No.57215309
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inside my pants, gotta jiggle it a bit before you can actually drink it.

>> No.57215460
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excuse me satan barbaric demon

>> No.57216260

>doesn’t believe in conspiracy theories
Fuck off back 2 Reddit you faggot
You’re not welcome here

>> No.57216283

I think I saw somewhere that his wife said he was on some sort of known-to-be-dangerous-to-come-off-of medication like a form of benzo perhaps.
Look what those did to Jordan Peterson.
Really sad though, Chris was a serious talent. I listen to that acoustic cover of Blackhole Sun occasionally and it... well it's too good to even discuss in a place like this. Fag.

>> No.57216313

Someone who would use the word "fag" doesn't deserve to listen to Soundgarden.

>> No.57216329

You're right. They were better than such vulgarities. You're a "faggot".

>> No.57216337

I'm a bundle of firewood?

>> No.57216404

No, you're an idiot. You didn't even understand my post you first replied to. I said 'fag' ironically. And now you've made ME an idiot for having to explain that to you.

>> No.57216505

>you must be retarded to post here
On second thought, maybe I will

>> No.57216532

Never got into them much. Audio Slave was pretty good shit.

>> No.57216537

It's true, you have to be retarded to be a 4chan user.

>> No.57216556

Only God can bring you happiness. Or peace. Or salvation.

>> No.57216980

ok rabbi

>> No.57216985

He didn't kill himself retard. He was murdered

>> No.57217044

Ben Carson is SDA and counts as jew larper

>> No.57217208

There are almost no WASPs left.
The founding stock is dead.

>> No.57217237

it's always the crackers honkeys with mental issues. You never see a black man with mental issues

>> No.57217250

I did with NIN

>> No.57217262
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I wouldn’t go that far. Most leftist hate Israel, albeit for the wrong reasons. Some of them alright, misguided, but alright. Just don’t get them talking about their retarded political opinions.

>> No.57217486




>> No.57217686

He was assassinated before he could reveal the kiddie diddlers in power

>> No.57217690 [DELETED] 

and yet they're right

>> No.57217698

my mental state is 90% dependent on twitch thots responding to my messages.

>> No.57217707

i believe you
death to all of them, regardless

>> No.57217726

Did you know that racism is actually against the 4chan rules?

Of course the white supremacist jannies won't enforce it...

>> No.57217733

just lol

t. a jew

>> No.57217745 [DELETED] 

oh you're actually jewish lmao

just so you know, im not white, nor are the majority of jew-bashing worldwide
you keep demonizing your only allies tho, see how that ends

>> No.57217755

Yeah, there are quite a few women and jews on this site believe it or not

Gender: ~70% male, ~30% female

>> No.57217803

man, I can't wait for based trump to get back in and save the west by giving us a different selection of blue people

>> No.57217808

Fun fact: Chris Cornell was half Jewish

>> No.57218862

is weed bad?

>> No.57219335

This post is so reddit. S o y s /redditors/normies always talking about focusing on their mental health and usually it ends up meaning some fat tattoo bitch stays at home and eats a massive of tub of ice cream and watches friends on Netflix wen the real issue is all these liberal cucks don't get they need Christ.

>> No.57219774

>life has a way of grinding you down.
>dance for us monkey, dance!

Grunge was so over rated.
>Industrial was where it was at.