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57202279 No.57202279 [Reply] [Original]

I can remember 10 years ago when Canadians were always bragging on these boards about how awesome their country was, how they never experienced the Great Recession, how great the job market was, and how affordable their housing was except for Vancouver. Apparently you could make $200 a day literally just planting trees and that was enough to raise a family on

>> No.57202293

Canada is still far better than your obese brown shithole amerimutt
t. European

>> No.57202318

Muhammed shilling for ranjeet

>> No.57202337

/me googles average software engineer salary in europe
/me cringes epicly

>> No.57202340

I don't even see leftoids talk about muh canada or muh nordics anymore. They ignore economics all-together and just attack White people. When Europeans try to bantz with Americans, instead of talking about welfare, they talk about inane cultural differences like tipping and sales tax.

>> No.57202653
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Canada is still the best country in the world, just avoid Vancouver/Toronto. Cities like Calgary are perfect for affordability, jobs, proximity to nature, etc.

>> No.57202674

I’ve never met a Canadian that I’ve liked. Something seriously wrong with them.

>> No.57202701

>best country in the world
>tax, tax, tax
>gay, gay, gay
>ever-growing, increasingly authoritarian government

Sounds kind of lame, my mans.

>> No.57202736

>tax, tax, tax
Cope more:

>But some rich Americans actually tend to pay a bit more than rich Canadians. The average top marginal tax rate on wage income in Canada is 45.7 percent. In America, it’s a bit higher: 47.9 percent.

>The rate is highest in California (51.9 percent) and Quebec (50 percent), and it’s lowest in Alberta (39 percent) and Texas, Washington and Wyoming (42.8 percent), according to a Policy Alternatives report from 2015.

Via https://www.cnbc.com/2017/08/07/canadians-may-pay-more-taxes-than-americans-but-theres-a-catch.html

In Alberta I pay less tax than 90% of American states.

>> No.57202741

Keep coping leaf, it turned into a brown dystopian nightmare

How does that kill program for the poor go?

>> No.57202756

>just import half of south asia bro
>it'll boost the economy for a short while but turn your country into pakistan forever xd

>> No.57202759

Canada is the worst of the US and Europe mixed together while it used to be (almost) the best of both.
Crazy how they basically killed themselves over a 20 years period by flooding themselves with jeets and chinese for no good reason.

>> No.57202763

>comparing the top rates of rich people instead of the median
Wow rich people pay more taxes in america??? By 2.2%?? Wooooow

>> No.57202777

Sorry you're a poor faggot who isn't in the top tax bracket, my condolences. Maybe gamble on some more shitcoins and 2024 will be your year!

Since you are clearly retarded and can't fact check, I'll do it for you https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2022/08/fact-check-canada-is-not-killing-poor-people.html

>> No.57202795

>comparing percentages and not absolute values
Sit down, Leaf. What are your pronouns?

>> No.57202823

>unironically posting a fact check
Lmao reddit is this way faggot

>> No.57202825

Another room temperature IQ amerilard joins the fray. Be honest, how do you think tax brackets work? In absolute values? Lol, lmao even. Why the fuck are you on /biz/?

>> No.57202835
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>no no no don't fact check and contradict my retardation... that's.... that's so reddit!!!

>> No.57202841

The country was dead then too, it just wasn't cool to bitch about housing costs yet

>> No.57202844

>Haha if I say 'reddit' then that means he's wrong!

>> No.57202859

I live in a small town a hr away from Vancouver and average homes are still 1 million dollars and groceries are expensive as fuck and there is rainbow crosswalks and most jobs only want to pay like $20-$25 a hr for terrible slave work

>> No.57202870

Fact checking leaf reddit trannies lmao holy shit and its not even summer

Youre probably brown too

>> No.57202887

yeah that all changed around 2015 when Trudeau ramped up immigration and ruined this country forever. at least we got legal weed though!

cities like Calgary and Edmonton are quite literally the last affordable "major" cities in the entire country and even they are rapidly becoming less affordable due to both international and inter-provincial migration. Go look at the stock price of Boardwalk (BEI), the largest landlord in the region.

we have a misplaced reputation for being "polite". We're more like passive aggressive, we'll be nice to your face but talk shit behind your back. Canadians hate talking to new people and making new friends past a certain age. If you move here past 25 without an established friend group you're going to have a very tough time making friends. Conversely, people in places like NY are more assholish but will genuinely talk with you and are receptive to making new friends.

encouraging the poor to kill themselves is the first based thing this country has done

also after the way we treated people during COVID this country has completed ripped up the social contract for me. I only care about myself, my family, and my close friends. I want everyone else dead. I am so incredibly happy to see the average normalshit boiling alive in the inflationary pressures they themselves created with the money printing and shutdowns of the economy. I hope they continue to struggle.

>> No.57202894

Abbotsford? Langley? White Rock? You gotta go waaay further than that brother. I used to live in Vancouver and the entire GVA/surrounding area is gone at this point unless you are mega wealthy. You'll die by a thousand financial cuts in that whole area before you can build any real wealth.

>> No.57202930

>It's his national sport
>Eliminated in the Quarters in World Juniors
>Entering THIRTY (30) years without a Stanley Cup
>An entire generation and a half of being utterly cucked
Typical Canadians, losers like always. It's pretty much in their blood at this point.

>> No.57202970

So now that Canada is shit, where do we move to canuck bros? and don't say USA. I've never met an American that I've liked. Something seriously wrong with them.

>> No.57203030

>we have a misplaced reputation for being "polite". We're more like passive aggressive, we'll be nice to your face but talk shit behind your back. Canadians hate talking to new people and making new friends past a certain age. If you move here past 25 without an established friend group you're going to have a very tough time making friends. Conversely, people in places like NY are more assholish but will genuinely talk with you and are receptive to making new friends.

I had surgery last year and all of the people who I thought were my friends abandoned me.

Canadians are shitty people, I can't wait to get out of this shithole.

>> No.57203063
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It's actually unironically over for Canada. It's the first country a long time that will fall out of first world status.

>> No.57203126
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>ive been here since 2014 and i STILL havent made it

>> No.57203294
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sounds like a burger cope thread to me.
canada is the greatest country, and if you’re a leaf that doesn’t feel the same way you can move away