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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57197959 No.57197959 [Reply] [Original]

1. crisis more and more visible on the horizon :
-supply chain disrupted again , ship freight fees doubled (inflationary)
-car loans bankruptcies rising especially in US
-property bubble bursting worldwide prices dropped already 15% in a lot of developed countries
-Blackstone cucked into commercial bubble that is popping (Blackstone rating downgraded)
- 2023 companies 721,677 job cuts, a 98% jump from 2022, and layoffs still increasing in 2024
- lots of exchanges banned UK anons from depositing for example Bitfinex
- mainstream media hyping bitcoin like during every previous top
- Gensler will reject ETFs until the end of his term which is another 12 months , currently market liquidity is needed for t-bills
-FED will not cut for months since supply chain disruption is inflationary , we might even see another hike to boost t-bill sales and pump demand for dollar
-SEC will butt-fist Coinbase over USDC
-banking crisis is still not over during above bubbles bursting
-farmers protest all around Europe

2. FED will cut at the end of 2024
3. Bitcoin will drop like during 2019/2020 dead cat bounce

4. Chainlink will drop to $7, bounce to $55 and drop again $7 before starting another bull run

>> No.57197975

Bullish for chainlink

>> No.57197987
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5. China will attack Taiwan at the end of 2024 ,

>> No.57198184
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Long term yes , short term it will be wild till the end of 2024 , during Taiwan blackswan we might even see Chainlink dropping lower then 7 , similar like it did during covid in 2020 when some lucky bastard bought for pennies on Binance

Btw thx 2 this board bought LINK in early 2018 before mainnet , but sodl for $45 after coinbase insiders started offloading their stock , sitting on DAI , didn't want to participate in this dead cat bounce , will buy back now after it drops , swing to ATH is more profitable then this miserable 3x (yes I know i am greedy asf)

Link will go to $175 (fib 3.618) and it will be enough for me to make it, even if it goes further to $360 , after that not interested in crypto anymore since history is repeating it self , we have the same scenario like 100 years ago , currently we are in roaring 20's like 100 years ago , it's to tiresome (missed out on buying 5000 ETH in march of 2017 still mad because of it), want to retire off grid and grow my own food while enjoying the sun before 2029 Crash during everyone will own nothing and will be happy (since more and more is selling houses and buying crypto) .

I want to experience the Grand Solar Minimum as a free man not as a slave https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7575229/

wish everyone of you luck

>> No.57198242

You're on the money anon. At the moment Jerome actually can't see the damage he is doing. He doesn't know the treasury has been revising the jobless numbers. So technically we have been missing estimates when they were releasing jobless numbers.

>> No.57198303

I was with you til the Link cope lol

>> No.57198369
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>revising the jobless numbers.
unemployment stats are meaningless , lately you have people working 3 jobs after they got laid off , 500k homeless in US , during 2008 we didn't see junkie zombies living on streets like now

>I was with you til the Link cope lol
KEK , LINK made 100x from $0.43 till $45 , while your tranny BTC made only 20x from 3k to 60k , do a favour and KYS

>> No.57198421


Good analysis. Won’t tether buying t bills counterbalance this?

>> No.57198465

they aren't backed fully with t bills , otherwise they would prove it like circle has done with it's usdc

>> No.57198657


Also some prime evergrande bonds. :)

>> No.57198667
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>Also some prime evergrande bonds. :)


>> No.57198681

Too much that's simply factually wrong... horrible contrarian post

>> No.57198771
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