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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57199819 No.57199819 [Reply] [Original]

Solidily is currently beating Sushi and Balancer volume wise. Could they get PancakeSwap next? And eventually Uni?

.t 2k baglet that rode it since $0.75

>> No.57199866

this board is basically dead what the fuck happened?

>> No.57199875

It gets more livelier here only when the bull starts to take off.
During other times it's slow here

>> No.57199896
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Checked. Board is always quiet around this time.

I like to think so. Pancake atleast. They do have the lowest fees so that attracts people. They just need to add more pairs now. They seem to put the priority on adding more chains.

>> No.57199904

realistic selling price of your 2k stack?

>> No.57199907

2016 was peak biz

>> No.57199909

americans are asleep, yuros barely woke up

>> No.57199913

I have ~2300. I already took out initial and some profits so I'm just going to let it ride.

>> No.57199919

why dont we have any hyper on X besides discord/4chin and roosh replying to everyone's tweets?

>> No.57199973
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Not sure, but you'd think people will have to start noticing when Solidly is creeping up the ranks like it's doing now at some point. The flipside is that there are also no actual whales present. If only one bought it, he could single handedly take it to $20 or so.

But I still think their most interesting feature is yet to come. The team is a large stakeholder in SYMMIO, which provides some features that'll give GMX a run for it's money.

>> No.57199980

it already crossed sushiswap and there is barely any hype.really makes you think we might be early

>> No.57200016

what a coincidence theres only posts shilling solid during these hours. good morning roosh

>> No.57200021
File: 258 KB, 512x497, 469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, we are all Roosh again, apparently.

But please, provide us with some good fud.

>> No.57200033

>tfw bought in at 2.5
>tfw always late

>> No.57200289

dumperino is a chance to buy more.

>> No.57200319

>CMC says price is $1.99
>its actual price is $2.80
>CMC chart looks like it's freaking out
Even CMC coding is fudding this project, looks bullish

>> No.57200476

What can I do with the token other than hodling?

>> No.57200480
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Hodling is enough when you get rich by that

>> No.57200508

naked solid staking will come in q1 once their perp product is live.

>> No.57200522

how to buy this without touching ethereum chain?

>> No.57200594

Someone said you can buy it through Coinbase wallet or something.
Personally have bought my stack through solidly.com

>> No.57200680

You're going to look back and laugh at how early you were, unfortunately putting up with constant FUD and volatile price movements (nervous holders not sure if it's a winner) is exactly what happened with LINK back in the day
As long as this project continues to grow and release the confidence from the market grows with it, but the biggest gains are to be had by the people who feel the most confident the earliest
>I'm personally stacking this until I've spent 30ETH on it, I'll see how much I want to add afterwards based on the performance over the next 3 months

>> No.57200702

Early Chainlink/Fantom guys who made hundreds of millions of dollars years ago started Solid

I’m not going to pretend to know what the fuck any of this means, but I would rather buy an altcoin that’s owned by guys that already made generational wealth than buy an altcoin by some average software developers who have not actually made any money in their life who I have no clue will react to their coin pumping

Solid devs (Roosh) has been handling 9 figure sums in money in crypto for years now, I can rely on him not rugpulling, why? He already has hundreds of millions of dollars in crypto that he made on Chainlink/Fantom, he’s already made it in life financially, I’d rather trust him over some random literal who dev who probably would rug pull if they could get the kind of money roosh has built up in crypto

>> No.57201078
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you won't believe it but it is the exact opposite: he is broke, lost all his funds in liquidations and owes the mafia money

but this is even better: if he would be as rich as you think, he would be lazy and not really interested in pushing the price forward. but, instead, he is DESPERATE and NEEDS solid to do well. he will do EVERYTHING to pump this up.

>> No.57201108

Bought 1k bro’s, what am I in for?

>> No.57201306

Is is still worth it investment?

>> No.57201366


>> No.57201371


>> No.57201498

Might as well

>> No.57201586

You can get it on Fantom via the Solidly.com Dex

>> No.57201596

Looks like value except I'm concerned about the low current supply of tokens? Marketcap with the circulating looks good. What is the inflation on this thing bros

>> No.57201891

6% inflation a year for solid holders/ 0% for VeSOLID holders.
82m already emitted on 100m total.
Most tokens are voluntarily locked 4 years

>> No.57202023

Still way behind thena and ramses, the leading ve33 forks by each metric, both sub 10m mc

>> No.57202025

Hope you’re right, I will just accumulate and hold

>> No.57202059

The fees to swap from eth to solid were as low as $1.6 for me, during the night
It also cost about $10 to send eth to a wallet

>> No.57202244

Or he can buy on Fantom as well

>> No.57202332
File: 23 KB, 512x512, solid1girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

solid bros

>> No.57202478
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Above them both according to coingeeko

>> No.57202750

Be more specific. They're behind on volume, for one.

>> No.57203091
File: 537 KB, 1284x1367, IMG_4551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How nice to have a decent thread without hordes of fudders rushing in to shit up the place.

>> No.57203143

they will once it pumps again

>> No.57203165


>> No.57204017
File: 200 KB, 1050x777, image-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metis proposal still looking good

>> No.57204446

summarize the proposal?

>> No.57204689

is this shit worth it ?

>> No.57204709

Buy at 1.8 or 1.35

>> No.57204715

Do you not know how to read?

>> No.57204758

I think it's to deploy to the Metis chain as well. Next to FTM and ETH.


>> No.57204763


>> No.57204771


>> No.57204989

They're going for Arbitrum next. Just mentioned in Discord.

>> No.57205164

Is this volume based on how many trades happened on the Solidly dex?

>> No.57205194

No, it includes all volume that is routed through Solid. Doesn't need to be initiated there.

>> No.57206300
File: 340 KB, 512x512, IMG_0769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My solid are solid

>> No.57207244

>bought the ath
honestly not even phased
should I buy some more now or wait for it to go sub $2?

>> No.57207310

Lol ok

>> No.57207396


>> No.57208120

Thanks for the gains idiots

>> No.57208218

I must be an idiot because I fell for this one and dumped $2k. I’m a wagie so this wasn’t cheap. It seemed so legit to me but I guess I should have known better. Biz picks a gem every now and then but it’s more rare these days.

>> No.57208229

buddy this was literally made by a pajeet, if you fell for it you deserve it

>> No.57208318

just hold anon join their discord this is legit

>> No.57208545

You must know that the person you're replying to is a seething fudder who watched this go from 0.30c to where we are now. He is coping by coming here every day to post weak fud. He never posts anything substantial, because everything he brings up gets debunked. So he's now down to the level of throwing one liners.

>> No.57208562


>> No.57208795 [DELETED] 

/biz/ doesn't let me post it.
Go to coingecko and you can find it there under "Community"

>> No.57208873

Would also want to know.
The one that's provided on Coingecko is broken

>> No.57209301


>> No.57209308

we need to make some memes anon

>> No.57209391

The link should be changed on Coingecko and on linktr[dot]ee/[slash]solidlylabs as well

>> No.57209860

Actually I sold 3k for a nice little bag and still have 10k ready to dump kek

>> No.57209907

For what it's worth I still believe in it. But I just wasn't gonna hold all my solid and get rekt again. I've learned my lesson about taking profits on the way up. If it really drops another 30 percent here I might rebuy but I don't know if I believe it'll drop that far save a Bitcoin shit.

>> No.57210203

At what price did you buy your stack?

>> No.57210720
File: 101 KB, 680x680, jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My solid are solid