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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 442 KB, 1170x1006, 976B8F14-EC9C-4EE6-8C10-C968967648E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57203966 No.57203966 [Reply] [Original]

Post some juicy tweets regarding chainshit

>> No.57203976

Icp is going to zero

>> No.57203985
File: 219 KB, 299x400, 2 Burglars Sodomized 5 Days Straight After Breaking Into House Of Notorious Gay Rapist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If chainlink labs gave me 2k link I'd destoy these fudders assholes.

>> No.57204008
File: 248 KB, 1170x633, EF73EBC7-B3DA-4AFC-880C-757BA5CD1ED4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57204020
File: 396 KB, 1170x1000, 3EFA5651-1727-41DE-8574-050401622A30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57204038

scams pump the hardest. Bullish.

>> No.57204048
File: 368 KB, 1170x1200, 285D5EF9-A1D5-4331-A969-0F9F5055A9B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ linkies are fucking retarded kek

>> No.57204201

The most bearish part is that the FUD used to be clueless and the shills informed. Now it flipped, all the shills are safemoon tier plebs complaining about "vibe" and the fudders actually school them on protocol intricacies because they actually understand LINK and Chainlink.

>> No.57204230
File: 774 KB, 1080x1775, Screenshot_2024-01-06-20-57-16-320_com.twitter.android-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.57204266

Kek yeah I saw that post

>> No.57204363




>> No.57204394
File: 25 KB, 592x248, 54353435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yawn. Chainlink has the worst community.

>> No.57204419

>fudders actually school them on protocol intricacies
Imagine caring about fundamentals when BNB, XRP, and ADA are the top alts.

>> No.57204425

>My brother in Christ
>"le xd face"
Extremely cringe. Why is an alcoholic millennial talking like a zoomer? Crypto Twitter really is unsalvageable.

>> No.57204436


>> No.57204481

how does it feel getting outperformed by I SEE PEE?

>> No.57204503

>"guys guys more twitter screenshots of literal who accounts run by known porn and drug addicts, along with sockpuppet accounts"
*checks pool*
still full
youll have to make this thread a few hundred more times i guess

>> No.57204595

CLL and its shills are the ones who decided to market LINK on fundamentals. You can't build a narrative and be mad when people use it to point out your own mistakes.

Sergey has a logorrhea when it comes to talk about truth > trust but keeps lying about CCIP release.
He shilled proof of reserve as some super transparency tool for exchanges but CLL doesn't even use it for its own finance and they haven't released a single transparency report ever.
He can't shut up about these trillions in assets waiting to be tokenized and bridged on-chain because it's supposedly more financially but funds himself by dumping tokens for billions on retail and gives people using the services a free ride.

I could go on and on but at the end of the day it's just pointing out Sergey latent hypocrisy.

>> No.57204627

Somebody said they sent a bunch of info about Adems acts here to all his friends and thats why fud has ramped up kek. Bro has no irl friends anymore because of how badly he raids this place.

>> No.57204669

theyre all losers and fags anyway - its why they dedicate so much time to writing effeminate fuddie manifestos to each other like its their full time job

>> No.57204870

Why do you care about the community if it doesn’t affect the price hmmmmmm????


>> No.57204925

you're using pretty big words for a guy who get paid cents lmao hahahaha

>> No.57205088

Absolute state of link holders. Where did all the “smart” og’s go?

>> No.57205535

cashed out when it pumped from 20 cents to $50 and moved on to better tech in this cycle.

>> No.57205600
File: 36 KB, 400x400, IMG_7565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pool’s closed bud

>> No.57205614

Why won’t the fat fuck just release Ccip ga?

>> No.57205734

Link is an easy hold
But it's not for poors
Poors need instant 100x

>> No.57206081

>Sergey has a logorrhea when it comes to talk about truth > trust but keeps lying about CCIP release.

You can get mainnet access RIGHT NOW. Just contact Chainlink about your project.

People complaining about general access have no idea what they're complaining about. CCIP could have released general access 2 months ago and the price would still be the same as now. It takes time to build and test full on products that won't fall apart at launch.

stop yer fucking bitching.

>> No.57206098

Why is it always depressed alcoholic/coomer/drug addicts? Kek you can't make this shit up

>> No.57206143

>It takes time to build and test full on products that won't fall apart at launch.
>two years of testing going on three

>> No.57206148

Based LPL chuddie kiddo how you doing based kiddo pools closed aww miss out shucks!!!

>> No.57206201


>> No.57206340

The fudders basically figured out that the token is literally not needed and the tokenomics are completely broken so something has to change.
They are trying to save chainlink by making sergey adress the tokenomics issues.
The shills are just 80 iq moonboys at this point
>duuude BASED chainlinkgod said link is going to 1k eoy! WAGMI marines! Hodl apes!! *posts pepe with link cube #284759373*

>> No.57206378

>chainlinkgod said link is going to 1k eoy!
Even he's not saying that at this point kek. His latest shit is basically a wall of text saying "go buy something else, Chainlink won't be doing shit"

>> No.57206568

On the outside youre projecting a calm collected demeanor. But we can all tell its a front. The fud (aka reality) is eating you. Were witnessing piece of shit faggot shills like you break in real time, its great. Youre a pussy

>> No.57206581

Ahhh shutup w all the buzzwords fag. Would love to see one of you pussies get bitchslapped at the next nerd conference. I might have to come do it myself

>> No.57206589

You know how I know youre gay? You keep a diary of random online personas beating off schedule. Hahahaha what a faggot you are

>> No.57206745

attention starved kekfuddies screenshot and spam their mindbroken twitter profiles here every single day multiple times per day and still have close to dead profiles with barely any followers lol

I hope you spend the entirety of 2024 spamming on both /biz/ and twitter every single day yet again only to watch the pool close in mere hours yet again kek